Allegheny College Thursday Vol. 120, No. 5 October 3, 1996 The am us Meadville, Pa. Downsizing concerns faculty Rake it in By HEATHER MITCHELTREE Although this situation is un- Assistant News Editor usual, faculty in other departments are worried about vacant positions Last Thursday, students in a that may not be filled, in cases such lower level calculus course were sur- as those who resigned or did not re- prised to discover that their professor ceive tenure. was to be replaced by another teacher Professors who did not get tenure in the mathematics department. or other renewal contracts last year Math 156 students found out that are from departments that include: Assistant Professor of Mathematics mathematics, Associate Professor Tamara Hummel was leaving their Randall Dahlberg; economics, As- class to cover Associate Professor of sistant Professor John Golden; biol- Mathematics Randall Dahlberg's ogy, Assistant Professor Thomas courses. Goliber; philosophy, Assistant Pro- Dahlberg was not awarded tenure fessor Elizabeth Grimbergen; chem- last year and had to take a govern- istry, Assistant Professor Brian ment job. Students in the profes- Reid; English, Assistant Professor sors' classes, however, did not know Conrad Olson; education, Associate this. Professor Karen Skuldt. "Professor Hummel just walked Furthermore, Allegheny's admin- in and told us she wouldn't be teach- istration has decided to downsize the ing our class, because she had to faculty number from 139 to 138. cover Professor Dahlberg's courses. "Last spring, the administration I guess he just up and resigned," decided that it was necessary to make sophomore Shannon Seymour said. cuts to the budget by $550,000 to As a result, faculty in the math de- compensate for expenses," said Pro- partment have been scrambling to (continued on page 4) cover courses. Allegheny defends its name By JENNIFER M. NAGEL trators' concerns focus mainly'• on Golden yellow tree leaves behind Bentley Hall signal the beginning of the fall season at Allegheny. News Editor limitations of Allegheny's flexibility The building's bell tower is bathed in a halo of autumn sunlight. —photo by E3en Wyricic and the possibility of confusion be- • A recent issue of The Chronicle tween the two schools. of Higher Education listed 1996-97 Allegheny's flexibility could Academic employment presents challenges for couples tuition and fees for two Pennsylva- potentially be limited if Allegheny University of the Health Sciences By RONDA CHOLLOCK optimistic. Beach said she would "If you look at the number of nia colleges bearing the Allegheny couples who work at Allegheny - prefer to receive a position at a name. keeps its name because it would Editor- in Chief & preclude Allegheny College from JENNIFER M. NAGEL small liberal arts college and that College, you have to say that Al- The first listing refers to the costs legheny is accommodating, but ever calling itself a university. "We News Editor these schools are not usually located of attending Allegheny College in when you look at the positions for Meadville, which is $18,020. The never entertained the thought, but in big cities. According to Beach the decision women, generally they are a lower second listing refers to the costs of who's to say we wouldn't want to When Cecilia Beach was offered incorporate graduate degrees ever a one-year position as a French to relocate to the United States was level than for the men," said Ellen attending Allegheny University of Gray, associate professor of sociol- the Health Sciences in Philadelphia, and want to become a university," teacher for this year at Allegheny, made because "my husband was said Pollock. she and her husband were forced to more flexible in his career options." ogy and anthropology. which The Chronical incorrectly She added, "The choice for two- listed as Allegheny College of the Although he explained that most make a difficult decision. The cou- She said, "We can both live on my universities are large, offer graduate ple had to decide who would com- salary here. We couldn't live on career couples is sometimes for one Health Sciences. The tuition and person to compromise their career fees for this school were listed as programs and consist of distinct col- promise their employment status for one salary in Paris." the other. The difficult choice that Beach goals." not available. leges for different subject areas, Gray's husband, former Assistant Pollock pointed out that there are Beach met her husband while and her husband had to make is not The Chronical listing is an ex- Professor of Religious Studies at Al- ample of possible confusion be- universities that do not have these studying French language and litera- an unusual one for spouses who make their careers in higher educa- legheny Jarry Gray, left this year to tween