Volume 98 Number 4 CSM Quarterly Review 1998 Author Index A Cooperation between the State Mining Bureau and Abbott, D. G. and Coller, P. J. the State School of Mines, V. 1, #1 Microtunneling used for record-breaking pipe Directory of Scottish and English oil shale retorts, roofing project, V. 94, #3 V. 15, #4 Abel, J. F. The education of a mining engineer, V. 17, #2; Tunnel mechanics, V. 62, #2 V. 18, #2 Abshier, J. R.; Crawford, J. W.; and Arbiter, N. Esthonian prizes for oil-shale furnaces, V. 17, #3 Attritioning and conditioning in flotation of spo- The experimental ore dressing and metallurgical dumene ore, V. 56, #3 plant of the Colorado School of Mines, V. 7, #2; Acker, W. L. V. 12, #3 Hollow stem augers, V. 58, #4 Mining engineering in the United States, V. 2, #4 Adams, J. W. and Waldschmidt, W. A. Oil shale—a resumé for 1922, V. 18, #1, Supp. B The beryl-monazite pegmatite dike of Centennial Oil shale, bibliography, V. 17, #3; V. 18, #1, Supp. B Cone, Colorado, V. 37, #3 Oil shale bibliography of recent articles, V. 16, #4 Adey, W. H. and Johnson, J. H. Oil shale industry—selected bibliography, V. 16, #2 Studies of Lithophyllum and related algal genera, Oil shale in Russia, V. 17, #4 Vol. 60, #2 Oil shale of Kentucky, V. 17, #4 Agapito, J. F. T. Recent worldwide progress in oil-shale develop- Pillar stability in large underground openings: ment, V. 16, #4, Supp. Applications from a case study in competent, The education of a mining engineer, V. 18, #2 jointed rock, V. 81, #3 The oil shale industry: A resumé for 1923, V. 19, #1 Agterberg, F. P. The oil shale industry: A resumé for 1924, V. 20, #1, Interpolation of areally distributed data, V. 64, #3 Supp. A Methods of trend surface analysis, V. 59, #4, Part A The oil shale industry in Scotland and England, Aguerrevere, P. I. V. 15, #4 A study of the development of a field magnetometer The oil shale industry, V. 13, #2; V. 14, #4 based on the principle of the earth inductor, The present status of the oil shale industry, V. 16, #2 V. 27, #3 Supplementary bibliography of publications on oil Ahlrichs, J. W. shale, V. 15, #4, Supp. Quantitative mineralogy by the microscopic The Trumble oil-shale cycle distillation plant, technique and select uses of the electron V. 19, #3 microprobe by Newmont Exploration Limited, Alderson, V. C. et al. V. 68, #1. The Cripple Creek district of Colorado, a resurvey, Akright, R. L.; Radtke, A. S.; and Grimes, D. J. Colorado School of Mines, V. 14, #3 Minor elements as guides to gold in the Roberts Aldredge, R. F.; Heiland, C. A.; and Wantland, D. Mountains Formation, Carlin Gold Mine, Eureka Geophysical studies, 1932-1936, V. 32, #1 County, Nevada, V. 64, #1 Algermissen, S. T. and Bardsley, S. R. Alderson, V. C. Evaluating oil shale by log analysis, V. 58, #4 A directory of oil-shale retorts, V. 15, #4, Supp. Allen, C. A. Colorado oil shale, V. 20, #2 An extension of the Dewey system of classification Commencement address, South Dakota School of as applied to mining, V. 7, #3 Mines: Artist or artisan—which?, V. 4, #1 Commercial oil shale—what is it?, V. 17, #3 21 Volume 98 Number 4 CSM Quarterly Review 1998 Allen, G. J. et al. Axelson, A. H. Empirical models of a copper reverberatory A practical approach to computer utilization in mine furnace—preliminary results, V. 59, #4, Part A planning, V. 59, #4, Part B Allen, J. C. Evolution of underground mining equipment, B V. 63, #4 Baars, D. L. Allred, V. D. Pre-Pennsylvanian paleotectonic framework of Shale oil developments: Kinetics of oil shale Ancestral Rockies of Colorado (abstract), pyrolysis, V. 62, #3 V. 67, #4 Some characteristic properties of Colorado oil shale Bacca, J. P.; Franks, A. J.; and Hackett, C. P. which may influence in situ processing, A symposium of studies and research in the oil V. 59, #3 shale industry, V. 16, #4 Allsman, P. T. Bailar, J. C. Conservation in metal mining, V. 57, #4 The cyanide industry, its present status and future A simultaneous caving and surface restoration development, V. 9, #4 system for oil shale mining, V. 63, #4 Balcomb, K. C. Alpert, S. B.; Hellwig, K. C.; and Feigelman, S. Availability of water for oil shale development, H-oil upgrading of shale oil feeds, V. 62, #3 V. 63, #4 Altekar, V. A. Baldwin, R. Formation of nodular graphite in cast irons, Directions for chemical engineering education, V. 48, #1 V. 96, #4 Amstutz, G. C. Ball, B. and Fuerstenau, D. W. Microscopy applied to mineral dressing, V. 56, #3 On the determination of rate constants from Anderson, L. L.; Hill, G. R.; and Wood, R. E. semibatch flotation tests, V. 69, #1 Liquefaction