A p r i l 2 0 1 6 The Brass Lamp On Automotive Interest—the future of collectibles by Gary Sudin As an inquisitive child, I had a year younger than anyone in my mother’s chagrin. Luckily, the wheel fascination with automobiles. high school class, so I was the stayed on the car. Of course, I also had a fascina- last to drive. Some of my class- tion with engineering, science, mates at Ladue High School had The first real car of my own was a literature, art, photography, 1965 Mustangs, Camaros, and 1963 Dodge 330, a nice four door electronics, music, acoustics, other, “real” sports cars. How sedan with many miles, and “three on chemistry, creativity, and edu- amazing that would have been, the tree.” With that car I learned how cation in general. Some of to own and drive a real sports car to replace a clutch, rebuild an engine, those themes are potential sto- like one of those! An older, very fix the brakes, and steering, and sus- ries for the future. wealthy friend of my brother pension parts, etc. etc. It was a slant bought a new MGB, having no six engine with a single Carter carbu- At age fifteen, automobiles rep- idea how to drive a manual retor; pretty efficient by today’s resented the gateway to free- transmission. Although I did not standards. dom. The year was 1966, per- know how to drive one myself; I haps the pinnacle of Detroit’s was able to teach him, after get- While at University I went through a renaissance after World War II. ting an explanation from my string of motorcycles. I became very I had my “cheater’s permit” to grandfather. I had now driven a good at diagnosing and repairing drive, enabling my older brother real sports car, a real rite of pas- those small engines as they were not to be in the front seat in the car sage in my world! that much different than the lawn with me as I learned how to mowers I had fixed as a kid. Between properly pilot my mother’s 1966 At that point, I didn’t know the time I was nineteen and twenty- Pontiac Catalina Station Wagon. much about car mechanics. one, I built a car from scratch, just for Yes, it was the size of a large Knowing that it was important to the experience. I later sold it to fund aircraft carrier with the handling know how to change a tire, I the car of my dreams, the Jaguar and turning radius of a cow. accomplished that one afternoon XKE. My first car with bias ply tires in our driveway, much to my Continued on page 4 >> and power door locks. Drum brakes all around for safety. Power steering. Our first car with seat belts. My fantasy was for a 1966 Ca- maro Rally Sport. Certainly, this was not a possibility of any kind and was merely a dream that many a teenager growing up in the 1960s shared. I was a Gary Sudin drives his XKE into the Concours d’Elegance show at Forest Park in 2015. Joseph F Yochim The President’s (314) 602-9498 President Column… Mark Goldfeder By Joseph F Yochim (314) 878-2786 1st Vice President/Programs Greetings, everyone! get my cell phone and show my Sharon Mercer father a short video of me riding in (636) 928-8672 It’s already the month of April? HCCM club member Doug Mason’s 2nd Vice President/Membership What happened? Maxwell at the St. Charles Oktober- fest in 2014. My father, watching Louis Allen OK, let’s review March. On Sun- the short video looks at me with a (314) 741-4158 day afternoon, March 6, I smile of delight that I had not seen Treasurer stopped in to visit my father. Dad in months. and I were discussing the upcom- Susan Ebert ing 55th Easter Concours d’ Ele- My father received the golden tick- (314-791-5461) gance. I was telling him about et from the Good Lord on Tuesday Recording Secretary the various cars and car clubs evening, March 8. My older broth- that had pre-registered. My fa- er had stopped in to see him. They Dr. Gerald Perschbacher ther looks up at me and says, had a nice dinner, with chocolate (314) 849-5249 “Son, I will bet you that I can ice cream for dessert. My father Corresponding Secretary name three cars you never heard had his pajamas on and a full belly. of. “Really, dad? Bring it on!” Dad lived 99 years, nine months, Directors My father replies, “Have you ever and eight days. In my last image of Bill Albertin(2016) Al Mercer(2016) heard of a Veale?” “No, dad, you him his eyes are filled with joy and John Clark (2017) got me.” Dad smiles and replies, there is a smile