the two schools, which wor- criteria. ture in Paris about 12 years ago. tion. This kind of choice happens accept a position at Duke University ries some Allegheny College admin- Though Pollock is not aware of During those 12 years, he worked as even more often when both partners Divinity School. She is facing a istrators. Administrators at both any admissions studies showing that a commercial still-life photographer and she as an English and French have a specialized degree, such as a difficult decision of remaining at schools will meet on Monday, Oct. students find the name "university" Allegheny or leaving to join her 14, to discuss the issue. more appealing than "college" or instructor at a university. Beach's doctorate, and seek employment at vice versa, there is no guarantee that job was not a full-time position and the same academic institution. husband. The newly formed Allegheny Although her situation is differ- this will not happen in the future. she was paid an hourly wage. Some of these couples have to University of the Health Sciences is ent, Beach also expressed that the result of a recent merging of the "It all comes down to keeping our This January, Beach's husband face the difficult decision of split- will move to the United States to be ting up to seek employment or women typically are the partners Medical College of Pennsylvania options open," he said. who compromise their job status. Pollock cited two types of confu- with her. "It took us a long time to making concessions in order for one and the Hahnemann School of When she and her husband went to sion that could occur as a result of come to that decision," Beach said. partner to gain a tenure-track posi- Medicine. These schools were ac- obtain his VISA so that he could quired by the Allegheny Health, Ed- the name similarities. First, bother- "Originally, he was going to stay in tion. Currently, Allegheny does not legally move to the United States, he ucation and Research Foundation. some confusion would consist of Paris until I received a full-time po- have a formal policy of accommo- was interrogated as to what em- Allegheny General Hospital in nuisances like misguided mail and sition here." dating faculty spouses, but Director ployment he would be undertaking Pittsburgh is one of the most noted phone calls. Confusion of purpose For now, Beach's hope is to get a might be confusion of funding agen- tenure-track job at a campus close to of Public Affairs Charlie Polluck here. holdings of this foundation. Beach said, "I would very much cies or prospective students and a city, where her husband could find, said its something that Allegheny Charlie Pollock, Allegheny direc- like to know whether they interro- their families. work comparable to that which he ends up doing with "some regular- tor of public affairs and secretary of (continued on page 8) the college, explained that adminis- (continued on page 4) had in Paris. However, she is not I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire Page 2 News October 3, 1996 NEWS BRIEFS College plans inaugural celebration • The National Research Council interviewing skills) - Monday, Oct. • The Philosophical Forum will plans to award approximately 20 A dash of ceremony will com- offer the invocation, and the presi- 7 or Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 8 a.m. or 4 present Film Night, featuring a film plement the usual Homecoming Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fel- dent of Allegheny Hillel, senior p.m.; Wednesday, Oct. 9 or Thurs- by Woody Allen, on Thursday, Oct. color when Allegheny College offi- lowships for minorities. The fel- Jennifer Spirer, will pronounce the day, Oct. 10 at 4 p.m. 3 at 9 p.m. at 635 N. Main St. For cially installs its 20th president on lowships will be awarded in the be- benediction. Students interested in attending more information, call Ryan Tebo at Saturday, Oct. 12. havioral and social sciences, humani- A week of inaugural observances, either of the workshops should stop 724-8318. Richard Cook will receive his ties, engineering, mathematics, billed as "A Celebration of Com- by the Counseling Center or call presidential charge from Allegheny physical sciences and life sciences. munity," will conclude on Sunday, x2381. •Prior to every home football Board Chairman David Hoag during The deadline for submission of ap- Oct. 13, with an ecumenical wor- game, WMDE radio will hold a free a 10 a.m. program in Shafer Audito- plications for the predoctoral and dis- ship service starting at 10:45 a.m. • A six-session Chaplain's Bible tailgate party in Robertson Field's rium. Admission will be free, and sertation fellowships is Monday, in Ford Chapel. Colatch calls it "a Study titled "Thc Book of Revela- north parking lot.
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