March 14, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2791 Beginning in the Eightieth Congress, Speak- adequate financial means but also many that the tenth busiest airport in the nation with er Albert spent the next thirty years rep- do not need financial help. This lack of tar- connections to over 50 other cities. Delays in resenting the citizens of the Third Congres- geting federal dollars is often a waste of Las Vegas will mean delays in other cities as well. sional District of Oklahoma in the U.S. Con- scarce resources. This legislation creates a fi- The FAA Reauthorization package agreed gress and helped create a new era of Amer- nancing option to install individual wells where to by the conferees this week provides air- ican opportunity. He supported civil rights and they make the most economic sense. ports with much of the funding they require antipoverty legislation. Speaker Albert pro- This bill also provides assistance to the to meet tomorrow’s needs. In order for this vided invaluable leadership to the House of drinking water delivery option many rural important work to be done, airports such as Representatives as majority leader during the Americans prefer. In a recent national survey, Las Vegas must be able to overcome the en- Eighty-seventh through Ninety-first Con- more than 80% of well owners prefer their in- vironmental opposition to their expansion gresses. As leader of this legislative body dur- dividual household water well systems to other projects. Existing airports all across the na- tion are facing congestion in terminals and ing the Ninety-second through Ninety-fourth drinking water delivery options. Only 8.3% on runways. New airport capacity is needed Congresses, Speaker Albert fostered a lasting said they would rather have their drinking today. legacy. water from a water utility company. This legis- We urge you to support H.R. 1695. Speaker Albert successfully steered the na- lation gives consumers the ability to pay for Sincerely, tion through difficult times and ensured a fair new or refurbished individual household water JEFFREY GOODELL, forum for democratic discussion on issues well systems with convenient monthly pay- Vice President, Government Affairs. ranging from the impeachment of President ments, like other utility bills. Richard Nixon to the war in Vietnam. He pro- It is my understanding, Mr. Speaker, that or- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION vided the nation with stability and security ganizations like the National Ground Water OF AIRPORT EXECUTIVES, while he was first in line to succeed the Presi- Association, a group that has a long and dis- Alexandria, VA, March 3, 2000. dent of the United States, in 1973 and again tinguished record preserving and protecting Hon. JAMES GIBBONS, in 1974. America’s precious ground water resources, U.S. Representative, Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC. Speaker Albert personified great American strongly endorses this legislation. It is my DEAR REPRESENTATIVE GIBBONS: The U.S. values throughout his life. He rose from child- hope that other organizations and commu- House of Representatives will shortly be con- hood poverty to become a Rhodes Scholar, nities that support common sense, innovative sidering H.R. 1695, which would permit Clark winner of the Bronze Star, and a distinguished approaches to providing affordable, safe water County, Nevada to purchase 6,500 acres of U.S. Congressman. to rural Americans will also endorse the Af- federal land in the Ivanpah Valley for a fu- During a time when we sometimes let par- fordable Drinking Water Act of 2000. ture commercial airport site. Your support, tisanship get the better of us, we should look I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- and that of your colleagues, is critical to en- at Carl Albert as a symbol of the most es- suring the continued economic vitality of tion that provides a cost-effective alternative to Southern Nevada well into the 21st Century. teemed values of the U.S. Congress. I join the meeting the drinking water needs of rural Passenger traffic at McCarran Inter- nation in paying tribute to an exemplary cit- America. national Airport has been increasing for the izen, who was during his lifetime and con- f past 16 consecutive months. During that pe- tinues to be an inspiration in the greatest tradi- riod, passenger enplanements have risen by tions of domestic representation. IVANPAH VALLEY AIRPORT over 11 percent. Continued growth, at even a moderate rate, will bring the Airport to its f PUBLIC LANDS TRANSFER ACT effective capacity by 2012. The Clark County THE AFFORDABLE DRINKING SPEECH OF Department of Aviation estimates it will WATER ACT OF 2000 take at least seven years to plan, design and HON. JIM GIBBONS construct the new airport. I think you will OF NEVADA agree that prompt congressional action is HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER critical. