Vol. XXXIX No. 3 OAC REVIEW Published in the Interests of Agriculture NOVEMBER, 1926 fl"- *51 rveav pei* copy MASSEY-HARRIS No. 6 Ensilage Cutter TWO SIZES— 12 INCH THROAT, 16 INCH THROAT ALEMITE LUBRICATION Now Regular Equipment ON THE MASSEY-HARRIS NO. 6 Lubricant is shot to the bearings under high pressure from a gun. Easily and quickly done. Old oil and dirt forced out leaving a supply of fresh clean oil, ensuring smooth running and long life. The Massey-Harris No. 6 is a low speed, high capacity machine handling a large volume in proportion to the horse power used. Fly Wheel has three knives and six fans. Vent into the pipe is wide allowing fans to discharge full load, none being carried around to act as a brake and waste power. Descriptive Folder Mailed On Request Massey-Harris Co., Limited Established 1847 Toronto, Montreal, Moncton, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorkton, Calgary, Edmonton. AGENCIES EVERYWHERE THE O. A. C. REVIEW 1 Concrete Root Cellars are Efficient and Durable A well-built concrete root cellar is a most valuable adjunct to modern farming. It enables the farmer to store roots, fruit and vegetables under ideal Temperature conditions, free from the inroads of rats and other vermin. Crops can thus be held awaiting favorable prices. A concrete cellar is watertight and possesses great strength. The following materials are needed to build an Arched Roof Cellar as illustrated. ARCHED ROOF CELLAR Concrete Mixtures Footings . 1 2K2 4 Wall . 1 2 4 Arched Roof . 1 2 3 MATERIALS REQUIRED (Inside dimensions 12 by 14 feet) Cement.172 Sacks Sand. 14 cubic yards Pebbles. 21 % cubic yards For each additional foot in length, the following material will be required: Cement.;.6y2 sacks Sand. Id cubic yard Pebbles or broken stone. 1 cubic yard Write to-day for literature about concrete on the farm CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED CANADA CEMENT COMPANY BUILDING PHILLIPS SQUARE MONTREAL Sales Offices at: Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Calgary CANADA CEMENT CONCRETE PERMANENCE Please mention the tX A. O. REVIEW when answering Advertisements ■ • u a 11 O. „ L , C. REVIEW HOUSE INSULATION A NEW IDEA A house lined with Cork is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Fuel bills are reduced fully 30 per cent. ARMSTRONG'S NONPAREIL CORKBOARD i has kept the heat out of cold storage rooms for the past thirty years. It will prevent the heat escaping from your home in just the same manner. Why burn fuel and allow the heat to flow readily through your walls and roof? Write for a corkboard sample and our 40 page catalogue on House Insulation. Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co., Limited McGill Eidg., 11 Brant St., Montreal Toronto ^ , -- --. ---- . —r- \ -Ji ■\ Agricultural Politics in Canada are given unusual treatment in I I A History of Farmers’ Movements in Canada | By Louis Aubrey Wood, Ph. 1). I ITH the study of Agriculture naturally goes a study of the doings of agriculturists. This volume gives a comprehen-’ sive treatment of the remarkable series of farmers’ move¬ ments occurring in Canada since 1872, and shows their effect on the social, economic and political life of the country. Dr. Wood’s aim has been to show Canadian farmers struggling through organiz¬ ation toward self-expression and toward an adequate defence of their industry. Particular attention is given to the farmers’ plunge into politics in the several provinces as well as in the Federal arena. 400 pages. $2.50. Get It Thrcugh the College Bureau THE RYERSON PRESS Publishers TORONTO CANADA , Please mention the O. A. C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE O. A. C. REVIEW 111. K-E-L-L-Y-’S FOR MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A Few Students Specials A Splendid Ukuele .. $ 2.98 Hawaiian Guitar . $15.00 Tenor Banjo . $25.00 Ukuele Banjo .. $ 8.53 STRINGS - PARTS - REPAIRS KELLY’S MUSIC STORE 33 Wyndham Street Victor Records The Bell Piano Nordheimer Piano Phone—269. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Our Aim—Always Better Service Williams’ Royal Maid Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y BREAD Whole Wheat Bread Cakes THE BEST Pastries Chelsea and Cinnamon Rolls HARDWARE, CUTLERY Fancy Cakes for Parties and Five O’clock Teas SPORTING GOODS Imported and Domestic Fruits Delicacies and Confectionery' Fancy Novelties for the Holiday PENFOLD Seasons CATERING AND WEDDING CAKES Hardware Co. a specialty The Red Front 100-8 Macdonnell St Agency Deering and McCormack GEO. WILLIAMS Implements Phone 109 Phone 109 Please mention the O. A, C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements IV THE O. A. C. REVIEW HALES’ MEAT MARKET Opposite MacDonalds Phones 238, 239 “WHERE GOOD MEATS ABOUND” COOKED MEATS, POULTRY and the Choicest of Fresh Meats Free Delivery to all parts of the City and to the College and College Heights. Our Goods and Our Service do Satisfy r JACKSON BROS Lower Wyndham Street Guelph, Ont. