Theatre Collection Illustrations / chiefly collected by Miss Angel Symon MSS 792 T37428 Series 1 A-D Yellow cells = Oversize, stored separately Grey = Missing? 1A. Actors and Actresses – individuals No. Details Year Notes 1a Abington, Mrs Frances 1815 Engraving 1b Abington, Mrs. As “Charlotte” in “The Hypocrite” 1786 Engraving 1c Abington, Mrs. as “Lady Polly?” [1812] Engraving 1d Abington, Mrs. as “Olivia” 1779 Engraving 2a Alexander, George Photograph 2b Alexander, George as “Orlando” 1896 Photo 3a Allan, Maud 2 postcards from photographs 1-2 4 Anderson, Miss Mary as “Hermione” Photograph 5 Anthony, Miss Hilda Postcard from photo, Hand-coloured. Addressed to Lenore Symon from Aube (?) Amos. Dated 11 January 1907 6 Asche, Oscar as “Petrichio” Photograph (Edinburgh Folio) 7 Atkins, Mrs Elizabeth as “Selima” in “Selima & Azor” Print 8 Baddely [Baddeley]. Mr Robert. Engraving 9 Baird, Dorothea as “Rosalind” Photograph (Edinburgh Folio) 10 Bandmann, Daniel E Photograph 11 Bandmann, Mrs Millicent Photograph 12a Bannister Junior, Mr John. as “Ben the Sailor” Engraving 12b Bannister, Mr. - as “Dick” in “Apprentice” Print 12c Bannister, Mr. John – Comedian 1795 Engraving 13 Baratti Photo 14 Barry, Spranger (1719-1777) as “Macbeth” Postcard of a Mezzotint by J. Gwinn (Harry Beard Collection) 15 Beattie [Beatty], May? Photo 16 Beattie [Beatty], Miss May 1906 Hand-coloured postcard from a photograph. Addressed to Miss Symon, from L. S. [Lenore Symon?] 17 Beaumont [Armes] Photograph 18 missing 19 Bellamy, Mrs. George Anne Engraving 20 Bellew, Kyrle as “Romeo” [1896] Photograph 21a Bennett, Mr George as “Lucius Cataline” Engraving 21b Bennet, Mr George as “Hubert” in “King John” Hand-coloured engraving 21c Bennett, Mr George. as “King” in “Hamlet” Hand-Coloured Print 21d Bennet, Mr George as “King Henry the Eighth” Hand-Coloured engraving 22 Bensley, Mr as “Mahomet” 1777 Engraving 23a Berhardt, Sarah “dans l’Aiglon” 3 postcards from photographs. Notes 1-3 on back, #1 dated 20 May 1905, #2 and #3 dated February 1912. 23b Bernhardt, Sarah 10 photographs 1-10 23c Bernhardt, Sarah as “Hamlet” (missing) Photograph (Edinburgh Folio ed.) 24 Betterton, Mr Thomas Engraving 25 Betty, William Henry West 1804 Engraving 26 Billington, Mrs as “St. Cecelia” 1825 Print 27 Blanchard, Miss E.W. 1818 Engraving 28 Blanchard, Mr as “Ralph” 1792 Engraving 28a Blanchard, Mr as “The Chieftain” Hand coloured engraving. Framed 29a Blanchard, Mr William of the Theatre Royal Convent 1805 3 prints 1-3 Garden 30 Bland, Mrs as “Sally” in “Shipwreck” Engraving 31 Booth, Edwin Photograph 32 33 Braham, Mr John (1774-1856) as “Prince Orlando” Engraving 34 Braithwaite, Miss Lilian Postcard from a photograph. Addressed to C. J. B Symon from B.K. Dated 9 Feb 1907. 35a Brayton, Lily 6 postcards from photographs. Some 1-6 coloured. 35b Brayton, Lily in “Richard II” Photograph (Edinburgh Folio) 36 Brereton, Mr W. as “Douglas” Engraving 37a Brooke, Mr Gustavus Vaughan as “the Duke of Hand-coloured engraving Gloster” in “Richard III” 37b Brooke, Mr Gustavus Vaughan as “Othello” Engraving 37c Brooke, Mr Gustavus Vaughan as “Shylock” in Hand-coloured engraving “Merchant of Venice” 38 Brough, Mr Lionel as “The Laird” Photograph 39 Brown-Potter, Mrs as “Rosalind” Photograph 40 Brune, Miss Tittell Postcard from a Photograph 41 Brunton, Miss Ann as “Horatia” in “Roman Father” Engraving 42 Buckstone, John Baldwin, Esq. Engraving 43 Burke, Miss Billie 1906 Postcard from a photograph. Addressed to Miss. L. H. Symon from Bess. Dated 11 April 1906. 