ACADÉMIE ROUMAINE INSTITUT D’ARCHÉOLOGIE « V. PÂRVAN » DACIA REVUE D’ARCHÉOLOGIE ET D’HISTOIRE ANCIENNE NOUVELLE SÉRIE LIX 2015 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE RÉDACTION Rédacteur en chef : ALEXANDRU VULPE Collège de rédaction : MARIA ALEXANDRESCU VIANU (Bucureşti), ALEXANDRU AVRAM (Le Mans), DOUGLAS W. BAILEY (San Francisco), MIHAI BĂRBULESCU (Cluj-Napoca), PIERRE DUPONT (Lyon), SVEND HANSEN (Berlin), ANTHONY HARDING (Exeter), RADU HARHOIU (Bucureşti), ATTILA LÁSZLÓ (Iaşi), SILVIA MARINESCU-BÎLCU (Bucureşti), MONICA MĂRGINEANU-CÂRSTOIU (Bucureşti), VIRGIL MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA (Iaşi), JEAN-PAUL MOREL (Aix-en-Provence), IOAN PISO (Cluj-Napoca), CLAUDE RAPIN (Aix-en-Provence), WOLFRAM SCHIER (Berlin), VICTOR SPINEI (Iaşi) Rédacteur en chef adjoint : FLORIAN MATEI-POPESCU Comité de rédaction : CRISTINA ALEXANDRESCU, ALEXANDRU DRAGOMAN, EUGEN NICOLAE, ALEXANDRU NICULESCU, CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, DANIEL SPÂNU Secrétaire de rédaction : RALUCA KOGĂLNICEANU Rédaction éditoriale : MONICA STANCIU Informatique éditoriale : LUIZA STAN Toute commande sera adressée à : EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5, 050711, Bucureşti, România ; Tél. 4021-318 8146, 4021-318 8106, Fax 4021-318 2444, E-mail : [email protected] ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000 S.R.L., P. O. Box 77–19, sector 3, Bucureşti, România ; Tél./Fax : 4021-610 6765, 4021-210 6787, Tél. 0311 044 668, E-mail : [email protected] S.C. MANPRESS DISTRIBUTION S.R.L., Piaţa Presei Libere, nr. 1, Corp B, Etaj 3, Cam. 301–302, sector 1, Bucureşti, Tel.: 4021 314 63 39, fax: 4021 314 63 39, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], www.manpress.ro Les manuscrits et les périodiques proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction : Institut d’Archéologie « V. Pârvan », 11, rue H. Coandă, 010667 Bucarest, Roumanie, Tél./Fax 4021 212 88 62, E-mail : [email protected] ; [email protected] ©2016, EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE www.ear.ro ACADÉMIE ROUMAINE INSTITUT D’ARCHÉOLOGIE «V. PÂRVAN» DACIA LIX, 2015 REVUE D’ARCHÉOLOGIE ET D’HISTOIRE ANCIENNE JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANCIENT HISTORY ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ARCHÄOLOGIE UND GESCHICHTE DES ALTERTUMS ЖУРНАЛ АРX ЕОЛОГИИ И ДРЕВНЕЙ ИСТОРИИ SOMMAIRE CONTENTS INHALT ÉTUDES MONICA MĂRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, De l’architecture hellenistique de Callatis: une expression originale du style ionique ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...…… 5 STELUŢA GRAMATICU, On the metrology of the city of Istros in the autonomous period ……………………………. 21 GEORGE CUPCEA, Careers in the guard of the Dacian Governor ……………………………………………………… 49 FELIX MARCU, GEORGE CUPCEA, Recent developments in the fort of Bologa and on the northwestern Dacian limes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 67 ROBERT GINDELE, Die römerzeitlichen Barbarensiedlungen von Livada/Ciuperceni – Photovoltaik-Anlage GPSP Solaris und Supuru de Sus – Togul lui Cosmi. Neue Angaben bezüglich der rechteckigen Gruben mit gebrannten Wänden aus dem 2.-5. n. Chr. im oberen Theiss-Becken ………………………………………………………. 83 DANIELA TĂNASE, Considerations on the archaeology of the Early Migrations Period in Banat …………………… 127 DANIEL-CĂLIN ANTON, Ethnische und chronologische Verhältnisse im Gräberfeld Nr. 3 von Brateiu, Siebenbürgen 153 DANIELA MARCU ISTRATE, Byzantine influences in the Carpathian Basin around the turn of the millennium. The pillared church of Alba Iulia …………………………………………………………………………………….. 177 NOTES ET DISCUSSIONS FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Sea Peoples: superior on land and at the sea …………………………………………… 215 ADRIAN BĂLĂŞESCU, VALENTIN RADU, MIHAI CONSTANTINESCU, SORIN-CRISTIAN AILINCĂI, Animal exploitation in Babadag culture. Satu Nou – Valea lui Voicu site (Oltina, Constanța County) ………….. 227 EMILIAN TELEAGA, Die La-Tène zeitlichen Grabfunde aus Brateiu, jud. Sibiu, Rumänien. Ein Beitrag zum Grabwesen Siebenbürgens ………………………………………………………………………………………. 241 ALEXANDER RUBEL, Afterlife and the living. The Arginusae trial and the omission of burying the dead ……………….. 277 CORIOLAN HORAŢIU OPREANU, A detachment of the legio VII Gemina Felix at Porolissum. When and why? …… 299 FLORIN-GHEORGHE FODOREAN, Distances along the Roman roads in the ancient itineraries: from Britannia to Asia. A short comparison ………………………………………………………………………………………... 311 CRISTINA MUJA, ADRIAN IONIŢĂ, Sexual dimorphism and general activity levels as revealed by the diaphyseal external shape and historical evidence: case study on a medieval population from Transylvania ……………….. 