NEWLY CROWNED MEN’S AND WOMEN'S SOFTBALL CHAMPION TEAMS ] 7 Rt* i#* jHF ' 4 v £ . MS* ¦ f .%opf%rk l IXPrjHpP \ / / ' v|.' ; '.'• ¦'• . ."',a,-'^ : CoiyHfM by Dtfrolt Tlmat All rt«Mt rii«rv«i BRIGGS BEAI TYWARE AND WELSH CO-EDS SOFTBALL TEAMS POSE AND SMILE AT BIRDIE AFTER WINNING METROPOLITAN-DETROIT TIMES TOURNAMENT AT MACKPARK DETROIT TIMES. SEPTEMBER 9. 1941 PAGE 15 Briggs and Welsh Win Softball Titles Wood, Nelson SLIDES HOME LIKE A CHAMPION Triumph Over All Foes Hope to Stop Times Tournament EDITOR In By SHELDON MOYER Yanks Won't Have Easy Asheville Manager Says Hogan, Demaret Out of hundreds of teams, weeks of competition, thousand* of hit* and runs, and the greatest of all metropolitan softball Time With Cards or Wakefield Is Another Stars Will Compete tournaments, today ascended two winners of The Detroit Time* softball championships—Briggs Beautyware and Welsh's Co-eds. Dodg ers, Says Connie | Babe Herman at Bat in Golf Benefit These two teams soared to new heights last night before * thrill-packed crowd at Mack Park, and with the accolades carried Here Sept. 23-24 long the coveted Detroit Times HOLES-IN-ONE AREN'T ALL LICK! softball trophies, emblematic of By M. V. DRI KF.NBROD Wanted >oftball supremacy m this locality. But even greater days Connie Ma< k says the Yankees will have their hands full things to lie before All good mu<t come these two teams. New to • fields with cither the Brooklyn Dodgers nr St. D»uia Cardinals next an end At lea>t so Craig Wood STUDENT conquer await them in the right McCarthy s and Byron Nelson hope. ¦ 1 they also won to represent De- month. The Philadelphia patriarch ’ says Joe boys Wood National Open golf cham- lr JtL .5. troit in the World Softball cham- will need more than a world’s championship reputation to repeat. pionships which will have its pion and Nelson, former holder MANAGER gala He bases his opinion on the unceitainty of New York pitching. opening Wednesday night at of this title, will clash with those University of Detroit Stadium. “This will be the first time in se\eral years that the two mighty Texans—Ben Hogan Wanted: A student manager for University CHAMPIONSHIP CALIBER Jimmy Demaret—September the of Detroit football Yankees will not have a good edge in pitching,” the astute and team. 23-24. at Allowing the chips to fall where starter this Detroit Country Club. i Connie comments. ‘‘They won’t have a standout Hogan and Demaret as partners For the first time in history they may, Briggs and Welsh will there was no student manager not be out in the time—but then neither may their opponents. The \ ankee* never have been defeated in a of step Parade match, hut the other pair hope around when the Titans held their of States, the mammoth demon- they do not seem to have practice yesterday. have hail a lot of goial pitching, but to spoil that record in the com-; first football stration involving 2,700 softball Jimmy Coughlin, a junior, was the one man of the overpowering type this year. But they have ing four-ball, best-ball tussle, players from all comers of North which willbe played for the bene- slated for the job, but was forced the Johnny Murphy, the best relief worker in the business. fit of the Chinese United Relief. to pass it up for a more lucrative ( position. Tonight's “In my opinion either the Dodger* or the ardinais will hit FRED CORC ORAN HELPS Softball As a Kiefer, AT MACK PARK good left-hander in result R. L. “Duke” Yankee pitching. Joe McCarthy has a Details of the match were an- equipment manager, is filling the a3O p m—St. Stanislaus vs Seven- following meeting be- job until is found. When the Mile Merchant* In Claaa C Men’s semi- Russo and some fair right-nanders who are good when they are nounced a one final tween Fred Corcoran, National janitor quit yesterday to w-ork Series e\|M*rience. The \ ankees 7:30 p m—Hudson Pollee vs Phllcon# on their game, but laek World P. G. A tournament manager, at Ford’s, “Duke" also acquired in Detroit Softball Association playoff will be gambling with anybod.v they start. and the local committee, which’ this task. Besides he is laundry Kame » p m Briggs Manufacturing vs tronger is headed by James R Johnson Jr . I man and ball boy until these jobs Da “In other resjM'ets I believe the tankers are ami I Pour in Detroit Softball Association play- Detroit thus gets the country's are filled. off. better balanced than the Dodgers or Cardinals. I hey are .1 -econd featute match within a handled; \» r:*l Ryder smart team, excellently they possess power month. The other was the America and the Caribbean, (’up engagement played when \ August) « litters and th• <an throw up a tight dffrßST. the curtain is raised on World 23-24 at Detroit Golf Club. Softball classic. “Yes. their pitchers may yield runs, hut thev are going to The four players who will par- Hitchcock Joins Nor will they he out of step League ought to t*e good ticipate in the coming at hit those National pitchers, too. It a match in the actual softball competition, ’* Detroit Country' Club were promi- aeries. for in winning The Detroit Times nent in the other. Hogan and trophies, both Briggs and Welsh Demaret, who were the No. 1 pair /> /•¦¦¦, \ :. 