8 Paul Ileum" pnoto Whnrl trim rings, and white •Idewalt Urea II available, at extra eoat. Decorative and other •neeificalioaa subject to change without uuilco. Jour thrifty onefor *51andmany anotkeryear to come! Studebakers great new Commander V- Gives you a new kind of V8 performance! Saves you plenty on first cost and upkeep! Never requires you to use premium fuels! SEE THE 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION TOO. ..TOP VALUE OF THE TOP 4 LOWEST PRICE CARSI IQSI The Sludchakrr Corporation. South Head 37. Indiana U.S.A. C aterial go to a child you want the truth, If "* some sys _ e.,l'.roS is comes from Sometime* ofcoursej^^^ simp.c. is such . ** tiSSSttS^^ tiseptic or mom- Why n* offendin, when ^I^S^^em o»U it, n,8h« and clean. L.stcnne mouth feels cool makeshifts. Trust avo.d. people About You r may ANTISEPTIC ^ KaK^ TERINE1 Be/ore any I**"**LIS so many women... so little time... ...IDOL OF MILLIONS IN THREE BRIEF YEARS OF FAME Color by TECHNICOLOR AN EDWARD SMALL PRODUCTION starring ELEANOR PARKER ANTHONY DEXTER Isn't if amazing how much Richard Carlson • Patricia Medina Joseph Calleia • >r c«r9e ANTHONY DEXTER ,ook> ;.ke RUDOLPH VALENTINO Produced by EDWARD SMALL • Associate of Producer- JAH GRIPPO Directed by LEWIS ALLEN „ LIFE LIFE is published weekly by TIME Inc.. 540 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago II, 111. Printed in U. S. A. Entered as second-class matter November 16, 1936 at the Postoffice at Chicago, Volume 30 * Mar. 19, 1951 111. under the act of March 3, 1879. Authorised by Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada, as second-class matter. Subscriptions 16.76 a year in TJ. 8. A.; 11:1b in Canada, Number 12 Copyrighted material You save In more ways than one when always-ready supply of sparkling-clean you install a Permaglas these days! You hot water for every household need . save with A. O. Smith's mass-production hot water always free from tank rust and economies ... the building of more than corrosion. You're sure, too, that you a million water heaters. This now makes won't need to replace this water heater possible Permaglas quality at the price of every few years! ordinary water heaters! So — whan a Permagfat costs no more — And you save for years to come. Perma- why buy a water heater that rust can ruin? glas, with its tank of glass- surfaced steel, Compare! See why a Permaglas is today's Mat/ Coupon cannot rust because glass can't rust/You're best buy in hot water service for your sure of long, trouble-free service ... an home! rtrfce Boot/eft See your local A.O.Smith dealer now.' A.O. Smith Corporaflon Water Heater Division, Dept. 1-351 Kankakee, Illinois A.O.Smtifi Without obligation, send a me copy of Don Herold's illustrated booklet on Permaglas Ceram- * Guaranteed by -\ AUTOMATIC WATER HEATERS V Good Houu'fcrepini; J itron Construction, Licensee in Canada: John Inglit Co, Ltd. Name Address. City _ State. JYB7-7ZL-D4TB latcrial ! EnjoyYour Coffee? Children Too Like the Right Hot Drink at Breakfast! A Nourishing Hot Drink Like Ovaltine in the Morning Acts As a "Spark Plug" for the day! We parents aren't the only ones who like a good hot drink to start us off in the morning. Our children, too, can enjoy, and benefit from, a hot drink at breakfast that's really right for them. Chocolate Flavored Ovaltine mixed with hot milk as directed is the right kind of hot drink for your child. Authorities say that a good breakfast every morning can change a child's whole outlook on life and something hot is almost a "must" in a really good breakfast. Ovaltine is right three ways as a hot breakfast drink for children First, Ovaltine mixed with milk supplies essential vita- mins, proteins and minerals that children must have for good growth and robust health. It is a rich supplementary food that fills in the gaps and chinks that may occur in children's breakfasts, even in the best of homes. Second, its soothing, comforting warmth helps to put little folks at ease to enjoy and digest their breakfasts. Third, Ovaltine itself is quickly and easily digested, starts giving out its bracing food-energy by the time children reach the schoolroom. So, to insure a more adequate breakfast for your child, serve Hot Ovaltine along with the rest of his breakfast—as an addition to, not a substitute for, the foods he regularly eats. Start in tomorrow ! Let your child enjoy delicious hot A Hot Drink All Their Own at Breakfast Chocolate Flavored Ovaltine at breakfast every morning. Hot Ovaltine Takes No Extra Time! "Eat a good breakfast to start a good day," should have to start the day right after the Mid-Morning Fatigue Affects School Work! says the