1284 TINTAGEL. CORNWALL. (KELLY's £304, with 95 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of rocky eminence on which the mainland part of the castle the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held since JBSI by stands, where it terminates in a narrow path, continued in the Rev. Richard Byrn Kinsman M.A. of Trinity College, a zigzag course up the precipitous face of the cliff on the Cambridge, and prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, and J.P. other side, at the top of which is a fragment of a wall and a At Trevena is a Free Methodist chapel, built in 1838, and doorway leading to another court, inclosed by strongly seating 250 persons, and two others for Bible Christians­ buttressed walls: at the north end, which is semicircular, is one at Trewarmet, erected in 1856, and seating 200, and r.nother arched entrance, and here the wall is carried by another at Bossiney, erected in t86o, and holding about 70. bold stepped battlements up the rocks on the west: on the In Trevena, opposite the " Wharncliffe Arms," stand the summit of an eminence, a little distance to the west, are the mutilated remains of a cross, brought here from Trevi1let ruins of the chapel of St. Julitta, consisting simply of about 1875; the shaft bears on one side the inscription:­ chancel and nave, the total length being about 38 feet and "1ELNAT +FECIT HA'G CRVCEM P ANIMA SV'," and the width 12 feet, with remains of a porch about 8 by 7 on the other the names of the Evangelists ; the round head, feet at the west end : the walls are now from 4 to 5 feet with Maltese eross, is very imperfect. In a hedge in the above ground: near the south-west angle are traces of some vicarage garden is an ancient stone cross, I foot 6 inches other building, and about 100 yards north-west is an in­ high and 8 inches wide. .HossiNEY is a· village Ii miles closed rectangular space, 70 feet long by so wide, surrounded north-east from the parish church. In the village, on the by walls 3 feet thick ; on the east side of the island is another right side of the road from Trevena to Boscastle, is a piece of walling: in 1245 David, Prince of Wales, took tumulus, called "Castle Hill," on which the election writs refuge in the castle when in rebellion against Edward I.; were read and the result of the poll declared; it comprises John de Northampton, or de Comberton (Cambs.), Lord a circular rampart, about roo feet in diameter, with a ditch, Mayor of London in 1382-3. is said to have been imprisoned and on the west an outwork, inclosing two· sides of a square: here in 1385, and Thomas (Beauchamp) 4th Earl of Warwick here also, at a place called "Pentally," is a round-headed K.G. was some time a captive in this fortress, on his removal cross, 4 feet 6 inches in height and r foot 8 inches broad; from the Tower of London. The office of Constable of the bead bears a Maltese cross and has a boss in the centre. Tintagel Castle was abolished on the death (in 158o) of John The insignia of the defunct corporation, consisting of a mace Arundell esq. who had held it since 10th June, 1537, and and borough seal, are still extant: the mace, now ( 1893) in after 1580 the ruins and precincts continued to be let on the possession of Mr. Thomas Brown, farmer, of Menedew, lease till 1844. In the upper portion of the rocky valley of is of silver, 14~ inches in length, and has a semi-globular Trevillet, in a romantic and thickly-wooded glen or corn be, is head, with a cresting of leaves : the shaft is banded and St. N ectan's, or St. Knighton's Kieve, a fine natural cascade, ornamented at the base with scroll flanges : the seal, of the so called from the "kiel"e " or basin into which the water 16th century and also of silver, is circular, and has an falls: the total height of the fall, which is broken on its elegant handle formed of oak leaves and acorns ; it bears the descent by intercepting rocks, is about 40 feet : on the top device of a triple towered castle rising out of the sea and of the cliff are the ruins of a small building, said to have surrounded by an inscription, and is now in the keeping of been a chapel: St. Nectan's Kieve is remarkable also as the Mr. John Symons, of Bossiney. A fair is held on the Mon­ traditional meeting place of King Arthur's Knights of the day following October r8th, yearly, for cattle. There are Round Table, who went in quest of " The Holy Grail : " the three small quarries here, worked by the Rev. Prebendary spot has received additional interest in recent times from Kinsman M.A. and by Mr. Francis Ede Bunt. The ruins of the prominence given