Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 10-25-1963 The Parthenon, October 25, 1963 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, October 25, 1963" (1963). The Parthenon. 1502. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1502 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact zhangj@marshall.edu, beachgr@marshall.edu. Wednesday Pay Mixes Out! MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER ., enators Also Outlaw he ...._ ________, Football Seat Rope-Offs By GARY KEARNS News Editor All Wednesday night pay mixes in the Student Union have been ruled taboo by the Marshall University Student Senate. The =================arthenon===========================l pay mixes on Saturday nights after ball games, however, which are FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1963 HUNTINGTON, W. VA. No, 18 sponsored by the union itself, will i:emain in existence. ============================================! After hearing Don Morris, manager of the Student Union, voiced in the student press con­ explain why he wanted the Wed­ cerned with students who have nesday mixes to be abandoned, gone to the football games and he senators completely backed had been unable to find adequate him up by banning the pay seats as the result of large sec­ mixes. There was no opposition. tions being "reserved" by the Morris said that the W ednes­ members of campus social sorori­ day night mixes were sponsored ties and fraternities. by various campus organizations, Dean Thompson, Huntington and that "they actually don't junior alternate senator and one have to do a bit of work for their of the coordinators of the Home­ money, except stand at the door coming Commission, delivered and charge every student as he the latest report of the commis­ enters the union. sion to the senate, which added Funds For New Union further details to the plans con­ cerning Homecoming. "This 'tin-cupping' on the part of these organizations does not These plans r e v e a 1 e d that elp the Student Union at all," tickets to the various Homecom-· orris added, "whereas the Sat- ing festivities will go on sale rday night mixes sponsored by Monday on campus; that the can­ the union itself directly benefit didates for the class queens and the union and the students who Miss Marshall will visit all of e it, since all of the money the social sororities, fraternities ade goes back into the union's and dormitories Monday eveninl, unds." and that the candidates would Morris went on to say that be officially introduced to the hese funds will be used for pay­ student body at the mix next ·ng for a new Student Union, Wednesday night in the Student hich is proposed for the future. Union. The subject of the mixes arose Justices Approved in the senate last week when a The following appointments to campus organization asked for the Student Court by Student approval of a pay mix. The mix Body President Kenny Gainer, was overwhelmingly-yet reluc­ Charleston senior, were ratified tantly-granted by many of the by the senators: Susan Moritis, fl,e Enter f ligltt Trai1in1 Program solons on the unspoken agree­ Barboursville junior; Roy Huff­ ment that it would be the last man, Paden City junior, and Dick RALF-WINGS, signyfing participation in the ROTC flight training program, are presented to five such mix. Vital, Huntington senior. seniors by Cadet Col. Ted Booth (left) and Lt. Col. Patrick Morgan. Following completion of train­ Many of the senators who were Student Body Vice President lq, the cadets will receive full-wings and their civilian pilot licenses. Receiving wings are Glenn against the pay mixes expressed Marna Paulovicks, Wheeling sen­ Bell, Lexington, Ky; James Garrett, Parkersburg; Ted Haddox, Parkersburg; Charles Jordan and the opinion that a toll at the ior, also made it known that any Kenneth Perry, Huntington. door of the union was unfair to raduate student who is inter­ students. ested in serving as graduate sen­ In o t h e r action Wednesday ator should c o n t a c t Claren night, the Student Senate solved Brooks Andrews, Arlington, Va., Mediterranean Documentary Movie a rather controversial issue-for senior senator immediately. the time being, anyway-by out­ Slated For Forum Tomorrow Night lawing any roping off of sections The senate is to have only one of Fairfield Stadium and Memor­ senator who is a graduate stu­ dent. By FRED TURNER motion picture field. His specialty is the auth­ ial Field House at football and Staff Reporter For 12 years he was an ex­ entic portrayal of very dif­ basketball g a m e s to exclusive Gene Wiancko presents his ploration geophysicist. He was ferent ways of life; his narra­ "cheering squads." all-color travel documentary in charge of the 30-man explo­ tions bring