43.5 Campbell, Jean 1975 Photograph (2 copies) Bio on reverse 43.7 Campbell, Mrs Patrick Large postcard 44 Catalani, Madame Engraving 45 Céleste, Madame (Madame Céline Céleste-Elliott) Photograph. Has second name written on back – Jas Smith? 46 Chambers, Miss Lucy Photograph 47a Chase, Miss Pauline as “Bassano” Postcard of a photograph 47b Chase, Pauline as “Peter Pan” Photograph on Christmas card 48 Cherry, Mr Andrew as “Lazarillo” in “Two Strings to Engraving your Bow” 49 Chester, Miss Eliza as “Beatrice” Engraving 50 Cibber, Mrs Susannah Maria as “Monimia” in “The 1776 Hand-coloured engraving Orphan” 51 Missing? 52 Clements, Miriam as “Hero” in “Much Ado about 1905 Photograph (Edinburgh Folio) Nothing” 53 Cliffe, Cooper as “Claudius” at the Lyceum 1897 Photograph (Edinburgh Folio) 54a Clifford, Miss Camille “The Original Gibson Girl” 1907 Hand-coloured postcard from a photograph. Addressed to Lenore Symon from Aube Amos. Dated 8 January 1907 54b Clifford, Miss Camille 1907 3 postcards from photographs #3 1-3 addressed to Miss E. Symon. Dated 2 May 1907. 55a Coates, Robert 1913, 2 engravings 1-2 1814 56 Coliva? [Unidentified Male Actor] Photograph 57 Collins, Mr. as “Sharp” in Lying Valet” Engraving 58 Compton, Henry Engraving 59 Cookson, Mr. Samuel Autey as “Lord Scrope” Photograph (Edinburgh Folio) 60 Cooper, Fanny Print from Daguerreotype 61 Cooper, Miss Gladys Postcard from a Photograph. Addressed to Angel Symon from Lenore Symon 62a Coppin, George as “Milky White” Photograph (2 copies) 1-2 62b Coppin, George as “Paul Pry” Photograph (2 copies) 1-2 63 Unidentified Female. Labelled Coresi? Photograph 64 Missing? 65 Crawford, Alice 1905 Postcard from a photograph. Addressed to Eleana Symon, from M. Symon. Dated 13 April 1905 66 Crawford, Mrs as “Cleopatra” Engraving 67a Creswick, Mr as “Cassius” Hand-coloured engraving 67b Creswisk, Mr as “Coriolanus” 2 engravings. #2 is hand-coloured 1-2 67.5 Cusack, Cyril in “Hadrian VII” 1970 Postcard from a photograph 68 Cutler, Miss Kate Postcard from a photograph 69 Dare, Miss Phyllis 1907 + 2 postcards from photographs. #1 is 1-2 n.d. coloured and addressed to Miss J. Harry from L. A(?) Dated 1 April 1907. 70a Dare, Miss Zena 1905-6 4 postcards from photographs. #1 1-4 coloured, Addressed to Miss J. Harry from A. K. Dated 28 April [year unknown] #2 and #3 Addressed to Miss Lenore Symon from Bates. Dated 22 February 1906. #4 Coloured. 70b Dare, Miss Zena in “Peter Pan” Postcard from a photograph. Addressed to Lenore Symon from Angel Symon. 71 Dasté, Jean? Photograph 72 Unidentified Female. Labelled Delizy, Mlle. Photograph 73 Dibdin, Mr Charles 1801 Engraving 74 Dibdin, Mrs. Thomas as “Queen Caroline” in the Engraving “Heart of Mid-Lothian 75a Dignum, Mr Charles 1799 Engraving 75b Dignum, Mr Charles as “Tom Tug” in “The 2 Prints 1-2 Waterman” 76a Dillon, Mr Charles as “Hamlet” Engraving 76b Dillon, Mr Charles as “Othello” Engraving 77 Unidentified Male Actor. Labelled Dondi 2 Photos 1-2 78a Dowton, Mr William as “Drugget” Print 78b Dowton, Mr William as “Sir John Falstaff” 1831 Engraving 79 Duncan, Miss as “Maria” in “Citizen” Print 80a Edwin, Mr as “Caleb” in “He would be a soldier” Hand-coloured print 80b Edwin, Mr as “Rudolph” Silk and tinselled portrait with 3 sheets of text 81 Elliot, Maxime 2 photo postcards 1-2 