THE POLAR RECORD INDEX NUMBERS 9—16 JANUARY 1935—JULY 1938 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN FOR THE SCOTT POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1939 THE POLAR RECORD INDEX Nos. 9-16 JANUARY 1935—JULY 1938 The names of ships are in italics. Expedition titles are listed separately at Uie end Aagaard, Bjarne, II. 112 Alazei Mountains, 15. 5 Abruzzi, Duke of, 15. 2 Alazei Plateau, 12. 125 Adams, Cdr. .1. B., 9. 72 Alazei River, 14. 95, 15. 6 Adams, M. B., 16. 71 Albert I Peninsula, 13. 22 Adderley, J. A., 16. 97 Albert Harbour, 14. 136 Adelaer, Cape, 11. 32 Alberta, 9. 50 Adelaide Island, 11. 99, 12. 102, 103, 13. Aldan, 11. 7 84, 14. 147 Aldinger, Dr H., 12. 138 Adelaide Peninsula, 14. 139 Alert, 11. 3 Admiralty Inlet, 13. 49, 14. 134, 15. 38 Aleutian Islands, 9. 40-47, 11. 71, 12. Advent Bay, 10. 81, 82, 11. 18, 13. 21, 128, 13. 52, 53, 14. 173, 15. 49, 16. 15. 4, 16. 79, 81 118 Adytcha, River, 14. 109 Aleutian Mountains, 13. 53 Aegyr, 13. 30 Alexander, Cape, 11. GO, 15. 40 Aerial Surveys, see Flights Alexander I Land, 12. 103, KM, 13. 85, Aerodrome Bay, II. 59 80, 14. 147, 1-19-152 Aeroplanes, 9. 20-30, 04, (i5-(>8, 10. 102, Alcxamtrov, —, 13. 13 II. 60, 75, 79, 101, 12. 15«, 158, 13. Alexcyev, A. D., 9. 15, 14. 102, 15. Ki, 88, 14. 142, 158-103, 16. 92, 93, 94, 16. 92,93, see also unilcr Flights Alftiimyri, 15. 32, 33 Agbartook, 12. 151, 14. 130, 137 Alftancs, 13. 30 Aghileen Pinnacles, 9. 4G Allen, T. N., 14. 122 Agpat Island, II. 41, 12. 134 Agpa tIsland, 12. 144, 134 Ahlmann, Prof. II. W., 9. 18, 10. 81, 82, Alsck, River, 11. 65-68 84, 87, 89, 13. 41-^2, 14. 173, 16. Alten Fjord, 9. 19 97, 134 Amadjuak, 14. 130 Aian Island, 10. 77 Avialie, 9. 46, 47 Ajax, H.M.S., 14. 107 Ambarchik, 11. 14, 13. 6 Akkuratov, —, 14. 102 Ambarchik Bay, 13. 7, 8 Aklavik, 10. 105, 15. 1, 16, 17, 16. 87 Amderma, 11. 13, 12. 117, 14. 101, 108, Aklavik, 15. 39 16. 91 Akrafjall, 15. 33 Ameralik Fjord, 14. 112, 15. 27 Akranes, 13. 30, 15. 33 Amerdlok Fjord, 13. 35 Aksnes, Capt. J., 11. 32 American Polar Society, 9. 72, 12. 15G, Akugdlit, 13. 26, 27 15. 51-52 Akureyri, 9. 22, 24, 11. 28, 29, 48, 13. 38, Amund Ringnes Island, 16. 107 14. 120, 15. 28, 31, 33 Amundsen, Roald, 11. 3, 22, 57, 13. 57, Akutan, 9. 50 58, 59, 15. 2, 10 Aladanak, 11. 93, 94, 95 adanak, 11. 93 Alaseja River, 12. 130 Anabar Bay, 11. 14 Alaska, 9. 46, 47, 50, 58, 73, 10. 100, 102- Anabar River, 11. 8, 14, 12. 120 108, 11. 53, 56, 61, 65, 12. 128, 143- Anadyr, 10. 80, 13. 8, 14. 94, 15. 8, 16 148, 186, 13. 6, 7, 57, 62-64, 14. 123, Anadyr, Gulf of, 9. 15, 16, 16. 91 132, 173, 15. 16, 48-50, 66, 16. 87, Anadyr River, 10. 