Conservation Outcomes Geographic Priorities for Investment This map presents a set of geographic targets for The Ecosystem Profile includes an investment Globally threatened mammals endemic to Hainan tributaries, including the Srepok, Sesan, and of high global importance for plant conservation, important congregations of globally threatened conservation action within the Indo-Burma strategy for engaging civil society organizations in Island include Hainan hare (Lepus hainanus) Sekong (Xe Kong) rivers, represent one of the supporting high levels of endemism in many species, such as greater adjutant (Leptoptilos Indo-Burma The political and geographic 50 0 50 100 150 200 Hotspot, at site (Key Biodiversity Area) and intiatives that address threats to biodiversity, Hainan gymnure (Neohylomys hainanensis) and best remaining examples of the riverine groups, such as orchids. The corridor supports dubius). The extensive area of flooded forest and designations shown on this map do not imply the expression of any landscape (conservation corridor) scales. The communities and livelihoods. The investment Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). The latter ecosystems of Indo-Burma, and provide services the richest assemblages of conifer species in the high levels of nutrients transported by the annual kilometers targets were defined through a consultative strategy focuses on those taxonomic, geographic species is believed to be entirely confined to vital to the livelihoods of millions of people. The region, including several globally threatened flood result in very high levels of aquatic scale: 1/3,500,000 opinion on behalf of CEPF or any of its partners concerning the legal process, undertaken between June 2011 and and thematic priorities where additional resources Bawangling Nature Reserve, and is the most corridor is vital for a number of giant fish, and species, such as Amentotaxus yunnanensis, productivity, helping to make the lake the most projection: Albers Equal Area Conic status or deliniation of the frontiers MMR22 January 2012, with support from the Critical can be used most effectively in support of critically endangered primate in the world. Other many other globally threatened fish species, and Cephalotaxus mannii and Cunninghamia konishii. important fishery in Cambodia, responsible for central meridian 103.5° east longitude of any country, territory or area. standard parallels 12° & 23° north latitude Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), the initiatives that complement and better target globally threatened vertebrates endemic to supports a major freshwater fishery. The corridor Most notably, the corridor supports a conifer around 60 percent of protein intake by the data: MacArthur Foundation, the Margaret A. Cargill investments by national governments and other Hainan include Hainan torrent frog (Amolops also supports significant populations of several species known globally from only one site, country’s population. The system is also critically BirdLife International in Indochina Foundation and the McKnight Foundation. This donors. The basic premise underlying the hainanensis), ocellated small treefrog (Liuixalus high-priority turtle species, and one of the fullest Xanthocyparis vietnamensis (Critically important for agricultural and fisheries production Key Biodiversity Area, KMH23 Conservation International MMR inclusive, participatory process engaged more investment strategy is that investment should be ocellatus), Hainan peacock-pheasant riverine bird communities remaining in Indo- Endangered; discovered only in 1998), and in Vietnam, as waters draining from the lake CEPF priority* VMap0, NGA MMR 8 than 470 representatives of civil society, donor targeted where it can have the maximum impact (Polyplectron katsumatae) and Hainan knobby Burma, including globally significant another known from only two, Amentotaxus provide around 50 percent of the dry season flow Wildlife Conservation Society 26 World Database of Protected Areas, 2011 MMR and government organizations throughout the on the highest conservation priorities, while newt (Tylototriton hainanensis). The priority congregations of species such as white- hatuyenensis (Endangered; described only in in the Mekong Delta. The Tonle Sap lake and THA8 other Key Biodiversity Area* 60 hotspot, and formulated a shared situational supporting the livelihoods of some of the poorest corridor comprises the mountains and foothills shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni), river tern 1996). Through a land-use history of commercial inundation zone provide critical breeding, K.Koenig - Cartographer analysis and common vision for action, which are sections of society. that dominate the interior of Hainan Island. The (Sterna aurantia) and great thick-knee (Esacus logging and shifting cultivation, the