derby days Cruising and bruising: Milwau- kee’s Brewcity Bruisers take command of the roller rink. Page 4 THe vOiCe Of Progress fOr Wisconsin’s LGBT communiTy January 28, 2010 | Vol. 1, No. 6 Making Valentine’s Day LOve We dO our own By Louis Weisberg child. WiG Staff Writer This Valentine’s Day, Maria From the jewelry counter and Jennifer Cadenas, who to the Hallmark shop, same- had a civil union ceremony in sex couples are surrounded 2003, will have 13-month-old by idealized images of het- Alejandra in tow if they go erosexual love. But people out to celebrate their rela- like them are almost invisible tionship. But, “We might just — or, when they’re not invis- buy a cake and stay home,” ible, often controversial. Maria says, noting the perils Despite this unwelcoming of dining out with an infant. environment, the love that Although Alejandra is once dared not speak its a new addition to their name is thriving. Just ask the relationship, the Cadenases same-sex Wisconsin cou- will continue practicing a ples WiG spoke with about personal tradition they’ve Valentine’s Day: observed since their first Valentine’s Day together: Maria & Jennifer They will create handmade Cadenas cards for each other. As executive director “Mine tend to be very of Cream City Foundation, short,” Maria says. “She puts Maria Cadenas promotes the glitter on hers and uses col- visibility of same-sex couples orful markers.” by coordinating the “Gay In addition to Jennifer, Neighbor” campaign, which Cadenas remembers her features pictures of same-sex friends on Valentine’s Day. couples and their families on Love page 9 billboards and public transit. Cadenas’ life reflects that of the couples on the billboards from top left: Jennifer, — she has a spouse and a alejandra and Maria Cadenas, Mark Pocan and Phil frank, This John Becker and Michael Knappen, issue Genia stevens and inside and online at andrea Kleinheksel. wisconsingazette.com G r a P h i C : j a S o n S m i t h News WiGWAG ��������������������� 2 Milwaukee Gaze ���������� 3 LGBT groups send aid to Haiti National Gaze �������������� 8 Editorial ������������������������� 6 By Lisa neff are providing alternatives tor, including Haiti’s LGBT Opinion ������������������������� 7 Wig Staff Writer to donating to faith-based community,” said IGLHRC International Gaze ������ 9 International and national organizations with poor Haiti page 9 LGBT and HIV/AIDS groups records on LGBT rights. Features are exporting hope, not They’re focusing their efforts Coast Guard crew- WiGOUT ��������������������11 homophobia, to Haiti. on supporting healthcare in Film �������������������������������12 members airlift a Hai- Organizations such as the the Caribbean country, which tian girl to a local hos- Dining ���������������������������19 International Gay and Lesbian was devastated Jan. 12 by a Real Estate ������������������21 pital for treatment on Human Rights Campaign, magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Jan. 18. StarGaze ����������������������22 New York’s Aid for AIDS and “The earthquake has been Photo: U.S. Coa S t G Ua r d / Houston’s Rainbow Relief catastrophic for every sec- E t ta S m i t h 2 W i s CO n s i n G a Z e TT e .COM | January 28, 2010 LGBt news with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg sHe said need to start taking a stand “ M a ” er unjust. But Honolulu’s have won) visited Chicago’s about the cold weather. Meghan McCain, daughter for equality.” I n g a l l s Roman Catholic Bishop Boystown Jan. 13 while he Then, she said, the “man of Cindy and John McCain, in the Larry Silva said, “Not all dis- was in the city taping “The wearing a dress” pushed her has long supported same- BuT He said “ L i t t l e crimination is unjust. Some Oprah Winfrey” show. After and the other man attacked sex marriage and been John McCain, however, House on is quite justified, because it is dining at Pingpong, Lambert her with the Mace. For the vocal about her position. In said through his U.S. Senate the Prairie: The based on reality and truth.” stopped in at Roscoe’s record, the high tempera- mid-January, she endorsed office that he still opposes Musical” — cel- And therefore, Silva said, it Tavern around 11 p.m., just ture in Milwaukee on New NOH8, a gay rights group legalizing marriage for gays ebrated. Gilbert is all right to discriminate in time to catch the gay Year’s Eve was 31 degrees. opposed to Proposition 8. and lesbians. “I respect is in Madison, where the against gays and lesbians and bar’s weekly Drag Race, The ballot measure passed the views of my family, but Overture Center for the deny them equal rights. according to