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST For the Quality We Give. OUR GROCERIES AND FRUIT ALWAYS THE BEST THE LONG STORE WITH THE SHORT PRICES j (fiafritnl Sliuttrr CAPITOL ENTERTAINMENT DE LUXE Playing only the Best in Stage and Screen Entertainment YOU ARE ALWAYS SURE OF A GOOD SHOW AT THE CAPITOL Evenings at 8 o’clock (except Saturdays). Two shows every Saturday night at 7 and 9 o’clock. (Nothing ever omitted at either performances.) Buy a Scrip Book and save money. They are transferable. Economical for theatre parties. $5.00 book $4.50, $10.00 book $8.50. Please mention the O. A. C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE O. A. C. REVIEW v CONTENTS Vol. XXXIX. 'Guelph, November, 1926. No. 3 Agriculture in High Schools.....97 By C. D. Jarvis, B.S.A., Ph.D. “The Men of Kildonan”.100 By J. B. Reynolds Agricultural College Work in India.101 Letters of a Wealthy Scotch Landlord.104 By L. E. G., ’24 Salt for Horses . 105 By R. S. Hudson, Michigan State College of Agri¬ culture and Applied Science The Dominion Experimental Farm, Nappan, N.S.108 Eastern Wool Clip. 113 By Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers' Limited Singapore Naval Base .114 By J. MacArthur Russell, (O.A.C., (1898-99-1900) British Columbia Tree Fruits .116 By W. H. Robertson, Provincial Horticulturist, Victoria, B.C. Dirty Work at the Crossroads.120 By Cecil Cox, ’27 News and Views . ...126 Editorial .126 College Life .132 Athletics .136 Macdonald . 141 Alumni .146 The O. A. C. Review is published by the students of the Ontario Agricultural College .Students’ Publishing Association, every month in the year. Annual subscription price in Canada, $1.00; outside 1.50; single copies 15c. Advertising rates on application. Please mention the O. A. C. REVIEW when answering: Advertisements THE O. A. C. REVIEW MACDONALD’S IS EVERYBODY’S STORE Wait Till You See Our OVERCOATS and SUITS at $21. They look like clothes that are worth much more than $21. And they are worth much more. Our buyer made an unusual deal on tl|3 market when he secured this value. Good- looking suits and overcoats that any man can wear with pride. His friends will never dream how little they cost. The Suits with Two Pairs of Trousers In smart new tweed mixtures. Single and double-breasted models. The overcoats built on this season’s best lines. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT THE RIGHT PRICE D. E. Macdonald and Bros. Limited Guelph’s Leading and Largest Store Please mention the O. A. C. REVIEW when answering Advertisements THE O. A.C. REVIEW -THE PROFESSION WHICH I HAVE EMBRACED REQUIRES A KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYTHING” VOL. XXXIX~ GUELPH. ONT, NOVEMBER, 1^26 3 Agriculture in High Schools By C. D. Jarvis, B.S.A., Ph D. IN responding to a request that he know that if they are to hold their submit an article for publication own in the markets of the world they on the subject of High School must not allow other nations to out¬ Agriculture the writer is conscious strip them in vocational efficiency. of the fact that he is discussing a They have a right, at least, to be in¬ topic concerning which the people of formed of new movements in agri¬ Ontario know very little. A few at¬ cultural education and to have any tempts to introduce the subject have new methods adequately demonstrat¬ been made, but so far as the writer ed. knows there has been no conscient¬ There are those who do not ap¬ ious effort made to teach real voca¬ prove of any further effort to teach tional agriculture in the high schools agriculture in the high schools, but of Ontario. My remarks, therefore, such a belief surely must have come are likely to assume the form of an from the unsatisfactory experience argument in favor of teaching agri¬ of the past coupled with a lack of culture rather than a discussion of knowledge of what has actually been methods and courses of study. accomplished in the United States. On the outset I must express my Until a few years ago the same be¬ amazement that those responsible lief was common across the line, but for directing educational affairs in after the introduction of a radically Ontario have been content to com¬ new method, popular opinion con¬ placently watch the development in cerning the teaching of agriculture agricultural education in other coun¬ to boys of high school age has un¬ tries without even so much as to dergone a complete change. call attention to the remarkable pro¬ The Home Project Method gress that has been made. If they It was the introduction of the are not familiar with developments “home project method” or the “sup¬ in other countries it would seem that ervised practice method,” as it is there should be some agency or bur¬ variously called, that has revolution¬ eau which will keep in touch with ized the teaching of agriculture in new educational methods and pro¬ the United States.
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