1 Contents WELCOME CONFERENCE SchEduLE Letter from the President: 2 Session Key Icons 26 Jill W. Sheffield, Women Deliver 3-Day Schedule: At a Glance 27 Letter from the Regional Director: 3 Raj Abdul Karim, Women Deliver tuesday Letter from the Honourary Chair of the 4 Plenary Speakers 28 Women Deliver Regional Advisory Group: Plenary Descriptions 34 Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali, Concurrent Sessions: At a Glance 38 First Maternal and Child Health Officer, Speaker’s Corner: At a Glance 40 State of Kedah, Malaysia Cinema Corner: At a Glance 41 Conference Supporters 5 Tech & Tech: At a Glance 42 CONFERENCE ORGANisiNG Side Events: At a Glance 43 Acknowledgements 8 Concurrent Sessions, Side Events: Descriptions 44 Conference Staff 9 Session Organisers 9 Wednesday Session Organisers Acknowledgements 10 Plenary Speakers 64 International Advisory Group 10 Plenary Descriptions 68 Regional Advisory Group 11 Concurrent Sessions: At a Glance 72 Youth Working Group 11 Speaker’s Corner: At a Glance 74 Communications Advisory Group 12 Cinema Corner: At a Glance 75 Malaysian Representatives of Government 12 Tech & Tech: At a Glance 76 Business, and Civil Society Side Events: At a Glance 77 Media Partners 12 Concurrent Sessions, Side Events: Descriptions 78 CONFERENCE OVERViEW thursday Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Floor Plan 14 Plenary Speakers 96 General Information, Services and Amenities 17 Plenary Descriptions 100 Code of Conduct 18 Concurrent Sessions: At a Glance 103 Speaker’s Corner: At a Glance 105 CONFERENCE speciAL EVENts Cinema Corner: At a Glance 106 Pre-Conference Partner Events 20 Social Enterprise Challenge: At a Glance 107 Post-Conference Partner Events 21 Side Events: At a Glance 108 Special Forums 21 Concurrent Sessions, Side Events: Descriptions 109 Arts and Special Events 22 CONFERENCE EXhiBitORs Exhibit Hall Floor Plan 125 Exhibitors by Organisation 127 Exhibitors by Booth Number 128 Exhibitor Descriptions 130 CONFERENCE AdVERtisERs Advertisements 140 2 WElcome Letter from the President In the past three years, we have seen tremendous momentum growing for the health and empowerment of girls and women worldwide. Maternal deaths have declined by nearly 50% since 1990, proving that our goals are within reach. The Every Woman Every Child initiative has brought about a new spirit of collaboration, partnership, and innovation within the maternal and reproductive health field. This past summer, the London Summit on Family Planning raised over $2.6 billion to ensure that the 260 million women who use contraceptives will continue to have access to this life-saving commodity, and will also extend coverage to 120 million more girls and women by 2020. Clearly, the tide of change has come for girls and women. Yet our work is far from over; in fact, it is just beginning. In just a few short years, the Jill W. Sheffield Millennium Development Goals and the International Conference on Population and President Development’s Programme of Action will both expire, leaving us with a new development Women Deliver framework. There has never been a better time to raise our voices in support of the health and empowerment of girls and women, and to ensure they are a top priority in 2015 and beyond. Women Deliver 2013 will be the biggest and best conference we’ve had to date. In 2007, together we put maternal health on the map. In 2010, we highlighted effective solutions to improve maternal and reproductive health. And now, we will galvanize action and accelerate progress to meet our goals. This requires us to join forces and work collaboratively across sectors, genders, and generations, and around the globe. Together, we can and will ensure that one day, women across all geographic, socioeconomic, and cultural lines will have access to the care they need, and no woman will die giving life. On the first day of the conference, we will examine how investments in girls and women result in a domino effect of positive outcomes for girls and women, their families, societies, nations, and the world. Day two will highlight the unmet need for contraception, and look at how we can ensure that every woman has stigma-free access to affordable family planning services. On the last day, we will develop an action plan for ensuring that girls and women are prioritised in the new development framework and lay out a clear, measureable roadmap to success. Your participation, and your follow-up work once you return home from Kuala Lumpur, will make our conference a success. Welcome to Women Deliver 2013, the place for you to share, learn, interact, and become as inspired as I am by your commitment to the health and well-being of girls and women around the world. 