U. S. Bureau of Human Nutrition, long foodless night. And it's so delicious, it If your child acts dull and and it adds, "Something hot is cheering, and helps make breakfast a real joy for your listless in the middle of the tones up the whole digestive route." Hot child ! Hot Ovaltine takes no extra time. While morning, look first to his Chocolate Flavored Ovaltine is the right you wait for your morning coffee, just stir breakfast! Surveys indicate a shockingly large number of kind of hot drink for children's breakfasts. three teaspoonfuls of Ovaltine into a cup of children fail to eat enough It supplies food essentials that every child hot milk and it's ready to serve! breakfast. Authorities say children cannot readily make up for it at other meals with- out over-eating. Breakfast Considered HOW OVALTINE SUPPLEMENTS MILK An inadequate breakfast can mm^m OVALTINE inn inn MILK cause poor concentration, lack Day's Most Important of alertness, lower grades. A Vitamin D gives your Meal, the Year 'Round! good breakfast Iron child the start he needs to do Niacin his best at school. Nutrition experts more and more Vifomin are coming to recognize that break- li fast may well be the most important Vitamin C meal of the day. Vitamin A OvALTI E Carbohydrate . N They say, for example, that chil- dren should get from a fourth to a Riboflavin i TH£HOTFOOO Ofi/A/K third of their daily food requirements Phosphorus | at breakfast time. Calorias I And it is known, too, that children Calcium THAT'S 8/GHT FOK need two or three times as much of i f rotein certain vital food elements, in pro- i eerreK e#eA/(fAsrst F0t portion to their size and weight, as ; Ovaltine costs little compared we adults do. so to the Chart shows proportions of total food essentials furnished good it can do, you'll want to serve hot Scientific findings make it plain by ttie Ovoltine ond by the plain milk in a serving of Ovaltine with your child's breakfast every that there is a real need among chil- Ovaltine beveroge. Notice how Ovoltine is richest in the morning! Use only three teaspoonfuls of dren for better breakfasts the year eisentiols in which milk is low and which children need in Ovaltine to a cup of hot milk. 'round. This need exists for many liberal amounts. children whose parents least suspect it. TWO KINDS: CHOCOLATE FLAVORED AND PLAIN 4 Coi .it If they don't have the label they aren9t real Koroseal THERE are many flexible materials 2. Strongly scuff-resistant — able to aprons, work clothing. seal flexible material developed to serve on the market, many of which stand extraordinary wear— ideal for you best. The B. F. Goodrich 6. Lasting heauty — Koroseal flexible Com- look alike when new. But there's only furniture upholstery, brief cases, bicy- pany, Koroseal Division, Marietta, material can be made in any color, O. one Koroseal flexible material, only scats. cle shape or form. Koroseal upholstery Tni, Mark-K-t one with all Koroseal's important, last- 3. Easily washable— (ox upholstery, looks new and beautiful long after ing advantages. To make sute you can baby pants, crib sheets, tablecloths, most materials would be soiled and get all these values, every Koroseal draperies. worn. That lasting quality makes it article carries a prominent label. Here's ideal, too, for draperies, bedspreads, what that label means: 4. Tasteless — vital in food bags, bev- FLEXIBLE MATERIALS erage hose, bowl covers. curtains. I. Permanently waterproof— impor- tant in raincoats, garden hose, shower 5. Highly resistant to grease, soaps, When you see a Koroseal label on curtains, window sealing strips, play stains— essential for tablecloths, show- any arricle you know it was made by a ponds. er caps and curtains, shampoo capes, teputable manufacturer, from Koro- B.E Goodrich Copyrighted material A sensational development from PHILCO /I NMMNO 0F2-0t mmMil M70M PHILCO CLcLlCCLtX ea </ DjlajL^i. has a woman in mind ! uplex . your choice of 8, 10, or 12 cu. fl. sizes, ngle Door Philco refrigerators in 7, 9, 1 1 , and 1 3 cu. ft. sizes. ! efrigeration engineers • 0# R£ff?/6£WI70G yours from PH I LCO <?/ far /ess cos/ /A&/? ecer 6e/bre / HERE indeed is one of the truly great advances in Yes, Philco engineering genius has perfected a Philco Duplex design assures you a dry refrigera- electric refrigeration — created and developed defrost system that's completely automatic. tor. The one great disadvantage of old-style 2-door for you in Pfaiko Laboratories by Philco refrig- refrigerators has been that water collects on the walls erator engineers. and floods down. But Philco engineering has ended No De-Frosting all this.
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