University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Southwest Sentinel, 1892-1896 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-1-1894 Southwest-Sentinel, 05-01-1894 Allan H. MacDonald Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sws_news Recommended Citation MacDonald, Allan H.. "Southwest-Sentinel, 05-01-1894." (1894). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sws_news/94 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Southwest Sentinel, 1892-1896 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r , VOLUME XX. SILVER CITY. NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1894. NO. 18 OOlclal Director!' ltton t s at Jpfr. BE MY SWEkTHlAMT. ing with the learned men and ask- Prohibition In Iowa . Une of the Host. VKCIRAL. ing them questions, bat they say The prohibition policy has at "The best compliment I ever WKIGUT. Anthony Jowpli Dvl-fra- te to rnnirr Tas first lore song seer writ's! by Mr. Flcid. JEI.L W. T. '1 rmrntuu Uovrrii iwscthcart.be my sweet liesrt nothing of the interval between last been practically abandoned in had," said a well known lawyer I. nrl.m Mlllnr KrerrKor When birds are on the lint. Attorneys. Tlinmrn Sinltli ciilef Justice When la s and bud and babbling flood that time and the one when Jesus Iowa. That is to sny, the repub- the other day, "waa paid me by an N . ('. Collier, 1 I Besiwak the birtb of spring. SILVER CITY - NEW MEXICO. A. A Kiemiinn, began to preach in Palestine, when, lican legislature has passed a law old lady in an adjaw-u- t town, K I'. r Associate. Come, swmi heart, be rt. swmlheart A. H. ill, J And wear this posy riojl as intimated by Luke, he was which) recognizes fact pro- where once went to take part iu X. ANCHETA, O. N. M.nrmi Clark Second Judicial District about the that I ( hurles K. Kasley.. Surveyor (ioiirrul westheart, be my sweetheart thirty years old. The Thibetan hibition is a failure in the state as a Fourth of July celebration. I ('liarles M. Mhniiiina U. Colleomr In t'ie incltow co'.dcn kIuw Attorney at Law. J. li. Ileininniuway 1. S. IlWtrirt Atlnrney Of earth atliuli wild llis gracious bias si story accounts for that interval, a state, .and provides a form of was a young mau and always avail- Kdw ird C. Hull U. rt. Mnrshnl Which the rlpculnj Üelds foreshow. It Will In all rniirti of the Territory. V. IT. H practlr the II. limits IVpntv Marklial Dear swMttirart, be r.iy sweetheart and bo much of it as docs so is not mulct taxation, as it is called, ed myself of evry chance I got to Criiiiimil law a otlli'C. cur. ,1. ('. Swirs V. 8. Owl Mine Insie-tit- r atn-i-ts- . As lute tbs tuooa ws a; t TfXHMUiid S i n .t. H. Wtilkpr, Siinta Fe. .. eulster Office Evan- was JVdio lieltrnilit, contradicted by cither of tho which amounts to local option. spout That day I ou the SILVER CITY. - - NEW MEXICO. Hanra Ke...Keeeiver l.anl Otitee wectbsKH, be my sweetheart S. P. MeCrea Ijih CrnTS . UeKIMer IjiikI Olllee gelists, while the more Eastern Under this new law, on the peti- program to read the Declaration Qnlnliv Vance. I js Cruces., ltewiver nnv When falls the bounteous year, P. BARNEÜ, Flchard Young. Kiwwell... l.eKiler Ijiml otlh-- TVbca fruit and wine of Ires and rise nccount of his subsequent career tion of the majority of the voters of Independence, and I put allthe JICHMOND V. (I ( mirrovp. Kiisweil... Receiver I .and (mice Give us their burre-.- t cheer. W. W. Boyle, clavton KrcNier (Wire Oh, my , sweetheart, be sweetheart. is as close to the y;opel narration of any city of 5,000 or more inhab- power I had into the lines. Attorney at Law, II. C. Clayton Receiver Laml Oilloe For wiater It drawelh a.rl Go WE?,!!? 3 TinuiTOUlAL. as ought to l)e expected, consider- itants, or per cent of the voters "When tho exercises were over, OIT- - corner Broadway and Main street, Sweetheart, be my sweetheart ILVElt CITY ...NEW MEXICO E. I BartJett Solicitor Oeneral When the year ú while and old. ing the distance tbestóry had trav- of smaller places, liquor may bo an old lady, who wa7 arrayed in .1. II. Crist, Haiitii Fe ldstrlct Attorney When the Ore of youth Uspcnt, forsooth S. 11. said, Absolutely Pure. Neweonib, Las Cruces. ...Inslrlct Attorney of Is cold. eled in an age when writing was sold in consideration of the pay- her finest, came up to me and L. PICKETT, W.lI.Whiti-iimn- , A IMstnct And lbs hand ate lluucrque. Attorney Tet, eweeOieart, be my A cream of tartar bakincr