80 117-118, 134 Anadyr, 11. 5, 6 POLAR RECORD Anastasia Bay, 14. 109 Askellsson, Dr Johannes, 9. 38, 39,10. 97, Anaularealing, 16. 108 II. 45, 46, 47, 52, 12. 141, 13. 43, Anderson, Capt. F., n. 68, 70 16. 104, 105 Andersson, XL, 15. 30 Askheim, Thor., 13. 19, 20 Andreasen, Peter, 9. 23, 14.129, 15. 36 Aspland Island, 14. 167 Andree, S. A., 15. 2 Association for the Study of Snow and Andree Land, 13. 22 Ice, 15. 65 Andreev, L. N., 13.12 Astrup, Mount, 11. 15 Andreiev, V. N., 9. 14, 11. 9 Ata Sound, 13. 35 Andy, Lake, 12. 155 Athabasca, Lake, 9. 56, 11. 54 Angel, J., 11. 60 Athabasca River, 9. 57 Angmagssalik, 9. 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 10. Atka Islands, 13. 53 91, 92, 11. 26-29, 33, 37, 41, 12. Atlasov, I. P., 14. 108 134-137, 13. 26, 28, 29, 39, 68, 14. Atok, Mount, 10, 108 113, 114, 15. 19-22, 16. 96, 99 Atter, M. F., 11. 3, 38, 39 Anguema River, 14. 94 Attu Islands, 13. 52, 53 Aniakchak Mountain, 9. 46 Augusta Bay, 9. 18 Anker, Chr. 16. 79 Austin Bay, 12. 152 Antarctic Club, 9. 72, 11. 3, 15. 53, 16. Austin, Constable L. A., 10. 113-114 70 Australian Antarctic Claim, 13. 2 Antarctic Harbour, 9. 24 Australian Polar Club, 1$. 55 Antarctic Regions, 10. 119-141, 11. 99- Austria Channel, 13. 11, 12 103, 105-108, 12. 113, 156-185, 13. Avon River, 13. 52 1, 17, 82-89, 14. 119, 142-169, 15. Axel Heiberg Island, 12. 147, 15. 47, 16. 2, 51-54, 56-65, 16. 79, 119-122 107 Antarctic, 9. 71 Antrobus, Cape, 15. 37 Anui (Great) River, 14. 95 Babushkin, M. S., II. 10, 11, 14. 101, Anui (Little) River, 14. 95 16.87 Anvers Island, 9. 68 Bache Peninsula, 9. 44,11. 58, 59,13. 56, Arctic Air Routes, 9. 29, 30, 11. 7, 53-55 14. 127, 130, 15. 27 13. 6-10 Back, Sir George, 9. 58 Arctic Bay, 13. 49, 50, 14. 130, 134, 136, Back, K., 16. 94 15. 38, 44 Badeuil, M., 11. 28, 13. 28 Arctic Club, 9. 72, 14. 171, 15. 53 Baffin Island (Land), 9. 41, 43-46, 48, Arctic Harbour, 10. 114 52, 53, 10. 101, 105, 110, 113, II. 40, Arctic Institute, 9.13,10. 76,11. 6, 9, 86, 44, 63, 69, 70, 12. 145, 148, 150, 151, 12. 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 124, 125, 13. 49, 14. 117, 129, 131, 134, 137, 126, 127, 13. 12, 13, 14. 95, 96, 103, 140, 15. 37-39, 44, 46, 16. 107, 108, 105, 108, 110, 111, 15. 5, 16. 91 126 Arctic, 10. 78, 11. 15 Bahr, A., 10. 103, 104 Ardeev, J. M., 9. 12 Baidukov, George, 13. 9, 14. 97 Areflev, L. N., 13. 12 Baillie Island, 9. 49, 50, 12. 153 Arfersiorflk Fjord, 14. 118, 15. 25, 26 Baird, P. D., 9. 43, 12. 147, 13. 55, 14. Argentine Islands, 10. 120, 121, 122, 11. 123-126, 15. 43, 44, 16. 107-108 99, 12. 160, 163-164, 14. 144, 146 Baiss, J. L. R., 14. 