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The large manuals are split only for easy download size. flikon INSTRUCTIONMANUAL r I Shutterspeedrmode selector locl..rngbutton Shutterspeed/mode selecior dial rg 2 Shltterrelease Dutton Aperturedrrect readout (ADR) window zo 3 Shutterretease frngerguard CW NIl*:nn a$ire-,$$El;iffiis** Filmrewrnd knob zt *ftt- A Neckstrapeyeiet (.) (:IJ L:J Synctermrnal (cover provided) zz J Depth prevrew of freld tever Lensmountrng rndex 2e 6 Selltrmeri rnemory locklever Lensrelease button zq 7 Lensmountrnq t ange Metercouplrng lever z: I Focusrngscreen holder release latch Reflexmirror zo 9 Vrewfrnder ready-l ight Filnradvance lever 2z l0 Exposurecompensatron dral lock $.ffi*stb* Filmsprockets za 1r ASA/lSOfrlm speed lng Serialnumber 2e w*q*trurihxr 12 Vrewfrndereyeprece Filmtakeup spool so 13Rewrndfork 14Shuttercurtarns l5 Filmcartrrdge chamber 16F m gurdeprn 17Frlmgurde rarls Filmanti-curl roller JI 18 Databack contacts Lockrngcatch 2 ls Depth-of-f ield indrcators Distancescale 34Aperture/distance scale index Focusingring 3! Infrared focusing index Lensmounting ring 36Metei'coupling shoe Aperturering szMeter coupling ridge Aperturescale 38Monitor contact Aperture-directreadout scale ssHot-shoe contact Shutterspeed/mode index +oExposure compensation dial Multipleexposure lever qt ASA/lSOfilm speedindex Framecounter +2Film rewind crank Filmplane indicator 43Camera back lock lever Accessoryshoe 6l 44FxnosrrrP comDensation scale TTL f lashauto-stop signal contact \04 45Exposure compensation index Ready-lightcontact |"0 i;,1 46Motor drive coupling Motordrive electrical contacts io+) +zMotor drive shutter coupling Batterychamber lid 6t +eFrlm rewind button Tripod socket .0!l te Cameraback Filmpressure plate oZ soMemo holder CONTENTS CLOSE.UP PHOTOGRAPHY. 43-44 FLASHPHOTOGRAPI{Y. .....45-49 AccessoryShoe. ....47 IilPORTA]{T!.... ......19 Viewfinderready-light. 48-49 coNrRols tN DErAr'i.... ..:... .... .... 20-42 ACCESSORTES. .50-58 ShutterSpeed/Mode Selector Dial. 20-21 InterchangeableFocusing Screens . 50-51 Exposuremeteringsystem. .......21 ElectronicFlash Units . .... 52 Exposureindications ....:. ......22 MotorDrive MD-12 . .. 53 Automaticexposu re photography- DataBack MF-16. .. 54 aperturepriority shooting. .23-24 Anti-ColdBattery Pack DB-2. .... 55 Automatic exposurephotography- CableReleaseAR-3. ....i.......55 shutterspeed priority shooting . 24 Right-AngleViewingAttachment DR-3. ........ 56 Manualexposurephotography.... .25-27 EyepieceMagnifier DG-2. ........ 56 Stop-DownExposure Measurement.... ....... 28 RubberEyecup. .....56 EV Rangeof the Gamera . 29-31 EyepieceCorrection Lenses . .. .. 56 ShutterRelease Button . ... 32 Filters. ....... 57 FilmAdvanceLever. .......33 LensHoods..... .. -.57 FrameGounter. .....33 CameraCases. ..... 58 ASA/ISOFilm Speed Dial. ... .. 34 Neckstraps . .. 58 ExposureCompensation.. .......35 CompartmentCases. ......58 ExposureCompensation Dial 35-36 TIPS (,1{BATTERY USE. ....59 MemoryLock. .... 37 TIPSONCAMERACARE .....60-61 Depth-of-FieldPreview Lever. 38-39 SPECTFTCAT|ONS 62-63 MultipleExposure Lever. ..40 Self-TimerLever. Memo Holder fnfraredFocusing Index. ... 42 FilmPlane Indicator ....... 42 FOREWORD Gongratulations!You now own the fastestSLR cameraon the markettoday. With a maximumshutter speedof 1/4000sec., you can halt the most fleeting action literally in its tracks. Complementedby a flash synchronizationspeed of 1/250sec., the fastest in 35mm SLR photography,the FE2 makes it easy to fill in the shadows in strong daylight.These speeds are made possible by Nikon's advanced camera technology, employinglightweight honeycomb-etched, vertical-traveling, titaniumshutter curtains. In addition to aperture-priorityautomatic exposure from 1/4000sec. to 8 sec., the FE2 offers full manual exposure control with accuracy ensured by digital quartz timing. The cameraalso has a batterypower-saving feature: a light touch of the lockable shutter release button activates the meter, whichthen automaticallyswitches off 16seconds later. Other exciting features include three bright interchangeable focusing screens,automatic TTL flash photographywith a Nikondedicated flash unit,plus rapidfilm advanceup to 3.2 framesper second with a motordrive. lic obtainthe best results,keep this instructionmanual handy until you've becomethoroughly familiar with the FE2'soper- ation.A few minuteswisely investednow will pay off later in manyyears of rewardingphotographic experiences. ,s. .