powder. JJ ('. (. Hell, silver Cl;v District AM oruev sweetheart confined to the few and communi- ment of $G00 which shall be a bar 'That is one of the best declara- M. W. Mills SnrliiKcr Jlstrlct Attorney Till the yearef our love be told! Highest of all in leavening strength Attorney at Law, L. C. Las Kugsuo tions of over Fort, Veitas District Attorney Field la Ladies' lioiue JuuruaL cation between far distant coun to any prosecutions under the pro- independence I 1.uvirri-tne- nt : NEW MEXICO tieorife H. Baker, Rosnell Dl.tlrlct Attorney Latest United States HlLVEll CITY ! K. I'iiio I llirariaii tries a much more difficult thing hibitory law; and where this cou-se- nt heard; yon must have spent a ter- Food lieport. n. S. Clancy Clerk Siilireme Court Kovitl 109 Wall St.. N. Y. 9. FIELDER, K The "CiiddliUt Llfo of llakin 1'ondcrCo.. JAMES II. BeiKiiiann.. ..Suiierietemlent renilenliary Iaa." than it is today. So there is room , of tho voters cannot bo ob- rible long time wriliu' it." Phila- Oco. w. Kuaebel Adjutant (ieneral It. .1. Attorney at Law, I:ilii t Treasurer A wonderful story is claimed to for the exercise of a great deal of j tained, the penalties of the prohib- delphia Call. Demetrio Perez Auditor I Lave Dr. Raymond of the Salpetriero Offlitt orer surer City National Batik, Amulo 'have. Supt. l'nlilic Instiucilon been discovered iu a Thibet- discreet curiosity in regard to the , itory law are to beenforced. This M. H. Hart Coal Oil Inspector Uoouij i and an monastery by a Russian travel- alleged find of tho manuscript ' is an indirect way of reaching a Are 0:ir Fonal ihiJ at Fault I has been chosen by the Faculto do CITT, - NEW MEXICO. L'Ot'HT or PRIVAT LANU CLAIMS, Medecino as Charcot's successor .losepli R Reed, of Iowa, Chief Justice. er named Nicholas Notovitch. It story of the life of Issa. Chicago desired result,) to be sure, but the Tho eyes of many prison author- rp F. CONWAY, Associate JuKtlees Wilbur Stone, of Colo- by a voto of 30 in 31. Dr. Ray rado; lliom.is ('. Fuller, of North Carolina; is a "Life of Jesus Christ," known Tribuue. result is reached all the same aud ities of Irath the Old World aud William M. Murray, of Tennessee: Ileury C. mond was a pupil of Chariot Attorney at Law, Sluts, of Kansas and honored among the Buddhists that is the main thing. Each com- the New are just now turned to Matthew (i. Reynolds, of Missouri, United The Right of Trnmps. i 8ILVF.lt CITY - NEW MEXICO Stites Attorney. of that country under the name of munity is left free to regulute the El in ra, N. Y. Mr. Brockway, as Extensive preparations aro be Governor Lewelling's manifesto, leso. The story is said to be matter for itself. Where public superintendent and expounder to ing made at Fredericksburg, Va., H. BARLLEE, directed to all boards of police written iu Pali. According to the sentiment is favorable to prohibi- the inmates of the system peculiar for the dedication of the monu- Attorney Law, GRANT COUNTY commissioners iu Kansas, ia de- to tho institution has come alleged translation Issa was born tion, that policy will prevail; and there, ment to Mary, tho mother of OSSca orer Aarou Scliutt's Store, on Billiard fense of the constitutional liber- to grief. But the system which Street And Silver City raid Ilaiiilaonie in the nd of Israel. At the age where public sentiment is in favor Washington, which will take placo NEW MEXICO ties of tramps, is a very extraordi- Mr. Brockway abused, an Eng- FII.VKR CITY Compliment bjr the Bureau of of thffteeii he fled from his fath- of liquor selling, liquor will lw ts on May 10. of Tlii He maintains that lish in tho Americau Teriilorr. er's house and went with mer- nary document Bold iu a legal way. The icpubli-can- s writer North UDEON D. BANTZ, Morgan k Brief Kesuuie of the Work. chants to Sintih, instead of being the right to go freely from placo carried Iowa lost fall on a Review has said, ought, to be Commodore EdinD. Attorney at Law. fail.- Th Bureau of liuuiigration, tlirougli carried to Egypt and back while to place in search of employment, pledge to modify judged on its merits. The ques- has become the r of his third its Suu-t- a the prohibition ÍILVEK CIT NEW MEXICO elticienl secretary, Max F'rutt, of or even in obedience to a mere tion is not the possibility of abuse, child, and undei the, will of tht Fa, han just luuuod a buuüdoiua liauJ-bou- k yet an infant.
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