DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED SCHEME FOR HOUSEHOLD ELECTRIFICATION DISTRICT : Sirsa (HARYANA) (AS PER SUPLEMENTRY DPR) DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAYA GRAM JYOTI YOJANA Table of Contents Sl.No. Format No. Name Page No. 1 A General Information 1 2 A(I) Brief Writeup 2 3 A(II) Minutes 2 4 A(III) Pert Chart 2 5 A(IV) Certificate 2 6 A(V) Basic Details of District 2 7 A(VI) Abstract : Scope of Work & Estimated Cost 4 8 A(VII) Financial Bankability 10 9 B Electrification of UE villages 12 10 B(I) Block-wise coverage of villages 13 11 B(II) Villagewise/Habitation wise coverage 14 12 B(III) Existing Habitation Wise Infrastructure 14 13 B(IV) Village Wise/Habitation Proposed Works 14 14 B(V) Existing REDB Infrastructure 14 15 B(VI) Block-Wise Substation 18 16 B(VII) Feederwise DTs 19 17 C Feeder Segregation 50 18 C(I) Augmentation of 11 KV or 22 KV Line 51 19 D Connecting unconnected RHHs 56 20 D(I) Block-wise coverage of villages 57 21 D(II) Villagewise/Habitation wise coverage 58 22 D(III) Existing Habitation Wise Infrastructure 72 23 D(IV) Village Wise/Habitation Proposed Works 89 24 D(V) Existing REDB Infrastructure 98 25 D(VI) Block-Wise Substation 102 26 D(VII) Eligibility for Augmentation of Existing 33/11 KV Substations 103 27 D(VIII) Feederwise DTs 105 28 E Metering 136 29 E(I) DTR Metering 137 30 E(II) Consumer Metering 390 31 E(III) Shifting of Meters 393 32 E(IV) Feeder Metering 394 33 F System Strengthening and Augmentation 395 34 F(I) Block-Wise Substation 396 35 F(II) EHV Substation Feeding the District 397 36 F(III) Districtwise Details of Existing 66 KV or 33 KV Lines 429 37 F(IV) Districtwise Details of Existing 11 KV or 22 KV Lines 431 38 G SAGY 460 39 G(I) Block-wise coverage of villages 461 40 G(II) Villagewise/Habitation wise coverage 462 41 G(III) Existing Habitation Wise Infrastructure 463 42 G(IV) Village Wise/Habitation Proposed Works 464 Section -A Basic Details of District State : HARYANA District : Sirsa Page 1 of 464 28/12/2015 (AS PER SUPLEMENTRY DPR) A(V) Basic Details of District for Supplementry DPR State : HARYANA District : Sirsa Name of Project Implementing Agency Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited Name of DISCOM Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited Name of State HARYANA Name of District Sirsa Total Population of district 1295189 Total Geographical Area(SqKm) 4277 Percentage of Hilly area 0 Total Block in the district 7 Total Urban Town in the district 3 Total Urban Population in the district 319248 Population Of Urban Area 319248 Total Census Revenue Villages in the district 329 Total Habitations in the district 0 Total Rural Population in the district 975941 House Holds Details :- Description 2001 Census 2011 Census CAGR Total HHs by Total HHs by 31.03.2015 as derived 31.03.2019 as derived Total House Holds in the district 194809 246570 51762 263859 290247 Rural HH in the district 140734 183495 42761 196323 215958 Urban HH in the district 54075 63075 9001 67536 74289 Total Energised HH in the district 123695 191784 68089 211122 232234 Urban HH electrified in the district 44752 60980 51861 143586 157944 Rural HH electrified in the district 78943 130804 16228 143884 156272 Balance Un-electrified Rural HH 61791 52691 26533 52439 59686 Page 2 of 464 28/12/2015 (AS PER SUPLEMENTRY DPR) A(V) Basic Details of District for Supplementry DPR State : HARYANA District : Sirsa Balance Un-electrified Urban HH 9323 2095 -42860 -76050 -83655 Balance Total un-electrified HH in the 0 0 0 0 0 district Status of Already Sanctioned 10th / 11th / 12th Plan Projects :- Plan Un-Electrified Villages Intensive Electrified Villages Total Habitation RHH Incl. BPL BPL Coverage Achievement Coverage Achievement Coverage Achievement Coverage Achievement Coverage Achievement 10th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 3 of 464 28/12/2015 (AS PER SUPLEMENTRY DPR) A(VI) Abstract : Scope of Work & Estimated Cost for Supplementry DPR State : HARYANA District : Sirsa S.No. Item of Works Sub Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost(In Total Cost(In Lac) Lac) B.Feeder Seperation 11 KV or 22 KV Line Augmentation 1 132 KV BEGU-Bajekan0I (Begu) AP Poles Nos. 16 0.0252 0.4032 2 132 KV BEGU-Bajekan0I (Begu) AP(132 KV Begu Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 2 