into sharp focus Complaints In Press Donors Needed ration party whose work with the attitudes and reactions, motion picture "Legendary But the opposing senators of sub-surface seismic waves led joys and dreams of the people Mediterranean" at the Forum this move, namely Mike Carroll, On Wednesday to the discovery of the world's -the real meaning of life in tomorrow in Old Main Audi­ Nitro junior senator and junior northernmost gas field at other lands. The Red Oross Bloodmobile will torium. class president, vaguely promised Point Barrow, Alaska. He also Wiancko is a graduate of the be at the Student .Union from 9 This picture covers the area that he would appeal the case to directed a scientific explora­ University of California and a.m. to 3 p.m. neX't Wednesday, from Sicily to Seville. the Student Court. Wiancko had been a radio tory venture which operated a member of the Society of acooroing .to Marda Wilson, Par­ narrator, producer, writer and from small ships in the Arctic the Exploration Geophysicists. Several complaints have been kersburg senior and Blood Drive explorer prior to entering the Ocean. ,------------------------------ Coordinator. During two years in the Arc­ Students ·between the ages of tic, he produced a photogra­ CBS Told Score At Marshall; 18 and 21 wh:o wish to donate Honors Group phic documentary of the rarely brood must have a slip signed by seen wonders of the strange It's University Over College# their parents giving them per­ land. He has also made films mission. Slips may be obtained To Hear Talk of Mexico, Munich, Venice, An open letter to CBS: in the Student Government Off­ Members of the Honors Semi­ Davos and Carcassonne. Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) just hasn't kept up ice. Students under 18 may not nar have been invit'ed to hear Wiancko is a skilled speaker with the changing times... donate, and those over 21 do not Richard Hiler, director of the with years of radio and plat-' While it's true that Marshall was a college for 103 years, need a permission slip. American Friend's Service Com­ form experience. He has been it is a fact that it has been a university since 1961! · All students and their -immedi­ mittee, speak on the topic, "Youth called "a man in search of On two successive Saturdays (last Saturday excluded) the ate families are eli,gible to receive Discovers Another Russia," at the significance" and there is noth­ CBS "College Scoreboard" has referred to Marshall as a college. blood for emergencies arid should Unitarian Church, 1638 Charles­ ing of the trivial or monoton­ Horrors! Last Saturday Marshall played a night game and it was contact Marda Wilson. ton Ave., at 11 a.m. Sunday. ous in his films. not listed on the board. Campus organizations with at Mr. Hiler is dkector of Youth Efforts have been made to draw CBS' attention to the error. le a s,t 10 memben contributing Travel Seminars, which is a type DIRECTORY SALE SET John Sayre, director of t'he Alumni and Development Office, are eligible :to compete for tro­ phies. A donor may contribute of inter-cultural exchange, and The Student Directory will be sent an air mail special delivery letter to the "College Score­ for only one group. A trophy will has served in eastern and west­ available on Monday for pur­ board" last week informing CBS of the name change. Mrs. Betty be given for the highest percent­ ern Europe and ,the Soviet Uni,on chase at the Student Union for Atkins, Athletic Department secretary, also fired off a missile in -the past three years. He has 50 cents. age of total membership donating last week. in each of three categories wo­ won a Ford Foundation Scholar­ Jane Nagle, coordinator of the In fact, the Scoreboard was notified last year about the name men's division, men's division, ship for study on the Gold Coast directory, said such information change, but no action was taken. an:i ROTC company. of Afrioa. as telephone numbers, addresses So will you, CBS, get the right score? It's university over Sigma Alpha Epsillon pledges, 'f.he lecture is o pen to the pub­ of students, faculty, fraternity college by three years. and other volunteers, will lic with a discussion to follow the and sorority houses, the admin­ trans­ We'll be watching.... fer the B1'oodmobile equipment talk. The Honors group is now istrative staff, and the student ..::,:;:;:;...::.:;.:.:~::;;..} studying communism. government will be included. ___________________ THE EDITORS to and from the Union. PAGE TWO THE PARTHENON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1963 Letters To The Editor Dear Editor: As a freshman, I have constantly heard, "Marshall is grow­ ing!" Through my own observations, I find this to be true.
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