World’sP R E - W O R K O1stU T S H O T AMMO is the world’s first pre-workout shot. Each serving contains 89% active ingredients, making it the most PRE-WORKOUTconcentrated pre-workout in the industry. SHOT Formulated using no fillers, binders, gums, or other pixie-dusted AMMOingredients,P R E -AMMOW OhitsR withinK O minutesU T ofS takingH O yourT first MAX serving,A deliveringM explosiveM energy and mind-lockO mental AENERGYM & STREMNGTH & SLOAM AND GO focus. AMMOFOCUS ’s crystalline,ENDU free-formRANCE powderSER VcausesING the formula to dissolve instantly, allowing the actives to hit you within minutes of gulping it down. AMMO is made for dry scooping or it can be slammed back as a shooter for slam- and-go training. Once youMMAX trainAX on AMMO, you’ll never train withoutENERGYEN it!ERGY & & SSTRENGTHTRENGTH & & SLASLAMM AN DAND GO GO FOCUSFOCUS EENDURANCENDURANCE SERSERVINGVING 100% Transparent Formula PROLINE is pulling back the curtain to show you exactly what Medicinal Ingredients / Ingrédients médicinaux goesS eintorving Seachize: 1 Sc ofoop our(11.1 g products.) / Portion: 1 cuil lEveryerée (11,1 oneg) of our scientifically AMMO is the first pre-workout shot, AMMO is designedbasedS etor vingredientsing simprove Per Container: 2is0 / allatPort iao nareas sclinical par conten a ofdosent : 2 0physical and disclosed to the milligram—evenAmount / flavours and sweetenersper 1 Sco oarep (11 listed..1 g) / per 10You0g / hold performance by not only increasing strength and endurance,Quantité but by creating thepar 1 perfectcuillerée (11,1 g) par 100 g yourselfTaurine to / Ta utherine highest standards, so it’s time to3.0 gdemand 27.07 g the connection between the mind and the body instantly.sameBe fromtaine / Bé yourtaïne supplements. 2.0 g 18.05 g Agmatine Sulfate / Sulfate d'agmatine 1.5 g 13.54 g Glycine / Glycine 1.0 g 9.02 g Noble orchid (Dendrobium nobile Stem) / 600 mg 5.41 g • Concentrated Formula MedicinalOrchidée n oIngredientsble (Tige de Dend r/o bIngrédientsium nobile) médicinaux ServingL-al phSize:a-GP 1C Scoop (Cholin e(11.1 alfos g)ce r/a Portion:te) / 1 cuillerée (11,1 g) 600 mg 5.41 g ServingsL-alph Pera-GP Container:C (Alfoscér a20te d/ ePortions choline) par contenant : 20 Peak ATPTM (Adenosine triphosphate disodium) / 450 mg 4.06 g • Peak ATP 450mg AmountPeak / ATPMD (Adénosine triphosphate disodium) per 1 Scoop (11.1 g) / per 100g / QuantitéTheobroma cacao Seed (10% Theobromine) / par 1 cuillerée30 0(11,1 mg g) 2par.71 g100 g • 1.5 gr Agmatine Sulfate TaurineGra i/n Taurinee de The obroma cacao (10% Théobromine) 3.0 g 27.07 g BetaineCaf f/e Bétaïneine / Café ine 200 m2.0g g 1.818.050 g g L-Theanine / L-théanine 100 mg 0.90 g Agmatine Sulfate / Sulfate d'agmatine 1.5 g 13.54 g Maritime pine 10:1 Extract (Pinus pinaster Aged bark) 100 mg 0.90 g AMMO is designed to be consumed as a shot to avoid the Glycine(95 %/ Glycine Oligome ric procyanidins, QCE 1000 mg) / 1.0 g 9.02 g discomfort of being bloated during a workout, as well as NobleE xorchidtrait de (Dendrobium Pin maritime 1 nobile0:1 (éc oStem)rce vie /ill ie de Pinus pinaster) 600 mg 5.41 g Orchidée(95% nobleProcy a(Tigenidine des o lDendrobiumigomériques Q nobile)BE 1000 mg) providing better absorption. This ends with AMMO, no more L-alpha-GPCVitamin B (Choline3 (Niacina