to it by Miss Braddon in her novel Tintagel castle, the reputed birthplace of the renowned King "Mount Royal," Wilkie Collins's "Rambles Beyond Rail­ Arthur, and long the subject of legendary history and the ways," and "The Sister(of St. Nectan's," by the Rev. R. S.. scene of heroic fiction and romance, are situated a littl~ dis­ Hawker: persons desirous of visiting the "Kieve" can do tance north of the church, on a neck of land uniting the so on applying to the proprietor, Mr. W. Goard, farmer, peninsula or island of Tintagel head to the mainland ; the Trethevy. H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. who is lord of sites occupied by the different portions of the ruins vary in the manor, Earl of Wharncliffe and Lord Churston are chief height from 135 to 165 feet above the sea level, both the landowners. Nicbolas Taylor, William Taylor, John Taylor island on the west and the mainland on the east reaching a and F. E. Hunt esqs. are also landowners. 'fhe soil is light; height of 260 feet, and the isthmus at its lowest level sink­ the subsoil is stone. The chief crops are wheat, barley and ing to 70 feet: the walls now standing, of rubble grouted oats. The acreage is 4,350 (of which 70 is water); rateable with extremely hard mortar, are much worn, but there are value, £4,269; the population in 1891 was 719. existing fragments of apparently Norman character, and the TREVENA is a village half a mile east from the parish original coping remains: the structure generally, however, church. Trevena House, the residence of Lieut.-Col. Sir is a work of the early 13th century, and although its plan, Arthur Divett Hayter hart. D.L., J.P. was built in r867 for owing to landslips caused by the fury of the sea, cannot now John Douglas Cooke esq. TREKNOW is a village 1 mile he determined, enough is left to be of considerable interest: south from the parish church. TRENALE, Ii miles south­ the portion on the mainland consists of two courts, the east, TREWARMET, I~ south-east, TREBARWITH, 2~ miles southernmost of which, constructed on a high perpendicular south from the parish church, are also small villages. rock, retains one side of the wall inclosing it, with part of the Sexton, Edmund May. semicircular end, the rest having fallen into the sea ; the ad­ PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office~ joining court includes the main entrance, approached by a Trevena.-William Cobbledick Balkwill, sub-postmaster. narrow causeway, and the walls on the south and east are Letters through Camelford arrive at 9.30 a.m.; dis­ standing, but the north end has fallen down the slope and patched at 2.30 p.m there remains : the chasm between the mainland and the National School (mixed), Trevena, built in 1854, on a site island, 200 feet across, was once spanned by a drawbridge, granted by the Earl of Wharncliffe, for 160 children ; but the island is now reached from Trevena by a road cross­ average attendance, 70; Henry George White, master ing the mill stream and passing round the north end of the OMNIBUS to Camelford station, daily · Tintagel. Lugg Edwd. sen. blacksmith, Tregeiff Trevena. Heard Nicbolas, Treknow Lugg William, blacksmith, Tregatta Avery Mrs Symons Mrs. Martha, Polkerr house Miller Mary (Mrs.), sbopkpr. Treknow Bishop Mrs . Nicholls William, farmer, Trevillett Hayter Lieut.-Col. Sir Arthur Divett COlil\IERCIA L. Panter Charlt. (Mrs.), lodg. ho. Tref!atta hart. M.A., D.L., J.P. Trevena house .Alien William, farmer, Fenterfriddle Petherick Thomas, farmer & miller, Johns Miss, St. Nectan's glen Baker John, farmer, Trewinnick Treknow mills Kinsman Rev.Prebendary Richard Byrn Brown John, farmer, Downrow Petherick Margtt.(Miss ),aparts.Treknw M.A., J.P. Vicarage Brown John Froath, farmer, Treknow Rush Phillipp, carpenter, Tregatta Sturge 'VilliamFrancis, Trevena cottage Rrown Joseph, shopkeeper Strout William & James,farmers,Upton Wade MiS3, Treknow Brown Richard, farmer, Trenewth Symons Thomas, farmer, Hendra Brown Thomas, farmer, Menedew Taylor John, farmer, Halgabron COMMERCIAL. Brown Thomas, farmer, Treknow Uglow John Jolliff, farmer, Trecarn Balkwill William Cobbledick, sho~ Brown Wm.miller (water),Long bridge Whales Elvyns (Miss),shopkpr. Treknow keeper, Post office Bunt Francis Ede, yeoman, coal & slate Calloway William, shoe maker merchant, Trewithin Bossiney. Cann Wm. King Arthur's Arms P.H Bunt Richard, yeoman, Tregatta Rounsevell Miss Dangar Thomas, carpenter Cowling Thomas, farm bailiff to F. E. Svmons• Miss Dangar William, carpenter Bunt esq Taylor Nicholas, sen.
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