m «f Jalj, ItSS ■tetoMt «f 0. Ip/fTh -X 5,159 Bartfkfi utMMiiwr o f the A n A t JUr taalght; Wedaeaiaj fair. of OreulBtlme. Sloiriy riainc VOL. LIL, NO. 270. (aasemed AdvertMng on Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 15,1933. TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS ♦ - Ijm DROWNED ICQSTELLO CASE AS SENATE RACKETEERING COMMITTEE OPENED PROBE BYFLOODAS IS BEFORE JURY; U. S. RECOGNIZES CUBA OUTBREAK COORTKHARGE UNDER NEW PRESIDENT Report From China Says It Asks Jurors To Reach Unaoh Other Nations Expected To AD Happened In a Few mens Dedsion —• “ Law A l Capone Is on Way Follow Smt; General Strike Minntes— Yellow River Gives Woman No Specia I To Chicago for Trial In Havana Ends And Ha­ On Rampage. Exception,” He Declares. Chicago, Aug. 15.—(AP)— Al^Sanford Bates, said today that Al vana Bustles With Activi­ Capone was reported at police head­ Capone, Chicago gang leader, was Kaifengen, Honan province, China, Salem, Mass., Aug. 15— (AP) — quarters today to be en route from still to the Atlanta Federal penltenr ty Again— But Two Vio­ Atig. 15.—(AP)—One thousand A jury in the Elssex coimty Super­ Federal penitentiary at Atlanta, tiary as far as be knew. peasants were reported drowned in ior Court at 11:52 a. m., today be­ Ga., to the Illinois state prison at Joliet to be held there pending trial Bates said that when the ques­ a few minutes today when dikes of gan deliberations of the case lent Deaths Reported. Jessie B. Ckistello to decide whether to Chicago on charges of racket tion of whether Capone would be the Yellow River broke and flood conspiracy. waters covered a large area. they would send the attractive 32 taken to Illinois to stand trial first ’The report came as Federal and The stream continued to rage. year old widow to the executioner Havana, Aug. 15— (AP)—United state authorities were preparing to came up he instructed the warden Dikes north of Kaifengen, a city of for the poison slaying of her hus of the Atlanta prison to notify him States Ambassador Sumner Welles 175,000 in northeastern China, were band. Fire Captain William J. Cos­ go before Chief Jusdee John L. holding against the swiiiing waters, tello of Peabody, Prystalski of Criminal Court and immediately of the serving of any has informed the diplomatic eerpe but tbto community was nearly iso­ The case was given to the jury ask for a habeas corpus writ to re­ court writ calling for Capone’s pres that the Washington government ia lated by floods west and east of after a charge delivered by Judge turn Capone here. He has been in­ ence to Illinois. disposed to recognize the new Cuban dicted with 23 others on charges of here. Frederick W. Fosdick. He add^ the* warden had been administration headed by Provision­ The Old Channel Called Scarlet Woman restraint of trade through rack­ instructed also to notify the Prison The dangei that the river will re­ al President Carlos Manu^ de Ces- District Attorney Hugh A. Cregg A Federal crime bureau to co-ordinate efforts of local authorities In combatting racketeering was sug­ eteering on legitimate, business. Bureau headquarters here before pedes. turn to its old channel at Lanfeng The police reports on which offi­ in his summation of the govern­ gested to the Senate subcommittee on racketeering when, as shown here, it met (or its first regional permitting CApone to leave the The American attitude was con­ was believed slightly lessened as the hearing in New York. Among the 60 noted criminologists and police executives In attendance were cials declined to comment were to ment’s case, had branded her as prison. veyed to the diplomats yesterday at waters were said to be remaining scarlet woinan who had engaged in (1) New York’s Police Commissioner James 8. Bolan; (2) Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York, the effect that Capone had been Because of these detailed instruc­ a meeting in tbe Spanish EmbaMy. principally in the present bed and an illicit affair with Edward J. Mc­ chairman of the committee; (3) Joseph B. Keenan of Cleveland, special assistant to the Attorney Gen­ taken from the Federal prison late tions, Bates added; he felt certain Luciano Lopez Ferrer, the Spanish flowing southward in 'esser streams. Mahon, Peabody reserve patrolman. eral; (4) Former New York Police Commissioner Edward P. Mnlrooney. and (5) Assistant Secretary of yesterday to expedite his arrival Prior to 1853, the Yellow river State Raymond Moley, recently assigned by President Ropsevelt to advise on the Administration’s Capone was stiU to Atlanta. ambassador, is the dean of the William G. C3ark, her defense here. corps. flowed into the Yellow sea at a coimsel, in bis argument to the jury anti-racket campaign. Tbe