gjgy • w v r, J f r 5- >'r iiSHPS - \ is V ^ ' * "'"•' -«f "•*•> '*r."f' } s-?*£v•- - ..*!«*£*• , y ?- «n 11M'£w ..• - •'*% t mm ; a -.\ **\ A •. W-'iW > . -» Ss-v • \ *:, ,*, •«., ' y. *'•* [Bteplss \\ J-" •„* '** •' •* ' fif^ #*' c lt^ ••' * ^ ftj >'','nv 4:< .' -A1 i«, if* *f v. i 1 v'y f -. * H it " THE FORUM PAGE EIGHt *• •> FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. •MkMUat« cational toars, swimming, merit to get together eajch week for social NATIONAL BAPTIST CONGRESS badge shows, and the like. The troop purposes. ' ' " * T' ' I may register for three dollars ($3) ; The Aldridgs Players, which re- j this amount will entitle you to a.s Si cently successfully presented "Dixie f 01\T Aim OFF THE AIR TO STRESS many representatives as you desire. Love" btefore more than 500 spec-| The expense for each b<>y will be tators at the St. Louis Municipal^ — STRAaUL CASL OF EDGAR UEliCEN - scouts, cadets, Shepherd Boys' clubs, By JAMES E. GAYLE four dollars for the entire six days PRESENT ONE' Auditorium, also is planning to spon- \ Hi-Y hoys, Royal Ambassadors, and .. By t rod Emery n '' COLUMBUS, O.—P?x>l'«;Hhor Rich­ of the congress. This amount will sor a nation-wide cash piize play ' any other boys who wish to partici­ ard O. Otey, Director of the First include food, sleeping quarters, writing contest, details of which sooiv EDGAR BERGEN, if the psychologists ever get hold pate. Each boy must be in good ACT PLAYS National Boys' Congress, Boy Scouts transportation while there, and will be announced *>f him, will likely turn out to be 45 per cent Frankenstein, of America, announces that the :-tandi»ig with the troop ;ind must medical service if needed. ST. LOUIS, Mo. — A city-wid« 45 per cent Forgotten Man, and a lonesome .10 per cent National Congress will convene in have the consent of his scoutmaster, jprogram for community presenta­ ventriloquist. In fact, he is one of the most pitiable ob­ Columbus, Ohio, June 18th through troop committee, and the scout ex­ A beautiful loving ctlp will be tions of one-act dramatic plays and NOTES jects in the entertainment business. Consider that: the 23rd in a sectional meeting in ecutive; or in the case he belongs u> presented the troop with the high­ musicals by the Aldridge Players in Charlie McCarthy, whom Ber­ connection with the Congests Ses­ rtome other boys' organization, his est number of points. Many valu­ St. Louis, Mo., has been announced gen caused to be whittled out 0fj series July 1, originating in H«l- by Charles L. Evans, president of LINDEN CENTER woody oblivion, has gargoyled lywood . WLW has just signed sion. leader must O.K. him. able individual prizes will be a new Negro quartet, "Four of the St. Louis Aldridge Players. The up and turned The goal is 5,000 boys including The activities will include edu- awarded. Ribbons will be given. The Linden Center Senior League on his master. a Kind," who are aiming In th* plays are being presented in the first round of play is almost over, How? We) 1, steps of the Mill* Bros, and General oommlttee in charge: backyards and gardens of homes Charioteers . Above-mention­ as the City Street Department, the Charlie McCar­ which are prize winning contenders ed Bergen ft McCarthy *tart Samuel patagrue, Atlanta, Ga.; Jer­ dark horse, is holding to first place, thy, who does­ in the federated Block Units of the n't even exist, vacash June 30. ry L. Turner, Atlanta; Gilburton by virtue of the fact there have been J • . • j It Your *?ss Abasing Yon Again?, Urban League; has by an odd Lloyd, Chicago; M. A. Talley, Nash­ no defeat^ and two winning games. J TWO DOTTINGS—CBS'f Kot-: Mr. Kvnns announces that the twist of public ; The league hag some stand outs \ fancy been ac­ telanetz on tour extending to ville; D. Albert Jackson, Ji., Knox-j Ahh-idge pla.\crs, an organization of such as West, pitching1, this has kept J cepted as a Aug. 5 . Which means more at­ ville; and James E. Gayle, New, 75 players, board of governors and the City in the first place anj Bryant j funnier fellow tendance records likely to keel technical people, ha8 been sub-di­ than Bergen. over . MBS's "Musical Steel­ Orleans. with his quick work and defense vided int units so that a number of He is the most makers" off the air after June'30 "*" "I "• lW. I""M.M«.I 0 around third base. For the All plays can be presented the same popular boy in . Return Oct. 8 . Gene Autry Stars, McCoy, pitching, has kept his evening. America. He doing CBS broadcasts from Chi­ team near first place, while Arnold, Bdcar also is Holly­ cago on July 21 and 28 . Will The "garden" program of one- E€RO Fields, Craft, prear an<j Drake have wood's greatest lover. With only be there for rodeo . "Sherlock }* act dramatic presentations will con­ Holmes" back on NBC for tome V> * j v ^ v* * •• * ' /—» $ been working: out splendidly in their one exception — since Charlie '%• -<• • • < •' * - .. i |J N DICES tinue throughout the summer, clos­ probably won't attempt to destroy chillers in late Sept. "Inside of i/T',, •• • • i* - -<•< s* - - * f » field work. New-Original-Exciting ing with the awarding of prizes in him — how does Bergen's posi­ Sports" renews on MBS for 'noth- "• * the Urban League's garden contest Hicks has been the standout play­ tion differ from Frankenstein's? er year . Arch Oboler to get A popnljr N*gro magj/iiu $3,000 per show when h« return* —— 96 jllraclirc, pock«t-si7.e er for Crown Point or Jones Bros. f Think, if you please, of the ba­ PERHA. ^ HZ MAY HAVE A REASON . this Fall. to NBC in Oct. p«g«a — containing over 30 His pitching is the best in the league. ronial loneliness of Edgar Ber­ Mr. Evans, an employee of the * * • article* tad itoriw condensrd Lincoln Restaurant has a number of gen as he stooges for McCarthy S«'!l |»il> n.-iri liHp r<»ij hi a raw like (Ills: II >o<i'%e from the b^it in mjg.r/inti Godefroy Manufacturing Co., mak­ Sunday after Sunday on NBC. RADIO SURVEYORS — tfe* stars in Rollins pitching, Montgom­ hern giitlly of metritis si ml mMaki-s, irmow f in; <*ause (ltd book* tvery momh. ers of hair colorings and cosmetics, Who pays attention to Bergen? people who call up and atk if you of your errors. llaVe your ityi^ exnmliiril toriuv. Five to 10 minurrt a day" ery's fielding- and batting and also says that the Aldridgs Players' Who gets all the laughs? have a radio turned on — ar« a with NTGRO WORI.D DI- that of Robinson, Nobody pays any heed to Ber­ thoroughgoing lot. Recently one y«u Tay No Morn at I.p M on tree's GFST will kfpp you cntrr- summer entertainment program is gen, without whom Charlie uintd jnd abreast of the oj them called a Chicago num­ miin trriklf m NfRro and one which easily can be duplicated The league will play three rounds wouldn't exist. ber. "We" a voice told the oper­ in each city having its own unit of with the winner and runner up re­ What irony. h world affair*. ator, "are making a radio survey. i 31 # 18 A »* (» o Send fnr a fref, illuttratcd the Little Theatre movement. He ceiving trophies. Each team is There is only one bright spot Would you mind telling me if foJdrr on our amazing lub- Ol' i {),\j !< 1 i S points out that in addition to the eligible for the city tournament in for lonesome Edgar Bergen, for­ your radio is turned on?" The •criptmn trifl premiurn offer*. gotten master ventriloquist. Mr If'iriHiii I tiljfcs l)> 4ir<ii(U; I'. Hlnliky - Or. !\, I,. I,» HuninT cultural and artistic value of the August. Games are held on Monday operator gasped. "Well, I should He gets all the money. 4 CAST THIRD ST. HHntock 2C52 I West 12 >«h St.. N.Y say so," she replied. "This is the; LI presentations, the dramatic offerings and Thursda,, evening at 6:00 p.m. • • • Columbia Broadcasting System!" provide the opportunity for people <if Linden Center THREE DOTTINGS — T h e There was a long pause at the I v mm Burns and Allen jump to NBC 1 other end oj the line, then: "Why, happens months ahead of predic-1 then, of course you are listening. tions . They start a Monday1 Thank you very much." :*S 's:m *'i n < % ^ -X -« L, *. ->,4»" i ALL BRAND-NEW ^ ^ %," i" 5«: I (i« fffi; „l C0°'' || Unliiiei! I11 LONG-HEARING \(| ,•] II ii, DrsT-SHEI>I)I\G ' III 'V<V <* li ft* 3 WRINKLED LSJSTA^T '|j § r H (4:^1.11'' !•! '•I i " > •> V, fA? •fi t'Xl: •U <,!**# ^ /n mm lyn I' T , I , , ••'Z , " Vtl / £>y&?V'V 1 i * R M ftufa* * * /i, InlH^Wli iff" M Gustom-failore'd smartness and easy fit in a cool, sturdy Frigid Twist coat and trousers for 100 £H00SE 6-Cti. Ft. KELViliTG only $14.50! That's a bargain in any man's ilie lowest price over for a A brand-new Kelvtnator at A big 6 cubic foot size with brand-new 6 cu. ft, current ft record-smashing low price. $ DE LUXE feature*. 1!H0 language. model WestinghoMKe big BJt The 1940 model OSXtJR—big model I^Uti, t-oniiilele with a cubic foot size! 1910 model 112 • cubic foot size! Porcelain large storage bin a:.:l vc;,> Upkeep? Frigid Twist resists both wrinkles LS6.
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