agidvplley.coin I y - i j l a m e l i s l ; Twin FalliUls, Idaho/97th year,ar, N o. 158 _______M_ Friday, June 7, 2 U rC d o D A> MORNING Bu = = W e a ¥ hE e : R = = = Today: S u n s h in e a n d p r oo p o s e s A a few clouds; e f a s e d bteeqr. High 76, low 44. — m e Page A2 ei'gin g 11 ■ . - ^ G I C VG /a l l e y . .• I a g; e e n c i e s y ' . ) " ___________ ----------------- : A c t WA'ouldx-reatcr ' C --------- H new DepartmentD Of H omleland cl Sccuriu' Knight RIddiMilor Naw, S«tvlce W ASHJ]IHINCTON - Presidrnl _ t>overtyanitt)iehe Magic Valley: ' B ush pimposed roj Thursday to H [ ------------TTieTirjiesJ^^iiis sh(3w what:-------------- _______ ___ m e rg e .ai host-of-fcderaihe agendes---------------------- . H .. a newnt Department of H \ the Census saysys about ^ e rty H o m e lafind n d S e c u rity , h oping to locally. - s h a rp e n11 goveig( iiment efforls to • - . PageB l ___________ p r e v e nt newm a c ts uf terro rism - _____ against thc United States, “Toniglit,gilt, I ask the Congress to Moisiey ‘‘V join m e in (TL-aiing a sin ^ e per-' H H manent departmdc|i ent wilh an over- H H Unemploymentt pplunges: The riding andnd urgenti mission: socur- I H latest numbers■s sish o w a sig n ifi- ing the AmAmerican homeland ami cant drop in newe w jo b le s s protectingng thct Amr^rican people," !- ' claims. Bush saidd in a prim e tim e spccch. - .................... - ....... —Page E l - -------- ___ :__________If-C ongreigress.approvcs,iL-wc.uJd-------- ------------------------ ■/ be the mostlost dram atic overhaul of the federacral government since ||^ ■ '"f"! Harry Tnimniman shifted his admin- I i;:-§;^WEEKENL istration froifrom waging all-oot corn- H Bj bat in Work’orld W ar II to sMstaining ■ a 40-ye:irr coldcc w ar against com- | m unisni. ■ “We havelave concluded that our governmentent must l>e reorganized to deal mosinost effectively with the n«iM », UU It mumo/tim tvmww^Hoi new threats:ats of the 21st centurj-," The 8usp«ctwho held pollijollce offlcors at bay for moroI thantl seven hours while holodId upi ot tho Motol III In TwinI FallsFal poacerully surrondors at Bush Kjiid. atwut 6:30 Thursday even)^enlng. B u sh ’s; sweeping.sv pr»>posal - made in a larci'; speech from the Whito Hous:oiise residence - gave . I r*r* ^ cliancance to recapture com- ' ■ ■ 1 / ^ T T (he political agenda in H H | f l SiJ u s p e e t Si I u r r e n d e irs a fte r s(j e v e n - h oD u r S t a n d -l.V_/Xx the nation'sn's aipital, where ques- _________ _____ tit’jis.nlio.uLout_wJiaL_KcuUYXiini^________________ ___________ By Mar1arkHeInr~ not known Thiirsdajny .vyhere th e in s id e thle e governmentg before •- Tlmw-f>a-New8 writer_________________ man was from. IIIjyKBU Sept. 11 huvhave dominated events Officers_at abotl B WBBB 'tl reccnt weeweeks. f Y e^rday and ton^ T O Y K - F a s t - TvjT, t t i ; 3 0 p .m . W E j iS S iVIN FALlS - After a seven-:n- went to room 144 off tiioML iiteiiir' y jS ffi^ ■j&£5S^ Bush ackjvcknuwledged tliat ■. gn3wii;^d^pli'aiF a rm a n d h o u r- ststandoff w ith police in Twinrin on Second Avenue WestW to serve picions andnd insights of some of liioists its 18th Falls5 Thursday,T a man suspecteded the warrant. A manin inside the our front-lini-line agents did nor get m story of haviaving ac least one explosiveve room came to the wwindow, dis- jSHMDjjl enough atterttention." And hc wei- m S a m ^ ^ , ' devicece surrendered in the park-•k- p la y e d w h a t a p p e aared r to bc a l^^^m comed Con{ongrcssional review. ■ Page Cl tot of a downtown motel andnd pipe bom b, and told1 thet police to “ W e n e e dd to know w hen warn- Hi- quickly scooped up by a b a c k o ff, M c A te e sisaid. Police re missed or signs SWATlT team . promptly evacuatedd the rest of rS n H unheeded1 - notr to point the fin- ' PoliciHc ft o n T h u rsd a y w e re n ot the motel, the nearbyby post office . g e r blamime, e but to make sure Sroii'is releasiiising th e identity of th e m an,n, and established n>1 perim eter we correctct anya iJroblems, and I nghtforttie "h?