LEADING JAPANESE WE PUBLISH LOCAL AND WORLD’S DAILY ON LATEST HAPPENINGS m t Smuatt Hafttiffft ISLAND OF HAWAII VOL. XXXIII HILO, HAWAII, T. H., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1941 NO. 8943 U. S. To Ship British Help Via Red Sea Mass Bombing of China Demands GOVERNMENT WORKERS MUST Chungking Reported PORTUGAL TO Troops’ Withdrawal AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE SHANGHAI, May 10 — Sixty- TOKYO, May 10— The Chinese ; three Japanese bombers conducted Nationalist government in Chung­ SWEAR LOYALTY TO AMERICA I a mass raid on Chungking Friday DEFEND HER king is demanding a wholesale M L BE DISPATCHED TO RED | killing at least 50 persons and withdrawal of all Japanese troops wounding approximately 150 per- as a prerequisite to any peace ne­ UNDER NEW TH LEGISLATION : sons. Bombs were rained on the POSSESSIONS gotiations with Japan, according SEA THROUGH PACIFIC OCEAN j principal sections of the city, to Kumataro Honda, Japanese - which damaged several large Ambassador at Nanking. EIGHT THOUSAND MUNICIPAL AND TERRITORIAL PORTUGUESE SOVEREIGNTY j structure including the Chiu Ching TO BE RESPECTED The Nichi-nichi Shimbun today U. S. Ships Will Be Manned By Americans EMPLOYEES TO TAKE OATH SOON Middle school of the American BY U. S. carried the article as an interview TO KEEP JOBS I Methodist Mission. with the Japanese Ambassador at Despite Threats of Sinking LISBON, May 9— Premier Dr. Nanking. From Axis Powers House Bill 306, which was in­ Antonio de Oliveira Salazar de­ « troduced by Representative Ma­ the constitutional form of govern­ clared that Portugal intends to defend her Atlantic possessions nuel Paschoal of Maui and sign­ ment of the United States of A- YELLOW RIVER WASHINGTON, May 9—A flotilla of 27 American ed by the Governor is now law merica, except as provided by its against aggression and the Unit­ ROAD WORKER affecting thousands of Territori­ Constitution, that I take this ob­ ed States expressly assured Portu­ merchant ships is being prepared to carry war materials al employees. ligation freely without mental re­ gal her respect for Portuguese and armaments to the Red Sea despite German threats to It was announced on Thursday servation or purpose of evasion, so S ECTION GETS sovereignty. IS KILLED IN sink them, it was announced here today. It was learned by the civil service officers that help me God.” The Premier said that attack that some seven vessels have been already tentatively as­ was not expected; however, the all territorial, city-county and All those not desiring to take signed to carry war materials over to the British, while county employees must take a these oaths due to religious rea­ ‘DIG’ BOMBING Azores, Madeiras and Cape Verde POWDER BLAST twenty others are being speedily assembled, all vessels to prescribed oath or affirmation of sons can make an affirmation of were having their defenses rein­ allegiance to the United States by the prescribed oath. JAPANESE ARMY ENGAGED forced. PREMATURE EXPLOSION OF be manned by American crew members. IN HEAVY FIGHTING Salazar’s declaration was be­ July 1, the law affecting about 8,- An appropriation of $2,000 has DYNAMITE CHARGE IS According to information available, the entire flotil­ 000 employees throughout the isl­ been set aside for the printing and IN SHANSI lieved' intended to calm the re­ CAUSE ands. distribution of standard forms of curring rumors abroad that a Eu­ la would operate across the Pacific, go around India and in­ Anyone failing to do so shall for­ the oath or affirmation and the SOMEWHERE IN SHANSI ropean belligerent or the United A premature powder blast yest­ to the Red Sea with deliveries to a port in Egypt, making feit the right to any compensation rules and regulations will be fur­ PROVINCE, May 10—-Completing States might seize the Portuguese erday afternoon caused the death American shipments to a technically non-belligerent coun- payable by the Territory or any nished by the territorial officers ^ encirclement on 100,000 S i n o territories for bases. of Solomon Kalani, 26, and injured try. / county and shall be considered as and employees. I troops belonging to Chungking’s Observers interpreted the de­ Manuel Ruiz, another workman, being discharged from office or All persons hereafter employed i 3rd, 17th, and 80th armies in a clarations as a direct reply to engaged in constructing the Paau- It was understood that deliveries would then be made employment, provided that this by the Territory or any county j Seventy-kilometer diameter circle Senator Claude Pepper’s sugges­ ilo plantation road at about 3 p.m., to the British based in Egypt and other African bases. rule does not apply to services ren­ must take the same oath or affir­ 1 northwest of Yuanku in Shansi tion to the United States to occu­ according to word from Dep. She­ dered before July, 1941. mation of allegiance. ! province, Japanese troops reached py these bases to forestall any ac­ riff A. M. Cabrinha of Hamakua. The Territorial oaths must be