Justice Department said later All detective squads were ordered Havana streets bustled with ac­ p<^t several hundred miles south of had portrayed her as loving mother a request that Capone be crans- to remain on duty both day and tivity today as all industries were its present mouth. Should it change of 'three small children, devoted to ferred to Chicago tc stand trial on its course, several important cities night at detective headquarters. resumed, the general strike which her husband, and bbr home, against Legal authorities said Capone and state indictments growing out o.. tbe and towns, built in its old bed would whom tHe state had proved nothing racketeering investlgatirn, had been brought about the downfall of Gen­ be endangered. SLIPPERS, A RING his co-defendants could be arraign­ eral Gerado Machado’s regime hav­ He uiged the jurors to reach RACKETEERS HAVE SPIES ed at any time on the conspiracy received by Jie 'Criminal division. Since late June, heavy rains at unanimous decision, saying the “law ing been brought to an end its headwaters have caused many charges. The request, officials said, came Two Violent Deaths gives the woman no special excep­ Capone has been sentenced to 11 floods. tion from punishment for murder/ AS MURDER CLUES from State A ttorney Ck>urtney o f Two additional violent deaths years In the Federal prison for eva­ Illinois, but could not be acted on and they should not allow chivalry IN (HtAND JURY ROOMS were reported. Augustin Ledon, a. sion of income tjx to influence their decision. until the return of Attorney General Machado supporter, was found shot Circumstantial Evidence Chimmings, who is expected back to death near tbe ousted President’s NOTORIOUS CROOK He touched on circumstantial evi Dismembered Body Of DENIES THE REPORT Thursday or Fri^y. Meantime the estate out of Havana. Manuel Ro­ 4ence and said if there was a single Grand Jnror Tells Senate Washington, Aug. 15.—(AP)— department insisted Capone remain sales, a Machado l^gilante, commit­ circumstance inconsistent with the LAWYERS DEBATE Superintendent of Federal Prisons in tbe Atlanta penitentiary. ted suicide. continuity of the chain a not guilty Woman Found In Wood; Passengers aboard the Ward liner CAUGHT IN TEXAS verdict must be returned. Committee How Difficnit Morro Castle, which arrived today, Referring to the testimony of LEGALITY OF NRA said that apparently tbe Cuban peo­ McMahon, Judge Fosdick said it Had Been Dead a Year. ple want the whole world to l^ w wM of great importance. “The It Is To Ask Witnesses To SEES NO REASON WINSLOW, FAMOUS that (Seneral Machado no longer is Harvey Ba3ey Who Plotted sexual instincts of men and women their ruler. are such that they can exert much Testify. Hampton Falls, N. H., Aug. 15.— “Down With Machado” Texas Attorney Claims The The ship was met at the docks by (A P)—Dust covered files of missing TO C A U ASSEMBLY WAR FUER, DEAD Kansas (Sfy Massacre person." He urged the jurors crowds of Cubans who shout^ to use “cold, unswerving impartial­ Act Cannot Be Snstainei persons were scanned today for “Down With Machado!” and “Ma^ , Arrested By Slenths. ity regardless of sex.” The law, N ew Y ork, N. Y., A ug. 15— (A P ) solution to a year old mystery the chado Is Gone!” The passengers said added, “knows no sex in guilt or in­ —^A graphic description of cringing slaying of an unidentified worm that similar cries went up from the terrified racket witnesses was pre­ On Any Ground Whatever. Governor Cross To Ask At Falls From Hotel Window In crew on a Cuban gunboat near nocence.” whose nude and dismembered body McMahon’s Bights sented to the Senate sub-committee which the liner passed on entering Dallas, Texas, Aug. 15.— (AP)— “Let me solemnly warn you,” said was found in a road side thicket. the harbor. The Federal government’s chal­ on racketeering today by Augustine tomey-General For An Canada— Was Official Of the court, “if you see any truth in J. Bmith, secretary of the New York W ashington, A u g. 15— (A P ) A wedding ring, a pair of slippers Other governments to addition to lenge to the crime world’s master­ (bounty Grand Jiux>rs Association. and a dark green leather bag were thq United States indicated reeogni- minds held a new meaning today The Constitutionality of the Nation­ (Continued on Page Two) Smith, who was foreman of the the clues police had to work on. Opinion On Public Works. Airways Corporation. tka of tbe new regime. A t tbe Mex­ with jafl bsua framing the faces of al Recovery Act wuJovght ove: ;,jn March Grand Jury, tedd Senator •The slippers bore the label ^of a ican Legation it was said that any Harvey Bailey, on^of the Nation’s Royal S.
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