The March 1952 Airpost Journal Volume XX/I/ Number Six • NORFOLK'S HISTORIC MACE Symbol of Civic Authorily, Peace and . Good Will. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Chosen as Site of 1952 Ameritan Air Mail Society ·Uonvention Augus~ 29, 39, 31 AAMS EXCHANGE DEPABTMEKT APJ ADS BUY - SELL - WANT LISTS RATES: I AM INTERESTED IN Am MA.IL FIRST Day Covers and £lights 1n exchange for TBJUI:& CBNTS PBB WORD per IDaer­ U. S. covers. I. Pistiner, Box 607, Spring­ Uon.. Hinimum charce 50 cents. Remittance mun accompllll)' order and cop7. The dale, Conn. Ex·lt AIB.POST .JOURNAL, APJ Ads, AlblOD, PeDD'L PLATE NO. SINGLES, BLOCKS, MINT, USED: also first flight covers; to trade SEVERAL THOUSAND FIRST FLIGHT for others I can use. George S. Chai:>man, covers, CAM's, FAM's, CanadiaDB, 50% 883 Euclid Ave., El Centro, Calif. Ex·lt discount 1947-1950 catalogues. George Chapman, El Centro, Calif. 263-4t• WANTED - ZEPPELIN FLIGHTS - 19th OPPORTUNITY. MY OWN COLLECTION. Century unusual cancels on cover; early New "LOW PRICE" four page Trana; illustrated advertising covers and mater. Oceanic and Souvenir Historical cover ial; swap or buy. Alfred C. Horn. 82 E. list. Also new lists :for Rocket Flights, Brown St., West Haven, Conn. Ex263·2t 114int A1rma1ls and A1rma1l on coveni. Compare my prices - Postage please. FOREIGN FIRST DAY COVERS WANT­ William H. Peters, Interlachen, Fl~~rai• ED in wholesale quantities. Will exchange philatelic material for same. Foreign cor­ respondents wanted to service FDC. Write FINE LOT OF 15 AIRMAil.. COVERS, Walter Brooke, Boyertown, Pa. Ex263-2t includl.ng 3 Zeppelins, $3. Remit Interna­ tional Money Order. K. Kroger, Schiller• str. 37, (22b) Zweibrucken, French Zone, WANTED TO BUY - ZEPPELIN FLOWN Germany. 259·12t0 covers and cards. Send offers with prices. Goris, 3F Rue de Berg, Paris 12, France. Ill AIRMAIL ENVELOPES, BARBER Ex263-2t Pole design, 24 lb. Parchment Stock, 100 per cent rag content, i11.oo per thousand WANTED - UNITED STATES, CONFED· postpaid. Samples Ten Cents. Milton ER.ATES, Foreign stamps and covers. Es­ EhrliC!J., 76-29A 167th Street, Flushing. pecially interested in rarities. john A. Fo'X, New xork. Member AAMS. 258-6t0 116 Nassau Street, New York 38, N. Y. Ex262-2t A.AMS EXCHAXGE ADS WANTED- METER STAMPED AIRMAIL iPlONEERS WANTED LOUISVIliL&. covers, also other Meterstamps, covers or White Plains, Ithica, Hicksville, Vin-Fiz, cuts, U. S. and Foreign before 1940. Cash San Diego. P. Sondheim, 80·08 35 Ave., or exchange. Herman Wasmer, 903 New­ Jackson Heights, N. Y. Ex-lt port, Chicago 13, Dllnois. Ex262-2t NEED RARE AND SCARCE AIRPORT WANTED - ROCKET POST LITERA­ Dedication covers. Cash or trade for cov­ TURE, clippings, data, mater1al, etc. of ers you need. Harry L. Waha, 14025 Ash· world. Will buy, borrow or exchange. A. E. ton Road. Detroit 23, Mich. Ex-lt Carroll, Box 738, Bis Bear Lake, Cal1£or­ HAVE TO EXCHANGE FOREIGN nia. Ex262-2t early semi-offilcals, forerunners, histori­ cals, stationery, air events labels, Zeppe­ WANTED - CAM FIRST FLIGHT COV· lin covers. Molder, 19 Belsize, Toronto, ERS, 1946 to date. Write for more details. Canada. , Ex-lt Robert E. Haring, P. 0. Box 187, Demar­ est, New jersey. , Ex263·2t · wANTED: HPO COVERS. I'LL EXCHAN­ GE first day or anything you need for MEXICO C51-53 AND ClOS-107 IN V. F.­ HPO's. Any quantity of any routes want­ Superb condition to trade for better grade ed • .Terry Jarnick, Box 182, Superior, Wis­ Mint Airmail. Joaquin Rosas P.. 910 ·E. consin. Ex-lt San Antonio st., P. O. Box 81.2, El Paso, FDC FFC COVERS FOR EXCHANGE - Texas. Ex-lt Desire used stamps, world airs, George VI, Venezuela. Replies guaranteed. Phelps EARLY AIR EVENTS AND AIR SOUV­ Cree, Box B. Ocean Grove, N. J. Ex-lt ENIR labels exchange wanted. J, :r. Lohr, 1447 Minford Place, New York 60, N. Y. WILL EXCHANGE COVERS FOR ANC­ Ex-lt IENT Greek and Roman coins from 700 B. C. to the Fall, 476 A. D. P. Sondheim. 80-08 35 Ave., Jackson Heights, N. Y. lt MISSING C. A. M. FIRST FLIGHTS? WILL exchange CAM's :for mint u. S. Send fDr HAVE SEAPLANE FLOWN NAVAL AV­ Usts. What routes or _years do you need? IATION Amtlversary covers, also ship Nahl, 2014J Lincoln, Evanston, Dlinois. and flight covers. Exchange for unlisted Ex260-4t Scott Material and covers. Cdr. Murch, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Ex-lt HAVE COMPLETE SETS AIRPOST JOURNAL, 1948 to date. What do you need? Benjamin Ladin, 5701 Fifteenth FIRST FLIGHTS {CAM's) - 1934 TO 1950 Avenue, Brooklyn 19, N. Y. Ex262-2t offered slightly over cost. FAM's 1935 to date - 50% AAMS Catalogue Discount­ TRADE OR BUY CAM, FAM, F. F., F. D., ings. Superb. Showpieces. Horn, 32 Ster­ Zepps and Dedications. Dr. E. L. Beadles. ling Pl., Brooklyn 17, N. Y. Ex-lt Ashland, Dlino!s. Ex·lt