/Vf ùf U SEMI-ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RESEARCH IN POST-HARVEST TECHNOLOGY FOR. CEREAL GRAINS. AGO GRAIN LEGUMES IN AFRICAN COUNTRIES NORTH OF THF EQUATOR By W. D. Rolston For International Development Research Centre Ottawa Canada 1974 IDRC-doc-064 ARCHIV 016(6)633 R 6 NOTICE SEMI-ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY It is a policy of the IDPC to publish only bibliographies OF that can be taken as reference works. For developing-country users in particular, it is important not to spend time and RESEARCH IN POST-HARVEST TECHNOLOGY foreign exchange in trying to locate and obtain the docu- ment corresponding to an incorrect citation. To reduce FOR CEREAL GRAINS AND GRAIN LEGUMES the frustration of providing references to documents that are not available in developing-country libraries, we IN generally try to support our bibliooraphies with collections of the documents themselves so that we can provide photo- AFRICAN COUNTRIES NORTH OF THE EQUATOR copies on request. This bibliography has been compiled from a variety of unverified sources, including correspondence, personal collections, large data bases and libraries, and only a small proportion of the documents themselves have been located. It thus does not meet our own criteria for publication and wide distribution. Nevertheless, in order to gain the maximum benefit from the painstaking work of the author, we are making photocopies available By to IDRC's colleague institutions with the warning that we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of any citation or W.D. Rolston the availability of any document cited. We hope that the bibliography will be found to be useful. For International Development Research Centre Ottawa Canada 1974 University and government publications are generally listed under the corresponding country, rather than the PREFACE institutional name. A study which deals strictly with tests of chemical insecticides has been listed under the outline heading "Protection", whereas, a study which 131109 re r atterr.pt'to'brLl^ocethfr^ com rebensiv"^ P —ts an incorporates some aspect of structural or environmental of the research done in fh P e collection influence, as well as the effectiveness of chemical pro— ar6 f ost ha tectants, has been listed under the heading "General" technology for cereal orain« a ° P " ™est storage. Any FAO publication classified as an "internal cc-pUedTntr ^n^"^or/lrwasÍn 6 1 t0 th Interna report" is restricted from general distribution. And Developmentr ç.ii. Relearch^ent^Tsesearen Centre Mission" to ®Africa tional finally, the word "file" following some of the titles, P Ucies refers to the Tropical Stored Products Centre, Slough, and capabilities^! ^Lc^d"^re r<°s ' Erections U.K. file of documents and is more than likely an and to identify the oans fn ¿ P ; entative countries unpublished report. Post-Harvest System. ln k"°«leage concerning the It is hoped that this bibliography will be of some value to governments, research organisations, and parameLr^^rfeltabU^^d'a's'to^he1" ma"a?eable ""it-. scientists as a guide to the work which has been done in the field of post-harvest technology of cereal grains in Africa, and also as an indication as to where the gaps in knowledge exist. This bibliography may also prove to be useful in research programme planning through assisting in the identification of similarities in problems of post-harvest technology shared by African countries, and for which co-operative research may be possible, or at least, through helping to prevent unnecessary duplication of research. Throughout the course of gathering the material ISIy&s£&sS£:i for this bibliography, the compiler met with the utmost co-operation from all institutions and individuals con- collecti tacted. Especially, he would like to acknowledge the the a vail able "results o! °" generous and valuable assistance of: E.A. Asselbergs, systems; however most of tL • lnt° Post_harvest FAO, Rome; R. Britton, University of Manitoba, Canada; included, as well as manv o! th»J°r StU<UeS have been R.P. Chatelanat, FAO, Rome; G.C. Corbett, FAO, Rome; H. Creupelandt, FAO, Rome; P. Faure, FAO, Rome; R.S. Forrest, IDRC, Canada; A. Hamilton, CUSO, Canada; IDRC Library Staff, Canada; B.M. Jellema, IITA Staff, Nigeria; Mrs. A. Mackie, Nigeria; F.V. MacHardy, University of Alberta, Canada; H.A.B. Parpia, FAO, Rome; J.E. Reyntjens, FAO, Rome; C. Schneider, FAO, Rome; H. Schwob, FAO, Dakar; H.R. Shuyler, FAO, Rome; R. Sinha, CDA, Canada; Tropical Products Institute 6 3 n 1 9 Library Staff, London; G. Von Haelst, WFP, Rome; and repÜc ;ed under I T ^^""""'^iPh'havrblln6 SeCtÍ n headin S!" ' P. Wheatley and Staff of the Tropical Stored Products "Millet and SorghuÜ" "Maize" and°»r ° 9 Centre, U.K. ÎS^ÎÎ Xfe^X %?