-X;-¥4?JU/ VIII UUU&UUI j JL IVUl -IV DISTRIBUTION BED BAM TODAY Hl«fc *Sty aad temonow ta tfct 23,750 tow ».. Low tonight, O ri Uh- and mlld.r, 1M J DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 86. NO 218 **•!?> Mo»«»r uuwfn wiir. §•««««»•• FMU RED BANK, N. X, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Believe He Was After Drugs in Doctor's Borne Gunman Gets Cash, Jewels in Robbery at Deal By CHARLES JOHNSTON when she answered a knock at the front door of the ranch-type Chief Rehm said a complete inventory wiltfje made today. maid had been left. He locked the door as a safeguard home. In all the man was in the house about 40 minutes. When against the man's return. Then he untied the other three and DEAL — An unshaven, dishevelled, young gunman, Mrs. Abrams phoned police. quivering and wreaking of an afcohoHc breath, forced his way The hatless man in his early 20s, who she faced, pressed a he left, he ordered the four to stay quiet for five minutes of into a private home here yesterday, tied up a doctor's wife, revolver against her and said, "This is a stickup," Chiel he would return and kill them. Policeman Frank Barry was first on the scene and im- Rehm related. J her two sons, and a maid with nylon stockings, and escaped Outside he found Mrs. Abrams' car which he started with mediately entered the house. Michael asked several questions with money, jewels, and medioines. Inside the house, he commanded the maid and 15-year-old keys he had taken from her. The auto, a 1961 model sedan, to make sure Barry was a policeman, however, before un- Michael Abrams, who had been watching television, to re- Police said immediately alter the mid-afternoon holdup at was found later about two blocks away near the oceanfront. locking the door. Michael is a sophomore at Long Branch main quiet. ' High School. Richard attends Deal school. the home of Dr. Murray Abrams, 89 Jerome Ave., that the .About 10 minutes later Richard Abrams, 12, arrived and' Chief Rehm said Michael Abrams apparently took control thug possibly was a drug addict suffering withdrawal paint. was made a captive. The doctor's wife, Lolly, came in at of the situation, cautioning his mother and brother, and the Deal and Long Branch police set up roadblocks at all An alarm warned that he might try a similar robbery after about 3:10. maid to follow instructions and not to panic. entrances to the borough, but without success. The man they learining that the medical Items he had taken contained no Chief Rehm said all four were herded into two bedrooms Even the gunman was impressed. Mrs. Abrams said spught was described as wearing a tan jacket, dark trousers narcotics. Speotal attention was directed to the Lakewood and were ordered to lay on beds where their hands were tied afterwards he had told her that if It hadn't been for Michael's and black shoes, and large, dark sunglasses. area because of comments the man had mumbled In the behind them. Their feet also were bound. intelligent leadership "someone might have been killed here Dr. Abrams, an eye, ear and nose specialist with offices Abrams home.. • • . H •" The gunman ransacked the bedrooms and cabinets, taking today." ' at Long Branch, and Mrs. Abrams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. The family maid, about 35, whose name PoKce Chief about $70 in cash and several thousand dollars worth of After the robber had left, Michael broke his own bonds Philip Batchker, who also live in the house, learned of the John J. Rehm withheld, was confronted at about 2: SO p.m. Jewelry. and carried Richard into the room where his mother and the robbery later. He Defeats Katz, 252-142 Democrats Select Campi LONG BRANCH — In a Strictly business at- About 70 per cent of the eligible 544 men and was voiced to the motion requiring an open roll mosphere, P. Paul Campi was re-elected Monmouth women committee members from the 272 voting call vote, killing off their hopes for a secret ballot County Democratic chairman last night, handily de- districts were present for their annual meeting Glenn L. Swader, county superintendent of elec- feating Elliot L. Katz, 252 to 142. at the Paddock Lounge. tions and Democratic leader in Manasquan, nomi- nated Mr. Campi. James L. Biondo of Shrewsbury The rematch of the former Little Silver mayor It was their first get together since appointment seconded it. Neither man made a speech. and the Long Branch attorney had none of the fan- of State Committeewoman Katharine Elkus White fare or convention-like demonstrations which had as ambassador to Denmark. Though she had said Edward Whelan of Raritan Township put Mr. accompanied the insurgent's initial bid a year ago. sfce planned to