Bollettino della SocietnPaleontologic a Itatiana Pubblicatosotto gli auspici del ConsiglioNazionale delle Ricerche Volume43rr. 1-2r2004 Proceedingof the r, MEETINGOF THE ITALIAIVOSTPACODOL( ,,IA{MEMORY OF GIULIAI{O RUGG Rimini,February I 2-I 4, 2003 Editors: Elsa Gliozzr Antonio Russo MUCCHI MODENA Bollenino della Societi Paleontologica ltaliana 43 (r-2),2004rssN0375-7633 297-306 2 pls. Modena, Novembre 2004 First British record of Potamoryprishumilis (Sars, ostracod with a,disjunct distribution in Europe a David J. HonNe RobinJ. SulrH Dept of Geography Departmentof Earth Sciences Queen M"ry Universiryof London, UK KanazawaUniversiry Japan KEY WORDS - Osnacoda,Freshwaten Britain, Europe,South Africa. ABSTRACT - Thefeshwater ostracodCyprilla humilis SArs,1924 wasfrst describedfro* fow'Brady, other species ofcqirilla Sars,1924, a genussubsequently considered by otberauthors to be, 1870. It wasargred that Cyprilla himilis at a iingle--transportedlocality 9ry thi southerncoast of Fint perhaps'ago originati"g fo* a singlepirthenogenetic female, fom soutlternAfrica "localitj by mt ind otferu,intTr"in the Cafiehrouince."subse{uent records fom tfi, ,o*, Finnish anc that it wasa long-termresideit that had simply beenouerlooked. Our discoueryof a popuhtion in of Scotlandproiides thefrst British record'oitdan opportunityfor further desiripiiin and illus iharacteristicsinclude: long swimmingsetae on the aniinnae; adult carapacewith a sharplytrunct 'prominentpined ornAment; prominint anterioi and posterouentralmarginal fknges in the adu'lt-lefi uar tubercfeswhich are com?letetyobttnt in adults. Noie of ihesicharacteristicsis cinsider a separategenus or subgenus,hoitrtr.' W, considerpossible expknations for its dirjunct distri ostracodsby birds. RIASSUNTO- fPrimo ritrovamento^-per la Gran Bretagnadi Potamocyprishumilzs (Sars zione disgiunta in Europa e Sud Africa] L'ostrAcofud'aciua dolceCypiilla humilis Sars, Afica, insiemead alne tptiit di Sars,1924, un gen( Prouincia"delcapo .in Sui .qultno ,Cyprilii sottogenere,o un stnonrmoJunion di PotamocypriJBrady,' 1870. E iin ipotiz,zatoche il itroo detti costameridionale deik Finhndia potesserappreseriart una popolazionedi recenteinsediar 'Successiuipartenogenetica trasportata dal Sud Africa da tttine migranici ili n;difcaryo nellArcipekgo..!"all'i, ritrouaminti nella stessatoiatiti fnhndes, tf in un'abra uicina hanno porioto insediateda lungo tempoe semplicementenon ancorasegnakte. Il nostroritrouamtrto di una po, lnrgo deth costi occidintaled;lla Scoziacostituisce la /rima segnahzioneper h Gran Bretagni mirfologichee per lo studio dell'ontogenesi-bruscamentedi questa spicie. I caranerisalieiti sono:lunghe sete na degi; ad.uhi con margineposteriore troncato e fortementeornAmentato con cauiti; aiteriore e posterouentrale;larue con carapaceprouuisto di euidenti tubercoli, completamentc caratteristicfiei tunauia consideratasfficiente per mantenereCyprilla comegenere o sottogeneres questadistribuzione disgiunta e uienediscussa la dispersionedi osnacodiad operadi uccelli. INTRODUCTION tic of the other four speciesof Cyprilln described by Sars, this might be a valid reason to separateit from In the summers of 1945 and 1947, while basedat Potamorypris.Considering the occurrence of this spe- the Tvirminn e Zoological Station in the Gulf of Fin- cies so far outside its African distributional area,Puras- land, K.J. Purasjoki undertook a survey of ostracods joki (1948) proposed that his Tvdrminne population in rock pools on some of the many islandsin the area. must have been transported directly to Finland by In rain-fed pools on a small, baie rock island called migratory birds, citing Common and fuctic terns, both Storshundsharenhe found a specieswhich he assigned of which migrate by coastal routes, winteritg in the to Potamocypris,noting that it differed from other southern hemisphere and nesting in the Tvirminne Europe3 speciesof thE genus in details of its shell. archipelago.The specieswas subsequentlyfound again Purasjoki sent some specimensto the German ostra- in the Tvirminne area by Hagerman (1967) on Stor- cod specialistWalter Klie who identified it as Cyprilla shundsharen and also on a second island, Spikarna; humilis, a speciesdescribed by Sars (1924) from the recordi.g it as Potamocypris (Cyprilla) humilis (Sars) Cape Province of South Africa and not previously re- he expressedreservations about the idea of transport corded in Europe (Purasjoki, 1948). Noting that Klie by birds from Africa, suggesting that the possibiliry (pers. comm. to Purasjoki) considered Cyprilk to be, that it was native to the Gulf of Finland should not at most, a subgenus of Potamocypris,Purasjoki drew be overlooked. Here we report on the first recorded attention to the distinctive ornament of the juvenile occurrence of Cyprilla humilis Sars, 1924 in the Brit- stages (which exhibit pointed tubercles not seen in ish Isles,taking the opportuniry to supplement its de- the adult) and suggestedthat, if this was a characteris- scription (with particular attention to the ontogenetic 298 D.T,HORNE, RJ, SMITH Text-fig. I Aooendasesof Potarnocynrishurnilis, adult femalesfrom Harris,Scodand (BMNH nos).l) anr ;664.i28i;;ir;; ;fflte five long srvimmingsetae is shownat full lengrh);f) magdiF"!