Babson/Olin/Wellesley Three College S p e cia l p o i nts of Collaboration i nt er e st : Annual Report 2014 New BOW Programs BOW Leadership Welcomes New Faces in 2014 BOW Social events BOW governance includes a tion Fellows Program, and par- to quickly impact BOW initia- Joint Faculty Steering Commit- ticipated in a historic Conversa- tives alongside Provosts Vin Special Sec- tee that saw a change of the tion with the BOW Presidents Manno (Olin) and Andy Shen- tion: Faculty guard in 2014. The Committee and Provosts. nan (Wellesley). Connections meets regularly with the prov- Testimonials osts, administrative director and In December, Vikki Rodgers stepped off of the BOW FSC program coordinator to assure Cross- to grant her the ability to share Registration continuity and institutional sup- port. Each committee member her expertise with other com- Student serves as the point person on mittees and to assist with the Ambassadors their respective campus for development of courses. Her efforts, insight and commit- Faculty communication and dialogue Babson’s Fred Nanni and Rick Cleary ment are certainly missed by all Fellows about the Collaboration. members of the BOW leader- In its inaugural year, the FSC In June, BOW saw the depar- ship. Fortunately, Vikki knew was made up of Babson’s Vikki ture of longtime Collaboration of colleague Rick Cleary’s Inside this Rodgers, Olin’s Jean Huang, promoter Dennis Hanno as he commitment to BOW, recom- r e p o r t : and Wellesley’s Ted Ducas. assumed his new role as presi- mending him to Babson Prov- 1 dent of Wheaton College. In ost, Fred Nanni. Rick’s face Innovation 2 In 2014, the FSC spearheaded has been a familiar one at BOW Grants the Fall, we welcomed Babson the Faculty Connections Pro- events throughout his time at gram, approved nearly $20,000 Provost Fred Nanni. His ex- BOW 3 perience, combined with his Babson—we welcome his en- Students in Innovation Grants, helped to enthusiasm for the Collabora- thusiasm and experience to the develop the Curricular Innova- Steering Committee. New 4 tion and its work, allowed him Programs Sustainability 5 New BOW Cross-Registration Webpage Certificates After a year-long process of dents seeking to cross- Also available are other sup- Upcoming 5 Events collecting information and register at a BOW school. plemental resources like aca- feedback from various BOW Among the features of the demic calendars, a list of Faculty 6-7 Connections constituents including Regis- website is a BOW mini- FAQs, the BOW shuttle trars, Provosts, students and course catalog which out- schedule, campus maps and ACL Regional 8 Meeting faculty, a new BOW Cross- lines the most popular cours- information about BOW Registration page is availa- es students cross-register for certificate and degree pro- ble. at BOW schools. grams. The site includes college- specific information for stu- www.bow3colleges.org/ BOWCrossReg 1. Effective 7/1/15, Fred Nanni will return as Professor of Management Accounting. Professor Emeritus Gordon Prichett has agreed to serve as Acting Provost. P a g e 2 Innovation Grants Awarded BOW was pleased to and the BOW Faculty development of a offer two rounds of Steering Committee. GPS system for blind Presidential Innova- sailors; to cultural tion Grants in 2014- A total of $20,098 was events—a collabo- 15 —one in the rative musical Fall, the other in the awarded. event. Spring. Projects ranged from For a full list of pro- All proposals were student initiatives— jects and their de- reviewed by the three club funding and scriptions, please college Provosts, shuttle hours; to aca- click here. BOW administration, demic projects— Are you a club leader? BOW Grant Funds Club Events Collaborate with clubs Olin’s Shane Skikne ’15 The following BOW Screening of The from the applied for an Innovation events were funded by this Hunting Ground at other Grant in January 2015. grant: Wellesley Seeking to offer a way for campuses and Kickoff event to unite clubs at individual BOW Planning meeting for you can club presidents joint BOW Model UN receive extra schools to come together club funding! for joint events, Skikne SLACfest at Olin Gathering of eTower More info hoped to provide a simpli- and The Foundry here: http:// fied way to distribute Intercollegiate Adven- tinyurl.com/ funds for that purpose. turers Conference bowclubs BOW Shuttle Changes Recognizing that access to Innovation Grant to offer social events (e.g. BOW- reliable transportation is Saturday shuttle hours. entine’s Day Party). an essential building block The increased hours were At BOW’s final adminis- for collaboration between implemented to help facili- trative meeting in May, the three colleges, BOW tate academic pursuits BOW approved funding approved a pilot program (study sessions, group pro- for these additional week- to increase shuttle hours ject meetings), extra- day and weekend hours for for Tuesday and Thursday curricular activities the 