www.FBAmich.org FBA N ewsletterWinter 2002 Federal Bar Association - Eastern District of Michigan Chapter - 40 years of service to our Federal Bench and Bar Dean Robb to President’s Column Recall Civil Christine Dowhan-Bailey, President Rights History Collegiality and Synergy in the Federal Bar Attorney Dean Robb will be the featured speaker at the Our Chapter was well represented at this year’s Rakow Scholarship Lun- FBA National Convention as Brian Figot, our newly cheon on November 19th at installed (and top vote getter!) Sixth Circuit Vice- the Hotel Pontchartrain in President; Dennis Clark, E.D. Chapter President- Detroit. Robb will discuss his Elect; Geneva Halliday, Appointed Member to the involvement in the Viola National Council; Alan Harnisch, the FBA National Liuzzo civil rights case. delegate to the ABA, and I winged our way to Mrs. Viola Liuzzo Mrs. Liuzzo, a Detroit Dallas at the end of September. This annual business meeting afforded us an resident who participated in opportunity to collaborate with our colleagues from the Selma-to-Montgomery civil rights march, was mur- 80-some other chapters. We experienced first- dered on March 25, 1965. The three Ku Klux Klan hand the energy and direction of our FBA leader- members charged with her death were acquitted of mur- ship as the National Council addressed the na- der in state court but were later convicted of civil rights tional issues agenda including the Judicial Pay violations in federal court in Montgomery, Alabama and Initiative and uniform ethical standards for fed- sentenced to 10 years in prison. The Liuzzo family, rep- eral government attorneys. The Council also resented by Mr. Robb, filed suit to establish the Federal adopted a long-term Strategic Plan. Your next is- Government’s liability for the murder. sue of The Federal Lawyer will have more on the The reception will begin at 11:30 a.m., with lunch Plan, but particularly noteworthy is its corner- and the program following. Tickets are $25 for FBA stone, a fine Mission Statement that serves as members and $30 for non-members. To make reserva- the foundation upon which our organization is built: tions or for more information, please contact Program To strengthen the federal legal system Chair Mark Goldsmith at 313-465-7396 or and administration of justice by serving the [email protected]. Reservations must be made by interests and the needs of the federal practi- November 8, 2002. tioner, both public and private, the federal Ju- diciary and the public they serve. Upon our return to the Detroit area, we plunged headlong into the Eastern and Western District Remarks Reprinted From State Chapters’ 2002 Bench and Bar Conference which Of The Court Luncheon took place October 4th and 5th. I cannot imagine a better example of implementing the national The following opening remarks were given by Mission Statement than this event. Our visionary Chapter Presi- and diligent Conference Co-chairs, Julia Caroff dent Christine Pidgeon and Grant Gilezan, delivered a program INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dowhan-Bailey that boasted nationally known speakers and the hottest topics of the day. ABA President-Elect, Dave Weaver, at this year’s Court Administrator pg.3 State of the Dennis Archer opened this event with a major policy address and offered his perspectives on Special Guest: Court Luncheon some of the most pressing issues facing our le- Jack Lessenberry pg.3-4 on September gal profession. The remarks by Deputy Attorney 11, 2002: Bench/Bar Review pg.5-6 General Larry Thompson were likewise notewor- Photo Section pg.7 This is a sol- thy, as the nation’s second highest Justice De- Special emn day, Patriot Notable Events pg.8 partment official spoke candidly regarding the (see page 2) (see page 2) 1 President’s (continued) who abandoned the strongest urge known to man, the will security and economic challenges facing our to survive, as they thrust themselves into infernos or at country. Approximately 150 members of our fed- airborne hijackers, propelled only by the hope that they eral legal community, including numerous mem- could spare someone else. bers of the Eastern and Western District Most of us will never truly grasp the desperation, de- Benches, then engaged in meaningful work- spair, and finally grim determination worn on the faces of shops, discussion groups, and the ever-popu- the recovery workers and volunteers who endlessly sifted lar “Ask the Judges” forum. The Saturday lun- debris for body parts and personal effects, or who hauled cheon featured a panel centered by Mary Keefe, ton after ton of pulverized aftermath from Manhattan, the the Director of the Security and Exchange Pentagon, or Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Commission’s largest regional office based in