"\ Fifty-Third Year, Number 3 Monday, SepiemBeTTt Established 1S89 and Summit' Record FRED L. PALMES, Editor $2.50 A YEAR JOHN W. CLIFT, Editor Emeritus 3c A COPY J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Manager Tax Appeal Dates Moses V, FaitDttte, Set By County For In Support Of Summit Mayoral Candidates Many in Military Seryice Will Lose Vote 1,900 Land Owners Steel Firm Head, selected. These board members to- from the growing realization that In Primary Election on September 16-" Confronted by more than 1,900 Guido F. Forster • gather with the Coritmon Council Ernest F Leathern ou,r form of City government' is Dies in California tax appeals from property owners, The following release has been are administering the. city's affairs This Is (he third In a series of somewhat antiquated and a little Only 91 Ballots Mailed to Summit Men submitted by the He-elect Forster, articles on civic affairs under the the Union County Board of Tax- capably, and will continue to do HO. creaky from old. age. The structure ation .has set dates for hearingsio 1'ommittee: «en«»nil title, "Should Summit Have of local government under which Moses W. Faltoute t>t_ Hobart Tills is an unfinished world—our NEW PROVIDENCE TQWNSHIP HAS ONE VOTER Various communities. Included in August 28, 1941. a Major", written by Krnext F. our affairs are administered is not avenue, Short Hills, presTden't "of city government is not perfect. the date listing are the following: Mayor ForsteV's opponent has Leathern, cnmlittute for the liepub- set up to operate with the effi- Many things need to be done, Does There are 4,788 Union County men currently known to be the Faltoute Iron and Steel Co. of September 12, 9.30 a. m:, New Prov- asked the question, "Should Sum- liciin .Wnjoralty noiiilnution. ('o|>- ciency, economy and equality-of- Mayor Forster's opponent mean to in the employ of the armed service of the United States govern- Newark, died on Wednesday eve- idence Township and New Provi- mit Have A Mayor?"*liThe question les of each article will he avail- representatlou which is found in Imply the officials of the present ad- ment but less than half of the number will receive ballots en- ning In the Hollywood (California) dence Borough; September 12, 10 should properly be, "Does Summit able In Mr. LeathemV Heudquurters other modern communities. ministration are not functioning. If Hospital of a.stroke suffered last a. m., Summit; September 17, 10 want an experienced capable mayor at :U'J Springfield Avenue soon titling them to vote by mail in the county's primary election on rMayor Forster's opponent has a real The voters of Summit, as a week. MR Faitoute had been on a. m., Summit. or an Inexperienced mayor, one who after its nublii-iitlon. September 16th. Only ninety-one of those in Uncle Sam's claim for the support of the voters, .. * * * whole, elect only two representa- the Pacific Coast several weeks on has not held any previous) public tives—the Mayor and one Council.- military forces from the Summit area are included in the list of a' combination business and pleas office and does not have a public re- that claim should rest on his opinion absentee ballots being mailed this week from County Clerk as to what specific things the city Mayor Forster has had his cliance man-At-ljarye. In addition the ure trip. ford on which to stand." t Henry G. Nulton's office in Elizabeth. government is not now doing but during the past "twenty months to voters of each -of our two Wards Annual Swim Meet Mayor Forster has a known public propose and direct the forward- Mr.'Faitoute, who was 68, was a should do, or doing now that it elect three Couficilmen. There the All of the names included on Ilia record and a background of practi- looking, constructive program so member of an aid New Jersey should.not do.. power of tlie ballot ends. But there absentee lists have been certified At Canoe Brook cal experience as a member of the necessary to meet the serious prob- are thirty-seven other administra- by the State adjutant general's of- family. He founded the company -Common Council and, for the past Put perhaps Mayor Forater's op- lems pressing for solution upon which he headed and was also wide* tive positions in our government Jr. Drum and Bugle fice and later sent to the County 2 years, Mayor of the City of Sum- ponent has in mind the appointment our City government. But he has today, all appointed by the Mayor ly known as a sportsman. His line Pool On Saturday mit. of new board members, the election trifled it" away, taking the "easy" Clerkis office for final checking -and of saddle horses won.prizes at lead- —some with and Home without the mailing, A total of 2,205 name** In connection with his work with of new members to the