the final stage of the clean-up ope- tion by the Germans. Kalani and Ruiz, according to Girls to Present filed with the territorial civil ser­ I rations yesterday afternoon, it was information received here, were Musicale Today vice commission, county employ­ I reported here. ITALIANS ALSU engaged in tamping down the gi­ ees’ oaths must be filed with the By yesterday noon, Japanese ant powder when he apparently U. S. MAY PUT J units had occupied all the import- National Music Week finally county civil service commission struck a hard surface which caus­ I comes to a close today a^fter a and .Territorial department heads i ant Sino strongholds within the NEW U.S. ENVOY ed a spark, resulting in igniting TO BE SEIZED j week’s successful observation by must submit their oaths to the region of Yuanku and Siyuan. In the charge, followed by a prema­ I the various schools and organiza­ Governor. The oath reads: HEAVY DUTIES the Japanese drive which opened ture explosion. on May 7, Japanese detachments tions. “I do solemnly swear and de TO CHUNGKING Investigation which followed BY U.S. ORDERS In connection with the nation­ clare to defend the Constitution moved in a blitzkrieg fashion, ad­ showed that Kalani died of con­ wide observation, an afternoon and laws of the United States of ON SUKGOODS vancing seventy kilometers in JUSTICE DEPARTMENT TO cussion rather than from injuries musicale the first of this kind, will America against all enemies, for­ twenty-four hours while the Japa­ MAKE FURTHER STATE DEPARTMENT AP­ TO POST SOON received. Manuel Ruiz was given be presented by three students of eign and domestic; that I will bear nese army air units actively aided ARRESTS PEARS UNADVISED ON EX­ first aid treatment and later al- Mrs. Kameju Kunitomo, the Misses true faith and allegiance to the the advance by blasting and ma- NELSON T. JOHNSON WILL j TRA IMPORT DUTY lowed to return home. It was said i Leatrice Yamagata, Eiko Cshima same; that I do not hold member chinegunning the Sino troops, TAKE POST IN AUS­ WASHINGTON, May 9 — Jus­ his injuries were not of a serious i and Tamiko Okamura, this after­ ship in, pay assessments, dues, or which were entrenched in strong TRALIA tice department officials' said that nature. noon from 3 to 5 p. m. at the make contributions to any organi­ WASHINGTON, May 9—Secre­ defensive positions from advanta­ immigration authorities decided to tary of State Cordell Hull assert­ The deceased. David Kalani, it is 1 YWCA activities building. zation or any political party whi­ geous mountain heights. SHANGHAI, May 9—Nelson T. take into custody for questioning reported, is survived by his wife All three girls are advanced ch advocates the overthrow of ed that he has never heard of the Meanwhile, Japanese air units Johnson, retiring United States about a hundred Italians and add­ and five children living at Wai- piano students and friends of Mrs. report that the United States mi­ heavily bombed Loyang, a Sino ambassador to Chungking, will ed that the procedure would be the ght impose a duty of fifty cents mea. He was a native of Waimea. Kunitomo and the girls are look­ stronghold on the south bank of leave Chungking on May 14 for same under which the Nazi sea­ per pound on silk imports from ing forward to this occasion. T. TANIGUCHI the Yellow River, Henling-kwan, Hongkong, reports arriving here men were taken into custody. Japan, when questioned by corres­ The musicale will be followed by north of Loyang on the Yellow from Chungking revealed. German Tanks At It was said that in each instance IS HONORED AT pondents. a tea. River, and Loho, south of Loyang, It was understood that Johnson there were reasons to believe that Hull declined to divulge de­ ------------------ rj------------------- U. OF HAWAII where arsenals and barracks were is schedueld to arrive in Plongkong Tobruk Destroyed there aliens overstayed their leav­ tails saying it was just a general destroyed. < on May 15, where he will meet his LONDON, May 9—According to es or no longer met conditions per­ interchange of information and HONOLULU, May 10—One se­ successor, Clarence Gauss, and word received here, 60 German mitted under their stay. Swimming- Meet did not specify whether any parti­ nior from the island of Hawaii hand over his ambassadorial du­ tanks and a force of fighting Ger­ cular attention was paid on the Slated for May 18 was among the 25 person who re­ Letters To Be ties. man sappers, some of them flown Far East situation when question­ It was learned this morning that ceived the highest honors for scho­ Meanwhile, Baron Jules Guillau­ to Africa from Sicily, Thursday Spartans Graduation ed regarding the visit by Robert Awarded Students morning launched a determined at­ plans are underway for the stag­ larship in the University of Ha­ me, Belgium ambassador to China, Exercises on June 4 ing of the annual Hilo Lions Club waii by being initiated yesterday Menzies, Australian Prime Minis­ tack on Tobruk.
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