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO The Ivanpah Valley is the best location for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 9, 2000 a future second airport to serve the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The proposed loca- Tuesday, March 14, 2000 The House in Committee of the Whole tion is 35 miles from the heart of the Las House on the State of the Union had under Vegas valley, between Jean and Prim, Ne- Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to consideration the bill (H.R. 1695) to provide introduce the Affordable Drinking Water Act of vada. Also, it is bounded by Interstate High- for the conveyance of certain Federal public way 15 and main line of the Union Pacific 2000. This legislation provides a new and cre- lands in the Ivanpah Valley, Nevada, to Railroad, giving the new airport excellent ative way to bring safe drinking water in a Clark County, Nevada, for the development and essential multimodal/intermodal surface cost-effective manner to those rural Americans of an airport facility, and for other purposes: access opportunities. who will struggle to meet this most basic Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Chairman, I include the Thank you again for your support and as- need. following letters of support for H.R. 1695, the sistance. If further information is desired, Under the bill, the government, working in Ivanpah Valley Airport Public Lands Transfer please do not hesitate to contact Randall H. Walker, Director of Aviation at (702) 261–5150. partnership with nonprofit entities, would assist Act. low to moderate-income individuals secure fi- Sincerely yours, AIRPORTS COUNCIL TODD HAUPTLI, nancing for the installation or refurbishing of INTERNATIONAL, Senior Vice President for individual household water well systems. The Washington, DC, March 7, 2000. Policy and Government Affairs. legislation authorizes a public/private partner- DEAR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: Airports ship that allows homeowners of modest Council International-North America urges your strong support of H.R. 1695, the Ivanpah LAS VEGAS means to bring old household water well sys- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE tems up to current standards, replace systems Valley Airport Public Lands Transfer Act. This legislation would enable the Clark RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF IVANPAH AIRPORT that have met their expected life, or provide County, Nevada Department of Aviation to LAND SALE homeowners without a drinking water source buy 6,500 of federal land for a new airport to Whereas, visitors from outside the state di- with a new individual household water well serve Las Vegas. rectly and indirectly account for more than system. The number of air passengers traveling in half the state’s economic activity thereby The Affordable Drinking Water Act is a tar- the United States in expected to increase constituting the economic lifeblood of Ne- geted approach. Only low to moderate income from less than 700 million to over a billion in vada; and Americans who request assistance with their just a few short years. We need to add air- Whereas, airline passengers constitute drinking water needs are eligible. The tradi- port capacity across the nation to accommo- nearly 50% of the visitors to the Las Vegas date this growth. tional federally subsidized long-pipe water sys- Valley and this percentage is likely to in- Air traffic at Las Vegas McCarran Inter- crease as Las Vegas adds to its presence as a tems run water lines across the countryside in national airport grew 11 percent last year gateway for international travelers; and front of homes that are experiencing drinking alone, creating the prospect of significant fu- Whereas, McCarran International Airport water problems, but also homes that are not. ture delays if new runway and terminal fa- has a capacity to handle 55 million pas- The current system serves customers without cilities are not built. Las Vegas is currently sengers annually. In 1999, over 33.6 million VerDate May 21 2004 10:30 Aug 11, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\E14MR0.000 E14MR0 2792 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 14, 2000 passengers used McCarran and growth pro- sidering HR 1695 which would permit Clark THE CITY OF HENDERSON, jections indicated the Airport could reach its County, Nevada to purchase 6,500 acres of Henderson, NV, August 5, 1998. capacity by the end of this decade; and federal land in the Ivanpah Valley for a fu- Re S. 1964 and H.R. 3705. Whereas, having explored numerous op- ture commercial airport site. Your support, Hon. JIM GIBBONS, tions, the Clark County Department of Avia- and that of your colleagues, is critical to en- Longworth House Office Building, tion believes the Ivanpah Valley offers the suring the continued economic vitality of Washington, DC. only feasible location for a second airport to Southern Nevada well into the 21st Century. DEAR CONGRESSMAN GIBBONS: I would like Passenger traffic at McCarran Inter- service commercial air cargo and passenger to let you know that I am in full support of national Airport has been increasing for the traffic; and the above referenced legislation.
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