The Steel **1 bg SP1ULDUV6 A GO. The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXIX.—N<). 23. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 22. 189'). WHOLE NO.—1483. Have your Watches. Clock* ami J«r* —liahy Carriages at Sherman * Ba­ Far Ik* Nakraaka Mlarrni. sprtua Cup— —Ml Jurhi—■ zaar. DAVID 8C0TT IS DEAD. ♦dry tepaiied at Alliaou ’s. the old rell* The citizens' meeting held at the court Next week w*e siiml have our new aide tewele* —Fildew Si Milliuan s Winter Fluid house last Monday evening to devise FREE SILVER CHIB! line of spring ( apes aud Jackets, also a curea chapped hands. ways and means for tlie relief of those line line of latdies' Marliintoebea . Spectacle* and Eye Glasses at almost The OI.I mI mmI HmI Knows PlraMr In citizens of Nehrasku who suffered by / wholesale pruw at Krepps. DeNYitt At —Fildew A Millmaii received uu or ­ (Made to our order.) HluUI be pleoaed der to-day for 2 dozen Lemon Hitters elision County Ha. JolHrS Ibr (Inal reason of the drought last season, was to have you call and examine them. Co.'s. Eyes tested free. troiu Grand Rapids Najorlli on lit* Ollier shore. small iu point of numbers, but enthusi­ John lliens. astic in well-doing. —John Hicks lias something pleasant Pur sale. homi : mattkkn . and profitable to sav to consumers C. C. Vaughan was chosen chairman and Rev. D. D. Martin secretary of the A limn new top buggy (lieup-for eaah. through Ids advertisement on uuother A good man lias gone. The oldest HmiIIIm. page. meeting, both of wiioni were later made or will exaliange tor cow or farm pro —Foerch A Danlv pay cash for egg*. continuous resident of Cliutoii county permanent officers during the movement duce. Enquire at Mrs. Isaac Holton s. —The Swilcli Medicine Co. arediiviug is no more on earth. here iu St. Johns. —Mrs. Chas. McAullfT. of Owo>«o, is away the hlues with their show, and Judge Daboll suggested that the con Carpal*. reported as being very sick. ills aud iiaiiis with their medicines at NVitli an aching heart, it become* our tents of thenar consist of potatoes, seeds I’niisunl attention ia given tliisoeoMNi —Cut fiooreas and (lower desigus sup- Hcriven's opera liouse nigiitly. tosk to write these words : ** Lucie —corn, wheat, tieans. etc., such as are to our Carpet Iiepartuieut. w Inch is the plied on short nutioe at the Chicago Drug David Scott. Clinton county's most not ­ most complete it has ever Iieen. We —Ike Rosenhurg. the progressive ed pioneer and our life-long friend is grown in that country, with whatever Store. manager for the Rochester Clothing else the iieople might contribute iu the show* everything in the line of Hemp, dead. ('otton aud NVool Ingrams. Tapestry —For timothy, red top. clover and all Co., offers something attractive ou Ids The subject of this sketchwas born iu Hue ol clothing and fond. The wheat kind* of garden seeds go to Foercli* At little special sheet in this issue. desigued tor flour is to be ground at our and Body Brussels. Moquettes. Axmins New York state in tlie vear 1817 and village mills. I«» TO I. ters. etc. Jonx lliusa. Danlv s. —O. L. Spaulding, Geo. W. Emmous. died at Knoxville. Twin., from a stroke K. L \ .dentine aud O. H. Swain were One iierson was named from each of —Judge Dodds, of Mt. Fleasant . lias of paralysis, on Sunday. March 17, 18W6. the rolfoing six townships to superin ­ l^-nalluiu,. been holding court for Judge Dabolt present at the election of officers of the He was well and favorably known ZVerybody la Invited to hr preaeni at Justice Oil cloths. NVindow Shades, etc., at lllue (fill Club at Ovid last Saturday. tend the movement in his respective Punoaira <d0rr at ?-2» Sat unlay ovenlns this week. throughout Clinton couuty. having lived tow'iishin: Thomas C. Ihitler, Ring John Hunts. —A large and handsome wire plant —Mrs. Lucinda YauSickle died of within its borders ill vears last fail, aud March i9d. ISSV and help to orsanlar * Silver ham : W . T. Davies, rireetihush ; NYar- N«*« Htllrni U>u—. HUutd —cost $10—for sale for $2.