WT ir 4 : 1 It 1> A # Founded in .^Vjtev. Michuei O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese 83rd YEAR—No. 47 « i'WO DO I, I. A lis I'KIl VEAU PIT1SBURGH, PA , THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1936 IS <*! SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS ANNIVERSARY Bandits Release Pontiff's CATHOLIC nr»»» MASSES UNIVERSITY . ITALY Maryknoll Priest Refutes Rumors , Anniversary Requiem Masses The annual collection for »he LI for twvo priests of Uitiie diocesdiocesc , Catholic Universit^ yJ of»America Father Burns, Captured Last Shows Vl or In who diliee d on Nov. 26 1935, will & Addressing ** <» up in aal l tho of t he dior<s,> End of Civil War Expected February By Outlaws In be offferct d next week' Priests' Missionary Body: i ., , . ° :y Body; oil Son Soon Unless Russia Sends China, Reported Safe In St. Paul's Cathedral Sol Other Audiences day, Nov. 29, it is announced einn Requiem Mass will be sung in a letter issued this week hy Aid to Communists on Friday morning-, Nov. 27, at I Most Rev. Hugli C. Boyle, Bish- Ossining. N. Y., , ,Nov, . , 16 ,, Wor„ d , 10:00 o'clock for the repose of | Vatican City, Nov. 13 Tn op of Pittsburgij. The text of R me. Nov. IS Italy and Ger- today at Maryknoll Mis- j 1Jl(> 8tiUl <if the ,ale KoV E "buoyant, spirits." Pope Pius XI | <he Bishop's letter appears on many today formally recognized received page 4. sion headquarters here from Rev. Lawrence O'Connell. The célé- spoke for a full hour t: the government set up in Spain J. Clarence Burns, M AI . Ameri- brant will be his brother, Rev. 3.000 representatives of t y General Francisco Franco, can missionary priest kidnaped .lames A. O'Connell, pastor of sionary Union of tho C!er H. > th countries breaking off rela- by Chinese bandits more than Sebastian's, Bellevernon; vigor quieted rumors of mounting East End Parish tion s at the same time with the nine months ago in Manchukuo,) Rev. Philip i>ugan, pastor of St. ' mmimist Socialist regime which indicated that he was released Joseph's, Mount Pleasant, will "The Holy Father appeared Forty Years Old has been previously reoogniaed. after prolonged efforts. be deacon ; Rev. James A. Gara- mneh as he did when I last saw It is expected thai Austria will T Negotiations through the ^ ni! imn, assistant at the Cathedral, him in 1030," said v. Edward j Anniversary Observance At ake the same course of action. ed States state department an will be suhdeacon, and Rev. McGurkin of I !ai , Help of Christians Church These developments came as Japanese authorities have be Thomas J. Quigley, assistant at one of the Ameri ; e n i- r a 1 Franco's in.surgxita, going on for several m nth St. Stephen's, Ha/.elwood, will To Be Held Dec. 7-13 ,%-iiich had met unexpected re- members of the mission said hen he master of ceremonies. The "His eyes were bright. His voice J I ;.stance in their so.go of Madrid, The priest notified his superiors I diocesan priests' choir will sing, was clear. His lace had a good j The 75th anniversary of the en«..wed their efforts and made here that he was free, unharmed,) Requiem High Mass for the color, without any trace of the* foundation of the Italian Frai iuvaru\ s into the city from the and would resume his work to-! late Rev. Alfred L. Henke will ng. I lis spi-rus1 can Province of the Immaculate! morrow at his mission at Tunhua be sung on Saturday, Nov. 28, were buoyan After the formal I conception in the United States' ivjssia lecides t< In East Manchukuo. j at 8:30 o'clock, in St. Vitus' benediction he was particularly j aiKl t It> 40th anniversary of . the actively intervene in behalf of the Readies Safety j Church, New Castle. Rev. Nie- cheerful in greeting those nea-v j establishment of the Parish of radicals, it is believed that the Tokyo, Nov. 17 -Rescued from] ola Di Mita, pastor of St. Vitus' Iron and chatting with them." Our Lady Help of Christians, recognition of the Franco forces bandit kidnappers, Rev. J. Clar-j will ho celebrant. rhe Pontiff told his audience, in- Meadow St., East End, will be by Germany and Italy will bring ence Burns, American priest, andi I clu three C Tvod during the week of Dec. a speedy end to the civil war as his Chinese servant arrived today . , j Bishops, vit.li a series of exercises ar-! the insurgents will now be able to at Liutaokou police station, three ( atflOIlC Worker Hi UP ranged by the pastor of the; securare a: mol e supplies and am- miles southwest of Auntung,| , , J Christians church, Rev. Cherubino Viola, O. munition. Manchukuo. Meeting Planned ^ ** tiu-yhave, f. m They were reported convalesc- J received from God." ^ j Each evening there will bej rp TiptlPW PIpHw ing from their long captivity in! Vi iced rogr.J that • j services hi the church and a meet- -all lVtllv« 1 ^«fe^ v &e -tare of Japanese and Man-! William 1,1. Callahan, managing j countries the number of priests en-, ir?r ln the parish hall for one of ' A .. lrtiLvnöl1f L !mö chukuoan troops. ' 'door of th.