PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Sept. 16. 1976 Barry headquarters At SkfJUnt'A The weather Inside today APPLIANCES TELEVISION CATALOG AUDIO to open Friday, night M 3 HANTFORD NOAO FORMER NOHMAN'8 LOCATIOW. Occasional rain, drizzle with patchy fog through Saturday. Highs both day in A re a n e w s ..........10 F a m i l y .................6-7 70s. Low tonight in 60s. Chance of rain C o m i c s ..................13 O b itu a rie s ..............14 80 per cent tonight, 70 per cent Satur­ D e a r A b b y ..........13 P u b lic r e c o r d s . 11 Fourth District Sen. David M. Barry will open his campaign E d ito r ia l ................ 4 S p o r t s ......................6-9 headquarters Friday, Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m. day. National weather forecast map on "Barry for Senate Headquarters” will be located at the THE AL SIEFFERTS REMIND YOU: Page 2. Manchester Green, next to the Green School, and will be open J: wVm ■* -h .’lAThT daily from Monday, Sept. 20 until Election Day. Barry is seeking re-election to the state senate, where he has The New 76 TV Schedule served from 1966-1970 and from 1974 to the present. Friday’s opening festivities will include refreshments, and the Is Coming Up Fast! public is invited. Candidates woo ethnic votes Don’t waste time shopping aroundl SIsKerl’s Is your ona-ttop lamous TV shopping csntsrl Evsry im- By ROBERT KAYLOR own brief speech to the Italian- American community. “We must end In Binghamton. Rockefeller aglnabls size and style. Tune In on a great nsw season United Press Internationol Americans after the President this discrimination,” he said. responded to derisive gestures from — with ths bonus of confidsnes In psriormanct — ■ President Ford took a page from departed to attend a reception Ford also announced plans for a hecklers by raising his own middle sura thing whan you deal with the ‘Paraonal Service following a religious observance of finger to them. Dole, whose right Paoplal’ Democratic nominee Jimmy campaign foray into Carter's Socialist Workers Party The Al Siefferts Carter’s campaign notebook, cour­ Hispanic American Heritage week. stronghold in the Deep South next arm is crippled from war wounds, Carter said that “all of us have ting votes from ethnic groups and week, that will include an overnight joked that he did not respond in kind e ZENITH saying that urban neighborhoods known the pain from dis­ also because "my reactions are to pursue suit against FBI • RCA cruise aboard a sternwheeler down were the place to start fighting the crimination,” and likened the situa­ the Mississippi River as well as cam­ limited" e SYLVANIA tion of Italian-Americans to the fact WASHINGTON (UPI) — Socialist Workers Party leaders withering away of cultural heritages. paign stops in Louisiana. Mississippi there has been no presidential Wednesday said they will push their $39 million damage suit • QUASAR Ford and Carter both attended an and Alabama. Democratic vice presidential charging government harassment despite the Justice Depart­ ALL THE Italian-Amerlcan Bicenntenial nominee from the Deep South since nominee Walter F. Mondale joined • SONY dinner in a Washington hotel 1848. GOP vice presidential nominee Carter at the dinner Friday night ment decision to end the FBI's long investigation of the party. Robert Dole swung through New The department disclosed Tuesday that Attorney General • SANYO Thursday night. Although the two With Watergate Judge John J. after campaigning at a truck stop in York state Friday with Vice Presi­ Edward H. Levi had ordered the investigation ended in accor­ men were both on the same floor at Sirica sitting nearby. Carter said Illinois and using the citizen’s band COLOR YOU “it’s not fair” there never has been a dent Nelson Rockefeller, leaving handle “Minnesota Fritz” to talk to dance with new guidelines he has established for FBI domestic one point their paths did not cross. much of the campaign rhetoric to the security investigations. “I am committed to maintaining Supreme Court justice and only two drivers by radio on the highway. former New York governor. Assistant U.S. Attorney William S. Brandt told U.S. District the strength and vitality of American Cabinet members from the Italian- Judge Thomas P. Griesa in New York in a Sept. 13 letter now WANT IS communities now and in the next . made public that Levi’s decision "will have a significant im­ four years,” Ford told the applauding Former Manchester resident pact” on the SWP suit. diners. Speaking of "gradual But Peter Camejo, SWP presidential candidate, told a RIGHT erosion” of ethnic cultures, the Washington news conference, “The Levi decision does not mean GET ON THE President said neighborhoods are the the suit is ended. That was just one step.” place to "encourage and protect The Rev. Dr. Barbara West eligible The SWP’s next move will be a demand that the FBI withdraw FAMOUS BRAND American individualism.” 