r Glengarry THS FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER III EAE TERM ONTARIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday, May 30, 1947 $2.00 A TXAA VOL. LV—No. 22 Centenary Of Lochiel Dry Father McDougald Glengarry Loop Euclide Rouleau Three District Young Men Being Issues Schedule Dies Suddenly Raised To Priesthood, Here, Saturday Holy Cross Marked Forces Organize Dies At Quebec Rev. W. D. Reid Named Popular Glengarry Pine Grove, Greenfield Proprietor Of Ottawa Rev. Rudolph Villeneuve, Rev. Leo MacDonell Three Jubilarians From Manager Of Campaign Priest Had Been In And Lochiel Are House Victim Of And Rev. G-erald Poirier, Vÿll Celebrate ' St. Margaret’s Taking Heart Attack In Township 111 Health Past Year Winners Of First Gaines First Masses At Maxvüle, St. Raphaels, Cornwall Part At St. Laurent Pine Grove opened the 1947 football Word came with startling sudden A well attended public meeting was Rev. Donald J. McDougald C.S.S.R Three young Glengarrians Reverend The one hundredth anniversary of ; season successfully Saturday, with ness today ,of the death in an Ot- held In the Township Hall at Lochiel a popular and widely known native > Hon. Solon Low To Rudolph Villeneuve, Reverend Leo. the founding of the Holy Cross Com a 2—0. win over Lochiel. In games tawa Hospital, early this morning, of on Monday evening May 19th. to con son of Glengarry and^a member of MacDonell and Reverend Gerald Poir “unity in Canada is being célébrât-^. > ^ this week, Greenfield bested Dunve- Mr. Euclide Rouleau, proprietor of the Address Meeting Here the situation aused by the tne Redemptorist Fathers, died Wed. ier, will be raised to the dignity of ed at, the Mother House of the Order i gan 2—0 Monday, and was in turn Ottawa House, Alexandria for the past ing referendum on the question of nesday, May 28th, at St. Brigid’s the Holy Priesthood on Saturday mom Bt. Laurent, Que., this week , and defeated last night by Lochiel the 31 years. Mr Rouleau was visiting Luminaries of the Social Credit par- ing in St. Finnan’s Cathedral when licensing the sale of beer in the town- Home in Quebec City, following an ty in Canada will visit Alexandria on is Excellency Most Reverend omong those participating h^the flve-| ^ tf TifK.hjp1| score being 1—0. in Ottawa, and had been in his ap. H illness extending over the past ten 1 day observance are three Sisters from The season's schedule follows: parent good health until stricken Wednesday evening of next week, Rosario Brodeur,’ D D Bishop of On motion of Dr Gray, which was months. Relatives and friends, here St. Margaret’s Convent^ here, who FIRST HALF shortly before his death. when a public meeting in Alexander, Alexandria, will officate at the Solemn duly seconded. Rev Mr Reid was ap- had been aware for the past few Hall will be addressed by Hon. Solon; ordination ceremony scheduled to be are simultaneously mai;king their. .pointed chairman for the meeting. May 24—Fine Grove vs. Lochiel Two members of the diocesan cler- weeks that the condition of Father Low, national leader of the Social Cre gm at 10 o’clock EDT fiftieth anniversary in the order. I Mrs Gray was appointed secretary. May 26—Greenfield vs Dunvegan gy are among the five sons and two McDougald was serious, yet the news dit Party, and two other Social Credit Another young man from this county They are Rev- Sister M. of St. Paul. ..R,ev jyi;r McKelvy read the minutes May 29—(Lochiel vs. Greenfield daughters who survive; Rev. Raoul of his passing comes as a shock. 1 members of the Commons: Real Ca-, May 31—Dunvegan vs. Pine Grove Rouleau, P.P., St. Francis de Sales, wiu be rai5ed to the prieg(iMWd at Mon 3ne Superior, Rev. Sister M. of St. of initiai group meeting held on ouette, M P.J Pontiac, Que., and Pat treal, that morning when Reverend The late Father McDougald was June 2—Glen Gordon vs. Lochiel Cornwall; Rev. Rolland Rouleau, P.P. Albina and Rev. Sister M. of St May 14th at Glen Sand£iel(1 born 67 years ago at lot 14-4th Ken- Ashby, M.P., Edmonton East. j Stanley Patrick Quinn is ordained to ■William. I -jirg ohairman then introduced the ,<ime 3—Pine Grove vs Greenfield Maxville; Mayor Romeo Rouleau of yon, a son of the late Alexander Mc- They will expound the Social Credit st. James Cathedral by His Excellency Sister St. Albina is a native Glen- pointing incidently, tlia’. there June 4—Lochiel vs Dunvegan Alexandria, Dr. Bruno' J. Rou-' Dougald and his wife, Florence Ken- 1 alms and objects in the national field | mg Most Reverend Jloseph Charbon- June 5—Greenfield vs Glen Gordon lean, Cornwall; Ubald