justenjusten. Gays in OuTer by California voters in 2008 remain opposed to gay Arts is staging the show. com. Apparently Lambert, sPaCe? bans same-sex marriage. marriage and believe the Laura Ingalls Wilder was BanKrOLL On who was accompanied by The Christian right isn’t In a photo on her Twitter sanctity of marriage is only born near Pepin in 1867 and THe ’bowl a small entourage of about happy about the blockbuster site, she wears silver duct defined as between one man her first novel chronicled The word was that the five people, behaved very movie “Avatar,” which fun- tape across her mouth and and one woman,” read the early life in Wisconsin’s pio- anti-gay Focus on the Family un-diva like. damentalists claim glorifies “NOH8” on a cheek. senator’s statement. McCain neer country. was suffering big money pantheism, puts down mili- in 2008 backed a ballot mea- woes, but Focus can still COLd WeaTHer, tary imperialism and criticiz- and sHe said sure amending the Arizona WOrd Of rely on the kindness and hot TeMPer es capitalism. They bristle at Cindy McCain, wife of Constitution to ban same- THe day wallets of some wealthy A man sprayed Mace in the movie’s suggestion that John McCain, also sup- sex marriages. The word of the day is benefactors. The organiza- the face of a Florida woman humans are not entitled to ports same-sex marriage. “discrimination.” The dic- tion is buying a 30-second at Mayfair Mall on New Year’s do whatever they like with In a photo on the NOH8 HaLf-PinT’s day tionary defines “discrimina- spot during the Super Bowl Eve, apparently in retaliation nature. And one conserva- Web site, she wears duct Gov. Jim Doyle pro- tion” as “treatment or con- for a commercial starring for a perceived insult she’d tive poster on the blog tape across her mouth and claimed Jan. 19 as “Laura sideration of, or making a 2007 Heisman Trophy win- directed at his cross-dress- republicanoperative.com “NOH8” on a cheek. The Ingalls Wilder Day.” Melissa distinction in favor of or ner Scott Tebow and his ing companion. But accord- gave “Avatar” the ultimate gay rights campaign said Gilbert, the actress who against, a person or thing mom. SB spots sell for more ing to the Wauwatosa, Fla., right-wing insult: it’s gay. Mrs. McCain offered to help. portrayed rambunctious based on the group, class or than $2.5 million. police report, the woman “Looks pretty gay to me, Meghan McCain Tweeted Laura “Half-Pint” Ingalls category to which that per- claimed that she had said and I refuse to watch it,” with pride: “I couldn’t be Wilder in the “Little House son or thing belongs rather idOL siGHTinG nothing to provoke the he wrote. “The aliens look more proud of my mother. on the Prairie” TV series – than on individual merit.” American Idol Adam attack — that she’d merely fake, and the eyes look …I think more Republicans and who is now portraying Discrimination sounds rath- Lambert (well, he should complained to her friend gay.” G e T T H e W i s CO n s i n G a Z e TT e d e L i v e r e d . C a LL 414-961-3240 DOGGY DAYCARE > heroes & Villains Mon-Fri 7am-6:30pm HerOes and unnamed, are heroes in by retracting the cartoon PET PARENTS! Just added: Saturday Perry v. Schwarzenegger our book. and opening its opin- Spoil your furry is the official name of the ion pages to explore the 8am-3pm case challenging the con- viLLains issue. The newspaper edi- best friend for Enroll now for stitutionality of California’s Don’t laugh. The tor resigned. The editor in Valentine’s $18 per visit. Proposition 8. But just as Observer, a student news- chief dropped the cartoon. Day. the real defendant is not paper at the University And the university presi- Reservations are limited California Gov. Arnold of Notre Dame in South dent issued a statement: for the Valentine Packages, Schwarzenegger, who actu- Bend, Ind., published “The “The university denounces ally supports same-sex Mobile Party” cartoon Jan. the implication that vio- so call today to book your marriage, the real plaintiff is 13 depicting two charac- lence or the expressions spot: 262-784-7297 or not Kris Perry or her part- ters engaged in a sitcom- of hatred toward any per- The [email protected] ner or the male couple list- style conversation. son or group of people is Valentine Special ed in court documents. It’s Character One: “What acceptable or a matter that includes: the American Foundation is the easiest way to turn a should be taken lightly.” The • 1 Overnight Stay in a Suite for Equal Rights, which pro- fruit into a vegetable?” cartoonists, meanwhile, vided the impetus as well as Character Two: “No apologized.
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