£ n-Fany'lr^r-'" A special note of thanks is due Mr. John Humphries of the Tropical Stored Products Centre, Slough, U.K. for legume 2%^ T/^ ^Ï allowing the use of his extensive collection of «distracts on storage research. touch on more than one sub-svst»m k fi any art:Lcles emphasis on only one In such !' Ut P¿aCe a defi*ite has been categorised'according to'tht' ^ publication the emphasis. Circunstan^oe ° the sub-system receiving time, determined which articles werCUhry aVailable were listed only as titles- therefor^tracted and which abstract does not necessarilv sTcnff a" accomPanying W.D. Rolston importance to the sludy? ^ «la o? £ï °f nutrition of cereal grains hÜ.hSf consumption and except where inclusionof.uch a wôrk°???10"Sly avoided' methods of utilisation illuminates the Ill CONTENTS Page No. IV I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES, INDEXES, etc. 1 1. General 1 B. Harvesting and Conditioning 95 2. Storage 1 1. Traditional 95 3. Marketing 2 2. Improved 96 4. Utilisation 2 C. General and Farm Storage 99 II. MILLET AND SORGHUM 2 1. Traditional 99 2. Storage Losses 101 A. Post-Harvest Systems 2 3. Factors Affecting Storage: 101 (i) Biological B. Harvesting and Conditioning 9 (ii) Environmental 1. Traditional 9 4. Storage Research and Improvement 104 2. Improved 11 (i) General (ii) Structures C. General and Farm Storage 13 (iii) Protection TI Traditional 13 2. Storage Losses 16 D. Large Scale and Off-Farm Storage 119 3. Factors Affecting Storage 17 1. Research and Improvement 119 (i) Biological (i) General (ii) Environmental (ii) Structures 4. Storage Research and Improvement 20 (iii) Protection (i) General 2. Economics of Storage 128 (ii) Structures (iii) Protection E. Marketing 128 5. Storage Economics 38 1. Traditional 128 2. Governmental 132 D. Transport 38 (i) Marketing Boards, Exports, Price Controls, etc. E. Large Scale and Off-Farm Storage 40 (ii) Co-operatives and Credit 1. Research and Improvement 40 (i) General F. Utilisation 136 (ii) Structures TI Traditional Processing and (iii) Protection Nutritional Assessment 136 2. Economics of Storage 46 2. Modernised 138 (i) Milling v F. Marketing 46 (ii) Bread TI Traditional 46 (iii) New and Modified Uses 2. Governmental 58 (iv) Packaging (i) Marketing Boards, Exports, 3. Animal Feeds 143 Price Controls, etc. (ii) Co-operatives and Credit G. Extension and Training Aspects of Post-Harvest Technology 143 G. Utilisation 68 Traditional Processing and 68 Nutritional Assessment 2. Modernised 72 (i) Milling IV. COWPEAS AND OTHERS 145 (ii) Bread (iii) New and Modified Uses A. Post-Harvest Systems 145 (iv) Packaging B. Harvesting and Conditioning 147 3. Animal Feeds 88 FI Traditional 147 H. Extension and Training Aspects of 2. Improved 147 Post-Harvest Technology 90 C. General and Fapi Storage 148 T"I Traditional 148 2. Storage Losses 149 94 3. Factors Affecting Storage 150 III. MAIZE 4. Storage Research and Improvement 152 A. Post-Harvest Systems 94 5. Storage Economics 157 V D. Expert Markets 157 E. Utilisation 157 T. Traditional Processing and Nutritional Assessment 157 2. Modernised 160 3. Animal Feeds 163 APPENDIX 164 Publications to be released in the hear future ab:-"í.ví.- ions Y il Ab s t ; s t r a c t £ Afr Africa or African Agr. or Agrie Agriculture or Agricultural Soc Social or Society Am. or Amr American Sorg Sorghum Anal Analysis S South or southern Stat Station or Statistics Ann Annual Stn Station Bot Botany or Botanical St. or Stor Stored Bull, or Bui Bulletin St. or Stud Study or Studies Chem Chemical Tech Technology or Technical Comp. fl Composite flour TP I Tropical Products Institute Corn Commission Trop Tropical Comwth Commonwealth TSPC Tropical Stored Products Centre Con. or Conf Conference TSP Info Tropical Stored Products Information C/P Cowpea H West or western Dep. or Dept Department Dev Development Div Division E East or Eastern Econ Economic EDB Ethylene dibromide Fed Federal Fd Food For Forestry G/C Guinea corn HCN Cyanic acid Hort Horticulture or horticultural Inst. or Ins Institute IAR Institute for Agricultural Research IDRC International Development Research Centre J Journal Leg Legume (s) Manuf Manufacture or manufacturing Mkt Market, marketing or markets MeBr Methyl bromide M. or Min Ministry Mise Miscellaneous M/C Moisture content Nig Nigerian N North or northern No Number Org. or Organ Organisation PHT Post-harvest technology Proc Proceedings Prod Product (s) Pub. or Publ Publication R/H Relative humidity Rep. or Rpt Report Res Research Rur Rural - WYE, A.J., 1971, Selected Bibliography on Improving Farm I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES, INDEXES, etc. Storage. Trop. Stor. Prod. Info. (21), 13-17. 1. General 3. Marketing - BRASSEUR, P., 1964, General Bibliography of the Mali Repub- - ILLY, H.F. and GABELMANN, E., 1970, Bibliography of the Co- lic; Formerly the French Sudan and Upper Senegal- operative Movement in Cameroon. Douala Inst. Pan-African Niger. Dakar, Inst. Français Afrique Noir, 461 pp. Dev., 12 pp. - CHANT, J.F., Bibliography of Recent Farm System - U.K., Commwth.
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