66 unidentified informants who, according to papers the FBI has HERE! But Ford did not go as far as Carter filed in the suit, now hold SWP membership, Camejo said, and in suggesting solutions to urban also furnish files on the informants. TV problems, saying that the decay of for Episcopal Church priesthood neighborhoods can be prevented by "We’ve known they were there all along,” an SWP spokesman The Rev. Dr. Barbara West of Susan, 15; and a son, Christopher, 13. pastor, due to the Rev. Bruce Jacues “local initiatives and local control.” said, “but don’t know who they are. We don’t conduct witch Discussing politics Dallas, Tex., formerly of The Rev. Mrs. West will be among leaving Wednesday to become rector BANDWAGON! The Democratic nominee has hunts. We have nothing to hide.” Manchester, will now be eligible for those eligible for ordination Jan. 1, of St. Peter’s Church in Wapplng. pledged more federal assistance to The FBI has been investigating the Socialist Workers Party ordination as a priest of the 1977. Whether of not this post will be state Rep. and Democratic Town Chairman Ted Cummings restore neighborhoods in a series of since 1938 and the Young Socialist Alliance, its youth affiliate, Episcopal Church, according to a St. Mary’s Episcopal Church is filled by a woman priest is uncertain, Line stops since 1960 on grounds that the organizations include Marxist (left) chats with State Sen. George Hannon Jr. at Thursday visits he has made to ethnic areas in ruling Thursday by deputies to the 3- now seeking an assistant to its according to the Rev. Mr. Jacobson. night’s opening of Democratic headquarters, located at 135 Main various cities. Tools, just as they were dropped by workers walking off the job revolutionaries whose purpose was to overthrow the govern­ million-member denomination’s 65th While Ford addressed the dinner, when the strike by the United Auto Workers against Ford Motor ment. St. Cummings is seeking re-election in the 12th Assembly General Convention in Minneapolis, SWP charged in the suit that its Manhattan offices repeatedly District, and Hannon is after a second term in the Fourth Carter met nearby with a Greek- Co. began at midnight Tuesday, clutter the aisle around the 1977 American group and then gave his Minn. Disgruntled workers have been harassed by the FBI investigators. Through court Senatorial District. (Herald photo by Pearson) The deputies to the convention Ford Mustang assembly line at the Rouge Plant in Detroit. The moves it has obtained FBI files showing agents conducted 94 ended the long and bitter struggle walkout affects 170,000 Ford workers in 22 states. (UPI photo) burglaries of the offices. 7-DAY MONEY-BACK TRIAL OFFER over women’s ordination Thursday. petition governor It voted to concur in a change in the FROM THE PEOPLE WHO BRING YOU Ford ^pocket of poverty’ record church’s canon law, which had been ■ LOW PRICES and PERSONAL SERVICE HARTFORD (UPI) - More than leaders and many of her political S approved Wednesday by the church’s enemies say she projected the deficit WOODLAND House of Bishops, thus making 200 disgruntled workers today con­ He liked the names verged on CJov. Ella T. Grasso’s of­ only to be able to claim credit for the women eligible to be priests and The sure thing. attacked bv Democratic chairman surplus. GARDENS bishops. fice, handed her petitions listing Let Us Help Youl their grievences and left unhappy. Ferrucci said the petitions were 19 "100% solid state By GREG PEARSO^ all local Democratic candidates. “I Carter, Mayor Matthew Moriarty The Rev. Mrs, West, who was or­ 168 Woodland St., Manchester • 643-8474 The workers, members of Council started ;,by workers from the in the phone book hope we all go back,” he said. Jr., and Deputy Mayor John Thomp­ dained as a deacon of the Episcopal Herald Reporter 16 of the American Federation of Southburji Training School who were Democratic Town Chairman Hannon said, ”1 think Jimmy son. Church in June 1975, is the daughter concernetfY^out the understaffing of Mrs. W. John Field of 211 Boulder State, County and Municipal By BKENDA W. R0TZ01.L because he had had enough of that in TheodoYe Cummings urged Carter’s going to win and I think he’s At the end of the the session, Cum­ Employes, walked a few blocks to caused by the governor’s austerity CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - Most im­ Alaska. Democrats to become involved going to give us a Democratic State mings urged financial support to the Rd.
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