Slik søker du PC: For å søke i listen kan du klikke Ctrl+f og skrive inn navnet på den du ønsker å søke frem Telefon / nettbrett: Trykk på dele-ikonet på din telefon / nettbrett, og velg "Find on page" How to search PC: To search in the list, click Ctrl+f and search for the online store you wish to find Mobile / tablet: Click the share-icon on your phone or tablet and choose "Find on page" VOEC-registrerte tilbydere VOEC-registered suppliers Dato for uttrekket / Extraction date: 27.08.2021 10:18 Firmanavn / company name Landkode / country code Internettadresse / website (URL) American Association for the Advancement of Science US - UNITED STATES aaas.org åäö Sales AB SE - SWEDEN aaosweden.com Aarni Watch Company Oy FI - FINLAND aarniwood.com/ HuaTec GmbH DE - GERMANY abc-power.de/ AbeBooks Inc. CA - CANADA abebooks.com AbeBooks Europe GmbH DE - GERMANY abebooks.de Ableton AG DE - GERMANY ableton.com A.Brask ApS DK - DENMARK abrask.dk Absolute Koi Ltd GB - UNITED KINGDOM absolute-koi.com ACBroadcast.com BV NL - NETHERLANDS acbroadcast.com Accelerator Film DK - DENMARK acceleratorfilm.dk/ Accelerator Film DK - DENMARK acceleratorrecords.dk Access Consciousness International Limited IE - IRELAND accessconsciousness.com/en Actions for Futures Limited IE - IRELAND actionsforfutures.com/ Active-Venture Clothing Sweden AB SE - SWEDEN activeventure.se/ Activision Blizzard International BV NL - NETHERLANDS activisionblizzard.com Addick AB SE - SWEDEN addick.se Adeve SE - SWEDEN adeve.se EYEOH AB SE - SWEDEN adonia-no.com Adstron B.V. NL - NETHERLANDS adstron.com Amazon Advertising Canada, Inc. CA - CANADA advertising.amazon.com Amazon Advertising LLC US - UNITED STATES advertising.amazon.com/ directtou llc US - UNITED STATES aent.com Aeria Games Europe GmbH DE - GERMANY aeriagames.com Exeligo Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM agamemix360.com Agromix DK - DENMARK agromix.dk AG:s Textil SE - SWEDEN agstextil.se MDE Huset ApS DK - DENMARK ahler-sko.dk Ahlvar Gallery SE - SWEDEN ahlvar.com AIIA Care ApS DK - DENMARK aiiacare.com Airbnb Ireland IE - IRELAND airbnb.com airG Worldwide Cooperatie UA NL - NETHERLANDS airg.com Simplifiers IVS DK - DENMARK airmatemobile.com/ Airshoppen Travel Retail A/S DK - DENMARK airshoppen.com Aitos International Ltd MT - MALTA aitos.com.mt Firmanavn / company name Landkode / country code Internettadresse / website (URL) AJ Scooters DK - DENMARK ajscooters.com AJ Scooters DK - DENMARK ajscooters.dk UN Group DK - DENMARK aknittersworld.dk Fruit MH Grzybowski sp.j. PL - POLAND akubike.com Åland Post Ab AX - ÅLAND ISLANDS alandpost.ax/ Åland Post Ab AX - ÅLAND ISLANDS alandstamps.com/ Albelli BV NL - NETHERLANDS albelli.com Albelli BV NL - NETHERLANDS albelli.nl Sandbox Interactive GmbH DE - GERMANY albiononline.com Alexander Heigold Versandhandel DE - GERMANY alejanda.de Alfaholics Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM alfaholics.com Hedlund Holding AB SE - SWEDEN aliceandwhite.com ALIBABA.COM SINGAPORE E-COMMERCE PRIVATE SG - SINGAPORE aliexpress.com/ LIMITED Allabeslag Sverige AB SE - SWEDEN allabeslag.se Allabeslag Sverige AB SE - SWEDEN allebeslag.no Allgots Organic AB SE - SWEDEN allgots.com Allmogens Norden AB SE - SWEDEN allmogens.se Fanomedia SE - SWEDEN alltingkatt.se Alma och Olmo HB SE - SWEDEN almaocholmo.com Alo LLC US - UNITED STATES aloyoga.com Hobbyisterna AB SE - SWEDEN alphaspel.se