2015-16 Academic evenings and approved an (orchestra, clubs), and Year. Babson/Olin/Wellesley Annual Report P a g e 3 BOW Student Ambassadors One of the main goals for BOW BOW began a pilot program aimed BOW students met once again in the during the 2014-15 academic year at identifying a student ambassador April at Wellesley College to contin- was to seek out feedback from the from each school in order to contin- ue the discussion about building up- BOW student body. ue to facilitate communication be- on the strengths of BOW students tween all three colleges’ student and improving infrastructure in or- In October 2014, a group of stu- bodies and the BOW administration. der to allow BOW to thrive. dents interested in BOW issues met at Olin for a brainstorming session Babson’s Arjun Rajesh ‘18, Olin’s The 2015-16 BOW student ambas- to identity the ways that BOW is Ian Hill ‘17, and Wellesley’s sadors are Babson’s Christina Xiao serving its students and the ways in Katherine Tran ‘15 served as the ‘17, Olin’s Maggie Jakus ‘18, and which BOW could further meet stu- first-ever BOW ambassadors for a Wellesley representative that will dent needs. After this meeting, 2014-15. Under their guidance, be named in the Fall. “Though initially very difficult, it was an experience that taught Wintersession 2015: Acera School me the different ways of effective communication The BOW Wintersession ed by Olin College. Chereddy ’16, and and collaboration with Project is a chance for Wellesley College pays Wellesley’s Elena Shaw people from other students to work inten- for the coordinators sti- ’15 worked with nine fel- colleges/backgrounds. sively with other students pend, which is $500. low BOW students on an Being in a psuedo- from Babson, Olin, and intense two-week project professional role of a The 2015 Wintersession Wellesley on a project for for the Acera School, a K- consultant also gave me program took place from a non-profit client. 8 school in Winchester, a taste of what this field January 5th-16th. MA that emphasizes col- of work can be like and The participants are Wintersession Coordina- laboration, creativity, that was very helpful in housed at Babson College tors Olin’s Ariana Chae leadership, critical think- preparation for my and work space is provid- ’15, Babson’s Manusha ing and problem solving. future career plans.” Participants worked to -Wintersession create a plan for a new Participant BOW students high school. present their For more details about work to Acera the project and a video of and BOW faculty & staff their presentation to BOW Faculty and Staff, click here. P a g e 4 Curricular Innovation Fellows Program The Fellows Program tutions. problem solving and goals are to cultivate to provide students The program is open creative and collabo- with the tools to work to faculty from Bab- rative teaching across across disciplines. son, Olin and Welles- Babson, Olin and ley Colleges who Faculty who partici- Wellesley Colleges want to take ad- pate in this program with the ultimate goal vantage of the schools’ will be known as of generating innova- complementary cur- tive new courses and BOW Curricular In- ricula to create inno- teaching formats novation Fellows. vative approaches to across the three insti- student learning and Continued p. 5 Are you offering an event that is Faculty Social at The Local open to the BOW BOW hosted it’s first-ever off-campus community? Feedback from those who attend- Faculty Social this Spring at The Local ed was overwhelmingly positive Use #BOWevent on Forest Street in Wellesley. and has resulted in the planning when advertising Attended by over 30 faculty members of another, larger event that will include BOW staff. on social media. from all three BOW schools, faculty had the opportunity to engage in casual Facebook conversations and connect over bever- ages and tasty d’oeuvres. Twitter Staff Connections Program Modeled after our successful gether for informal gather- ings over lunch or drinks Faculty Connections Pro- Interested in gram (see pages 6- at a college venue of their choosing. Groups will be 7), the Collaboration joining? formed based on common has begun collecting requests for partici- interests such as outdoor pation in a Staff enthusiasts, book club, Fill out this sports enthusiasts, and Connections Pro- questionnaire gram. more. The program will Perhaps most enticing: allow staff from the the Collaboration will buy three colleges to come to- your lunch! Babson/Olin/Wellesley Annual Report P a g e 5 Curricular Fellows, cont. BOW Curricular Innovation Wellesley’s Veronica Darer Fellows will be awarded a and Olin’s Yevgeniya Zastav- Visit the BOW $3,000 stipend for their curric- ker for Diverse Learners, Diverse ulum development work which Teachers: The Effect of Cultural Var- Webpage for will, in most cases, occur over iables on Learning and Teaching more information the summer.
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