* : .o*", 2004.426;i ma:rillularendotodite and Endites, 2004.427;6) ma:rillular branchial.plate t[[p64; zoo+.+lri sl detailof endbpodite(p"lp) of fifth limb, 2004.430,rotated 90'relitive pm). FIRSTBMTISH RECORDOF POTAMOCYPRISHUMILIS 299 development of its valve ornamentation), review its fHE GENUSCYPRILLA SARS, 1924 generic assignment and consider explanations for its bi-hemisphericaldistribution. Sars (1924) described the new genus Cyprilla on the basis of five new species,all obtained from sam- MATERI-ALAND METHODS ples, or raised from dried mud, collected at localities in the Cape Province of South Africa: C. arcuata, C. on 8'h 2002, C. deflexa, C. humilis and C. producta. Cyprll- Our specimens were collected'West J,rly gibbuh, from a rock pool on the coast of Harris in the la arcuata, being the first to be described, may be Outer Hebrides, about 300 m South of a small head- regarded as the rype speciesalthough it was nqt desig- land called Rubha Romaigidh and immediately South nited as such by Sars. Cyprilln may be considered to of a small rocky b"y called Gebdha Martainn (lat. 57" be a valid genus (e.g. Sars, 1924; McKenzie, I97la, 5I' 20" N, long. 60 59' 59" \tr; British Nationd Grid 1977; Ghetti 6( McKenzie, 1981), or it may be re- reference: NG 03496I). Ostracods were collected by garded as subgenus(e.g. Hagerman, 1967) or a junior sweepinga hand-held sieve(7 5 pm mesh size)through synonym of PotamocyprisBrady (e.g. Gauthier, 1939a, the watel and the sediment on the bottom of the pool; b; Meisch, 1985); Martens et al. (1996), assigninga the animals thus obtained were kept alive in a screw- South African speciesto Cyprilla humilis (Sars, 1924), topped jar, filled with water from the pool, until the noted all three possibilities.Sars (1924) commented evening of the same d^y, when they were examined on the similariry of Cyprilla rc Potamocypris,consider- under a binocular microscope before being extracted i^g the rwo genera to differ in the general appearance with a pipette; specimenswere then preservedin eth- of the shell and its ornament as well as in the valve anol (approximately 70%) fot future study. T!. pool, overlap relationships.His generic description of Cyp- measuring approximately 2 x I m at the surface and rilk draws attention to the fact that the right valve is 0.1 m deep, is on bare rock (Lewisiangneiss), xD esti- generally higher than the left, overlapping it along mated 3-5 m above extreme high water mark (judging much of the dorsal margin, while the left valve overlaps by the intertidal algae and supratidal lichens at the the right anteriorly and posteroventrally(by virtue of site) and at the foot of a gende grassyslope extenditg the left valve'sprominent marginal flanges).Another up to the road. It contained dark brown mud (pt.- characterthat may be of genericsignificance, not men- dominantly fine organic detritus) and loose stoneson tioned by Sars (1924), but described and illustrated the bottom but no algae or aquatic plants; the mar- by Purasjoki (1948), is the occurrenceof prominent gins were a mixture of bare rock and patchesof grass. tubercles on the valves "f juvenile instars (A- I and A- At the time of sampling (mid-afternoon) the water 2) in C. humilis from Finland. In our material from temperature was 19'C. On the d^y of our collection Scotland we have identifi.d juveniles back to the A-5 the water in the pool was fresh; however, although stage;the A-5 to A- 1 instars all bear tubercles (Pl. 2) t protected to some extent by the island of Taransay to includirg e rather swollen one in the anterodorsal the Northwest and the headland of Gob an Tobha to (post-ocular)region and a particularly prominent pos- the Southwest, the rocky coast at Rubha Romaigidh terodorsal group which appear to be enlarged pore is exposed to Atlantic swell approaching from due conuli, but there is no trace of tuberclesin adults (Pl. 'West, and it is therefore probable that the introduction I ), which bear only the finely reticulate/pitted orna- to the pool of salt spray from breaking waves is a ment seen in all the instars. Purasjoki (1948), men- fairly frequent occurrence. The pool appeared to be tioning Gauthier's (1934) doubts about the validiry of fed partly by rain and partly by seepage from the grassy Cyprilla, stated that Klie
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