1 President’s Report As I write this, spring is here—or so says the cal- endar. We’ve had a few warm, beautiful days, but more cold, rainy and windy ones. The deer have thrived. I enjoy seeing them and in my heart do not like to think of destroying any of them, but then I look around my home and realize what I—we—have lost to them over the past few years. Every year I’ve found Lady Slippers in the woods around my house. Also Jack-in-the-Pulpits, Lau- (Photo courtesy of The Times Record, Brunswick, ME. May 31, 2002.) rel, wild Violets, Lupin, and Jewel-weed as well Norm Seagrave (left) poses with his teammates John Woods, as the Humming birds and butterflies they attract. John White, and Arnie Green. Their relay swim team came in These treasures will not return. The deer will, top in the nation in three events among master swimmers in a distinctive category: four swimmers whose combined ages even if we destroy some of them and I realize total at least 320 years. that, hard as it may be for some of us, we need to find a solution to the Deer Problem. ramp location and construction. Registration of golf carts will be done at the Hall early in July. Activi- There will be meetings with Portland this summer ties have been planned for the summer months. on this problem and an up-date on the barge- There are openings for more, if you’d like to volun- teer your services or suggestions. Contact me or any board member. Best wishes and many thanks to Shane for her years of editing the Seagull, and a warm welcome to Li- bra, who has volunteered to take over. Allyson will be leaving in June. Again, many thanks to her for her efforts on our behalf (the preschool and adult education programs to name a few). She will be missed. With hope for a warm and happy summer. The Cliff Island schoolchildren showing off their new raised garden at the playground. Good work, everyone! Ruth Mistark 2 A Huge Thank You Equinox Dear Cliff Island friends: right before new green old nests stand out Our first Thank You was not able to be pub- lished in the last “Seagull,” so we would just after a long winter like to say again THANK YOU so very much those hanging by a slender thread for your most generous outpouring of dona- die tions and support for Victoria’s uncovered medical expenses. It is so much appreciated. this moment She is having her weekly treatments and is do- between death-birth ing well. liminal Sincerely, suspended The Griffin Family blank the two trapeezes threshold-ed love finds us Kat Farrin POST OFFICE HOURS Mon - Fri Lobby 8am - 5pm Window 8am - 1pm 2pm - 4:45pm Mail Dispatch 3:30pm Saturday Lobby 8am - 12 Sandra Green and Pam Anderson enjoy a water- color class at the hall, organized by Allyson, our Window 8am - 11:45 Island Institute Fellow. Mail Dispatch 11:30am www.cliffisland.com Postage Stamps is the official Cliff Island website Remember to help our community by buying your postage stamps from the E-mail [email protected] if you wish to be on Cliff Island Post Office. If you can’t be the list to receive important news and updates here in person, you can purchase them via email. by mail. Contact Postmaster Anna at 766- If your email address changes, let Bob know. He 2051 for the details or print out an order continually updates his list. (Thanks, Bob!!) form from the Cliff Island website. 3 Hear and There Julie Kempton, granddaughter of Myles and Josh Douglas, son of Eva Waecker Douglas, was Louise O'Reilly, graduated from Duke University named a Ben Hale Scholar and also received the in North Carolina on May 12, 2002. She has James Mickel Williams Prize. These respectively earned a double major degree in electrical honor academic achievement and the junior who engineering and computer science. She will be has the highest grade point average in social sci- living and working in Virginia. ence courses at Hobart William Smith Colleges. Josh has just completed a semester of study off campus in Los Angeles, and an internship at the Louise O'Reilly has enjoyed her winter in Peterson Car Museum. He will be returning to Bradenton, Florida. She will be living at Baxter Hobart College in September for his senior year. Place, Seaside Nursing Center, 850 Baxter Blvd., Portland, ME 04103. She celebrated her 82nd birthday on May 7, 2002. David McNitt has been accepted into Tulane Uni- versity's JYA program at the University of St. An- Gary and Kelly Profenno are planning to open an- drews in Scotland. He will start orientation on other self-storage building in the next few September 13, 2002. months. The first two buildings have kept Gary busy, along