0 LV THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. TUESDAY FRIDAY- VOL. XVII. NO. 35 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1900. $2 Per Year. Single Copies 3c. CEKTRAX R.R. of HEW JERSEY report to be made at tile IIHX ^Anthracite coal uacd exclUBivuiy, raKUrlnir .'laRDliuossand comfort.) director?—professtonal. of this board •, /HE BEE HIVE A KOLEMAN. Cbai. H. SEW BUSINESS. LOCAL WEATHER. Time-table In Kltuct Muv ST. 1I«IO. By Freeholder Farrell: Traloi leavu Vt'entfleld for New Vorl, Ko» ^ ATTOKKEV AT L.A.W, uric and Elizabeth at (3 48 except Newark) 5 4b, tiauk Bli'i, WcstflelJ, N. J Bfsolved, That the director (111, 7011, 715, 741, I SB. 312, 8 SE. 8 48, 8 BV couuty collector be and they are hereby II28,10 IB, 10 48, ». tn. 13 SKI, 13 «i, 147, a A 3 58 ;GEL, CHAUKCEY r., D.D. B. I OS, 5 07, «(U * 41,117,8 (5,'H IB, 8 « i> W/ll & ». •• llnuk UlilK., We»tlleW,N. J. authorized tci borrow in anticipation ol LS p. m. Sundays 3 43 (esceut Newark) 112. (ex. HourH: 11-13,1-6. the collection of taxes of the enrreu' cent >.iiwarft I 9 03. a, m. 1213, fexceiit New- ark) 1BI, 167, 2 5l(exculit>teivark), »«, BE. year, such amounts its in their judij VIA 8 SB, B44.1128 (except Newark), 1I1SI p.m! For PlAtutlelil 157, 0 0^, tl W, 8 Oil, 9 im. ARAY, Wm. N. merit is necemttry, not exceeding th Saturday Summer Half Holidays! HI 4U, 1140, n, w. 12IK), *1 20, 167, »SOH, 2fi8 *•* FUN •3 16, 181, 4 31, 4 37. 4Ki, 6» 6 OS" Crunfunl, N. .1, >iuu of one huudred thousand dollars. Open Friday Evenings—closed Saturdays at noon.' ' 5S. ..•L'«...«.?I..«S». *"». 7.M. TSi, 7 67, SIS, UAST,l.t, Freeholder Miller moved tun adontion 1Y & COUNSELLOR AT LAW of the resolution, Aud on roll call it WHt the •"ATTUBNEY& MAHTISIt IN OHAKCGItY. 1HSUIIANCH. ununituousy adopted. i! or Philadelphia, ii 5S, 8 06. a 30,a.jn. 1 57, 3,'.'l Elm JUIII Uuiiuby Htioulu, VVcstlluia By Freeholder Cmly: >23, 7.21. 8li uai, u, m. 105 nlBht Sm.- Bargains Fly , , Ju>-8, i.3S, (t«, a. in. 1 03. 4 45,4 57, (133, S J9 Resolved, That a committee of five OY, G. W. V. p. m, 1 ur> night. be appointed with power to bolld i e>*»o*> «•>•«>«>*>• c^*>«>*^» For Emton, Bathlnhem, AUentown, M IJAWVEK, l«, 8 (M, I) ail a. m., 113.6(1 to Eiutijn,l 1 W, Pnrlt Avonuis anil lib St., PlalnfloM, N. J, bride urch aud stuue- abutment bridg< 1 o2, (U ail to KliBton) (8 13 ii. m. to Huston) Bun. iKJ'l 5 Si, [7 55 to Ellatou.1 tt. m. 163, 6 «1 p. in. over stream at the foot of Woodlantl OFFETT, Chat. I» avenue, Sumiiiit, N. J,, the coat not; i t KxL-cin Saturdays. M LAW OFFICE, • Saiuriln.vs onlyy, 221 Park Ave.,,Plu!ulleld. N. J. exceed ouu thousand dolltirs. Through h tlckuu to all points at lowest ratot Rig July 5ale! -riay no hjwl on apl'liealion l l t ll Freeliolder Swain moved the adop toket a«ent lit tlio otiitlon. ARSH. CRAIG A. tion of the resolution, and on roll call i . H. OLHAUSEN, H. P. BALDWIN, M COUX3KLIMU AT LAW, was luinuiiiiouuly adopted. GeiriSUD't. Hen'l Pa*3. Aitt. Park Ave. and 2d St.. I'lulniiuld, N. J. Bargains such as no July Sale ever The director appointed UH the RttU before had power to bring you...... WKSTt-lKI,D I'OST OFFICE. EED & CODDINOTON, committee Freeholders Clidy, AOainy R C0UNSELL0K8 AT LAW, L, M. WIIITAKKH, Postmaster. J Favryll, Swain and Brnclilucher. A. K, lUi.ii,As8t. Mill Money Order Clerk. BaljcjcJc, Uuiliiint;. I Jaittfi«]d, Saw .lursey. WM. M. IWKUST, Uejitsral Delivery Clerk. By Freeholder Buunel: • 'Every Money -Saving • • FitEU WtsTEit, Clerk. WAN EMBUROH, H. C. Resolved, Thut u committee of nve Onlce open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. except on » CIVllj KNaiNBKK oi SURVKYOn, be appointed, of whom tho director Is a worthy one and takes highest rank in the lines of -taturdays. Olllce open Sundays for holders of 152 Park avenue, Plaiunolil, N. J. Lock Boxes from I) to 4 o'clock. shall be one, to inspect a bridge to de- \KR1VAI. AND DEPABTUBE OF MAILS. termine what IB best to do with it, suid Pnrtly cloudy to-night: increasing From New Vurk. East, South ami South- Xocal ©irector?. bridge known as the bridge crossing clondiness and possibly showers Satur. •vtst. open ror delivery at 7:00 and 8:30 a. in.. Wade race. s '•"" anil 6:10 p. m. [lay. Fresh northeast winds. LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXES MAILS CLOSE. Ou trotion of Freeholder King the Tor New Torrorki . PhlladnlpMa, Trenton, the IN WESTFIELD. resolution was adopted without dissent. commissioners have completed their •Mnrtbnut.'