Common path of talking endlessly about approval of the Council. Most of Corps May Head lag shows throughout the East. were received'up^to Friday wiih Races, exhibition diving, novelties the State Highway Department and Council. Or perhaps his u'nfainillar- small matters which catch the eye. these are positions, on various His wife and their daughter, Mrs, in water horse-play, relays and hisf'wide acquaintance and constant ity with our city government has Now he wants another two-year op- Boards, each of which has a wholly Weati'leld the only community* in John William White, Jr., accom- Parade at Wildwood some "aquacading" were among the contact with the city officials, Mayor prevented him from realizing his portunity with which to continue or partially Independent power to tlie county not included on the re- panied Mr. Faitoute on his trjpto features presented by many of the Forster has familiarized himself criticisms of Mayor Forster's ad- his "more of nothing" policy operate services rendered by the port. * , . California. » ; Now it is all very fine f6r Mr. Because of the showing the young members of Canoe Brook with the problems of the municipal ministration discredit the Common City. These boards spend taxpay- Funeral services were held yes- Porster to be away at sea directing Junior Drum and Bugle Corps of Concerning the present where- Country Club on Saturday afternoon governments throughout Morria, Council and the Independent ers' and voters' money but with a terday- at the Faltoute home in Boards. the course of the "Munargo" but the American Legion, Summit Post abouts of more than,half the coun- in the annual swimming meet. Many Union and Bergen Counties. This minimum of outside control, if any, ty's soldiers and sailors Nulton has Short Hills. Burial was in Ever- Mayor Forster's opponent has the people of Summit want a Mayor No. 138 made at the Union County of the Club members and guests practical, not theoretical, Informa- over the details of such expendi- no Information. The chief explan- green Cemetery, Hillside. stated his method of bringing about at home directing the affairs of the Legion night earlier this summer crowded about the clubhouse pool tion thus made available to the city tures. The policies and actions of ation, Nulton thinks, Is that tlie to watch the water antics, which has been Invaluable. an improvement in the city's affairs City—their affairs. at Wariuaneo Park, it Is believed Moses W. Faitoute was born in a these Boards affect, directly* the quite probable that the group will adjutant, general's file can not keep started at 5:30 p. m. But the function of the Mayor of will be through the appointment of The Republicans of Summit, twp 1 part of Cranford Township, which lives and welfare'of all of us and head the various Legion Junior abreast of troop movements. Some the City of Summit is largely ap- board members who will be requir- •weeks from today, will so choose ia now Kenilworth, a son of Aaron Louis Dal ton, club member and our children.. In,these days of the corps in the parade next. .Saturday of the 'men are on maneuvers, pointive as pointed out by Mayor ed to carry out his policies. Does between the candidates before them Higgins and Sarah Winans Fattoute. head of the Dal ton Swimming resurgence of democracy^ the ques- others are being moved from one Burster's opponent. The city's af- this mean that in troubled times like that they will b.e sure of having a in Wildwood carried out as part of tion arises Nas to whether or not camp or naval base to another, and His descent traced' to the Aaron H. School, announced At a microphone, these the structure of the Independ- the Department of New Jerseye an- fairs are administered by the Com- Mayor on the job and at their ser- any one or more of these functions others are not as yet accoufltedfor. Faitoute who came to America from set up for the occasion, the events, ent Boards, built carefully and with nual convention. Some forty mon Council and the Iudependent vice—a Mayor Who will immedi- of City government should be re- The 4,788 figure representing France inflfAf A groat-uncle, Rev. participants and winners. long consideration, is to be torn strong, the Summit group will Boards appointed by the Mayor and ately undertake important and con- organized so that their administra- Union County men known to be in George Faltoute,' was- graduated The afternoon's meet was started down and hastily rebuilt by a new leave here Saturday morning by in some cases also confirmed by the structive work in the interest of tion is more directly responsible the country's military and naval from Princeton In 1776, and his off by some intricate dives by Mac Common Council.
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