Palestinian struggle: the real facts -see story page 6- • The following letter of protest was sent to President Nixon have been ordered to the coast of Lebanon, and that you on behalf of the 75 Socialist \Vorkers Party candidates for have placed on alert troops from the Eighth Infantry Division public office in 15 states. It was written by Paul Boutelle, in West Germany and the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort SWP vice-presidential candidate in 1968 and currently the Bragg, N. C. I remember the 82nd Airborne as the same SWP candidate for Congress from Harlem. Paul Boutelle division that President Johnson sent to Santo Domingo to has just returned from a fact-finding trip to the Middle East. crush the uprising there in 1965, and into Detroit in 1967 * * * to crush the revolt of the Black community. President Nixon: This is not a coincidence. The struggles of the Dominicans The Socialist Workers Party demands the immediate halt and Afro-Americans, like those of the Palestinians, are strug­ to all steps toward U.S. military intervention in the Jor­ gles of oppressed peoples to control their own affairs. danian civil war. The U.S. has no right whatsoever in The United States government's support for the reactionary, Jordan. Zionist regime in Israel and its support for King Hussein's People throughout the world are just beginning to learn slaughter of the Palestinian refugees is consistent with its the scope of the wholesale slaughter that is occurring in support to reactionary dictatorships throughout the world­ Jordan right now. We hold your administration and its from Cambodia and Vietnam to South Africa, Greece and imperialist policies responsible for the bloodbath being per­ Iran. petrated upon tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women Millions of Americans, especially Black Americans, Chi­ and children. It is American arms and financial aid that canos, students, women and G Is, now see through your have enabled the reactionary Hussein regime to inflict this war in Vietnam as an arrogant and bloody interference carnage on the Palestinian refugees. in the affairs of another country. Millions of Americans Your threatened intervention in Jordan has also encour­ will also refuse to go along with anothe1· war in the Middle aged Israel to consider whether it too should invade Jordan East, a war in support of a corrupt monarchy and a war -as it did in June 1967. Such a conflict could easily bring to crush the Palestinians' elementary fight to regain the the world to the brink of a nuclear war. land they were driven from. Your administration has announced that three aircraft In Jordan, I met and spoke with the Palestinian refugees, carriers from the 6th Fleet, each carrying 80 combat planes, (Continued on page 6) \~~A l BEC~US • tES OU R LAND ' ~ ATEt1 Photo by Paul Boutelle Palestinian camp in Lebanon Page 2 THE MiliTANT Friday, Oct. 2, 1970 THE GM workers display peace symbol MILITANT Editor: HARRY RING Managing Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS Business Manager: FLAX HERMES action in New York focused on the Striker goes to work Published weekly by The Militant Publishing presentation of a petition against geno­ Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10003. for antiwar movement cide to the U.N. Phone 533-9600. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, The second action proposal, pre­ $6 a year; foreign, $7 .50. By first class mail: Detroit, Mich. sented by Sidney Peck, a leader of domestic and Canada $15.00, all other coun­ the New Mobilization Committee, tries, $24.00. Air printed matter: domestic and There have been some encouraging Canada, $20.00; Latin America and Eu­ .mtiwar developments at my plant called for massive, nonviolent civil rope, $40.00; Africa, Australia, Asia (including (GM). Two weeks ago, at the insis­ disobedience and other mass, nonvio­ USSR), $50.00. Write for sealed air postage lent actions in Washington, D. C., in rates. Signed articles by contributors do not tence of a fellow apprentice, a Vietnam necessarily represent The Militanfs views. These vet, I started bringing peace symbol May. This proposal grew out of one are expressed in editorials. stickers into the plant. We got between presented by Mike Lerner of the Seattle 30 and 50 of these up on tool boxes. Liberation Front, which called for or­ Volume 34 Number 36 In my gang of 17 men, 13 have the ganizing 5,000 "political collectives" peace symbol on their tool boxes. The and issuing an ultimatum to the U.S. foreman has a peace sticker on his government that if the war was not desk. I now refer to our area as ended by May, the collectives plus Friday, Oct. 2, 1970 "Peacenik's Paradise." tens of thousands of others would