4.038 8.076 To Bajekan) 3 132 KV BEGU-Bajekan0II (Begu) AP Poles Nos. 14 0.0252 0.3528 4 132 KV BEGU-Bajekan0II (Begu) AP(132 KV Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 7.4 4.038 29.8812 Begu To Begu) 5 132 KV Madhosinghana-Kotli0II AP Poles Nos. 10 0.0252 0.252 6 132 KV Madhosinghana-Kotli0II AP(Main GO Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 7.9 4.038 31.9002 Switch Near To Thed Mohalla) 7 132 KV Odhan-Nuhianwali-II AP Poles Nos. 80 0.0252 2.016 8 132 KV Odhan-Nuhianwali-II AP(132 KV Odhan Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 To Nuhiyanwali) 9 132 KV Odhan-Nuhianwali-III AP Poles Nos. 70 0.0252 1.764 10 132 KV Odhan-Nuhianwali-III AP(132 KV Odhan Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 To Nuhiyanwali) 11 33 KV jamal-Dhukra AP Poles Nos. 56 0.0252 1.4112 12 33 KV jamal-Dhukra AP(33 KV Jamal To Dhukra) Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 6.8 4.038 27.4584 13 33 KV Kalanwali-Jalalana AP Poles Nos. 80 0.0252 2.016 14 33 KV Kalanwali-Jalalana AP(33 KV Jandwala Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 5 4.038 20.19 Jatta To Chormar Khera) 15 33 KV Kharia-Daria Poles Nos. 70 0.0252 1.764 16 33 KV Kharia-Daria(33 KV Kharia To Daria) Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 8 4.038 32.304 17 33 KV Kharia-Jodhpuria Poles Nos. 60 0.0252 1.512 18 33 KV Kharia-Jodhpuria(33 KV Kharia To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 9 4.038 36.342 Jodhpuria) Page 4 of 464 28/12/2015 (AS PER SUPLEMENTRY DPR) A(VI) Abstract : Scope of Work & Estimated Cost for Supplementry DPR State : HARYANA District : Sirsa S.No. Item of Works Sub Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost(In Total Cost(In Lac) Lac) 19 33 KV Kharia-Maina Poles Nos. 70 0.0252 1.764 20 33 KV Kharia-Maina(33 KV Kharia To Maina) Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 21 33 KV Kharia-Mehta Poles Nos. 60 0.0252 1.512 22 33 KV Kharia-Mehta(33 KV Kharia To Kharia) Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 6 4.038 24.228 23 33 KV Kuta Bad-Mandi Poles Nos. 10 0.0252 0.252 24 33 KV Kuta Bad-Mandi(Anaj MAndi To NEar Anaj Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 1.9 4.038 7.6722 Mandi) 25 33 KV Panihari-Bharokan-I AP Poles Nos. 17 0.0252 0.4284 26 33 KV Panihari-Bharokan-I AP(33 Kv Panihari To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 8.65 4.038 34.9287 Bharokhan) 27 33 KV Panjuana-Ahmedpur AP Poles Nos. 90 0.0252 2.268 28 33 KV Panjuana-Ahmedpur AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 Khairekan) 29 33 KV Panjuana-Bapp AP Poles Nos. 80 0.0252 2.016 30 33 KV Panjuana-Bapp AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 Burj) 31 33 KV Panjuana-Baragudha AP Poles Nos. 80 0.0252 2.016 32 33 KV Panjuana-Baragudha AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 Bhangu) 33 33 KV Panjuana-Bilaspur AP Poles Nos. 50 0.0252 1.26 34 33 KV Panjuana-Bilaspur AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 8 4.038 32.304 Chamal) 35 33 KV Panjuana-Budha Bhana AP Poles Nos. 80 0.0252 2.016 36 33 KV Panjuana-Budha Bhana AP(33 KV Panjuana Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 To Budha Bhana) 37 33 KV Panjuana-Jhompra AP Poles Nos. 45 0.0252 1.134 Page 5 of 464 28/12/2015 (AS PER SUPLEMENTRY DPR) A(VI) Abstract : Scope of Work & Estimated Cost for Supplementry DPR State : HARYANA District : Sirsa S.No. Item of Works Sub Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost(In Total Cost(In Lac) Lac) 38 33 KV Panjuana-Jhompra AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 7 4.038 28.266 Khairekan) 39 33 KV Panjuana-Kheirankan AP Poles Nos. 70 0.0252 1.764 40 33 KV Panjuana-Kheirankan AP(33 KV Panjuana Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 8 4.038 32.304 To Khairekan) 41 33 KV Panjuana-Kirarkot AP Poles Nos. 85 0.0252 2.142 42 33 KV Panjuana-Kirarkot AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 Kirarkot) 43 33 KV Panjuana-Mallewala AP Poles Nos. 90 0.0252 2.268 44 33 KV Panjuana-Mallewala AP(33 KV Panjuana To Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 Mallewala) 45 33 KV Panjuana-Paniwala Mota AP Poles Nos. 85 0.0252 2.142 46 33 KV Panjuana-Paniwala Mota AP(33 KV Raccon-80 sqmm. Kms. 10 4.038 40.38 Panjuana To Sahuwala) 47 33 KV Panjuana-Saharni AP Poles Nos.
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