Rouleau, garrian the former Mary McDougald. jg n0 opposition to any indivdual as whlle Ron Gostick Provincial Organ- Archbishop of Montreal He is nedy of the 6th Kenyon. He attended June 7—Lochiel vs. Pine Grove reeve of Cornwall Township; Miss rieaU; daughter of the late Alexander Mc_ such, and also that the question in- izer, will deal with organization. the local Public School and Alexand- June 9—Pine Grove vs Dunvegan Mary Ann Rouleau, R N., of Mont- a son of the late Joseph Patrick Quinn Dougal.d and his wife) Florence Ken- voiyes much mere than the sale of ria High School, later going to St. June 10—Glen Gordon vs Greenfield real; and Miss Fleur Ange Rouleau, at of Bainsvilie, and Mrs Quinh, who nedy of 14_4th Kenyon. j üquor in anyone place In this case Therese College to take a French now resides in Ottawa. At least two other native Glengar- q- WOuld mean the reversal of a policy June 11—Dunvegan vs. Lochiel home. Course. He then studied at the Ll- June 12—Pine Grove vs Glen Gordon Council To Spend First Masses of the young levites rians are among those marking ju- | ^uicli iias been consistently main- The funeral is expected to be held, cen_ guorian College, Ottawa, being or. wiil be celebrated Sunday morning blltes in conjunction with the j tained in Lochiel for practically 35 yrs. June 14—Greenfield vs Pine Grove here Monday. darned priest by Monsignor Racicot, Clen Jlune 1st ,with an exception in the tenary celebrations. Rev. Mother M. iile beginning of that period there rrr-r", TT”"’ ^ Gordon vs Dunvegan $8,716. On Streets Assistant Bishop of Montreal, Septem 17^reenfield vs ^cWel case of Father Quinn who will cele- of St. Alexander, Mother Provincial, - 4 taverns and 1 liquor store in 1 wea e ber 8th, 1909, in Ste. Anne s Church By-law 600 providing for an esti- brate his First Solemn Mass in St. this year celebrates her diamond Glen Robertson. Conditions became 1 June 19—Dunvegan vs Greenfield 1 Montreal. Three Receive mated expenditure of $8716.90 QJJ Patrick’s Church, Montreal, at 11.15 jubilee as a member of Holy Cross | ^ q p te that the clergy and lay- June 20—Glen Gordon vs Pine Grove eS era Father McDougald celebrated his | roads and streets, was passed at ^g'a.m. Sunday, June 8th. She is the former Annie Corbett of united in an effort which voted June 23— Dunvegan vs Glen Gordon men First Holy Mass in St. Finnan's Cathe Degrees At McGill meeting of Town Council held Wed- Father Villeneuve’s First Solemn Alexandria. Rev. Sr. M. of - St. j sf Uqucr busmess out. June 24—Pine Grove vs Greenfield le drai, Alexandria, the morning follow- nesday evening. The sum is $1500. Mass will be celebrated in St James’ Ftheibert, the former Christie Ken- After some discussion it was decid- SECOND HALF Among graduates of McGill Univer. ing his ordination. higher than that spent for the same Church, Maxville ,at 10.36 a.m., E.D. nedy of Lochiel, marks her golden e(4 at an organization be formed at June 25—Lochiel vs. Glen Gordon sity who received degrees at convoca- T.. when the archpriest will be Rev. tb His priestly life was spent for the purpose last year, and includes cost jubilee. j tijjg meeting to represent and protect June 26—Greenfield vs Dunvegan tion ceremonies, Wednesday, were; most part in work in the missions of of a new bridge to be built this year Rolland Rouleau. P.P. Revs. Chas. F. June 27—Glen Gordon vs Lochiel Miss Mary Irvine, daughter of Rev. Gauthier and M. J. O’Brien will be 1 The five.day celebration at St. the interests of those citizens who Western Canada he being stationed over the Garry river on Bishop street. ; June 28—Dunvegan vs Pine Grove G. W. and Mrs Irvine, Williamstown deacon and subdeacon, while the ser- Laurent opened Wednesday, the day are opposed to the licensing of liquor for several years at Yorkton, Sask The present bridge has been con- being particularly observed by tha sales. Mr McNabb Campbell moved June 30—Pine Grove vs Lochiel who was awarded the degree of Bache mons will be preached by Revs Ronald Father McDougald also served for six lor of Library Science. | demned for several years. Holy Cross Fathers. Special even's that Rev. Mr Reid be appointed man June 30—Dunvegan vs Glen Gordon Ji MacDonald and Aime Leduc. years at Ste. Anne do Bellevue, Que , Miss Margaret Jessie MacDermid, An old town by-law, No. 47, covering will be held each day with Saturday ager of the Campaign. This was sec- July 2—Glen Gordon vs. Dunvegan I Rev. Leo MacDonell will celebrate j ano latterly he had been at Quebec daughter of Mr.
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