The Observer Saturday, March 21, 2015 The Saturday, Official March 21,Newspaper 2015 of the Illinois TheYMCA Observer Youth and Government Program Volume #43 Issue #2 Friday, March 21, 2015 The Observer Follow us online at http://observer.ilymcayg.org KEEP UP WITH ALL THE NEWS OF Daniel Park elected youth governor Y&G WITH THE See Sofie Defino’s editorial about Park’s candidacy on page 2 OFFICIAL NEWS SOURCE OF Y&G - 2015 Election THE OBSERVER Results To receive text messag- How to sign up fores Mr.for Gudwien's breaking The news, GOVERNOR Observer messages:text @theobs to (217) Daniel Park 368 909-4236. Your number Andre Kohn 279 will remain confidential. Connor Storey 172 CHIEF JUSTICE To: Ashley Maras 504 To receive messages via text, text (217) 909-4236 Enter thisCristina number Nunez 306 @theobs to (217) 909-4236. You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @theobs'. Message: LT. GOVERNOR @theobs Text this Carlymessage LeRoy 352 Caleb Williams 296 Madison Hart 163 *Standard text message rates apply. Campaigning a necessary SECRETARY OF STATE Follow us on Twitter Rushil Shukla 561 New message Or to receive messages via email, send@ILYMCAObserver part of election process [email protected] Ryan Witry 148 an email to Recipients Tommy Sagins [email protected]. To Subject (You can leave the subject blank) Dylon Kelly 106 unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in Williamsville the subject line. Newly elected EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Many candidates try Follow us on Facebook OF LOBBYISTS to increase their chances Governor and Sec. of facebook.com/ygobserver Archit Dhar 104 of getting elected by cam- State fail to disclose Jessalyn Eubanks 21 paigning. They give out candy, fruit snacks, and campaign spending even play video games. WHAT IS REMIND101 AND WHY IS IT SAFE? SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE The newly elected Remind101 is a one-way text messaging and email system. With Remind101, all personal information remains The question is, does it re- completely confidential. Teachers willCatch never see yourour phone number,video nor will youfeeds ever see theirs. Savannah Boles 229 Youth Governor, Daniel Visit www.remind101.com to learn more. in the Crown Plaza and Daniel Flood 196 ally help? Park, never turned in his the Capitol. Jessica Kim 151 Joy Miller, a Wil- Campaign Finance Disclo- Griffin Michel 83 liamsville bill flow clerk, sure Form. Rushil Shukla, says, “It shouldn’t really be See all our coverage at Surbhi Sarup 63 the newly elected Secre- the whole reason that they observer.ilymcayg.org tary of State, did not turn PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE win. Someone could give one in either. Wade Xanders 125 everyone a million dollars Both attend high We will also be publish- Ethan Hamburger 112 as their campaign, but still school at Waubonsie Val- ing two more editions Deepika Khanna 72 be the dumbest person in ley. The Observer is con- of THE OBSERVER print Matthew Pajor 49 the world and not deserve tinuing its investigation in edition, one on Satur- Xavier Sanchez 16 continued on page 5 this matter. day and one Sunday. CAMPAIGNING NECESSARY 2 The Observer Saturday, March 21, 2015 Saturday, March 21, 2015 The Observer Sean Nelson takes over Y&G as Executive Director Y&G has a new captain secured a $100,000 dona- at its helm: Sean Nelson. tion over four year period Nelson describes him- as seed money to help sub- self as someone who is “very sidize the cost for these passionate about schools. The hope helping the youth is after the schools of America become see the great ef- stronger leaders.” fects the program He has been with has, they will be the YMCA for over able to find ways 16 years, and he to support the pro- said, “It’s where my gram themselves. heart is.” Austin Tuttle, In another ef- Only being on Co-Editor fort to attract more the job for around schools, Nelson two months, he was under- personally hired a videog- Executive Director Sean Nelson helps students and advisors get standably not ready to lay rapher to create a video situated while the delegates begin moving to their rooms. Nelson out a vision as to how to en- that highlights the impor- is beginning his first year as Illinois YMCA Y&G Exec. Director. courage more women to run tance the program plays in for offices, specifically Youth student’s lives. “I want to Governor, an office where be able to demonstrate to Governor candidate only three women have ever those schools who you (the been elected. delegates) are and why you Daniel Park has what it However, Nelson is al- are