82a Elliston, Mr as “Walter” 1827 2 prints 1-2 82b Elliston, Mr in “Rochester” Engraving 83 84 Emery, Mr. as “Robin Roughhead” in “Fortunes Engraving from a Daguerreotype Frolics” 85 Euyuck, Mlle Van 1867? Photo 86 Farley, Mr as “Jessamy” in “Bon Ton” Engraving 87 Farren, Miss as “Emeline” in “Arthur & Emeline” Engraving 88 Farren, William (1786-1861) as “Sir Peter Teazle” in Print Postcard (Harry Beard Collection) “School for Scandal” 89 Fawcett, Mr. “The Comedian” Engraving 90 Fechter Photo 91 Fisher, Kitty as “Cleopatra” Postcard of a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds 92 Fitzwilliam, Mr. as “Leporello 1829 Engraving 93 94a Garrick as “Richard III” Engraving 94b Garrick, between Tragedy and Comedy Engraving 94c Garrick, David (1717-1779) as “Richard III” Mezzotint by S.W. Reynolds (Harry Beard Collection) 94d Garrick, david 1794 Engraving with a short biography 94e Garrick, David 3 engravings 1-3 94f Garrick, David as “Hamlet” Print of a painting 94g Garrick, David as “Kitely” Print of a painting 94h Garrick, Mr as “Abel Drugger” 1777 Engraving 94i Garrick, David and Mrs Garrick Black and White Print 95 Garrick, Mrs 1802 Engraving 96 Genee, Mlle. Adeline as “La Camargo” Photo postcard 97 Gielgud, Sir John as “Julius Caesar” Caricature 98 Gilbert, Mlle. 1867? Photo 99a Gill, Mr. Basil Photo Postcard 99b Gill Mr. Basil as the “Duke of Aumerle” Photo (Edinburgh Folio ed) 100 Glover, Mrs. as “Roxalana” in “Tis I” Engraving 101 Granville, Charlotte as “Gertrude” 1897 Photo (Edinburgh Folio) 102 Graves, George in “The Belle of Brittany” Painting postcard 103 Greene, Miss Evie Photo postcard 104 Grimaldi, Joe (1779-1837) as “Clown” in the Print on postcard (Harry Beard Pantomine of “Mother Goose” Collection) 105 Gwynne, Nell Engravign 106 Harding, June in “To have and to hold” 5 photos 1-5 107 Harding, Mr D. Lyn as “The King’s Uncle – Edmund Photo (Edinburgh Folio ed) The Duke of York” in “Richard II” 108 Harley, Mr (1786-1858) as “Billy Bombast” 1826 Engraving 109 Hartley, Mrs Print 110 Hartley, Mrs as “Hermione” in the “Winters Tale” 1780 Print on postcard (Harry Beard Collection) 111 Hartley, Mrs as “Jane Gray” Engraving 112 Haviland, Mr in “Richard II” Photo (Edinburgh Folio) 113 Hayden-Coffin, Mr C. as “Reginald Fairfax” in “The 1953 Photo Geisha” 114 Henderson, John (1747-1785) as “Macbeth” Photo-print of a mezzotint on a postcard by Jones (Harry Beard Collection) 115 Hicks, Miss Betty Photo postcard 116 Hicks, Mr Seymour as “The Duke of St. Jermyn’s” in 2 photo postcards 1-2 “The Catch of the Season” 117 Holly, Daisy Photo 118 Hopkins, Mrs as “arethusa” in “Philaster” 1778 Engraving 119 Hudson, Mr as “Rory O’More” Engraving from a Daguerreotype 120 Hughes, Mrs 1808 Engraving 121 122 Irving, Ethel as “Lady Frederick” Photo 123a Irving, Henry (1838-1905) as “Hamlet” Photo print of a lithograph (Harry Beard Collection) 123b Irving, Henry as “Cardinal Wolsey” Photo (Edinburgh Folio ed.) 123d Irving, Sir Henry Postcard from a painting by Jules Bastien Lepage 123e Irving, Sir Henry Photo postcard 123f Irving, Sir Henry Photo postcard (sent by Henry Irving) 124 Jay, Miss Isabel Photo postcard 125 Jefferies, Miss Maud 7 Photo postcard (postcard numbered 5 hand-coloured) 126 Jefferson, Charles Photo 127a Jefferson, Joseph 4 photos 1-4 127b Jefferson, Joseph as “Rip Van Winkle” 2 photos 1-2 128 Kean Jun, Mr.
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