™was taken directly to thcle around th c area, preveju theihem from happening I Falls County Jail at aboutut There were rumorors early on again,” h e siiiis;iid. |cup;D em ,i, p.m;, said Twin Falls police:e that the man's girlfriTiend was in Still, hcr insistedin5 anew that no evenedei the Sgt. DanDa McAtee. It was not yetet the room with him,. butb McAtee o n e in thle e governmentg could M S ta n le y C u p clear- latela Thursday what chnrgcs2s after the surrender saids; nobody BRMffi have prcvervented the terrorisi F in a ls s e r ie s h e mighight face, McAtee said. else was found there. attacks. .. - -1 “I do notIt l>elieveIh anyone could i f l H H w- e m an - who is in his mid-20s}s Police were expecticting to wait w ith C a ro lin a " •have prevenvented the horror of - ------ -- ; thought to h av e a t least onele as long as three hoururs a fte r th e A MotoMlllll'rosldoht i 'passes the tlin'e ThtiThursday while an offlcor secure* ™ res the Sept. 11,” he said. “Yet we now ........... m t against him from Blainele surrender before enjn te rin g th e surroui■ounding tho motol. Tho resWonl Ity, M cA tee said. But it ^vas Jonts woro ovictod around 1:303 InI tho know th a t; tilltliousands of trained Please see STANDtIDOFF, Page A2 flftemoon1 andai still woro not allowed InIn thotl building by as lato as 9 p.rp.m. k illers a r e; pliplotting to attack us PageDl and this terribleter knowledge ■ ■ a t req u ires u s> to act different.” ■ ■ _ Initial reactiaction on Capitol Hill M M I I I was broadlyily favorable among )airy coi)nflict rrnight g to hiigh cou♦JL C- lawmakers; fromfro both parues, but troversy: many predicttlicted furious turf bat- i ’t d im in is h By JuIIeie PenceI to reverse a decisic:ion on the . The Hoh:ohnhorst decision over- might be on his way 1 as bureaucrats and lative overseers srrug- 6Hp i n i o n i w a s te a t TlmefrNe-News writer __________ Henslee dairy proposa•sal b etw een turned a previouspi decision nmde Supreme Court until 77k to d a y ’s e d i. “ Bulll and H agerm an. by Districtict Judge Daniel Meehl. A'ctiv notified him this wt :erve their powers, or Mountain of contro HL - A controversial dairyy In April, Sth Distrtrict Judge Meelil hadild SJiid th e dairy was iw lem, amidst planning ■ H he said h e’s willing to take(citasfnr f„r ,i,c, rcorea i S c ^ tactics don’t ised for wc.stem Twin Fpllss John Hohnhor^t ruledd diati broth- contentiou:ous in the public arena as h e has to. irganization. As many, H M I the need to store w s rty : that came back to life in1 ers M ike a nd M ark Herenslee could that an idministrativeadr approval “To me, you sliould jusUSI give a ' “ "Sresrc.ssional committees A p ril mmight be headed for theL‘ begin construction onI a 2,142-cow given by thetli Twin Falls County person a cliance to proveve.oyou imd subcommilim ittees have jurisdic- Yucca Mountain, t< , tion over o ne celement or another torial says. Idaho SuSupreme Qjun. dai^ near thc Bell RcRapids area planning■ andai zoning office was they’re going to do what t A D•emocraiic en candidate for tlie2 after they receivo a ww;ater-riglits invalid beesccause a public hearing they are going to do. ButUl it lliuy J™ d security. state SetSenate from D isoict 23, Bill1 t r a n s f e r fro m th«he Idaho hadnotbeeieen held. L ieberm an, D-Conn.. Chisholnaim, is asking th c higli courtt ^ Departihent of W ater Resources.Ri Mike Herlenslee did not know hc Please see DAIRY,l»,P a8sA 2 Nation .. M-5 ■ see AGENCIES, Page A2 3bltuaries ..B2 \ 7 j [ N D E X )plnion— J\6-7---------V"Qp l u n t e e r s feffled .C7-20 Nati?ports -.-.-Dl-6— ------ Comics . .E6 ObitVeather ...A2 j-. • lirosswofd—E4— OfrirVeekEnd .Cl-8 IV C Vwardrises S caused m:lass extinct:tiori V est.... .82-8 ---------DearAWv—E4“ 8poi i i i j j M Tho Associated Pross______ Horosco^ .E4 Weatorid.....D7-8 5250,000 -------- r oirtln the L;M. Boyd . .E5 Wee WASHINGTON - Thciie m ost -Scionco: ------ T h e A toloclatedPrftM c ^ ________ extensive exunction event .Bl Wesi tory, the die-off of abouttS ‘ O p ^ r’ tmp://vww.sclo Money .
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