- \i] iir, f Turn the camera upsidedown and Wipe batteryterminals clean and use a coin to unscrewthe batteryclip lid insertthe batteryinto the batteryclip in Slipthe batteryclip back intothe camera osin a counterclockwisedirectton accordancewith the marksprovided in body baseplateand screw the lrd clock- ',(li'' the c.lip,ril;i(lfr(,1 :lLtii- llle - :, ,;i wisetightly into place Usablebatteries are Note.'Formore information on batterres,refer 1) one 3V lithiumbattery; 2) two 1 55V to page59 silveroxide batteries (3 1V), or 3) two 1 5V alkaline-manganesebatteries (gV) Cautran: Keep batteries away from rntants and small children In case a battery rs accrdentally swallowed, call a doctor rmmediately as the material inside the battenes can cause ser/ous problems Note:Thesmall numbersinthecrrclesindentify parts of the camera as /lsted in the NOMEN CLATUREseclion 6 :l ."" Placethe lenson the camera,lining To remove:While pushing the lens re Whilepushing the camera back lock up the aperture/drstanceindex on the leasebuttofl 2a , {g;p the lens mounting lever43 counterclockwise with your f inger, lens sqwith the lens mounting index on ringir clockwiseuntil the lens comes off pull up the film rewind knob zr Then lifl the camera body zs Then twist the lens up further until the camera back pops mountingring counterclockwiseuntil the open lens clicks into olace Confirm that the aperture/distanceindex is righton top Notes; 1) When changtng lenses wrth frlm loaded rn the camera, be careful nol to expose the mrrror box lo direct sunlrght 2) Thrscamera rs clesrgnedexclustvely for use with At /enses Non.At tenses cannol lle used wilh a lew exceptrons.p/ease reter to page 19 for more cletarls Positionthe film cartrrdge in the film cartridge chamber u wtth the film Pullthe leader across the camera and in leaderpointing towards the takeupspool, sert it into any one of the slotsin the Turnthe takeupspool slightly with your and push the rewind knob back down to takeupspool finger,so thatthe firstor secondperfo- securethe cartrrdgein place rationat the bottomedge of the film is Notes: engagedwith the smalltooth at the bot- 1) Youcan useany 35mm film cartndgeavail' tomoJ the slot in thetakeuo soool and the ableon themarket too and bottom oerforationsmesh se- D Avordloading film in direct sunlight lf there curelvwith the f ilm sorockets ls no snade avarlable,turn your back to the sunand use yourown shadowto shieldthe camera Pullout and wind the film advancelever. makingsure the perforationson both film edges are securely engaged with the sprocketteeth and the film is advanced properly Also confirm that the film is locatedproperly between both film guide railsrz and there is no film slack Foldout the f tlm rewindcrank +z Snapthe camera back shut and rotateit gentlyin the directionof the Lrft up the ASA/lSO film speed ring and arrow on the film rewind knob until you rotateit in eitherdirection until the index feel a slight resistance Then fold the dot +r is opposite the film speed in use crankback rn Make sure the exposure compensation dial ro is set at O These actionsare es- sentialto activatethe camera s exposure meter for correct exposure of the film In use Notes; 1) The film speed ls printed on the film carton and the cartridgeitselt 2 lf the exposurecompensatron dral rs not at O rrrfPr ,vto nqop vv36 rvfor Yvyv delails 10 Thef ilm advancelever doubles as a shutterrelease button lock. to unlockthe shutterrelease button z , pullout the fitmadvance lever to the standoff position photo as shown in the To dispose The shutter releasebutton activatesthe of the f irst few f rames exposedduring f ilm loading,continue to exposure meter when lightly pressed alternately advance the film and depress the shutter release The meter stays on for approx 16 sec button "l " untilthe frame counter reachesframe Check that after you have taken your finger off the the rewrnd knob is rotating,indrcating the film has been loaded button correctlyand is being advanced lf the knob does not rotate. reloadthe film Notes: 1) Setthe shutter speed/mode selector dral rsto A or a fastshutter speed whilemakrng blank exposures '1 2 Upto frame ," themeter needle rn the viewf
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