318 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-SEN ATE MARCH 18 RECESS SENATE 1.Ir. CURTIS. As in legislative session I move that the Senate take a recess until 12 o'clock to-morrow. · 'WEDl'fESDAY, March '18, 19~5 Mr. ODDIEJ. I move that the Senate adjourn until 12 ~(Leg -islative day of T'uesday, March 17, 1925)' o'clock to-morrow. Mr. TRAMMELL. Mr. President, a parliamentary Inquiry. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of 1\lr. CURTIS. 1\lr. President, I would like to make a state­ the recess. ment. I would have no objection to the Senate adjourning, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a mes .. age but I told the Senator from Florida [Mr. TRAMMELL], when his from the President _of the United States. resolution came up, that if be would lay it aside and allow us MESSAGES FROM 'I'RE PRESIDENT to go on with the nomination in executive session and the con­ firmation I would ask the Senate to take a recess, so that his Sundry messages, in writing, from the President of the resolution would be the unfinished business, which it is. I want United States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta to keep my promise to the Senator from Florida, and there­ one of his secretaries. ' fore I insist upon my motion to take a recess. REFERENCE OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Ne­ Yada withdraw his motion to adjourn? Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Mr. ODDIE. I can not withdraw my motion. I would like all the nominations sent to the Senate to-day by the President be referred, as in executive session, to the appropriate com­ to hear from the Senator from Florida, because I think be mittees. understands that I have a matter of great importance which I want to have brought before the Senate. The VICE PRESIDENT. If there is no objection, it will be Mr. NORRIS. 1\Ir. President, a motion to adjourn is not so ordered. The Chair bears no objection. debatable. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS 'The PRESIDING OFFICER. It is not. Does the Senator from Nevada withdraw the motion to adjourn? Mr. REED . of Missouri subsequently said: Mr. ODDIE. I do not. From the Committee on the Judiciary I report favorably as The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the motion ~ executive sessio~, the nomination of Judge Arba S. -\;an of the Senator from Ne-rada that the Senate adjourn. \ alkenburgh, of 1\!ISsouri, to be United States circuit judO'e The Senate refused to adjourn. eighth circuit, an additional position created by the act :P~ Mr. CURTIS. I renew my motion that the Senate take a proved March 3, 1925. recess until 12 o'clock to-morrow. 1\Ir. SPF.tNCER. From the Committee on the Judiciary I The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 5 o'clock re~ort favorably, as in executive session, the nomination of p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Wednesday, March 18, Wilbur F. Booth, of Minnesota, to be United States cii·cuit 1925, at 12 o'clock meridian. · judge, eighth circuit, an additional position created by the act approved March 3, 1925. NOl\IINATIONS ISLE OF PINES TREATY The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Sen­ E.recutke nmnfnations 'received by the Senate March 17, 1925 ate two cablegrams expressing the thanks of the Cuban Senate .A.T'IORNEY GEl\'"ER.AL OF UNITED STATES and Chamber of Deputies for the ratification by the United John G. Sargent, of Vermont, to be Attorney General. States Senate of the Isle of Pines treaty. They will be printed in the RECORD and placed on the files. ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY .A.l\1> MINISTER PL~""IPOTENTIA.RY The cablegrams, as translated, are as follows: Jacob Gould Schurm'im, of New York, now envoy extraor­ [Western Union cablegram] dinary and minister plenipotentiary to China, to be ambassador liABANA, Jfarch 16, 19!.5. extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United States of THE HOXOIUl!LB SENATE OF THl!l UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, America to Germany. Washingto-n: The Senate of the Republic of Cuba, two-thirds of the Senators CONFIRMATIONS being present, unanimously passed a resolution to send etfu. ive B.recuti<t;e nominations confirmed by the Senate March 17, 19~5 thanks to the Senate of the great American Republic for the act of justice and good friendship just done by approving the treaty reeo"'­ ATTORNEY GENERAL OF UNITED STATES nizing the dominion and sovereignty of the Republic of Cuba over John G. Sargent to be Attorney General. the Isle of Pines. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE ANTOXIO GONZALO PEREZ, President of the Senate. Renick W. Dunlap to be A~sistant Secretary of Agriculture. MIBASSADOR E:XTRAORDL.