ALTpoipoi I/S DK - DENMARK altpoipoi.dk Digger Streetwear Ltd t/a FLATSPOT GB - UNITED KINGDOM alwaysincolour.com Amazon.com.ca, Inc. US - UNITED STATES amazon.ca Amazon Japan G.K. JP - JAPAN amazon.co.jp Amazon.com Services US - UNITED STATES amazon.com Amazon Digital UK Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM amazon.co.uk Amazon Media EU S.A r.l. LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.co.uk Amazon Online UK Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM amazon.co.uk Amazon EU Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.de Amazon Services Europe Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.de Amazon EU Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.es Amazon Services Europe Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.es Amazon EU Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.fr Amazon Services Europe Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.fr Amazon EU Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.it Amazon Services Europe Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.it Amazon EU Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.nl Amazon Services Europe Sarl LU - LUXEMBOURG amazon.nl Amazon Online Sweden AB SE - SWEDEN amazon.se/ AmericanJeans.com, Inc. US - UNITED STATES americanjeans.com Ami by Amalia SRL RO - ROMANIA amiamalia.com Exeligo Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM amusicheaven24.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc. US - UNITED STATES ancestry.com Ancestry Information Operations Unlimited Company IE - IRELAND ancestry.ie Anderida Books GB - UNITED KINGDOM anderidabooks.co.uk Firmanavn / company name Landkode / country code Internettadresse / website (URL) Andersen-Andersen ApS. DK - DENMARK andersen-andersen.com ANDREWS AND FORD LIMITED GB - UNITED KINGDOM andrewsandford.com Min Vara La Ba AB SE - SWEDEN angelbaby.se ANGELOPOULOS HAIR COMPANY OE GR - GREECE angelopouloshair.gr/ AngoraGarnet Silfverberg AB SE - SWEDEN angoragarnet.com Anideko A/S DK - DENMARK anideko.com Anine Bing Corporation US - UNITED STATES aninebing.com/ Annas Bali Batik SE - SWEDEN annasbatik.com Annex Products Pty Ltd AU - AUSTRALIA annexproducts.com/ Speer Laboratories LLC US - UNITED STATES annexproducts.com/ Limatus AB SE - SWEDEN anniefrost.se Nordic Apparel ApS DK - DENMARK anoncph.com SK syokai JP - JAPAN antelope-nippon.ocnk.net/ Anthropics Technology Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM anthropics.com URBN US Retail LLC US - UNITED STATES anthropologie.com/ A & N TRIMMINGS LTD GB - UNITED KINGDOM antrimm.co.uk ANTECO SYSTEMS, S.L. ES - SPAIN anytech365.com Apidura Ltd GB - UNITED KINGDOM apidura.com APOF ApS DK - DENMARK apof.dk/ Apofemme Scandinavia AB SE - SWEDEN apofemme.no Apofemme Scandinavia AB SE - SWEDEN apofemme.se AppCreators B.V. NL - NETHERLANDS appcreators.com/ Appogee B.V. NL - NETHERLANDS appogee.nl Appspartner B.V NL - NETHERLANDS appspartner.com/ Happy Diskus - e.Kfr. DE - GERMANY aquaristikshop.com ARMexia AB SE - SWEDEN araratbutik.com Arcadeshoppen ApS DK - DENMARK arcadeshoppen.dk Perfect World Publishing BV NL - NETHERLANDS arcgames.com Archinisis GmbH CH - SWITZERLAND archinisis.ch Arctic Edge AS SJ - SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN arcticedge.no Arctosoft AB SE - SWEDEN arctosoft.com Arctosoft AB SE - SWEDEN arcto3d.se Argentum Antiques And Collectables