natural spawning and feeding habitats for many species © 2012 CI Maps MMR55 HAINAN conservation corridor, contained within an updated Ecosystem Profile for original vegetation of the corridor was tropical recurvirostris), plus the entire world population of habitats of the Sino-Vietnamese Limestone of migratory fish, including several globally MOUNTAINS CEPF priority 95°E the Indo-Burma Hotspot (available for download To this end, the investment strategy prioritizes deciduous monsoon forest. However, this has Mekong wagtail (Motacilla samveasnae). Among corridor (limestone, lowland evergreen and threatened species, such as giant dog-eating MMR29 from www.cepf.net). investments in four conservation corridors and the been extensively cleared for shifting cultivation or mammals, one of the world’s three freshwater montane evergreen forest) have become catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and MMR 74 Key Biodiversity Areas they contain. The key converted to rubber, coffee and oil palm populations of Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella fragmented, in places highly, and remaining Jullien’s golden carp (Probarbus jullieni). The PHU KHIEO- other conservation corridor 9 biodiversity values of the priority corridors are plantations. The remaining forest fragments brevirostris) inhabits the corridor. The biodiversity blocks are often threatened by overexploitation Tonle Sap system faces a wide array of threats, NAM NAO MMR108 briefly summarized below: receive some protection within the nature reserve and ecosystem service values of the corridor are of forest products. including agricultural development in the system but are facing new threats from highly threatened, both by locally originating inundation zone, clearance of flooded forest, MMR30 AYEYARWADY Priority Corridor 1 - Hainan Mountains. Hainan disturbance, infrastructure development and other threats and by major development projects driven Priority Corridor 4 - Tonle Sap Lake and changes to fishing practices and management hotspot boundary MMR17 CATCHMENT MMR is the second largest island off the coast of China, incompatible activities, arising from Hainan’s by national development agendas, especially Inundation Zone. Tonle Sap, the largest lake in arrangements in the lake, and changes in † protected area MMR 117 100°E after Taiwan. Because the island was connected recent designation as a "national tourism island". hydropower dams. mainland South-east Asia, is an integral and hydrological flows due to upstream developments (†IUCN Categories Ia, Ib, II-VI) 103 N CHN u to the mainland of Asia as recently as the essential part of the lower Mekong ecosystem. on the Mekong River and its tributaries. MMR38 MMR J 27 i Quaternary Period, there is little endemism at the Priority Corridor 2 - Mekong River and Major Priority Corridor 3 - Sino-Vietnamese The lake’s unique seasonal flood regime has led a MMR97 L 27 n a MMR31 g genus level, although considerable endemism at Tributaries. Partly as a result of a limited Limestone. The Sino-Vietnamese Limestone to the development of flooded forest and (terrestrial) country border ( n S g the species level. Of the 4,200 plant species appreciation of their biodiversity values, riverine corridor is particularly important for the grassland habitats around its periphery, important MMR118 a ca l MMR73 w n recorded on the island, 630 are listed as endemic, ecosystems have, to date, received less conservation of primates, as it supports the entire for species of otters, waterbirds and the Critically 25°N MMR119 g e J Bangkok MMR4 e ia city (national capitals underlined) TONBIGUAN- n n including many that a globally threatened, such as conservation investment than have most other global population of two Critically Endangered Endangered Bengal florican (Houbaropsis g MMR76 R (M 25°N Cephalotaxus hainanensis, Cycas ecosystems in Indo-Burma, and are severely species, Tonkin snub-nosed monkey bengalensis). The flooded forests around the lake GAOLIGONGSHAN i v e e k changjiangensis, C. hainanensis, Firmiana under-represented within national protected area (Rhinopithecus avunculus) and cao vit crested support the largest breeding colonies of large CHINDWIN MMR32 r ong ) River) CATCHMENT hainanensis and Saccopetalum prolificum. systems. The Mekong River and its major gibbon (Nomascus nasutus). The corridor is also waterbirds remaining in South-east Asia, including MMR CHINDWIN RIVER MMR5 115 MMR CHN66 LOWER 84 CHINDWIN CHN79 CHN70 105°E 110°E 115°E MMR3 FOREST CHN NANGUNHE- 1 MMR13 CHN14 YONGDE DAXUESHAN C H I N A MMR42 MMR MMR65 DAMINGSHAN 52 Y CHN32 ua RANGE Xi n J CHN72 CHN4 Jian r) I N D I A iang CHN6 g ( Pea rl R i ve CHN17 CHN51 (Red CHN12 CHN10 CHN31 Ri CHN Guangzhou M Y A N M A R ver VNM100 AYEYARWADY ) CHN5 46 CHN30 MMR106 CHN8
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