on his face as he is Ron Nelson(2017) “Have you ever heard of a Duran- looking at the video of me riding in Jackie Allen (2018) te?” “No, dad, you got me a Maxwell. Mike Ebert (2018) again.” He laughs and says, “How about a Maxwell, Joseph?” A sincere thank you to everyone on Ron Nelson I smile and look him right in the behalf of myself and my family, 9826 Affton View Ct. eye and say, “Yes, dad, I have especially to my HCCM friends, for St. Louis, MO 63123 heard of a Maxwell and, further- the outpouring of support and (314) 638-7131 more, I have actually ridden in a condolences during our time of Brass Lamp Editor Maxwell.” My father’s eyes light bereavement. Don Hoelscher up with delight. “Really, Joseph?” (636) 939-9667 “Yes, dad. In fact, I have the ride Now to business. The annual Webmaster recorded on my cell phone.” I downtown St. Louis St. Patrick’s www.hccmo.com (314) 991-HONK Celebrating 72 Years In St. Louis! The Rick Quirin 1910 Maxwell at the September 2014 Brass and Nickel Show. Both Rick and Douglas Mason have similar Maxwells. Perschbacher Photo. Rights reserved. 2 Day parade took place on Satur- ing up to this event I was as In the month of June we have day, March 12. We lucked out nervous as a new bride antici- the Father’s Day Car Show on 19 on the weather. The official fore- pating her wedding day. I had June at the Museum of Trans- cast was for ‘Overcast with inter- announced at the general meet- portation. For the June 17 mittent showers’. President ing on March 18 that the ex- emeritus Larry Hassel had metic- pected weather was for a 90% meeting I was thinking about ulously pre-registered the HCCM chance of sunshine. Unfortu- doing a ‘Hot summer night’s club members’ vehicles with the nately, that forecast gradually cruise’, in which we meet early, parade officials. Due to weather changed to 90% chance of liq- have a very brief meeting, and conditions, several club members uid sunshine instead. But much then get into our cars and cruise chose to bring a different vehicle to everyone’s delight, Sunday down Route 66 to Washington, than first intended. As in many morning saw dry conditions and Missouri, where we eat at one of years in the past, the vehicles an unlimited ceiling. There is the restaurants in the Farmers’ presented by the HCCM were nothing like sunrise in the reno- Market area. Then, do a little bit welcomed with much applause vated Forest Park on the upper of sightseeing and head home. and fanfare by the public. A spe- Muni parking lot. This organiza- cial thank you to the following tion never ceases to amaze me. In June daylight lasts until late in club members for displaying On Easter morning the meticu- the evening. This idea, of their vehicles on a wet and over- lous planning and organizing by course, needs to be approved cast day: Wayne Nolan, John key individuals of our club be- by the Board. In the meantime, I Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Don came evident. The upper Muni ask for your feedback – is it a Levy, Peter Bitzer, John Clark, Ken parking lot was methodically good idea? What are your Crowder, Mike & Sue Ebert, Rich transformed into a spectacular thoughts, suggestions, and gen- Rottnek, and myself. All club venue for a car show. The show eral reactions? It takes about 45 members and their vehicles par- began with blue skies at the minutes to drive to Washington. ticipating in this event enjoyed same time it was snowing in the awesome venue. I would like Kansas City. The rain held off to see the club participate with until the last vehicle had left the In July we will visit the Gateway more vehicles in more parades. show grounds. Everyone en- Historical Fire Society & Muse- The more public visibility we get, joyed the show and there has um on Tamm Avenue, near For- the more interest is generated in been no negative feedback. est Park. Date and details TBD. our club activities. Thank you, all! Again, please give me your feedback. Here is a 9-minute time lapse A brief personal note. On Mon- th video of the St. Patricks Day Pa- day, March 28, I, the 55 presi- On 21 August is our picnic. I am rade. You can fast forward dent of the HCCM, turned 55 attending a Post Office function to 1:10 minutes to see the years old. As I take a moment in Los Angeles the previous HCCMO cars.
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