Ltd GB - UNITED KINGDOM argentum-uk.com Ariat Europe Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM ariat.com/ Arm Speed SE - SWEDEN armspeed.se Basiswear DK - DENMARK army-star.dk Aros Sport Media AB SE - SWEDEN arossportmedia.se DANIELA DALLAVALLE SPA IT - ITALY artepura.it Artos DK - DENMARK artos.dk Hantverk och keramikcenter i Sverige AB SE - SWEDEN art4fun.se ASKET AB SE - SWEDEN asket.com A Small Orange, LLC US - UNITED STATES asmallorange.com ASOS.COM Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM asos.com/women/ Aspuddens Distribution & Tryck AB SE - SWEDEN aspuddens.se Astrid the Wild AB SE - SWEDEN astridwild.com/ Atelier Aarhus DK - DENMARK atelieraarhus.com Atlassian Pty Ltd AU - AUSTRALIA atlassian.com/ Firmanavn / company name Landkode / country code Internettadresse / website (URL) ATP Media Operations Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM atpmedia.tv/ A2Z Travel Technology IVS DK - DENMARK atshoppy.com JKZ Trading ApS DK - DENMARK atvimport.dk/shop/frontpage.html Audible, Inc US - UNITED STATES audible.com Audible Australia Pty Ltd AU - AUSTRALIA audible.com.au Audible Ltd GB - UNITED KINGDOM audible.co.uk Audible GmbH DE - GERMANY audible.de Asimakopoulos Nikolaos GR - GREECE audiocables.eu August Sandgren DK - DENMARK augustsandgren.com INTERSECTIONS INC US - UNITED STATES aura.com AUR.M AB SE - SWEDEN aurm.com Autodesk Direct Ltd GB - UNITED KINGDOM autodesk.co.uk/store Aut O'mattic A8C Ireland Limited IE - IRELAND automattic.com AVANGATE BV NL - NETHERLANDS avangate.com Avenysko i Skellefteå AB SE - SWEDEN avenysko.se AVILASA SANCHO SL ES - SPAIN avilasasancho.com DerkeTek ApS DK - DENMARK avxperten.dk/ Amazon Web Services, Inc US - UNITED STATES aws.amazon.com/ Axel Arigato AB SE - SWEDEN axelarigato.no Hüniche Baby Express GmbH & Co KG DE - GERMANY baby-express.net BabyNord AB SE - SWEDEN babynord.se Backblaze, Inc. US - UNITED STATES backblaze.com back on track ab SE - SWEDEN backontrack.com/ backpackinglight ab SE - SWEDEN backpackinglight.se Bakkegårdens-foder DK - DENMARK bakkegaarden.eu Bali Body Pty Ltd AU - AUSTRALIA balibody.com House of Ball International Aps DK - DENMARK balloriginal.com Banana Fingers Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM bananafingers.co.uk/ Sonesta Technologies, s.r.o. CZ - CZECH REPUBLIC bangbros.com BANTIK FR - FRANCE bantik.co Barato ApS DK - DENMARK barato.dk DOVROS G -PREVELAKIS M OE GR - GREECE barista-shop.eu/ Maskerado AB SE - SWEDEN barntatueringar.se Baron Collection AB SE - SWEDEN baron.se Baythornfeldt DK - DENMARK [email protected] Parklife Innovations Ltd. GB - UNITED KINGDOM bazookagoal.com Beadhouse ApS DK - DENMARK beadhouse.dk Beady System ApS DK - DENMARK beady.fun Beatport LLC US - UNITED STATES beatport.com Numiv Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM beatsdropclub.com Beauty and the Boutique Ltd GB - UNITED KINGDOM beautyandtheboutique.tv Bee Green ApS DK - DENMARK beegreen.dk/ Bike Trollhättan Demontering AB SE - SWEDEN begmcdelar.se Bellabeat, Inc. US - UNITED STATES bellabeat.com Belle Lingerie Limited GB - UNITED KINGDOM belle-lingerie.co.uk Bellroy Trading pty ltd AU - AUSTRALIA bellroy.com/ Bemy DK - DENMARK bemy.dk Firmanavn / company name Landkode / country code Internettadresse / website (URL) Bengans Skivbutik AB SE - SWEDEN bengans.com Berg&Berg Retail
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