1944 CONGRESSIO:NAL RECORD-HOUSE 3309 THE LATE JAMES A. O'LEARY Mr. BLAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BLAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask imous consent to extend the resolution referred to. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944 unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. was called to order by the Speaker pro objection, it is so ordered. There was no objection. tempore, Mr. McCORMACK. There was no objection. NOTIFICATION OF ELECTION OF MEMBER The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ Mr. BLAND. Mr. Speaker, with the FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT OF COLO­ gomery, D. D., offered the following passing of JAMES A. O'LEARY, or Jim as RADO prayer: he was lovingly known to the members of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before 0 God, our Father, for the love that the Committee on the Merchant Marine the House the following communication kept us through the night and for the and Fisheries, there was a feeling of from the Clerk of the House: genuine sorrow. It was hard to think miracle of dawning day, we praise Thee. MARCH 29, 1944. Though confusion may bewilder us and that we would miss hereafter his cheery The Honorable the SPEAKER, cares distract us, keep us invincible in greeting, always graced by his genial House of Representatives. spirit with hearts of charity and the dis­ smile. Each member cherished him as a SIR: The certificate of election in due form position to make every duty a delight personal friend, and knew that his dis­ of law Of Hon. DEAN M. GILLESPIE as a Repre­ a<.d doing good to others a sacred priv­ cussion of the most difficult problem sentative:..elect to the Seventy-eighth Con­ ilege. No bitter word ever lightened a would be illuminated always by his rich gress from the First Congressional District Irish wit. of the State of Colorado, to fill a vacancy in burden, no complaint ever made a dark that district, is on file in this otfice. day brighter or a rough road smoother. Jim was devoted to the merchant rna: Very truly yours, We draw near to Thee, our Father, rine, and worked untiringly for its suc­ SOUTH TRIMBLE, by way of our merciful Saviour who cess. We all found him wise in counsel, Clerk of tne House of Representatives. zealous in work and industrious to spare was touched with a feeling of our in­ Mr. GILLESPIE presented himself be­ firmities and bore our transgressions. no effort that would make our Nation more sea-minded and more conscious of fore the bar of the House and took the Dear Lord, spare us from the vice of in­ oath of office. · gratitude and forbid that we should the national importance of merchant deepen the wounds of Him who em­ ships. He achieved much and was never EXTENSION OF REMARKS braced the antagonisms of a dark world satisfied that all had been done which Mr. HEBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask that we might know how to redeem it. should be done. He constantly strove for unanimous consent to extend my own In this season, as we measure His holy greater results, and I owe much to him remarks in the RECORD and include there­ steps, turn us aside from things un­ for his genial comradeship, his continued in three editorials from New Orleans worthy and make the service of our lives support, his inspiration, and his zeal. I newspapers in connection with the death commensurate with the holiness of His believe all of Jim's colleagues on the · of former Governor Sanders. mission and the splendor of His courage. committee· feel as I do. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Let the benedictions of Thy love and I present for spreading upon the REc­ objection, it is so ordered. happiness bless all our homes and un­ ORD of the House, where he served ably, There was no objection. fold their sweetest joy and beauty :upon the following resolution adopted by the Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ all hearthstones. Keep alive in our Committee on the Merchant .Marine and mous consent to revise and extend my breasts the promise of a living world, Fisheries at its session on Tuesday, own remarks on two matters and include seeking the brotherly ways and feeling March 28: · therein two newspaper articles. that we are moving on to a glorious Committee Resolution 9 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without forever, with the memories of earth en­ Whereas on the 16th day of March 1944, objection, it is so ordered. riching our heaven. In the name of Him the Committee on the Merchant Marine and There was no objection. who is our peace, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Fisheries· of the House of Representatives suf­ Amen. Mr. MASON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ fered in the loss of JAMES A. O'LEARY, of New imous consent to extend my own remarks The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ York, one of its most industrious, diligent, and faithful members, and an invaluable fac­ in the RECORD -and to include therein a terday was read and approved. tor in upbuilding an American merchant ma­ short newspaper article by Frank C. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE rine, in promoting the American fisheries, in Waldrop. expanding the United States Coast Guard, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without A message from the Senate, by Mr. in providing navigation aids, in supporting Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced objection, it is so ordered. marine hospitals, and in upbuilding the There was no objection. that the Senate had passed without Panama Canal: Now therefore be it amendment a bill of the House of the Resolved- Mr. CANFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I ask following title: First. That the Committee on the Merchant unanimous consent to extend my own re­ marks in the Appendix of the RECORD H. R. 4381. An act to authorize the Secre­ Marine and Fisheries recognizes in the death tary of the Navy to proceed with the con­ of Hon. JAMES A. O'LEARY, Representative from and include a letter. struction of certain public works, and for the Eleventh District of New York, the loss The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without other purposes. of a devoted public serv~nt, a faithful Repre­ objection, it is so ordered. sentative, a sterling patriot, and a loving There was no objection. The message also announced that the friend whose record in Congress was marked Senate agrees to the report of the com­ by industry, energy, ability, fidelity, zeal, and PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE mittee of conference on the disagreeing patriotism, and whose sound judgment, sig­ Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask nal ability an~ wise statesmanship, were of votes of the two Houses on the amend­ inestimable benefit to this committee in its unanimous consent that after the dis­ ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. deliberations at all times; position of the legislative busin_ess for the 4346) entitled "An act making appropria­ Second. That the committee will ever day and other special orders I may ad­ tions to supply deficiencies in certain ap­ cherish the memory of their association with dress the House for 10 minutes. propriations for the fiscal year ending Mr. O'LEARY, and will find in the patience, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without June 30, 194.4, and for prior fiscal years, intelligence, and zeal with which he served objection, it is so ordered. to provide supplemental appropriations an example and inspiration; T.here was no objection. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, Third. That the committee extends to the and for other purposes.'• district which l\lrr. O'LEARY served and to the THE AMERICAN RED CROSS The message also announced that the family which survives him its deepest sym­ Mr. CANFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I ask pathy in their sorrow; and unanimous consent to address the House Senate recedes from its amendments Fourth. That these resolutions shall be numbered 13 and 36 to the.foregoing bill spread upon the minutes of this committee, for 1 minute. and agrees to the amendment of the printed in the CoNGRESSIONAL RECORD, and · The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without House of Representatives to Senate that a copy shall be sent to the !amily of the objection, it is so ordered. amendment numbered 4~ to said bill. deceased. .There was no objection. 3310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 30 Mr. CANFIELD. Mr. Speaker, the vides for hospitalization, education and tion commits the country to a policy American Red Cross does not sell ciga­ vocational guidance, loans for homes, which will jeopardize the future of the rettes. farms, and businesses, employment serv­ American people. Furthermore, I am of In its current campaign for much­ ice, and benefits for the unemployed. the opinion that Congress cannot dele­ needed funds this great humanitarian This comprises a fine program to help gate the powers sought to be conferred organization, which has a glorious record the returning service men and women upon the international board without of achievement of services rendered our of this war. amending the Constitution. soldiers and sailors and their families, We must do everything within our EXTENSION OF REMARKS has had to face the rumor that it in­ power for those wno are fighting that de­ dulged in these sales. mocracy may endure, that the institu­ Mr. TIBBO'IT. Mr. Speaker, I ask This week I had a letter from a con- tions which have made this Nation great t:tnanimous .
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