122 Arkos, 13. 5 Baker, Lt.-Cdr. E. H. B., R.N., 9. 41, 42 Arktik Ugol, 16. 80, 81 Baker, Sir Herbert, 9. 7 Armannsfell, io. 97 Baker Lake, 10. 101, 106, 11. 95, 14. 130 Arnarvatn, 9. 39 Balakshin, L. L., 11. 10 Arnason, S., 9. 40 Balchen, Bernt, 9. 67, 15. 2 Arnesen, O., II. 24, 15. 52 Balchin, W. G. V., 16. 71 Arn6rsson, P., 10. 97, 98 Balcom, Captain, 11. 73, 12. 144, 146 Arsuk Fjord, 13. 47, 48 Baldwin, Rt. Hon. Stanley, 9. 1, 2-9 Arthur Island, 10. 79 Balestrieri Peak, 10. 94 Aseth, Sverve, 11. 32 Balleny Islands, 12. 171, 172, 13. 87, 16. Ashby, D. F., 16. 72 119 INDEX Balloons, see Flights Bellingshausen, Admiral von, 14. 150 Banks Island, 12. 153, 14. 97 Bellingshausen Sea, 14. 92, 151, 16. 120 BarSarson, Prof. G., 15. 34 Bellot Strait, 14. 140, 15. 1, 39 Barents Sea, 10. 77, 79, 11. 11, 13, 12. Beloglasov, N. S., 11. 15 113, 115, 117, 119, 127, 131, 132, 13. Benfield, A. E., 15. 18 9, 10, 13, 15. 14 Bengtsen, K., 11. 19, 21, 12. 123, 13. 14, Barents Island, 13. 20, 21 17, 18 Barentsburg, n. 24, 16, 81 Bennett, P. M., 12. 147, 13. 55, 14. 123- Baring, Cape, 9. 59, 12. 153 127, 15. 43, 44 Barrow Inlet, 14. 139 Bennett Island, 14, 106, 15. 12 Barrow, Point, 9. 50, 10. 106, 13. 52, 14. Bentham, R., 9. 44, 10. 100, 12. 147, 13. 133, 15. 16 55, 14. 127, 128, 15. 37, 44, 45 Barter Island, 15. 16 Berezkin, V. A., 9. 18, 11. 10 Barth, Prof. T. P. W., 15. 33, 34 Bergavinev, S., 13. 8, 9 Bartlett, Captain R., 9. 51, 73, 10, 100, Bergesen, Capt. Albert, 13. 31, 14. 129, II. 60, 12. 139, 13. 32, 14. 130, 15. 15.36 27, 16. 108 Bering Sea, 9. 15, 1G, 47,10. 80, 106-108, Baryshnikova, I. P., 11. 5 11. 74, 12. 128-130, 133, 13. 8, 52, Basseiii, P. I., 14. 101 61, 90, 14. 110, 15. 7, 49, 50 Basshuss-Jessen, J., 13. 59, 68 Bering Sea Patrol, 12. 148 Bates, Robert, 10. 102, 11. 65, 67, 14. Berlin, Cape, 11. 30, 31 132, 15. 48, 49 Berlinguette Inlet, 14. 134 Bates Lake, 11. 68 Bemadzikiewicz, Dr S., 13. 23, 14. 118 Bathurst, Cape, 9. 50 Bernard Harbour, 9. 49, 50, 15. 40, 41 Bathurst Inlet, 10. Ill, 112, 113, 15. 40 Bernier, Capt. J. E., 9. 11 Baumann Fjord, 15. 45 Bernt Balchen Glacier, 10. 123 Bay of God's Mercy, 10. 105 Berry, Capt. V., 11, 3 Bay Fjord, ix. 58 Bertelsen, E., 10. 92, 11. 32, 15. 3-i Bay of Whales, 10. 125, 126, 11. 1, 2 Berthelot Glacier, 12. 161 Baynes, Mrs, 9. 2 Berthelot Islands, 12. 101 Bazier, H. N., 9. 53 Bertram, G. C. L., 9. 62, 10. 122, II. 100, Bear, Cape, 9. 17 12. 162, 103, 105, 13. 84, 80, 14. 142, Bear Island, 10. 80-81, II. 17, 19, 23, 13. 147 22, 15. 3, 24, 16. 72, 76, 77, 80, 82, Besborodov, I. N., 10, 78 83, 96 Besley, D.
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