MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION JJOB IINFORMATION LLIST ENGLISH EDITION • OCTOBER 2004 CONTENTS Accessing the Electronic JIL and Subscription MLA Statement on the Use of Part-Time and Full-Time Adjunct Faculty ................................ xi Information ............................... inside front cover Information for Candidates ................................... i Departmental Job Listings Sources of Information for Job Candidates ........ iii US Colleges and Universities ................................ 1 Advice to Search Committee Members and Canadian Institutions .......................................... 94 Job Seekers .......................................................... iv Overseas Institutions..........................................101 Checklist for Job Seekers ...................................... vi Department Chairs/Deanships......................... 102 Dos and Don’ts for MLA Convention Comparative Literature..................................... 104 Interviews ........................................................ viii Linguistics and ESL ........................................... 105 List of Administrations Censured by Postdoctoral Listings......................................... 108 the AAUP ............................................................. x Nonacademic Listing ........................................ 109 Published by the Modern Language Association in cooperation with the Association of Departments of English SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION The print version of the Job Information List is published four times during the academic year—in October, December, February, and April. Listings are solicited from two- and four-year colleges and universities for all issues. The cost of an online-only subscription is $38. The cost of a print-only subscription is $50 in the United States and Canada and $70 elsewhere. The cost of a subscription to both online and print versions is $70 in the United States and Canada and $90 elsewhere. The List is sent by first-class mail to subscribers in the United States and Canada and by airmail to all other areas; delivery should be shortly after the publication dates listed below. Please note, however, that these are projected dates only and are subject to change without notice. A subscription form is available at www.mla.org. October issue 15 October 2004 December issue 15 November 2004 February issue 14 February 2005 April issue 15 April 2005 Further inquiries should be directed to Roy Chustek, Editor, Job Information List, MLA, 26 Broadway, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10004 (646 576-5133; [email protected]). ACCESSING THE ELECTRONIC JIL An online version of the Job Information List is available for searching by individuals who have sub- scribed to the electronic JIL as well as by job seekers in ADE- and ADFL-member departments. A user name and password are required to search the database.To find your user name and password, follow these directions: If you are an individual subscriber: If you already have a user name and password, use them. If you do not, you may retrieve them online at the MLA Web site (www.mla.org). Follow the link to the JIL page and click on the appropriate “Search” button; when the password prompt appears, scroll down and enter your e-mail address in the appropriate box and click “E-mail me.” Your user name and password will be sent to the e-mail address that you specified when you subscribed. You have the option to change your user name and password whenever you choose by logging in at the JIL page and then clicking the “Subscriber Information” button at the top of the search form and following the instructions for changing your user name and password. If you are a job seeker in an ADE- or ADFL-member department: Graduate students and faculty members in departments that are current paid members of ADE or ADFL have access to the online JIL as a benefit of their department’s ADE or ADFL membership. You must access the JIL through the ADE or ADFL home pages (www.ade.org; www.adfl.org). Information on how to access the online JIL on this basis is available from your department chair. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The October List contains information on vacancies from departments of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics in US and Canadian colleges and universities, as well as some number of overseas institutions and nonacademic enterprises. The listings describe approximately 680 definite or possible positions. Guide for Using the Job Information List only about half of all English and foreign language departments have begun recruiting by the end of December and that the majority of de- US and Canadian Departments partments do not complete the recruiting process until spring, in some The main body of the List, arranged in alphabetical order by state, cases until summer. contains information on definite or possible vacancies, comments on Bear in mind that the candidate who has not limited his or her notices published in past issues (e.g., that a previously announced posi- search for a new position to a particular geographical area or kind of tion has been filled), and notices from departments that expect no va- institution is most likely to find a position. Do not discount the small cancies but would nevertheless like to keep résumés on file. colleges where one often has the opportunity to teach a wide selection Read through this section item by item to see which departments of courses to students of varied backgrounds. would welcome your letter of application or inquiry at this time. Send letters only to departments expressing an interest in a person with your qualifications. If a notice states that no vacancies are expected but that Notice on Tenure Policies the department would like to maintain a file of prospective candidates, you must decide in each case whether it is worthwhile to write. The Modern Language Association recommends that department administrators and their representatives inform candidates before or Comparative Literature and Linguistics and ESL Sections during the interview about prospects for tenure in the specific position Notices in these fields have been separated out from the main body under consideration and about the tenure policies and practices in their of the issue and placed under the appropriate heading, with occasional departments and institutions. If the information is not offered, candi- cross-referencing to items in the main body of the List that might also dates are urged to inquire about these policies. be of interest. Candidates should read through the main body carefully, however, since the cross-referencing is not exhaustive. Acknowledgment of Applications Departments Reporting No Vacancies A list of departments reporting no vacancies can be found on the Acting on a recommendation from the MLA Delegate Assembly, Job List page at the MLA’s World Wide Web site (www.mla.org). The the MLA Executive Council has adopted a policy calling for depart- departments on this list are indicating that they have no openings for ments to acknowledge all applications for announced positions either the remainder of 2004–05 or for 2005–06. Do not waste your time and by letter or by self-addressed postcards provided by applicants. the department’s time by writing; if an opening should occur unex- pectedly, the department will report this in the next List. The only “no-vacancy” departments to which you should write are those in the MLA Policy on the Reimbursement of Job Seekers main body of this issue where the notice has stated that letters or cre- dentials will be kept on file. The following policies were recommended by the Delegate Assem- bly in December 1999 and approved by the MLA Executive Council in February 2000. General Advice for Candidates It is MLA policy that: Be sure that your dossier (transcript, letters of recommendation, and • Departments that require that job applicants send their application other material) is ready to be sent out by your placement bureau to any materials by express carrier reimburse those applicants for the cost department that requests it. Prepare and duplicate a one-page vita sheet of such shipment; and to enclose with any letters of application or inquiry. In your letter of • Departments that require multiple copies of writing samples and application, it is probably wise to express a willingness to be inter- other application materials from job applicants reimburse appli- viewed at the department’s convenience. Professional meetings provide cants for the cost of duplicating their writing samples and other a convenient opportunity for such interviews (see list of upcoming materials; and meetings below). While it is important to begin to search for a position immediately, • Departments that require books will return them to the applicant; you should be aware that hiring goes on all year. Surveys indicate that and MLA JOB INFORMATION LIST i • Departments that invite job applicants for on-campus interviews of Iowa, Iowa City 52242-1408 (319 335-0331; fax: 319 335- reimburse those applicants who accept such invitations for the 3123; [email protected]) costs of travel and accommodations incurred when visiting the campus for interviews. South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) 28–30 October 2004 Radisson Hotel, New Orleans, LA Professional Meetings Inquiries SCMLA Membership Secretary, Dept. of English, Texas A&M Univ., College Station 77843-4227 (979 845-7041; fax: In addition to the MLA convention (27–30 December 2004, 979 862-2292; [email protected]; http://www-english.tamu.edu/ Philadelphia),
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