con­ Just before we went out on strike, verge on Washington to create a gov­ Closing news date-Sept. 23 a mill hand with 20 years seniority ernmental crisis through disruption told me he wanted 20 stickers to dis­ and other forms of protest. tribute himself. Today he came to the The conferences ended by creating a new group, the Coalition Against Detroit Coalition to End the War Now At least now there is a place where War, Racism and Repression, to carry office to work and did just that. His a displaced Jew can turn to. out the projected actions. only regret was that at the moment Arabs have always had their own At the beginning of the sessions, he can't contribute financially. I've homeland. Surely the future of the Stewart Meacham, from the American For the most complete selection of the lined up several others to work at the Arab people does not rely on a strip Friends Service Committee, said that speeches and/or writings of: office tomorrow. I expect more GM of land the size of New Jersey. in his opinion the New Mobe had workers will become antiwar activists D. F. probably had its last meeting. That during the strike. [The Palestinians are not simply was the last mention made during the D.U. "Arabs" but a distinct national entity conference of the New Mobe. in the Middle East, and an increasing­ Che Ed Smith Supports Israel ly cohesive one as a result of the persecution and misery they have suf· A criticism Des Moines, Iowa fered for the past 22 years. The area Israel is said by her enemies to be they were driven out of by the Zionist Princeton, N.J. Malcolm a racist state. To my knowledge, there colonizers is not just "a strip of land As a subscriber to The Militant, I may be scattered prejudice, but the the size of New Jersey" but their home­ have found your coverage and analy­ Israeli government has no racist pol­ land. sis of domestic and foreign events icies, unless you include the free Jew­ [The Zionist state of Israel, estab­ paralleled my own ideas. Trotsky ish immigration policy. This can be lished at the expense of the Palestin­ I have been dismayed, however, that easily explained. ians and economically and militarily nothing has appeared on the Angela For roughly two thousand years dependent on the United States, nec­ Davis affair in your pages since you Antiwar, Antipollution, Arab, Native­ before the creation of Israel, the Jew­ essarily allies itself with imperialism resumed publication after a three-week American, Black, Third World, & Wom­ ish people had no homeland. They and the most reactionary Arab re­ August layoff. I hope that this vicious en's Liberation Fighters; Ernest Mandel, lived in Diaspora- almost always un­ gimes. attack on any form of dissent as is James P. Cannon, George Novack, der some kind of persecution. Usual­ [In the long run, the national lib­ being done by the U.S. government Evelyn Reed, Rosa Luxemburg, Marx, ly there was no place where they could eration struggles of the Arabic-speak­ on Miss Davis and on flimsy or FBI­ Engels & Lenin. go to escape persecution. Even in the ing peoples will be victorious and manufactured evidence will not go un­ wake of Hitler's slaughter, most refu­ Zionism will be defeated. Consequent­ noticed by your paper for too long. ATLANTA: gees were kept in concentration camps. ly, Israel does not offer a secure ha­ H. F. Militant Bookstore ven for persecuted and displaced Jews. [Your criticism is a valid one. The 1176 1/2 W. Peachtree St. 876-2230 On the contrary, Zionism has created delay in expressing our stand on the a monstrous trap for its followers in latest attempts to victimize Angela Da­ Israel. The only way out is for the vis was motivated by the desire for BERKELEY: You Can1 Always mass of Israelis to break from the more information. See editorial state­ Granma Bookstore Zionist state and ally themselves with ment on the Davis case elsewhere in 2509A Telegraph Ave. Get lhat You the Palestinian struggle for self-deter­ this issue.- Editor] mination. -Editor] 841-9744 Want. .. Fire hits underground BOSTON: newspaper ... but if you want Ia join the nation's largest Requests sub quota Militant Labor Forum and fastest growing radical youth organization, Cincinnati, Ohio 295 Huntington Ave., Rm.307 a revolutionary socialist organization that sup­ Baltimore, Md. Fire swept through the office of the 491-8893 ports and helps Ia build the antiwar movement, I want to express my pleasure in the sell-determination struggles af Afro-Ameri­ Independent Eye, a Cincinnati radi­ cans, Chicanas, Puerto Ricans and other your excellent coverage of the various cal newspaper, in the early morning oppressed nations, and the growing movement movements in the country today.
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