DANIEL BRYANT r: LAKE FOREST, IL 60045 °r "AL 20DBAUC IS A&58 August 13,2008 Thomasema P Duncan. Esa g General CounseCounsell ' f\i Federal Election Commission m 999 E Street, NW ; ™ Washington, DC. 20463 iy Q Re: Complaint against Dan Seab for Congreu 01 <N Dear Ms. Duncan: I respectfully file this complaint against Dan Seals for Congress, a registered political committee, for ALLEGEDLY reporting an illegal contribution received from a man who died nearly three months before he made the reported contribution. The information contained in fti* complaint comes from publicly available sources *tij is based information and belief. On July IS, 2008, Dan Seals for Congress reported its July Quarterly 2008 discdosure with the Commission. In Schedule A for Line#llAI, Dan Seals for Congress reports a receipt of $1,000 on May 7, 2008 from a Mr Robert M. Schrayer of 1620 Spruce Ave in Highland Park, IL However, published death notices and obituaries (enclosed Preference) reveal Mr. Schrayer passed away on February 21, 2008. Therefore, Mr. Schrayer could not have intended to make a $1,000 contribution to Dan Seals for Congress on May 7, 2008, more than two months after his death. FEC regulations (11CFR sec. 110.4) prohibit making a contribution in the name of another Federal statute also prohibits contributions in the name of another (2 USC sec. 441f). On its face, Dan Seals for Congress appears to have accepted a contribution and reported dead lt11111 *n ^Holation of federal election law. It is disturbing mat Dan Seals for Congress, a registered political committee, has lowered itself to such machine-style politics of old. I ask the Commission to (1) investigate the dnnimftfancfis by which Dan Seals for Congress disclosed a contribution receipt from a man who was dead for nearly dnee months, (2) punish Dan Seals fat Congress for this violation of federal law, and (3) require Dan Seals fbr Congress to accept contributions from the living. R Daniel Bryant rsi <N enclosures O rsi in O Subscribed and sworn to Define me this _/5_day of August, 2008. 0) NOTARY PUBLIC JUF News-.Jewish leader Robert M. Schrayer dies at 75 Page 1 of 3 ;juf.Onj|j«UllUntt«lFund/>wt JUF News Local Stories Jewish leader Robert M. Schrayer dies at 75 Assistant Director of Communications Ml Robert M Schrayer, one of the Jewish community's Cj| nwstprormrtentarKitong-eerMnglead^re locally, ^ nationally and internationally, died Thursday, Feb 21 in ^He was 75 J Schrayer, of Highland Park, to one of the lew people to •^•^•^•^•^•^•^•l^ll^H Q have twice headed the Board of Directors of the Jewish Ot United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan • ™ Chicago, as President from 1878 to 1881, and as Chavman n 1998 He was Chairman of JUPs Jewish Robert M Schrayer addressing a i Community Rotations Council from 1881 to 1884, Jewish Federation Annual Meeting ' chaired JUPs Annual Campaign In 2005, and headed countless committees and events over a communal career that spanned i At the national level, Schrayer chaired the 2001 end 2002 Annual Campaigns of the United Jewish Communities, the umbrella organization for all North Amencan Jewrsh Federations, and UJC'e 2003 Israel Emergency Campaign, which provided tenor relief to the people of Israel He also served on the Board of the National Jewish Commumty Relations Advisory Council, chaired the National Young Leadership Cabinet of the United Jewish Appeal, and served as UJA's vice president and regional chairman Internationally .Schrayer was a member of the executto i Israel and the Amencan Jewish Joint Dntnbubon Committee ! In 1887, Schrayer received the Julius RosenwaJd Memorial Award, the Chicago Jewish Federation's highest honor Others honors Included the Human Righto Medallion of the American Jewish Committee, the Herbert Garon Award of the Young Leadership Cabinet of the UJA, and the Chicago Jewish Federation's first Young Leadership Award. In 2003, Schrayer was Inducted Into the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago Hall of Fame The Schrayer family has been part of the Chicago Jewish community smce before the CMI War, and has a long heritage of communal leadership SchrayefB father, Max Robert Schrayer, b the only person ever to have served as general chairman of three JUF Annual Campaigns. active In a wide range of Jewish communal efforts i httpV/wwwouf.org/news/localaspx?io>30490 8/15/2008 JUF News: Jewish leader Robert M.Schrayer dies at 75 Page 2 of 3 •Bob Schrayer was a vmonary and extraordinarily committed to all that was good n America and Israel; said Steven B Nasaflr, President of the JUF and Jewish Federation and a dear mend and colleague of Schrayer'a for more then 37 yean "He and others of his generation influenced the direction of this Federation to embrace greater connection wtth Israel and to emphasize tradition and Jewish continuity At the drop of e hat, he would travel to Israel, the former Soviet Union, Ethiopia, anywhere that Jewish Ives were hi danger or