CONTROL OF Dermestes maculatus (COLEOPTERA: DERMESTIDAE) IN AN INTERIOR STORAGE SITUATION WITH NEEM, Azadirachta indica. BY Cory M. Keeler Department of Natural Resource Sciences McGiil University, Montreai, Quebec March, 1999 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulf llment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science 0 Cos. M. Keeler 1999 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1+1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliogrâphiques 395 Wellington Street 395. nm Wdlingfori OttawaON K1AW -ON KlAW Canada Canade The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive Licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seii reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de mictofiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othewise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Short Title Controi of an interior storage beetle pest with Neem. Control of Dermtcs macuiatu (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in an interior storage situation with neem, Azuduachto indica. M. Sc. Cory M. Keeler Department of Natural Resource Sciences Neem, Azadirachtu indica, products were tested for toxic, growth regulating, primasr anti feedant, and secondaxy anti feedant effects on Dermestes maculatus, under conditions approximating those found in storage facilities. Toxic and growth regulating effects were uivestigated using topid application of minera1 oil, neem oil, purifted azadhchtin/methanol solution. and 10% neem seed kernet extract/methanol solution. Al1 neem treatments exhibited higher mortality than the mineral oil treatment 5, 10, and 14 days afier the application of the treatments; larvae treated with neem products ofien failed to pupate and never emerged as adults. Pnmary antifeedant effects of azadirachtin (1 -5 g/L and 5 g/L) were investigated with an original no-choice feeding bioassay. Significant primary antifeedant e ffects were observed which were persistent for up to 13 weeks for adults and 1 7 weeks for larvae. Significant secondary antifeedant effects were also demonstrated afier topical application of azadirachtin (. 125 g/L, .25 g/L and -5g/L) to the larvae. Contrôle de Dermestes maculutus (Colcoptera: Dermestidae) avec du neem, Azadirachta india, dans une situation d'emmagasinage intérieur. M. Sc. Cory M. Keeler Department des Sciences Resources NaturaI. Les produits du neem, Azudirachta indica, ont été testés pour la toxicité, le contrôle de la croissance et les effects anti appetant primaires et secondaires sur Dermesres maculatus, sous conditions similaires à celles retrouvées en situation d'emmagasinage intérieur. La toxicité et les effets sur la croissance ont été testés par l'application topique d'huile minerale, d'huile de neem. d'une solution purifie d'azadirachtine/méthan01, et d' une solution d'extrait de grain* de neem (1 O%)/methanol. Tout les traitements ont démontré un plus haut taux de mortalité que le traitement d'huile minérale, 5, 10, et 14 jours après l'application des traitements. Les larves traitées avec les produits de neem ont souvent echoué la pupaison, et aucune n'a réussi à émerger comme adulte. Les effets anti-appétant primaires de iàzadirachtine (1.5 g/L and 5 gL)ont été testés à l'aide d'un essai sans choix de noumture. Des effets anti-appétant primaires significatifs ont été observés et ont persistés jusquoà 13 semaines pour les adultes et 17 semaines pour les larves. Des effets anti-appétant secondaires ont aussi été demontrés chez les larves après l'application topique d'azadirachtine (. 125 g/L, .25 g/L and .5 g/L). Acknowledgments There are large number of people without whose help and input 1 would not have been able to complete this thesis. 1 would like to thank my CO-supervisorsDr. David Lewis and Dr. Roger Stewart both of whom were quick to help and never seemed to muid my unannounced visits or the large numbers of favors 1 asked of them. 1 would like to thank Dr. Raymond Manuel who spent much of his fiee time giving me advice and looking over my work, not to mention listening patientiy while 1 argued with him. For help with my statistics, 1 would like to thank Dr. Pierre Dutillieul and for advice on my experiments and for supplying me with samples of azadirachtin free of charge I would like to thank Dr. Murray Isrnan from the University of British Colombia. Most of dl 1 would like to thank my supervisor. Dr. C. C. Hsiung. Dr. Hsiung helped me in every way possible with my research and with anything else 1 needed. provided me with hanciai suppon and the opportunity to work and gain experience at the Lyman Museum... unfortunately there is not room to list everyhng here. Without his help, patience, and friendship this work would never have been completed. Thank you to everyone at the Lyman Museum for making every day interesting and for helping to create an aunosphere that was enjoyable to work in. Thank you also to al1 the people who have been such great fiends throughout rny time here at Mac. Unfortunately. I have been here so long that there is no room to Iist everyone. Without my farnily. 1 would never have been able to finish this thesis. My parents provided me not only with suppon and advice, but they have set an example that 1 hope to a.- 111 be able to follow throughout my life. They were also very patient and put up with many crazed phone calls and anxiety attacks. Thanks to Lei& Lori and everyone else for their support and inspiration. I would W<e to thank Chantal Whitaker whose faith in my work and love helps me do the best 1 can at every thing 1 do. Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................ i .. Résumé ............................................................... ii ... Acknowledgments ...................................................... iii Tableofcontents ........................................................ v .* . List of Figures ........................................................ viii List of Tables ......................................................... xii .... List of Appendices .................................................... xi111 1.Introduction .......................................................... 1 2 . Literature Review ..................................................... -4 2.1 The Neem Tree ................................................. 4 2.2 Chemistry of Neem Products ..................................... -5 2.3 Neern Products Available for the Control of Insect Pests ................ 7 2.4 Anti-Insect Effects of Neem ...................................... 9 2.4.1 Anti feedant Effects of Neem Products ....................... 9 2.4.2 Growth Regulating and Toxic Effects ...................... 12 2.5 Effects of kemProducts on Beetle Pests ........................... 14 2.6 Effects of Neem Products on Beetle Pests of Stored Products ........... 15 2.7 Dermestid Beetles ............................................. 16 3 . Materials and Methods ................................................. 18 3.1 Dermesres maculatus Cultures .................................... 18 3.1.1 Selection of Test Insects ................................. 20 3 -2 Preparation of Neem Extracts and Neem Products ................... -20 3 -3 Topical Application Experiments ................................ -21 3.3.1 Relative Efficacy of Mineral Oil, and Neem Products ...................................... -21 3 -3.2Effects of Mineral Oil and Neem Products on Molting. Pupation and Adult Emergence .................. -22 3.4 Antifeedant Experiments ....................................... -23 3.4.1 Primary htifèedant Effects ............................. -23 3.4.2 Secondary Antifeedant Effects ............................. 25 4.Results ............................................................. 26 4.1 Topical Application Experiments ................................. 26 4.1.1 Relative Efficacy of Mineral Oil and Neem Products ........................................26 4.1 -2 Effects of Mineral Oil and Neem Products on Molting, Pupation and Adult Emergence ................... -27 4.2 Antifeedant Experiments ....................................... -29 4.2.1 Primary Antifeedant Effects of Azadirachtin onLarvae ............................................. 29 4.2.2 Primary Antifeedant Effects of hdirachtin onAdults ............................................. 30 4.2 -3 Secondary Anti feedant Effects of Azadirachtin onLarvae ............................................. 30 5.Discussion .......................................................... 51 5.1 Topicai Application Experiments ................................ -51 5.2 Primary Antifecdant Effects of Azadirachtin ........................ -58 5.3 Secondary Antifeedant Effects of Azadirachtin ....................... 66 6. Conclusion .......................................................... 69 7.References .......................................................... 71 vii List of Figures re: Figure 1. Effect of treatments on cumulative
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