of some western coals, V. 65, #4 Ball, J. O., and Barb, C. F. Anna, L. O. et al. Hydrocarbons of the Uinta Basin of Utah and Tectonic influences on sedimentation, Early Colorado, V. 39, #1 Cretaceous, East Flank Powder River Basin, Ball, M. W. Wyoming and South Dakota, V. 77, #4 Oil and human welfare, V. 45, # 1A Araujo, L. A. Banister, D. Production of nodular iron with calcium, V. 48, #1 A report on the strata-control research program of Arbiter, N.; Abshier, J. R.; and Crawford, J. W. the School of Mines, Durham, England, V. 51, #3 Attritioning and conditioning in flotation of spo- Barb, C. F. dumene ore, V. 56, #3 The oil and gas industry of Colorado, V. 37, #2 Argall, G. O., Jr. Selected well logs of Colorado, V. 41, #1 Industrial minerals of Colorado, V. 44, #2; Barb, C. F. and Ball, J. O. V. 45, #4B Hydrocarbons of the Uinta Basin of Utah and The occurrence and production of vanadium, Colorado, V. 39, #1 V. 38, #4 Barber, M. Argyle, P.; Sun, S. C.; and Cohen, S. M. Education, a partnering effort, V. 94, #3 Amine flotation of Pennsylvania white residual clay, Barbosa, F. L. M. V. 56, #3 The economic potential of tungsten in northeast Ash, R. L. Brazil, V. 68, #4 Drill pattern and initiation-timing relationships for Bardsley, S. R. and Algermissen, S. T. multiple-hole blasting, V. 56, #1 Evaluating oil shale by log analysis, V. 58, #4 Aspinall, W. N. Barker, C. L. Oil shale development handicapped by government Short-interval-delay blasting in underground indecision, V. 59, #3 operations, V. 45, #2B Atchison, T. C. Barnes, A. L. and Ellington, R. T. The effects of coupling on explosive performance, A look at in situ oil shale retorting methods based V. 56, #1 on limited heat transfer contact surfaces, Atchison, T. C.; Duvall, W. I.; and Fogelson, D. E. V. 63, #4 Propagation of peak strain and strain energy from Barnett, J. H. explosion-generated strain pulses in rock, An investigation of the effect of the heat treatment V. 54, #3 upon the hardness, microstructure and combined Athearn, F. J. carbon content of some nodular cast irons, Contributions of the oil and gas industry to cultural V. 47, #1 heritage management, V. 95, #3 Barnwell, S. E. Aughenbaugh, N. B. Address: Oil shale, V. 16, #4, Supp. Storage of hazardous wastes underground, V. 92, #3 Barrett, J. L. Drilling research develops low-cost diamond bit, V. 58, #4 22 Volume 98 Number 4 CSM Quarterly Review 1998 Barrie, R. Bergstrom, B. H. and Meloy, T. P. Probable impact of the Trade Expansion Act upon Computer simulation of comminution circuits, domestic mineral industries, V. 57, #4 V. 59, #4, Part A Barry, F. J. Bernatis, T. L. A national policy for oil shale: Factors to be Instrumentation experiments in mines, V. 52, #3 considered, V. 60, #3 Berti, L. P. and Gary, J. H. Bartleson, B. Spouted bed oil shale retort, V. 61, #3 Permo-Pennsylvanian stratigraphy and history of the Berzins, A. D. et al. Crested Butte-Aspen region, V. 67, #4 Numerical modeling of variably saturated flow and Bascom, W. transport 881 Hillside at Rocky Flats Plant, Drilling beneath the ocean, V. 56, #1 Jefferson County, Colorado, V. 93, #2 Bass, D. M., ed. Beus, A. A. State and federal regulations pertaining to the Geochemical criteria for assessment of the mineral petroleum industry, V. 65, #3 potential of the igneous rock series during Batcha, J. P. and Reese, J. R. reconnaissance exploration, V. 64, #1 Surface determination and automatic contouring for Bever, J. E. and Heinrich, E. W. mineral exploration, extraction, and processing, Selected studies of Colorado pegmatites and V. 59, #4, Part A sillimanite deposits, V. 52, #4 Bathhurst, R. G. C. and Land, L. S. Bhappu, R. B. Carbonate depositional environments modern and Froth flotation of ion-exchange resins and its ancient, Part 5: Diagenesis 1, V. 81, #4 application to practice, V. 56, #3 Bauer, A. Bhappu, R. B. and Wichmann, A. P. Application of the Livingston theory, V. 56, #1 Effect of fine particle sizes on sulfide flotation, Baughman, G. V. 50, #2 Education and the mineral industry: A profitable Bhar, B. partnership, V. 92, #2 Environmental management and ecology in India, Beals, G. C. et al. V. 95, #2 Empirical models of a copper reverberatory Bickel, H. J. furnace—preliminary results, V. 59, #4, Part A Future energy requirements: Assumptions and Bean, J. J. projections, V. 58, #1 The leach-precipitation flotation method of concen- Bisque, R. E. and Lopez-Eyzaguirre, C. tration at Miami Copper Company, V. 56, #3 Study of the weathering of basic, intermediate and Bearce, W.
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