doing it and how it im- ready moving to grow the pacted you,” he said. program, especially in more Too often in our soci- takes to lead at Y&G urban settings. “There are ety, we have exclusive pro- certain areas where they grams and clubs that only Y&G is full of dedicated he is going to transition his (the board) think there certain people are able to kids who plan to achieve confidence and energy into should be delegations and join. Throughout history, greatness within this leadership posi- there are not,” he said. politics and government their generation. tion if elected. The Metro-East area, have followed that trend The three candi- “If elected I will Springfield, Peoria, and and have been dominated dates running for definitely carry all of Rockford are all areas being by the wealthy. governor are all that passion from targeted. Encouraging citizens very qualified and my team and myself A large amount Y&G who come from all back- excited about the into office and bring delegations come from well- grounds to engage in the opportunity at this Sofie Defino, a new positivity to off suburbs, which limit the political process will allow leadership posi- this club,” said Park. program’s ability to truly our government to better tion. Co-Editor I believe in represent all of Illinois. Tar- reflect the people it repre- All three gave Park’s dedication to geting these urban areas is sents. very in-depth speeches this club, and leadership is a great step in the right di- We will only accom- about what they plan to ac- a big factor is this election. rection for Y&G to become a plish this goal if we get complish in Springfield and Campaigning is usu- more diverse program. more young people to par- how they vision a change ally the number one way “We have a lot of room ticipate in public service, with their fellow delegates. to spread the word about for growth, and one of my which is why it is so impor- Daniel Park is one candidate a candidate and how to in- goals is to lower the cost,” tant for Y&G to reach out to who stood out from the oth- crease that person’s chanc- he said. a diverse group of schools. er two running for governor. es of being elected. Nelson stated the cost While a lot of work As many people might Daniel Park was asked is what generally holds back needs to be done, Sean Nel- notice, Park has a lot of en- if he thought his delegation schools, especially inner- son is the right man to con- ergy, enthusiasm and per- city and rural, from joining tinue to move the program sonality which was a big continued on page 3 the program. Nelson has forward. factor in his campaign. Park EDITORIAL: PARK MAKES A told me a little bit about how MEMORABLE IMPRESSION The Observer Saturday, March 21, 2015 Saturday, March 21, 2015 The Observer 3 Editorial: Park makes a memorable impression continued from page 2 what he wanted his number what makes a campaign one goal to be if elected. “I most interesting. did a good job with cam- really want to make this a “I think every candi- paigning for him. “It was memorable experience for date here got here with hard definitely a learning experi- everyone in a positive way work and integrity. Even the ence. The most important and that people want to candidates I ran up against thing we’re going out with is come back. I want to con- are very competent for the connecting with the voters,” tinue to grow the club,” Park position, and I am really he said. said. proud to [have] run against I think Park makes it Park feels very pas- them,” said Park. clear though his campaigns sionate about what he is do- Park is looking for- Waubonsie Valley’s Daniel and his speeches that the ing and who he is working ward to the election and to Park uses charisma and pas- most important thing really with. The way he envisions spending the rest of his time sion during his campaign and is to connect with the vot- this club to grow differs in a this weekend making great speech to the delegations. ers, not only to win their positive way from any other memories with great peo- Park was one of three candi- votes but to make Spring- candidate running for gov- ple, no matter the outcome dates running for governor in field a more welcoming en- ernor. of the election. Friday’s election. See com- vironment. Competition is always plete election results on Page Daniel also specified 4 and online. Travel is always a big “Mandatory Fun Night” is a highlight at Y&G She later adds, “I was Isabella Shaw Lake Park kind of forced to have fun and part of Y&G experience As Mandatory Fun Night interact with other people.
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