with renting U-Haul trucks. Freeport Self Storage originally opened two years ago with Farrah Pitkin Barden and Paul Frager were mar- one building, and then opened another building ried on May 18 at the Laurel Hill Cemetery last year. Since Kelly is working 20 hours per Chapel in Saco, ME. They honeymooned in Ocho week at the Town Hall, Gary thinks he’ll be able Rios, Jamaica. Farrah, Paul, and their daughters to use her clerical duties when he gets his other Hailey and Lilly, live in Saco. buildings up and running. For those of you who were customers, the autobody garage is now closed. Thank you for your patronage. If you have Kimberly Hope Jellison, daughter of Carole and any storage or U-Haul needs, call Gary at 865- Walter Jellison, received her Bachelor of Science 3920 during normal business hours. degree on Sunday, May 19, 2002, at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. She graduated Cum Laude in the Health Science program and will re- Jeanine Alberto, daughter of John and Nina turn to Quinnipiac in the fall for the Masters pro- (Steere) Alberto, graduated from Walpole High gram in Physical Therapy. School on June 2, 2002. She will be attending the University of Maine at Farmington this fall and This summer, Kim is doing one of her clinical ro- will be majoring in English. tations at Mid Coast Hospital in Brunswick, ME. Kimberly has many fond memories of Cliff Island and hopes to visit frequently this summer while Mike Waecker, son of Tom and grandson of Hans she is home. Waecker, graduated from Cape Elizabeth High School in June. He will be attending Boston Uni- Kim is a descendant of Albro and Lulie Cushing versity in September. who used to own the Sunenblick house located in Griffin Cove and is also related to Captain Rod Hope & Rattanak MacVane Tray welcomed their Cushing. Her family is very proud of her hard first child, Vireak Keegan into the world on June work and academic accomplishments. 15. Born at 3 lbs., 12 oz., and 16 in., he is doing just fine. 4 Obituaries Miriam Carol Reiner, 81 J. Priscilla O’Reilly, 86 Miriam Carol (Hartman) Reiner, 81, of Sterling J. Priscilla O’Reilly, 86, of Cliff Island, died May died unexpectedly April 7, after suffering a heart 21 at St. Joseph’s Manor in Portland. Born August attack at home. She leaves her husband of 58 28, 1915, in Wellesley, Mass., she was a daughter years, Edward F. (Ned) Reiner; two brothers, Ben- of Russell and Helen Spring who predeceased her. jamin F. Hartman of Daytona Beach, Florida, and She and her husband wintered in Okeechobee, David Hartman of Loma Linda, California; two Fla., from the mid-1970’s to the early 1990’s. She daughters, Elizabeth Salo of Sterling, and Susan enjoyed knitting, sewing, drawing, and many Williams of Sterling; two sons, Ted Reiner of other crafts. She especially loved to create dolls, South Portland, Maine, and Scott Reiner of stuffed animals, and doll houses for her beloved Burlington, Vermont; six grandchildren and sev- grandchildren. She was well known on Cliff Is- eral nieces and nephews. land for the map of the island that she drew and which was used in many different things, includ- Mrs. Reiner was born in Natick, MA, the daughter ing place mats and postcards. She was a founder of Benjamin H. and Mina (Hildebrand) Hartman. and member of the Cliff Island Mothers’ Club. She She grew up in So. Lancaster, attending Seventh was a daughter of the American Revolution. Visi- Day Adventist schools and graduating from At- tors were always welcome in Priscilla and Ben’s lantic Union College in 1945. After raising four home. Even Vincent Price had a piece of home- children, Mrs. Reiner worked for 15 years at Rut- made apple pie in Priscilla’s kitchen when the land Heights Hospital as a speech therapist. movie, “The Whales of August,” was filmed. Mrs. Reiner was an accomplished pianist who of- She is survived by her husband, Benjamin fered her talents throughout her life in church and O’Reilly of Cliff Island, her two sons, Daniel community settings. She passed on her love of O’Reilly and his wife, Judy, of Kittery; Benjamin music to her children and grandchildren. O’Reilly, Jr., and his companion, Ellen Sanborn, of Gorham; twelve grandchildren, Sherry Childs, From the age of 15, Mrs. Reiner spent all her sum- Wendy Collins, Danna Eddy, Tricia Kashmer, mers on Cliff Island in Casco Bay, Maine. Since Benjamin O’Reilly III, Brian O’Reilly, Kelly Pro- retirement, she and her husband spent half the fenno, Shawn O’Reilly, Matthew O’Reilly, Dawn year on Cliff Island.
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