Analysis of the Environmental Management in the Planning Phase for the Construction of an Electrical Railway The Case for the Electrification of the Trønder and Meråker Lines by Jernbaneverket Helene Irgens Hov Safety, Health and Environment Submission date: June 2016 Supervisor: John Eilif Hermansen, IØT Co-supervisor: Cecilie Mørk Selsbak, Jernbaneverket Ingunn Dåvøy, Jernbaneverket Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management Description of the study The purpose of the study is to analyse the environmental management in the planning phase of the project “Electrification of the Trønder and Meråker line”, focusing on the inclusion and fulfilment of internal and external demands regarding environmental aspects. The study concerns where and how environmental considerations are included in the project planning, and includes demands placed upon external suppliers of goods, materials and services. Main components: 1. Review of literature about the specific railway project, internal and external requirements, theory about project planning in construction including environmental decision-making, national transportation strategies, and acknowledged standards and best practices in environmental management. 2. Empirical analysis of compliance in project with internal and external demands, executed with a GAP analysis and interviews with decision makers. 3. Empirical analysis of effectiveness and degree of inclusion of environmental knowledge and concerns in project planning. 4. Identification of critical decision points and challenges, and making suggestions for optimization of the process of integration of environmental management. i ii Preface This master thesis was written as a part of the MSc degree in Health, Safety and Environment at the Departement of Economy and Technology Management (IØT) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim spring 2016. The master thesis was written in collaboration with Jernbaneverket, and the project Electrification of Trønder and Meråkerbanen is the case for the study. The case was at the time of the study in the planning phase, and changes might therefore be made after the completion of this study. I would like to thank the supervisor for the thesis, associate professor John Eilif Hermansen at IØT for valuable advice for the thesis. A special thanks to Cecilie Mørk Selsbak, environmental advisor at the project Electrification of Trønder and Meråker lines, for crucial information and valuable insight into the project and organization throughout the semester. Further, I would like to thank the case project employees and Jernbaneverket for their time, opinions and information for this thesis, and for allowing an insight into an interesting organization and sector. Thanks are further given to Solfrid Foss at Difi, for valuable information from Difi. iii iv Abstract Sammendrag (Norwegian) Hensikten med studiet er å analysere miljøledelsen i planleggingsfasen for case prosjektet Elektrifisering av Trønder og Meråkerbanen av Jernbaneverket. Dette inkluderer identifisering av erfaringer og utfordringer, samt potensielle tiltak for å forbedre miljøprestasjon. Caset er et pilot miljøprosjekt, som kan gi læring både i Jernbaneverket og i bygg og anleggsindustrien. Prosjektet er den del av en modernisering av jernbanen. I studiet legges det vekt på miljøaspekter knyttet til norske utslippsforpliktelser. Analysene ble utført gjennom intervjuer med ansatte på prosjektet, og Gap analyse av oppfyllelse av interne og eksterne krav. Ytterligere roller i Jernbaneverket ble videre intervjuet for å gi innsikt i generelle erfaringer og utfordringer i Jernbaneverket. Resultatene indikerer at prosjektet har høyere miljøambisjoner enn prosjekter vanligvis har i Jernbaneverket. Det er evaluert at det er sterke strukturer for miljøledelse generelt i Jernbaneverket. Videre er det funnet at mer omfattende informasjon er utviklet gjennom et miljøbudsjett, og at dette muliggjør utarbeiding av mer spesifikke miljøkrav i anskaffelser enn normen. Likevel er bruk av miljøbudsjett og regnskap relativt nytt i Jernbaneverket. Resultatene indikerer at det kan finnes en flaskehals for å sikre miljøytelse gjennom prosjektfasene, og at dette kan være manglende kunnskap og erfaring for hvordan en best bruker informasjon fra miljøbudsjettet videre, samt hvordan en setter, integrerer og følger opp ulike typer krav i anbud og kontrakter. Tiltak er foreslått for dette. Videre kan økt miljøkunnskap for ansatte på prosjektet fremme mindre forsinkelser og kostnadsøkninger i prosjektet. Abstract (English) The purpose of the study is to analyse the environmental management in the planning phase of the case project Electrification of the Trønder and Meråker lines by Jernbaneverket. This includes identification of experiences and challenges, and potential measures for improving environmental performance. The case is an environmental pilot project in Jernbaneverket, which can provide learning both in Jernbaneverket and in the construction industry. The project is a part of the modernization of the railway net. Environmental aspects related to Norwegian greenhouse gas reduction targets are emphasized in the study. The analyses were performed through interviews with employees in the project, and Gap analyses for compliance to internal and external environmental demands. Additional roles in Jernbaneverket were further interviewed for providing insights to main experiences and challenges in Jernbaneverket. There are in general strong structures for environmental management in Jernbaneverket. The results provided indicates that the case project has higher environmental ambitions than projects usually have in Jernbaneverket. A comprehensive environmental budget provides extended information regarding impacts from the project, and this enables setting more specific environmental demands in procurements than the norm. Still, the use of an environmental budget and inventory is considered quite new in Jernbaneverket. The results indicate that a bottleneck for securing environmental performance through the project phases is lacking knowledge and experience for how to best use the information an environmental budget provides, and how to set, integrate, and follow up different types of demands in tenders and contracts. Measures are suggested for this. Further, increasing environmental knowledge has been found to possibly promote fewer delays and cost increases in the project v vi Table of contents Description of the study ........................................................................................................................... i Preface ................................................................................................................................................... iii Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... v Table of contents ................................................................................................................................... vii List of figures ......................................................................................................................................... ix List of tables ............................................................................................................................................ x Table of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ xi Table of definitions ............................................................................................................................... xii 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem description and system boundaries ................................................................................. 5 2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1 Method for description of the case ................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Method for literature review for the construction of a theoretical framework ............................ 11 2.3 Method for interviews ................................................................................................................. 12 2.4 Method for Gap analysis of external and internal environmental demands ................................ 14 3 Description of the case and Jernbaneverket ....................................................................................... 17 3.1 Jernbaneverket ............................................................................................................................ 17 3.1.1 Organisation ......................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2 Operations ............................................................................................................................ 18 3.1.3 Overarching objectives .......................................................................................................
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