alfoscerate)mide) / Vitam i/n e B3 (Niacinamide) 5600 mg mg 45 mg5.41 g L-alpha-GPCVitamin B (Alfoscérate6 (Pyridoxine HdeCL choline)) / Vitamine B6 (Chlorhydrate de pyridoxine) 5 mg 45 mg dry scooping, coughing up powder or suffering through trying PeakV ATPitamTMin (AdenosineB12 (Methylc triphosphateobalamin) / Vit adisodium)mine B12 (/M éthylcobalamine) 0.5450 mg mg 5 mg4.06 g Peak ATPMD (Adénosine triphosphate disodium) to choke down your pre-workout. You maybe consuming litres Non-Medicinal Ingredients : Natural and Artificial Flavours (400 mg), Acesulfame Theobroma cacao Seed (10% Theobromine) / 300 mg 2.71 g AVAIL ABLE FL AVOU R S Potassium (150 mg), Sucralose (120 mg), Beta Carotene (for colour) (100 mg), of water between your pre-workout, your intra-workout and GraineCitr idec A Theobromacid (100 mg) ,cacao Calciu m(10% Silic Théobromine)ate (100 mg), Silicon Dioxide (50 mg) J ELLO S H OT B LU E K A M I K A ZE CaffeineIngré /d ieCaféinents no n médicinaux : Arômes naturels et artificiels (400 mg), A200césu mglfam e 1.80 g your post workout drink leaving you bloated, bogged down and potassium (150 mg), Sucralose (120 mg), Bêta-carotène (couleur) (100 mg), Acide citrique 70 01 9900379 -9 70 01 9900378-2 L-Theanine(100 mg )/, L-théanineSilicate de c alcium (100 mg), Dioxyde de silicium(50 mg) 100 mg 0.90 g in gastric distress, this hurts your performance and slows Maritime pine 10:1 Extract (Pinus pinaster Aged bark) 100 mg 0.90 g your recovery. (95% Oligomeric procyanidins, QCE 1000 mg) / Extrait de Pin maritime 10:1 (écorce vieillie de Pinus pinaster) All PROLINE products deliver full disclosure of all ingredients (95% Procyanidines oligomériques QBE 1000 mg) Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) / Vitamine B3 (Niacinamide) 5 mg 45 mg and clinically proven doses so you know exactly what you’re Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) / Vitamine B6 (Chlorhydrate de pyridoxine) 5 mg 45 mg getting every time. Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) / Vitamine B12 (Méthylcobalamine) 0.5 mg 5 mg Non-Medicinal Ingredients : Natural and Artificial Flavours (400 mg), Acesulfame AVAILABLE FLAVOURS Potassium (150 mg), Sucralose (120 mg), Beta Carotene (for colour) (100 mg), Citric Acid (100 mg), Calcium Silicate (100 mg), Silicon Dioxide (50 mg) JELLO SHOT BLUE KAMIKAZE Ingrédients non médicinaux : Arômes naturels et artificiels (400 mg), Acésulfame PROLINENUTRITION.CA FACEBOOK.COM/PROLINENpotassiumUTRITION (150 mg),IN SucraloseSTAGRAM. (120COM /mg),PRO LBêta-carotèneINENUTRITION (couleur) (100 mg), Acide citrique 70019900379-9 70019900378-2 (100 mg), Silicate de calcium (100 mg), Dioxyde de silicium(50 mg) PROLINENUTRITION.CA FACEBOOK.COM/PROLINENUTRITION INSTAGRAM.COM/PROLINENUTRITION PROLINENUTRITION.CA FACEBOOK.COM/PROLINENUTRITION INSTAGRAM.COM/PROLINENUTRITION World’sP R E - W O R K O1stU T S H O T PRE-WORKOUT SHOT MAX ENERGY & STRENGTH & SLAM AND GO FOCUS ENDURANCE SERVING PEAK ATP® (Adenosine Triphosphate Disodium) Agmatine Sulfate Medicinal Ingredients / Ingrédients médicinaux Serving Size: 1 Scoop (11.1 g) / Portion: 1 cuillerée (11,1 g) ATP is the primary energy source powering muscle This is a by-product of the amino acidServings Per C ontaarginine,iner: 20 / Portions par contenant : 20 which Amount / per 