4 Tigers Spring in proved last night Bobby Challengers in that they ar« on Jones' CoyyrlfM by Ortrott Tloim. AM right* rr*«rv«d teams of championship the foursomes, gained a one-up caliber. 'Dick Wakefield Another Herman' OLGA MADAR, WELSH CATCHER, SLIDES HOME SAFELY IN FINAL WITH KELLER and 2 The Briggs team maintained its Cash Players top ranking position . local (Continued on Page 17) . in soft- From the Sporting News: Jean Riplo made heroic to tap foe, hut ’ticas all in vain, umpire ruled , . effort Given for Shortstop ball circles, capturing its fifth “Dick Wakefield. Detroit’s high priced collegian who was straight crown, by defeating Hud- fanned out to Winston-Salem of the Piedmont League, is de- Bill Hitchcock, a shortstop pur- son Police, 2-0, while Welsh’s scribed as “another Babe Plan ol Battle 'Bash' Hackett, Former chased from the Kansas City cluPh .Co-eds outlasted a seasoned cham- Peterson Falls Association, pion by whipping Keller Wildcats Herman” by the veteran Nick of the American a Yankee farm club, will report to in a 14-inning struggle, 3-2. Cullop, manager of the Ashe- Army Sport Hero, In both cases it Leo Durocher to Return to Shortstop on *CroociaV Dies the Tigers at their Spring training was the pitch* ville Piedmont League club. camp next March, | CHICAGO, Sept. 9- (INS) in Lakeland it (Continued on Page 17) “Boy, he can really tear iTo Kovaleski Series in West Which Will Decide Pennant Fate is announced. Col. Horatio B. Hackett. World Hitchcock was acquired for an 1. i * the cover off the hall.” said Helen Detwiler Beats War hero and nationally known cash and two players. The play- Cullop. “lie's another Babe CHICAGO. Sept 9. The league- running high along the ancient Go- as an architect and football ers are to be named later. He is How They Stand 1 - Herman. referee, at 61 23 years old. stands 6 feet 11-l Amy Roosevelt leading Brooklyn by wanus spot where was dead today from "" " Dodgers, led Canal—the so — inches tall and Weighs 180 pounds. ¦ 1 «¦ « “Herman, if you recall, their manager, many the effects of a paralytic stroke. fighting Leo Duro- Dodger hopes have been He played third base and short- AMERICAN LEAGUE •* Wiping out an earlier defeat at «pjl was a wild swinger who would cher, and carrying the prayers of drowned in the past two decades. A native of Philadelphia. Colonel stop for Kansas City and in 143 hands of his more experienced games, W L Pet. *GB appear very amateurish on [the the most rabid baseball fans in Durocher announced his plan of Hackett entered the United States this year compiled a bat- jrival, Fred Kovaleski, 16-year-old Military Academy at West Point ting average of .304. He was i New York 92 46 .667 one pitch, only to belt the next America, stormed into this city- battle last night as the team, full Boston 71 66 .518 jHamtramck High notter. made and Spirit, in 1900. He starred there in foot- graduated from Auburn University.! 20‘4 one into the middle of next early today to begin the war of of fun sped to this city. basketball, Chicago 71 67 .514 21 work of Peterson, "I intend to rest and let Reese ball. baseball and and He was supposed to have an ailing i vhort Kimbark ' leg Cleveland 66 68 .493 24 month. Herman also was the West they ho|>e will bring play the two games in Chicago,'* at the time was known as Bash" hut the Yankees say he is Lawrence Tech math teacher. 6-3. okay. | DETROIT 67 70 . 489 shaky in the field, so is Wake- them their fust pennant in 20 said the Lip. “hut If this i harley- Hackett. physically 24'4 6-4, to advance to the quarter- St. Louis 61 74 .452 29*4 field. years. i horse doesn't kirk up too much Philadelphia 59 77 .434 32 final round in the Indian Village j Loud Leo the Lip announced be I'll play every other game on Hone for the Duffers! [Washington 57 76 .429 “Wakefield's got a lot to tennis tournament yesterday.
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