-10. at consumption at her home in Fowler in this stale (Mi years. In 1825 ( aptain reu ( asterline. Essex ; Marshal Hand. Club The purpose ami object of the Club la this office. last Sunday uiorniuK, stged 38 vears. Scott (a captain in the war of 1812. aud Olive; Frank itruler. Dallas.and M. N. to uaecverjr honorable ami proper means io The most elegant line of Imported —Gardner Knigtit and tuuuiy have re­ She leaves a husband and two children. lather of our aiiject) accompanied hy Ins Carpenter. Riley. Poor to the attention of tin- people nt large, Fattem Dresses we have ever shown. turned from Tennessee to their old home —l^ast week the voters of Eaton coun ­ family. moved from (ienessee comity, It was decided to have all contribu ­ throughout the entire Htatc.the overshadow­ Many novelties to lie fouud ouiv at oar S’. Y.. to Ann Arbor, Mich. After re­ tion* of ciothiug placed in the hands of ing ami urgent importance of the silver lasue counters. John . H ick *. and friends m Bengal. ty again voted upon the question of io- maining there eight years, and in the —Horn, to Mr. ami Mrs. F. It. Jack- eal option, which went “dry ” bv 2.U0U the King s Daughters It was also de ­ and to rvMtat all and every form of i-oropro- majority . 400 larger than three vears spring of 18X1. lie cauie to what is now mlK on tbst <|ueatlon. son. this village. Sunday mom mg, known as DeNYitt. He was very much cided to have tlie proceedings of this Marcii 17. I8B5. a daughter. Mk meeting announced from tlie various Having studied the <pie*(oo carefully, es­ Every thing in lateen, al pleased with the situation aud decided pecially in It* I waring* upon wheal and all JomMlacaco, —Out of the$&!.'>3Lo/i upiieunug upon —Mrs. Lucy Foster died of upoplexv to make Ins future home then*, which church pulpits and through the local in St. Johns. March M». 1806. aged so press. other products of our farmers, we an- alarmed For *al« «»r Kvrhuuga, the last full's tax roll for this township, lie accordingly did. lu the following NYe learn from Ii. M. Steel, who re­ at the Ml oat Ion and Impreaard with the con­ there whs hut 9282. .»4 returned uncol ­ years. Funeral from the house vester- fall l.e. with his wife and two sons — I will sell my farm of 120 acres on lected. «lay. Rev. E. M. Blanchard officiating. David and Charles—liegau then pilgrim ­ cently |iassed through Omaha, the gate ­ viction that unless Immediate action can be section 18. in the township of liiley. Interment in St. Johns cemetery. way to Nebraska, that two hundred or secured, wheal, as well aa all other products —According to the recent election in age toward their new home, in big wag ­ cheap, or trade the same for vilhme —Mrs. Jonathan Sweet, whose lius- ons drawn by oxen. They took one more can* loaded with various articles of Industry will decline still lower than now. property, or u smaller farm. Euqutre the village mi liogle. tins county, a sa­ for the relief of those sufferers, were ami many of the Industrie* he abaitdoned. band was |»ost master iii DeNYitt for a horse and seventeen head of cattle with of J. II. Fedewa. Ht. Johns, or at the loon will he licensed to do business standing upon the sidings waiting to la* The object of this and other atnallar organ) long time, died at her home in tliat vil­ them, and were several day sou the mad. arm. John Gallaobk . within its hordets. hauled to their destinations. The zatlona all over the country. Is In arouse the lage on the lltli instant of heart failure. They forded rivers, drove into swamps, ruilroads liave been hauling these —John Van Gieson has rented his She was about 7U years okl and lived were often mired and were obliged to (tropic to the magnitude and urgency of the full at thr Clt> Hukury dwelling house ou Frospect street to a alone. cars free of charge all winter, blit refuse erlcla by putting In their personal ixiaaeaalon Mr. Hull, of Ohio, who will move to St. pitch their tents wherever night over ­ to move more unless the freight la* pre Foi all kinds of Baked Goods andiCon ­ — Dan. oldest son of Charles Harper, took them. NY hen they reached theend tlie real facta relating to the act of demonlll- fections. Having secured a lirsGehkos Johns about April first. paid, aud the state legislature has ap­ /.ation of silver and show them that It la now died of iiifiammatinu of the Iniwels at of their jmirned they obtained conoent propriated several thousand dollars for liaker aud ismfectioner. we con give you —Mrs. Then. Friee having returned his home in Itengal township, on Tues­ of tlie Indians to occupy one of tlseir acting In the markets with all Its vigor and re- belter goods than any other liouse ra. the troiu New Ymk « it' will lie prepared this purpose. He says what they now day evening. March It*. 18RY aged .M cabins or huts until they could erect one ueed most is potatoes ami seeds to plant . dtivlng ua to poverty regardless of the <|uce- city, (lull aud examine our goods. We to receive music pupils at any time, of their own.
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