-« "CathoiiC" WorXcr/a roiled in th8 s :•.»••> union | thf> parish groups, the services l/U lllUtitt III r lllll» F Now York, will visit Pittsburgh i was "much smaller than needed." consisting of Rosary, sermon and Cincinnati, Nov. 16- Most Rex Father Burns was kidnaped I during the next few days, and anj Penedieüon. The general program >pen meeting, at which all those Health Appears Good follows- John T. McNicholas, O.P., Arch- last Feb. 5 by Chinese bandits j interestcd in the work of this Vatican City Nov 12 R< Monday evening, Dec. 7 For the bishop of Cincinnati, as chairman who held him in the mountains in magazine may hcar it discussed,! r «»..,,' fathers of all families in the the episcopal committee on mo- southeastern Manchukuo. They wilf be held next Monday eve-' f '^"** L" anv parish; sermon, "Not on bread il pictures, has just sent to the had demanded 5,000,000 Chinese , v_ 23 at 8:00 o'clock. in ¡n '¿.¡n y 1. The pont' alone doth man live." ids of all the dioceses of the dollars for his release. the basement hall of St. Agnes' f ig in llis Tuesday, Dec. .8 -For the moth no rv copies of a pledge to be He is the son of Mr. and Mrs• church, Fifth Ave. and Robinson mucb troubled with asthma, which famines in the parish; ] taken on Dec. 13, when the Legion Edward G. Burns, of Toledo, O., St. I causes considerable snort n "The tears of a mother! of Decency pledge is to be renew- and went to Manchukuo in 1934. Mr. Callahan will explain the', , upon the leas ; salvation of her chil- ed. Other Missionaries Held principles which the "Catholic j Therefore* he At the same time Archbishop Three other Catholic mission- worker" is supporting, Its cam-1 d,,wn stairs in a kind -v iw o For nil 1 hns-M McNicholas also released a pam- v^s are still being held captive, opposing Communism pa!gn of ctuiir (Continued on Last Page, col. 1) | low to Judge the by bandits and Communists. and Fascism with real Christian h0WCVer h > is vigorous | Morality of Motion Pictures." (Continued on Last Page, col. 4, ! ity and the progress that has been . ^ nc.;V(, This pahiphlet is described as "A » ' ! made. The fact that he has n 1O1 p * PaufI l Institute popular guide to right standards Rev. Charles Owen Rice, assist-1 ione trovo: Ii far hi.' r I in motion pieture entertainment, Convent Picture •nt at St. Agnes', will preside ìary ae1 ! V Collection Bette? I authorized by the episcopal com- md among those acting as spon mittee on motion pictures for the srTs of tho meeting are Rov.j 1 » Legion of Decency." To Be Shown Here (Continued on Th Thomas B. Lapp an, diocesan di- j llection taken up in the [n rlfocussing the question of ] rector of the Society of St. Vin-j •ch.es of the diocese for De moral significance, the pamphlet 'Cloistered', Based on Actual' --nt d> Paul: Rev. can P. Hens-, • s Institute for the Deaf says: Lives of French Nuns ler, of St. Lawrence's Church; Qf BlSllOp anted to a, total of $22,350, it "It is generally recognized that announced this week by Rev. | enterfninment is either helpful or Coming Next Month Rev. John J. McDonough. of St. Dohentv Mary Magdalen's. Homestead; of' harmful. A clear distinct ion must "his rep ri and Mrs. R. A. Bvrne, and Mrs. I Altoona, ;e- therefore be made between K. i '»(a) Entertainment which The remarkable motion pictur« ti of v er 3 over th (Continued on Last Page, col. 2) I Guilfovle. Bi of convent life. "Cloistered," id I tends to elevate or to relax men v ' and women physically or men whteh has been highly praised by ; place on ru Iv tired with the duties and Oatholic authorities wherever it ta. Arnold Lunn To Give i been decidec . ' a J occupations o f every day life, has been shewn, is to be pn scnted an in Pittsburgh, beginning in Christ- Lecture in Pittsburgh: c rt of De Pau! in as sei v "ib) • Entertainment which was week, at the Art Cinema f m the part ot rip Dio- tends to lower their ideals and Theater, Liberty Ave.
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