319 SERGEY BOCHAROV, ANDREY MASLOVSKY, AYRAT SITDIKOV, The beginning of glazed ceramics production in the Southeast Crimea during the last quarter of the 13th century – the first quarter of the 14th century …………… 329 CĂTĂLIN NICOLAE POPA, Late Iron Age archaeology in Romania and the politics of the past ……………………… 337 DACIA N.S., tome LIX, Bucarest, 2015, p. 3-388 ÉPIGRAPHIE CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Notes prosopographiques (VIII) …………………………………………………….. 363 RAINER WIEGELS, Zwei gestempelte Silberbarren und ein spätantiker Goldbarren aus Crasna (Rumänien) …………. 371 COMPTES RENDUS Ion Țurcanu, Antichitatea greco-romană la Nistru de Jos și în teritoriile învecinate, Editura Cartier, Chișinău, 2014, 760 p., 238 fig. (Thibaut Castelli) ………………………………………………………………………………… 377 Ennio Sanzi, Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Dolichenus. Un “culto orientale” fra tradizione e innovazione: riflessioni storico-religiose (I Saggi, 52), Roma, 2013, 398 p. (Florian Matei-Popescu) …………………………………… 378 Materiale și Cercetări Arheologice (serie nouă), X, 2014, București, Editura Academiei Române, 300 p. (Liana Oţa)….. 379 ABRÉVIATIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 383 CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE EARLY MIGRATIONS PERIOD IN BANAT* DANIELA TĂNASE** Keywords: early migration, chronology, settlements, cemeteries, monetary hoard Abstract: All through the D1 stage of the early migration period, the Banat Plain was intensely populated. The settlements from this region, alike those from the Pannonian Plain experienced a period of prosperity, reflected by the wealth of the ceramic material on which the post-Cerneahov influences are to be noticed, most evident on the technology of pottery production, their morphology and decoration. Although cemeteries with numerous graves are characteristic of D1 stage, so far in Banat none had been exhaustively investigated. In the cemeteries from this period new elements of ritual and funerary furniture of Eastern origin are to be noticed. During the D2 stage one can observe a restriction of the dwelling area in Banat, as compared with the previous stage (D1). The artifacts come mostly from graves found by chance in the 19th century. Only the cemetery at Timişoara – Freidorf had been systematically investigated between 1988 and 2006. Finding of lavish pieces in Banat (in the graves from Izvin and Periam and also in the grave? with gold coins from Denta) indicates the presence of a tribal elite revolving around a Hun powerhouse, located most probably in the region west of the confluence of Mures and Tisa rivers. A less intensive dwelling is to be noticed for the D3 stage, when Banat fell under the domination of the Gepidic Kingdom, only two discoveries being archaeologically certified so far. Cuvinte-cheie: migraţii timpurii, cronologie, aşezări, cimitire, tezaur monetar Rezumat: În etapa D1 a epocii timpurii a migraţiilor, Câmpia Banatului a fost intens locuită. Aşezările din această regiune, la fel ca cele din Câmpia Panonică, au cunoscut o perioadă de prosperitate, reflectată de bogăţia materialului ceramic la care se observă influenţele post-cerneahoviene, mai evidente în privinţa tehnicii de producere a vaselor, precum şi a morfologiei şi a decorului acestora. Deşi etapei D1 îi sunt caracteristice cimitirele cu morminte numeroase, până în prezent, în Banat, nu a fost cercetat nici unul exhaustiv. În cimitirele din această perioadă apar elemente noi de ritual şi de mobilier funerar, de origine răsăriteană. În etapa D2 se observă o restrângere a ariei de locuire în Banat, comparativ cu etapa precedentă - D1. Artefactele provin mai ales din morminte găsite întâmplător în secolul XIX, doar cimitirul de la Timişoara – Freidorf a fost cercetat sistematic, între anii 1988-2006. Descoperirile de piese fastuoase din Banat (mormintele de la Izvin şi Periam, mormântul? cu monede din aur de la Denta) indică prezenţa unei elite tribale care gravita în jurul unui centru de putere hunic, situat cel mai probabil în regiunea de la vest de confluenţa Mureşului cu Tisa. O locuire puţin intensă se constată şi în etapa D3, când Banatul intră sub dominaţia regatului gepid, fiind atestate arheologic până în prezent doar două descoperiri. Archaeological evidence points that starting with the last third of the 4th century AD in nowadays Banat emerged the first archaeological reflexes of an era that will lead to important changes in the political, social and economic, but also in the ethnic structure of vast territories and will foreshadow the map of Medieval Europe: the migration epoch. For the migrations period, one of the most controversial and at the same time fascinating period in European history in the first millennium AD, as written information is contradictory, the main course of investigation is archaeological research. Based on the interpretation of archaeological sources, I shall try to * This study represents a synthesis of the works published in 2013 (Tănase 2013a and 2013b), with subsequent additions and conclusions. ** Muzeul Banatului din Timişoara; [email protected]. DACIA N.S., tome LIX, Bucarest, 2015, p.
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