38 TUESDAY 20 JULY 2010 ÓÐÏÑ Ï Êüóìïò Smeltz Escapes China But!!! opportunities to these very talented Australian youngsters who have Gold Coast United and A-League News and Views been led astray and could obviously top scorer, Shane Smeltz, deal to be lost to the Australian National set Shandong Luneng has hit a snag up. within four days of the player arriv- Both Arnold and Postecoglou ing in China. It is believed Smeltz left with Tony and Xanthie Rallis have recruited young Australian China after a dispute with club offi- players from abroad who would cials about the standard of the ac- have otherwise being drifting into commodation. Kavala Enquires About Bertos the unknown. Smeltz’s agent in China, was Look forward in seeing the return sourcing alternative accommoda- Greek first division team, Kavala FC, last week made an enquiry about of players like Bouzanic, Visconte tion, when Smeltz texted him to tell New Zealand International and Wellington Phoenix FC player, Leo and Paartalu. Let’s hope players like him he was at the airport ready to Bertos. Kavala president, Stratos Psomiadis, confirmed his interest in Mooy at 19 years of age return to board a plane. The problem now is the All White’s right winger and while personal terms were deemed with- the fold. that while Smeltz left China and has in Kavala’s budget, the $150 000 transfer fee was deemed inappropriate. returned to Australia, the Chinese Psomiadis’ confirmed that clubs like Kavala cannot and do not pay Glory Nightmare club has an executed agreement transfer for players. Kavala finished last season in a respectable 6th po- which states that the player is still a sition and many good pundits believe that if they had a quality finisher in Perth Glory left Australia 10 days player of Shandong Luneng. its rank, UEFA participation was not unachievable. ago for what was supposed to be a News And Views has been told Kavala FC came to Australian football prominence with the short term professional pre-season training that the Chinese Club is really upset acquisition of recently retired Socceroos, Zeljco Kalac and Craig Moore. camp. It was anything but that with and is considering teaching Smelt a What people don’t realise is that Kavala has other Australian players on the lack of organisation being high- lesson by holding him to a deal thus its books in former South Melbourne midfielder, Paul Giannou, Andreas lighted by a road trip that was sup- expecting him to return to the club. If Govas and Robert Stambolziev. posed to be a comfortable 3 hours Smeltz refuses to return to the club, materialising into a 9 hour debacle he could be wiped out of the game While the reasons for the request Coast United. as the coach driver lost his way. and for the term of his two- year are unknown, it is believed that Andy Todd was so disgusted that $950 000 US contract as well as his he got off the bus and was trying to Vanstrattan is keen on relocating Mooy in Sydney with FC ability to return to Australia. back to his hometown on the Cen- signal a taxi The Chinese Club will be seeking tral Coast. The Central Coast the assistance of Smeltz’s agent in Recently departed Bolton Wander- Mariners FC would welcome ers FC midfielder Aaron Mooy is Wellington Phoenix FC any potential case against the play- Vanstrattan as a direct replacement er as Karis was just as dumb found- back in Australia and keeping in Targets for the recently departed, Danny shape with Sydney FC. It is believed ed by the players unexplained exit. Vukovic. Smeltz’s agent was in China for that the Young Socceroo is awaiting News and Views can reveal that the deal first found out the player three invitations to trial in Scotland, Wellington Phoenix FC has submit- was returning to Australia when he Mariners Radar Italy and Holland. Mooy, a talented ted offers to Argentinean playmaker, received a text from the player stat- On Vanstrattan offensive midfielder struggled to ad- Roberto Carlos Cornejo, and US ing “‘ I can’t do this I am at airport just to the high powered high tempo born box to box midfielder, Jemal ready to go home’’. He almost Central Coast Mariners coach, speed of English Football but is Johnson. more suited to a more technical choked and no doubt left highly em- Graham Arnold, is keen on replac- Cornejo is a gifted playmaker who style football culture. has played abroad in countries like barrassed by his client’s actions. ing recently departed goalkeeper, Shane Smeltz actions has not only Central Coast Mariners FC coach Chile. YouTube highlights are im- Danny Vukovic, with an experi- Graham Arnold is most interested in pressive of the diminutive Argen- given him a bad name but could al- enced custodian. It is believed so be a tonic for other Australian signing Mooy but the players man- tinean. Jemal Johnson can count as Arnold’s first choice would be agement is advising him against his former clubs are Manchester U- players to not be considered for oth- Vanstrattan provided that the player er potential opportunities. playing in the A - League. nited and Blackburn Rovers FC. is able to secure a release from his Young Mooy came to prominence The explosive 25 year old midfielder current club, Gold Coast United FC. with Australia’s Technical Director can play off either his left or right Vanstrattan Granted At time of printing, Vanstrattan Han Berger after his exceptional foot. Release had informed Mariners coach, Gra- performance for the Australian U / The financial terms offered to both ham Arnold, that he secured a re- 20 team last year. players is conditional of seven day Last Friday, Gold Coast United FC lease. If Vanstrattan is released by The FFA should be supporting assessment to take place in Welling- goalkeeper, Jesse Vanstrattan, Gold Coast United FC it will result in coaches like Arnold and ton. Phoenix is still waiting for a re- asked for a release from his contract Glen Moss seeking a release from Postecoglou whom are A - League sponse from Jade North’s manage- with the Gold Coats United FC. Melbourne Victory to join Gold coaches looking to provide suitable ment in relation to a two year offer. ☛ Ç ÊáâÜëá åíäéáöÝñåôáé íá åíôÜîåé óôï Ýì- ☛ Ïé ÏõÝëéíãêôïí Öïßíéî Ý÷ïõí êáôáèÝóåé ðñï- øõ÷ï äõíáìéêü ôçò ôïí Íåïæçëáíäü äéåèíÞ ðïäï- ÅÍ ÓÕÍÔÏÌÉÁ óöïñÜ óå äýï ìÝóïõò, ôïí Áñãåíôéíü ÑïìðÝñôï óöéáñéóôÞ ôùí ÏõÝëéíãêôïí Öïßíéî, Ëßï ÌðÝñôïò. ÊÜñëïò ÊïñíÝ÷ï êáé óôïí Áìåñéêáíü ÔæåìÜë Ï ðñüåäñïò ôùí “Áñãïíáõôþí”, ÓôñÜôïò ØùìéÜ- êôüò ðïäïóöáßñïõ ãéá ôá åðüìåíá äýï ÷ñüíéá. Ôæüíóïí. 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