1 Scoop (11.1 g) / per 100g / Quantité par 1 cuillerée (11,1 g) par 100 g Taurine / Taurine 3.0 g 27.07 g Betaine / Bétaïne 2.0 g 18.05 g contractions. AMMO contains 425 milligrams of Peak ATP, increases nitric oxide by modulating the Agenzymematine Sulfate / Sulfate d'agmatine nitric 1.5oxide g 13.54 g Glycine / Glycine 1.0 g 9.02 g Noble orchid (Dendrobium nobile Stem) / 600 mg 5.41 g Orchidée noble (Tige de Dendrobium nobile) which is a patented form of ATP clinically proven to increase synthase, which gives you better pumps andL-alpha-GPC (Cho linnutriente alfoscerate) / delivery600 mg 5.41 g L-alpha-GPC (Alfoscérate de choline) Peak ATPTM (Adenosine triphosphate disodium) / 450 mg 4.06 g Peak ATPMD (Adénosine triphosphate disodium) Theobroma cacao Seed (10% Theobromine) / 300 mg 2.71 g size, strength, and power. Test subjects receiving 400 to your working muscles! Research has shownGraine de Theobroma caca o that(10% Théobromine) it may act Caffeine / Caféine 200 mg 1.80 g L-Theanine / L-théanine 100 mg 0.90 g Maritime pine 10:1 Extract (Pinus pinaster Aged bark) 100 mg 0.90 g milligrams of Peak ATP saw a 147% increase in strength and on hormones such as luteinizing hormone(95% Oligom er(LH)ic procyanidins, QCE 1000 mandg) / growth Extrait de Pin maritime 10:1 (écorce vieillie de Pinus pinaster) (95% Procyanidines oligomériques QBE 1000 mg) Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) / Vitamine B3 (Niacinamide) 5 mg 45 mg Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) / Vitamine B6 (Chlorhydrate de pyridoxine) 5 mg 45 mg a 100% increase in lean body mass over a placebo group. hormone (GH) while providing antioxidantVitamin B12 (Methylcob alamandin) / Vitamine B12 (Ménootropicthylcobalamine) 0.5 mg 5 mg Non-Medicinal Ingredients : Natural and Artificial Flavours (400 mg), Acesulfame AVAIL ABLE FL AVOU R S Potassium (150 mg), Sucralose (120 mg), Beta Carotene (for colour) (100 mg), Citric Acid (100 mg), Calcium Silicate (100 mg), Silicon Dioxide (50 mg) Research also shows that muscle performance and anti- support, which are all key to getting theIngrédients n on bestmédicinaux : Arômes n atuworkoutrels et artificiels (400 mg), Acésulfame of J ELLO S H OT B LU E K A M I K A ZE potassium (150 mg), Sucralose (120 mg), Bêta-carotène (couleur) (100 mg), Acide citrique fatigue effects start with the very first dose, which works your life. 70 01 9900379 -9 70 01 9900378-2 (100 mg), Silicate de calcium (100 mg), Dioxyde de silicium(50 mg) synergistically with the entire AMMO formula to hit within P R E - W O R K O U T S H O T minutes of taking it. GlycineAMMO AMPROLINENUMTRITION.CA FACEBOOK.COM/PROLINENUTRITION INSOTAGRAM.COM/PROLINENUTRITION This amino acid is found in the central nervous system and works as a catalyst in many of the body’s everyday functions dealing with nerves and muscles in the central LBS. 121.9 nervous system. Glycine is vital to the production of creatine, 120 which increases ATP, collagen,MAX nucleic acids, glucose, and % hemoglobin,ENERGY which& is criticalSTRENG TforH & oxygenS Lutilization.AM AND GO It also exerts anFO inhibitoryCUS influenceENDURA NonC Ethe centralS EnervousRVING system 100 147STRENGTH and works synergistically with the entire AMMO formula.
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