3 WElcome Letter from the regionaL direCtor I’m thrilled to welcome the Women Deliver 2013 conference to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I’d also like to extend my gratitude to the Prime Minister and Government of Malaysia, and the Regional Advisory Group, for their active support in making this groundbreaking event possible. The conference will be an opportune time to highlight the many success stories from countries throughout Asia. Maternal deaths have been in decline in this region, and many programmes are making a difference. From community health services in rural India, to innovative youth-led sexuality education trainings in Cambodia, to impressive public advocacy campaigns in Japan, it is inspiring to see progress take shape. Malaysia itself is a champion of maternal health. Thanks to strong investments in the maternal health sector and improved access to quality Dr. Raj Abdul Karim water, sanitation, nutrition, and girls’ education, Malaysia has seen dramatic declines in Regional Director pregnancy- and childbirth-related deaths. Women Deliver From the plenaries to the concurrent sessions to the exhibits, there is no better place than the Women Deliver 2013 conference to meet champions and innovators, to promote new projects and products, and to contribute to the global dialogue. We have a lot to learn from each other, other countries, and other regions, and that is why Women Deliver is so special. The conference is a gathering place for the girls’ and women’s sector. Women Deliver recognises that eradicating HIV and AIDS, improving education, promoting human rights, working towards environmental sustainability, and ensuring economic empowerment and gender equality are all necessary parts of the solution to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity for girls and women. We are all in this together, and we need to build on each other’s work to create synergies. Thank you for joining us for this world-class conference. Best, 4 WElcome Letter from the honoURARY Chair of the Women deLiVer REGIONAL adVISORY GROUP Greetings! It gives me great pleasure to welcome all those attending the Women Deliver 2013 Conference. Here, in Malaysia, we strongly advocate for the health and empowerment of girls and women. The Women Deliver conference themes strike at the core of our own mission to ensure that all women have access to safe, healthy pregnancies and deliveries. The decision to convene your third global conference in Malaysia is a testament to the tremendous progress our country has made in reducing maternal deaths. In the past 12 years, we have reduced our maternal mortality rate to one of the lowest in the region, thanks to improved access to maternal health care, increased financing for obstetric services, Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji and a greater number of skilled delivery attendants. Malaysia’s success story is proof that Mohamad Ali real change for girls and women is possible with political will and dedicated resources. First Maternal and Child Health Officer, State of Kedah, We are proud to be a country that believes no woman should die while giving life. We are Malaysia, and Honourary Chair, proud to support women to exercise the right to plan the number and spacing of their Women Deliver Regional children, and to provide family planning information and services to those who need it. Advisory Group We welcome you to join us in working to improve maternal health worldwide. You have my best wishes for a successful conference, and for your continued work to ensure a bright future for girls and women everywhere. Sincerely, Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali 5 WElcome ConferenCe sUPPorters CONFERENCE dONORs EUROPEAN COMMISSION World Health Organization CONFERENCE spONsORs diAMONd GOLd SIlvER BRONZE 6 WElcome NON Profit spONsORs diAMONd GOLd silver BRONZE www.plannedparenthood.org/global *LOOHVSLH)RXQGDWLRQ 7 ConferenceConference Organising Contents 8 acknowledgements 10 international advisory group 12 Malaysian representatives 9 Conference staff 11 regional advisory group of government, Business, 9 Session organisers 11 Youth Working group and Civil society 10 Session organisers 12 Communications 12 Media Partners acknowledgements advisory group 8 CONFERENCE ORGANisiNG Dr. Raj Karim, who knows everybody The Women Deliver Communications AcknoWLedgements in Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia, in Asia, Advisory Group, who helped us make and in the world. sure our messages were heard across the world! t he Women deliver 2013 conference would Frances Kissling—where to start? not have been possible without the help Grateful for her Rolodex and her organ- The Women Deliver Regional Advisory and support of hundreds of people. the ising skills, and for always keeping us all Group, for their very specific ideas moving in the same general direction. and outreach. following deserve our special gratitude. The Women Deliver Core Staff, a unique The Women Deliver Youth Advisory team of winners and stars. Who knew Group, whose feedback was invaluable that such a small team could achieve so and who always offered to jump in and much? Thank you for all the hard work. make sure youth voices were heard. All Sponsors and Donors who made The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Women Deliver 2013 not only possible, for a wonderful, world-class venue to but better than ever.
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