people were In need * •Bob was a gentle, kmd and soft-spoken man with a gigantic Jewish heart,1 said Harvey Bamett, Chairman of the JUF/Federatton Board "He tod by Ms actions and Inspired ad of us to greater heights As Kipling wrote, 'he could waft with tangs and keep the common touch'-a true mensch ^ whose loss will be fait throughout the Jewish world May his memory be for a blessing' fM O (RevlqwolCT by eobSchrayej from the pages of JUF News) M M Israers Ambassador to the United States, SalWMer^ ™ Schrayer wtth a profound sense of loss and sorrow He was a CXMO personal Mend end a great «3T supporter of the State of Israel Robert's work with the United Jewish Communities and the O Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago will live on long after his untimely and unfortunate fj death I extend my sincere and heartfelt condolences to the entre Schrayer family' Professionally, Schrayer was president of Assooated Ageraes in Rolling Meadows and of Auto and Home Insurance Agency In Downers Grove, and worked as an executive In the Insurance industry for more than 50 years A native South Sider, he earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan and served m the US Army from 1954-56 The Schrayers are members of North Shore Congregation Israel and Am Shalom, both In Gtoncoe Schrayer is survived by his wile, Barbara, son Max R 'Skip' (Lynn) of Highland Park, daughters Elizabeth Schrayer (Jeff Schwaber) of RockviDe, MD, and Deborah (Jon) Karmm of Chicago, and grandchildren Annie, Ell and Joey Schrayer; Joshua and Daniel Schwaber; and Alison, Zachary and Sam Karmln Funeral arrangements are being handled by Pteer Funeral Services hi Skokle TJie Federation has established a Robert M Schrayer Memorial Fund Checks should be made payable to JF-R Schrayer Menional Fund and sent to the Jewish Fedenitlon, 30 South WeOs Street, Room 3138, Chicago, IL 60000 Posted. 2/21/2008 3 40 40 PM Sitemap | Privacy Policy | BR8S | Careers | Advertising Info | Contact Us O 2001-200B Al Rights Rmraad JmMi Untod FlndUmWi FWmHon amMnpaanCNcejo http^/www.juforgMews^ocnl.aspx?id=30490 8715/2008 JUF News-.Jewish leader Robert M.Schrayer dies at 75 Page 3 of 3 ; i i w I 3 i 5 O 01 http^/www.iuf.OTR/news/localaspx?id=30490 8/15/2008 Schedule A for Line #11AI Page 1 of 41 r •fi.r- 0 •I (ON Ofr SAL "'-^ AD c SCHEDULE A (0 ITEMIZED RECEIPTS fM O LinefcllAI <N in Committee: DAN SEALS FOR CONGRESS O O) fM There are • total of 1068 Itemized Receipt* Display ing 1 through 500 ilof3[122] Employer Date Amount Contributor's Name Aggregate Contributor's Address memHffAMoA ($) Memo/Description Text Limits Mary Beth Adebnan Self 067260008 500.00 115 Crescent Dr Interior Design 1000.00 Jlencoe*. Illinois 600221303 Alice Adler retired 06/12/2008 250.00 1616 Sheridan Rd UNIT IF retired 25000 Wilmette, Illinois 60091 1883 Amador Dean Aguillen Ogdvie Public Relations 06727/2008 250.00 PO Box 15506 SVP 250.00 Washington, DC 200030506 Marian Danot Ahmed Foley&Lacdner K/30/2008 300.00 1060 Creek View Dr Attorney 300.00 Veraon Hills, Illinois 600613309 Masood Ahmed Citigroup ti/30/2008 250.00 1 879 N Royal BiikdaleDr Infbnnanon Requested 250.00 Venwn Hills, Illinois 600614571 htto //mierv.nictusa.com/cri-biii/dcdev/fonns/C00417501/351831/sa/llAI 8/15/2008 Schedule A far Line #11AI Page 2 of 41 June E. Aimen Josselyn Center (retired) 06730/2008 100.00 113 Yale Court Counselor 35000 Glenview, Illinois 600265916 Philip S.AImen Retired Attorney 36/05/2008 100.00 113 Yale Court Retired Attorney 500.00 Glenview, Illinois 600265916 Kevin AUred Munger, Tolles ft Olson 06/30/2008 250.00 1056 Carrara PI lawyer 25000 Los Angeles, California 900491300 Either Altschul none 06/26/2008 500.00 616 Sheridan Road none 700.00 fihnct^ * Illinois 60091 lean-Claude Andre US Dept of Justice 06722/2008 250.00 2602 Cardiff Ave attorney 25000 Los Angeles, California 90034 LucyAscoli Self 104/14/20081 30000 5744 SKimbark Ave Fundraiser 135000 Chicago. Illinois 606371615 V Bruce Baker Baker ft McKenzie M/30/2008 2300.00 121 5 Heather Hill Cres auome«Mj««MftMMy 3300.00 Flossmoor, Illinois 604221425 1 n Edward Bancroft Bancroft Coni "^^ ^ c 05/07/2008 15000 860 Summit St HRCosiultant 350.00 Vinnetka, Illinois 60093 Barbara Baran Integrys Business Support LLC 06705/2008 100.00 920 Greenwood Avenue Lawyer 1075.00 Vilmette* Illinois 60091 ^ranccn Bainm Retired 06/08/2008 100.00 4180SaffordRd Retired 60000 Rockford, Illinois 61 101 AlanPBarr Indiana University Northeast W30/2008I 250.00 732 Ridge Ave professor 250.00 Evanston, Illinois 602022683 Sheldon Basldn self 06/22/2008 1000.00 200 E Randolph Suite 2100 attorney 125000 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Michael Basofin CloverleafGroup |04/14/2008| 35.00 fl 910 Gloucester Crossing Pres 1 I 260.00 H Lake Forest, Illinois 600454900 I bttp^/queiy.nictusa,corn/cgi-bin/dcdev/foniis/CO()417501/3 1 AI 8/15/2008 I Schedule A for Line #11AI Page 3 of 41 Lawrence P.
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