be present, she didn't appear. But Katz' name in nomination with a three-minute ora- nefti°r her appointment nor her absence drew of- tion. Matawan Township Committeeman Jay Instead there was a matter-of-fact air of or- Krivitzky, the seconding speaker, talked even long- ganization assurance. The leadership of State er. Committeeman Paul Kiernan, which was at stake, In a letter to county committee members, Mr. kept things in hand and moving. Katz, with obvious reference to crushing Democratic But the outcome was apparent from almost the start of voting. The roll was called alphabetically In losing, Mr. Katz fell off his pace of 1963 by defeats at the polls last fall, said the party was languishing, He promised more vigorous leader- by towns. Mr. Campi's election was a mathematical about 20 votes. The margin then was 242 to 151, certainty midway in the poU of Neptune Township giving Mr/ Campi the chairmanship tor <he first ship. time. Only a mild "nay" vote from Katz supporters . (See CAMPI, Page 2) GOP Elects Woolley to 24th Term By WILLIAM HENDERSON In introducing the candidates, he spotted Freeholder Marcus SEA GIRT - Amidst a com- Daly first. Taking the congres- munity-sing atmosphere, GOP sional candidate by the arm, he county chairman J. Russell Wool- HAPPY WARRIOR — P. Paul Campi,, «eai«d, surrounded by supporters after being remarked: "Hera is your next ley was, re-elected last night to congressman." re-alected Monmouth County Democratic Chairman/Left to right, standing, are Mrs. his, 24t)h one-year term. Woolley then asked Sen Richard Catharine McCloikey of Eatontown, renamed recording secretary; James J. How- i It took %e 500 county commit- R." 'Stout, West Allenhurst, to tee members less than two min- ard, candidate for Congress, and Mrs. Cecile F. Norton of Sea Bright, re-elected come forward. "He's in the rear, utes to vtye Wooiley into office so that' he'll get longer applause Vice chairman. ' '. again and the same amount of walking to the front. That's a time to, re-elect Mrs. Anne H. politician for you," said the chair- Monford of Middletown as vice man. chairman; Mrs. Jan© Clay- Stout asked every Republican Compromise h Reached on Plan ton, Rumson, secretary; William to work hard in the coming elec- A. Kresge, treasurer, and Thom- tion and stressed unity. Then he as De Lisa, sergeant-at-arms. It displayed a gold necklace which For Asbury Park-Tretiton Road was all done by voice vote. had been found in the dining Mrs. Morford starts her 16th room by a reporter. "Who owns year as vice chairman, and De FREEHOLD - An impending after a luncheon meeting of Mon- A feasibility study to decide it?" asked the senator. "Raffle Lisa his 20bh at the man who it off" someone yelled. legislative bottleneck on the pro-mouth and Ocean County assem where the eastern end should be keeps order. blymen and freeholders, that a placed will be made by the New Daly's Address posed Asbury Park-Trenton Ex- The dinner-meeting was spon- compromise was worked out Jersey Turnpike Authority whicl In a brief speech, Mrs. Mor- pressway was apparently broken sored by the Affiliated Republican which might relocate the pro is called upon to build the road ford declared: "Be sure to regis- here yesterday. Club of Monmouth County whiah posed eastern-terminus farther ter and vote. What can be more Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadle- The suggested expressway, as swelled the attendance in Sea Girt south on. the coast. ; important?" aton, R-Monmouth, announced a cross-state adjunct of the turn Inn to 1,000 persons. pike,, is one of three toll roac Daly also delivered some prose: proposals affecting • the Jerse; Let Democrats Fight "We have candidates we can well Shore now before the legislature Wooiley got the crowd into a be proud of. The party faces a That is the root of the problem gay mood when he cracked: "Let political crisis this year and we Gilbert, 2 Others Purpose of the luncheon at the have got to put over our ticket. the Democrats fight among them- American Hotel was tcKseek a selves-we'll sing." This was a ref- Our candidates represent the best plan to accommodate fall three erence to the fight last night be- in America and the best in the proposals. \. tween P. Paul Campi, Little Sil- country. I will do everything I Victims in Alaska ONE FOR ALL — And all for one. That was the harmony theme last night at the can to help Russ Wooiley, Free- The expressway is supports? ver, and Elliot Katz, Long holder Abe Voorhees, Surrogate on a flight from the port of by Monmouth and Mercer Coun •Branch, over the county chair- GOP County Committee dinner-meeting at Sea Girt Inn.
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