Announce 1952 Convention Of American Air Mail Society For Norfolk, Va., Aug. 29, 31 • Labor Dav Weekend to Feature Kitty Hawk and Williamsburg Trio in Addition to Usual Functions • lr HE American Air Mail Society, largest and oldest organization of airpost collectors, has chosen Norfolk, Virginia as the locale of its 1952 convention which will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 29, 30 and 31. Rear Admiral Jesse G. Johnson, USN Retired, President of the Society, will head the local com· mittee on arrangements and a fine tentative program has already been formulated. Activities during the three days will include the Society's annual banquet, a visit to Naval installations in and near Norfolk, a trip to historic Williamsburg, Jamestown <md Yorktown, and a special exhibit of aviation material to be held at the Norfolk Museum of Arts. Adm. Johnson, who was one of the earliest of Naval fliers to see service in the Pacific and who skippered the first Naval aircraft repair vessel to be placed in commission, the USS "WEBSTER," advises that these particular dates have been chosen because they are the week·end just preceding Labor Day, thus permitting those who are unable to schedule a regular vacation at this period addi· tional time to return to their homes on Labor Day itself. While the convention will officially end on Sunday, August 31, plans have been made for a bus trip to Kitty Hawk, N. C., from the sands of which the Wright Brothers flew their first plane, on Monday, September 1. Because of the historic importance of Kitty Hawk and its reasonably easy accessibility from Norfolk, it is felt that many members will plan to include this trip while attending the convention. The Monticello Hotel, .which has been completely redecorated and many of its rooms air·conditioned, will serve as the headquarters for the convention. Within the Norfolk area are several famous ocean resorts including incomparable Virginia Beach, only a few miles away. Jamestown, the site of the first white settlement in 1607; Yorktown, the scene of Cornwallis' surrender to Washington, thus ending the Revolutionary War, and historic Williamsburg, restored through the interest of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., are included in the itinerary of the special trip which will be taken during the convention, probably on Sunday, August 31. Additional plans will be announced by the Ci::>mmittee as they develop but all collectors of air mail and all members of the American Air Mail Society are urged to set aside these dates now and plan to be in attendance at Norfolk when the Society meets for the 29th consecutive year. A tentative program is printed else· where; this will be expanded and revised at a later date. THE AIRPOST JOURNAL 0.niiik~~UB~cA~~ ibc~ Entered as second·class matter, February 10, 1932, at the post office at Albion, Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly. ll(AHCH. 1952 - VOL, XXIII, NO. 6 - ISSUE NO. 263 - 25c PER COPY 176 THE .AIRPOST JOURNAL United Nations Rapidly depict the San Francisco Opera House where the Conference on International Handling BC'.Jcklog of Orders Organization which drew up the Char­ ter of the United Nations was held in • 1945. There will be but one denomina­ TWO NEW STAMPS ANNOUNCED tion {5 cents) printed in blue. • The subject matter of the other stamp will relate to the United Nations activi­ ~'\ TOTAL of 1,113,216 first day of /"\\.. issue cancellations have been ties for the furtherance and protection provided on first day covers for the of Human Rights. complete series of 15 United Nations stamps, it was announced early in Feb­ ruary. K. L. M. Has Fine The stamps were issued in three groups on October 24, November 16 and Window Display of - December 14, 1951. It was necessary to engage a temporary staff of 114 to sup­ Airpost Stamps plement the regular staff of the Postal Administration during the period of af­ fixing the required stamps to covers sent in by mail to the UN for servicing 3:nd cancellation. In addition to the great volume of re­ quests for first day cover services, an unexpectedly large number of orders was received for mint United ·Nations stamps. It is estimated that approxim­ ately 16,000 individual mint orders were received by mail during the last three months of 1951. It was advisable, due to cancellation · and mailing processes involved, to pro­ cess the first day cover requests before mint stamp orders could be filled. This considerable backlog of mint orders cre­ ated difficulties of personnel and hand­ ling for the Postal Administration and resulted in some delay. Additional staff is now working on mint orders which are being filled at the rate of approximately 400 a day.
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