>ortuCR8t. Southsouth" , KniiNnul Invent and way stationsU s •CMt at 7:4S and loan a. m., 2:16 and 5:i, m „. 207—Summit avenue <tu<l Park street. The director appoiuted as the said work, and are about to file their report, J or Plain linld and Easton and way station* aud the said Elizabeth City Horse Rail- < >. Jus a. m. and (:io p.m. 49$ -Elm street and Khnkall avenue. committee Freeholder Bonuel, Miller, 179—Broad and Middlesex streets. Ehrlich and McCundWs. road Co. is willing to pay to the board a MOL.VTAIMHIDE. «T39—Cumberland St. aud South Are. By Freeholder Bruiklacher: uui not exceeding $78,001), to be need Arrive at 7:30 a. m. ancl 4-.3O p, m. 893—Fire Department house. Close at 6:30 a. m. and fi:i» p. in. Resolved, That the sum of six huu for the payment of damages assessed by After Bending in an alarm stand near ked dollars ($U00) be paid to John Sliur said commissioners, and to construct ita rjOMKSTIG rOSTAOB UATE8. the call box uutil arrival of apparatus idau ou account of work done ou Mur proposed railroad from the easterly ter- jo mail matter cent to Puerto Hlco, (.Ttiam, Pliili|i|ilnes. CanadM and Mexico. ruy street bridge, at Elizabeth, N. J. minus thereof to the eaid line dividing FlrM-class. Letters nnd Sealed mutter: 2 cts. ruceedinitw *tt tint I7itl<m Coitnty llourtl »f the township of Union from the town- for each uuiivo or fraction. Freeholder Miller moved the adoption Second-class. Newspapers nnd periodicals: Chusen 1'reeliulttari*. if the resolution, aud on roll call it was ship of Cranford; now therefore lie it let. for each four ounces or fraction. "lilrd-elHHw. Miscellaneous prlntoti matter: OFFICIAL adopted unanimously. Resolved, That the fiuul Elizabeth let. for each two ounces or fraction. Uegalur uieetiug of the Board of Among them you'll find every conceivable 'ourtfi-uliiH*. All mutter not {ncluut-d In llrat By Freeholder Krouse: City Horse Railroad Co. be permitted to turee classes: let. for eauli ounce or frai - Chosen Freeholders of the comity of Resolved, That a committee of three constrnct that part of its proposed Hue tfon. Uiiiou, N. J., held ou Thursday, July 5, le appointed with power to look into of street railroad lying east of the divid- Personal Wear Want SPECIAL DKI.IVKRY. A. special delivery utaum. In audition to post- 1IKW, at 2.80 [>. tu. the advisibility of building an iron ng line'between the towuMhip of Uran> of now and the near future, in addition to a iu'e, secures any hmnetilntc delivery tit any United tsliiteo post otliee. Roll cull Hliowed all members present beam bridge at Adams ^street, Aldene, fnrd and the township of Union, in tha u A. £ U»..Kaknl<1 utilities and beauties, priced i FOKEIO.V l'tl.STAGK 1UTE8 except Freeholder Wuhl. cost not to exceed $800. milliner provided in the said proposition, .ettcrs nnd Sealed flatter. octa. for each lial The minutes of the previews meeting Freeholder Miller moved the adoption uud that it be released from the oblign- IiOSt Of HOUSehOld In the most extreme bargain! ouricu or fr«eli«iii. i'ostal Cardg. HUiylu, 2 eueli; double 4 eta. were ou motion approved UB rend. f the resolution, and on roll call it was ion contained in tlie snid proposition of fashion. This Sale concerns encli. adopted nuaiiiiuously. Commercial Papcra. let. fiirencli twoounci PETITIONS, COJnrU.ViCATIO-VS, ETC August 4th, 1898, and guaranteed liy ui' fraction, lint nut less than Sets, on eiicli From Local Union, No 41, of Rnli- The director appointed as the s»id he said bond, dated August 30th, 18B8, Vlickrt. 'tinted Mattel'. Id. for eiic)] tivMnmeua or wny, N. J., painters, decorators uud louiurittee Freeholders Krouse. King except as herein provided to pny to tins fraction. paperliangerH, iiskiug that all contracts boiinl any sum or sums of money on any EVERY MftW IN NEW JERSEY... rittJi)l(:S nf ."Wurchnmll.s«. let. for pm;)j tivo ml Scn-lder. OUUCL'S or fniction, but nut less than"ctt mill other work in their line be done by By Freeholder Krouse: if the accounts referred to in I he said Oil CHCh JMItliuN none but union shops. Resolved, That a cnniulittee of three preposition, or the siiid bond, on tile L avei-ls-Post. Ualus. ('onsnlt. your pnstmnstel- On motion received uud placed on m uppoiiifed with pwivnr to look into uid act. in excess of the amounts nl- I'O.STAT, MdKBV OKIIIIIIS Its days are numbered. See that you lose none ol the lay bu obtained at or paid ill ;HI,IHOT tnnney file.
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