Chicago. One does not have to practice securi- What we can do is stand together in a moment of ties law to have been fascinated by this engag- silence followed by a reading of all verses of our National ing and sometimes contentious exchange of Anthem, written by none other than an American lawyer, views. Francis Scott Key, who looked up and saw hope in the In summary, we learned, shared, and enjoyed form of our flag, rising from the smoke of the attack on Ft. the company and talents of one another. It is a McHenry in 1814. formidable challenge for each and every one of Please rise while Federal District Judge and Chapter us to make time for events such as these, but Board member, the Honorable George Caram Steeh, joins this is precisely the kind of experience which me at the podium to lead us in that moment of silence and holistically integrates our professional and per- to recite the Star Spangled Banner as it was originally sonal lives. This opportunity reinforced my be- intended to be heard…as a poem. lief that the practice of law is not simply a job, but a calling to serve society. In order to “strengthen the federal legal system and the administration of justice”, we need to understand Motion Days At Law Schools each other and tenor of our times. I deeply ap- preciate the efforts of so many of you who made With the gracious assistance of U.S. District Judge this Conference possible, whether you were one Bernard A. Friedman, the Law Student Initiative Commit- of our marvelous co-chairs; a conference “guru” tee is sponsoring “Motion Days” at the local law schools. like the incomparable Scott Newell; a faithful and Judge Friedman will hold motion calls at the University of dedicated Executive Director such as John Detroit Mercy School of Law on January 29, 2003 and Mayer; a workshop organizer; a moderator; or if Wayne State University Law School on February 19, 2003. you simply added your thoughts to a plenary For additional information, contact Committee Chairs session. I applaud the federal judiciary for its J. Kent Cooper (313) 496-7647, Tom Bishoff (313) 568- wonderful participation with a special accolade 5341, and Dan Sharkey, (313) 225-7000. for Judge Avern Cohn who first hatched this idea some 15 years ago. It is not too early to start thinking about the “Join” The NEXT bench and bar opportunity. Membership Committee State Of The Court The Membership Committee wants you to join us in (continued) several initiatives designed to increase and enhance the experience of membership in our Chapter of the Federal Day, so named to commemorate the anniversary of the sav- Bar Association. The more people who join the FBA, the age terrorist attacks on our country which killed and maimed more we will be able to offer our members. thousands of Americans. For new members, we soon will be hosting a series of We cannot begin to fully comprehend the pain so pal- happy hours at local watering holes. The new members pably endured by husbands, wives, children, parents, co- will be provided their first drink free, while current mem- workers, and friends of those who perished just twelve bers will be asked to pay for their own, chat with the new months ago. Nor can we by any significant measure, ap- members and, yes, enjoy themselves. Look in upcoming preciate the courage of rescue workers and fallen heroes editions of the FBA Newsletter and our website, www.FBAMich.org, for these receptions. (see page 3) 2 The District Court has been kind enough to agree to October 3, 2003. The Court will be advertising the va- help us recruit new members to attend these receptions. cancy and establishing a Merit Selection Panel in the com- We will be reviewing the court’s rolls of attorneys to iden- ing months, with the goal of selecting a replacement by the tify those who have been admitted to practice over the date Magistrate Judge Carlson finishes his term. past several years, but have not yet joined the FBA. We Finally, my continuing reminder that security measures will then encourage those lawyers to join the FBA. remain heightened at all federal court facilities throughout A number of law firms have demonstrated their com- the district. As I have mentioned in the past, when enter- mitment and generosity to the FBA by sponsoring tables at ing a courthouse you will be required to show a photo ID the FBA luncheons. The Membership Committee will be and have all packages, brief cases, etc. x-rayed. The safety asking those firms to encourage their partners and associ- of all court staff, the bar and the public continues to be of ates to join the FBA. the highest priority. Your cooperation and patience with all If you would like to participate in the planning, institu- court security staff is greatly appreciated.
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