~.ARY AND PLENIPOTE.NTI.ARY [Western Union cablegram] Jacob Gould SchUl'man, now envoy extraordinary and pleni­ HAE.1NA, March 11, 19!5. potentiary to China, to be ambassador extraordinary and pleni­ THE HOXOltABLE SENATE OF THE UNITED 8TA.TES OF AMERICA, potentiary to Germany. lVashingto1, D. 0.: ESIOY EXTHAORDIN.ARY ~D MINISTER PLEXIPOTEXTIARY The Chamber of Representatives of the Republic of Cuba, looking Hoffman Philip to be en-roy extraordinary and minister pleni­ to no other solution of the Isle of Pines problem than that so wisely potentiary to Persia. made by your honorable Senate when it recognized our right to sov­ ereignty, resolved in the se sion of this day to express to your CoMMISSIONER oF PE 'sroKs colegislative body, in the name of the Cubn.n people, which it most Wiluer S. Metcalf to be commissioner. iegitimately represents. its admiration of the great .Amet·lcan people Ul\ITED STATES l\l.ARSH.AL for their noble principles. Henry G. Beard to be United States marshal, northern district CLEMENTE VAZQC£Z BELLO, !.'f Oklahoma. Presiden_t of the 011ambcr of Deputiea. , .JuDGE OF POLICE CoCP.T OF DISTRICT OF C-oLUMBIA NORTHERK PACIFIC LAND GRANT / George H. ~IacDonald to be judge of police court, District of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ Columbia. cation from the Senator from :Xorth Dakota [Mr. LADD], EC\GRAVER rx u_-rrED STATEs :llL-T which was read, as follows : John R. •'innock to be engraver in the mint at Philadel- UNITED STATES SENdTIJ, phiH, Pa. COUMITTEE ()X Pt;BT... JC LA."DS AND SURVEYS, POSTMASTERS ll'a-3hington, D. 0., March 18, 19i5. PE-":\"SYLVANIA Hon. CHARLES G. DAWES, Vice Pt·esident of tlle United States, Capitol. Ozro N. Barclay, Bridgeville. li¥ DEAB 'liB. DAWES: Finding that I hall be unable to be present WlSCOl'\SIN in Wa hington this ummer to attend the hearing conducted bv the Vinan Bottrell, Dale. Hous«:> and Senate Joint Committee on the Northern Pacific ·Land 1925 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 319 Grant, I, at this time, resign in order that another may be appointed ELIZABETH WERNER to take up the work from the beginning, and believe the chairman :Mr. KEYES, from the Committee to Audit and Control ·the or t he Public Lands Committee of the Senate should have a place on Contingent Expenses of the Senate, reported back favorably tbi committ ee. without amendment the resolution ( S. Res. 41) submitted yes­ Sincerely yours, terday by Mr. BORAH, and it was considered by unanimous con­ E. F. LADD. sent and agreed to, as follows: The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair appoints the Senator Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be, and hereby is, author­ from Oregon [Mr. STANFIELD] as a member on the part of ized and directed to pay out of the contingent fund of the Senate to the Senate of the special committee authorized under Public Elizabeth Werner, widow of Albert E. Werner, custodian of the Senate Re olution 24, directing the Secretary of the Interior to wi~­ Office Building, on maintenance roll, Senate Office Building, the sum of hold his approval of the adjustment of the Northern Pacific $1,575, being a sum equal to six months' salary at the rate he was land grants, approved June 5, 1924, a vacancy being occasioned receiving by law at the time of his death, said sum to be considered by the resignation of the Senator from North Dakota [.Mr. as including funeral expenses and all other allowances. LADD]. COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF THE LAWS INVITATION TO VISIT ALASKA Mr. KEYES. From the Committee to Audit and Control the· The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the follow­ Contingent Expen es of the Senate, I report back favorably ing concurrent resolution adopted by the legislature of the without amendment Senate Resolution 42, authorizing the Com· Territory of Alaska, which was ordered to lie on the table : mittee on Revision of the Laws to hold hearings. House Concurrent Resolution 1 (by Mr. Sheldon) Mr. ERNST. I ask unanimous consent for the present con­ IN THE LEGISLATURE OF TilE TERRITORY OF ALASKA., SE\E~TH SESSION sideration of the resolution. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present Be i.t resolved by the House of Representatives of the Le{}'islatttre consideration of the resolution? of the Terr·i,tory of .AZa.ska (the Senate conc1tn'ing), That, having full confidence in the integrity, ability, and broad vision of President Mr. ROBINSON. Let the resolution be reported. The VICE PRESIDENT. It will be read. Calvin Coolidge, Vice President Charles G. Dawes, and the Congress of the nited States, and in their high ideals of American Govern­ The Chief Clerk read the resolution (S. Res. 42) submitted yesterday by Mr. ER~ST, as follows : ment, this body, upon the occasion of national inauguration day, pledges them their loyal support, sympathy, and understanding in Resolt·ea, That the Committee on Revision of the Laws, or any sub­ the adminish·ation of Alaskan affairs, and expresses the hope that committee thereof, is hereby authorized during the sessions, recesses,
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