Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 6-30-1927 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1927). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1326. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1326 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1927 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS TEN spent spent Tuc�day STATESBORO ���:�n;��nmgs Tues-Iln �:s�a��:h.Brannen IN THE HEART OF A da�fl;�; Donaldson and "��--�-��-��=====���������Sl��������AND PERSONAL Carlton Futrelle is visiting rela- Mr. and Mrs. R. F. GRE'.A r SECTION LOCAL Martha Mrs. - tives III Savannah. MIss Donaldson, � boro "WHERt:: NATURE PHONES: 100 AND 263-R. 0me t'0 Stat'os TWu Virgiljhave C Robert Donaldson Mrs. H. F. Hook was a visitor in Durden and SMILES" -I where they from Athena, : Snvaunnh Tuesday. I'eturned �������������������������������_ BULLOCH TIMES Robert week Miss Lanier of Atlanta IS I Frank Grimes attended the graduation of Miss Helen Olhff spent last Mary Mr. and Mrs. spent of (STATESBORO NEW�-STATESBORO EAGLE) visiting relatives here. Monday in from the University Georgia. in Sylvania. Savannah. ----- Mrs. Alice of Fla., has returned ' Frank Robbins visited at Newing- Spires Tampa, Miss Martha Crouse Vtsit BIRTHS Bulloch Time., m.tabJ!8hed ,. !S friends here. Metter. 11117. last week. visit.ing from a visit at 11101 COD8011datpd JanuaE7 17, ton and Mrs. A. J. Trapnell an­ &tate.boro News, Establiihedl';Ol!} GA., THURSDA'Y, JUNE 30, 1927 Mies Nell Roberts of Brunswick is 'Was a visitor in Mr. Mrs. Fordham is spending Mis3 Nan Towler lItatelboro Ealtlo. E.talliisthctl l&l'I-Conrofidated December II, 1920. ST�TESB0RO. "w�lle the birth of a daughter, Joe the of relatives here. VVednesday. nounce in North Carolina. guest Savannah Values June 12th. 1Jetter return- C. B. O'Neal o( Tampa is visiting of Cordele Mon­ Anne, Sunday, The Store I!f Miss Annie Lee Seligman S. M. Dekle spent Dan a visit to friends in his sister, Mrs. E. Bland. here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holland ed Friday from day Roger J. M. of Atlanta was Waters of Savannah is of twin on Students at Normal Summer School, Statesboro, Dublin. Mrs. Phagan Master Fay announce the birth boys Group !!l the. Georgia of a visitor here the week. been named Mrs Harold Lee lind children during visiting Talmadge Ramsey. June 18th. 'rhey have Mrs. Paul Simmons of Ocala, Fla., was H. were Baker. Dayto�a, Fla., are the guests o� Mr. and Mrs. B. Ramsey Bobby Fagan 'and Billy Mikell. a visitor here during the week. visitors in Savannah Wednesday. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Durden THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lester and son of Miss Ruth Goldberg of Waynes- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wallace, announce of Daytona Beach, Fla., WE with Miss Annie Frank spent Monday in Augusta were 'visitors here Sunday. ARE RAPIDLY LEARNING THAT bora spent Monday Savannah, the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Dur­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brinson of Mil- Homer Parker has returned Lee Seligman. Mayor den will be remembered as Miss THE PRES­ this week. ARE CONSISTENT WITH and Miss Lallie len were visitors here from a visit to Hartwell and Atlanta. Mrs. L. E. Mallard Earle Akins this city. Ruth and Reta Lee are vis- in Atlanta Mallard of Folkston are visiting Mrs. Misses Senator Howell Cone is o� ENT DAY TREND AND OFFERING . iting relatives in Savannah this week. this week attending the legislature. VIEW Lowell Mallard. SWIM AT LAKE IN 1I1rJ. Walter Hatcher of Jackson- of Savannah is AND BETTER VALUES Mrs. Bruce Williams and children Mrs. L. T Waters Little Miss Sara Lewis was host- BIGGER the of Mrs. vurc visited relatives here durmg' the of Mrs. T. H. Waters this at a swim­ of Cordele are the guests guest esa to twelve little frie"ds EVERY DEPARTMENT-NEW MER­ week. Johnson. i • at Lake Vie\,\' Walter week, ming party- Wednes; IN Miss Lucile Drew of MIdville is W. and her SEASONABLE" AND Miss Helene Ryan of Savannah Mr. and Mrs. O. Shuptrine day afternoon, complementary to CHANDISE, of Miss 'rhelma in the 10! Miss the attractive guest family visited relatives Claxton Lillian of Brunson �as I week-end guest cousin ' Hogarth NEWEST. PATTERNS, �A1:ERIALS, • DeLo!lch.- a Thelma DeLoach. Sunday. .' S C After the swim; delightful Holland has have . Robert �nd' Neal' '!1hompscn of i Mrs. M. M. re,tl'rned ';'irgil a.nd sons 'j picnic lunch -was �erved. COLORS AND DESIGNS. WHETHER M��. I?tJrden • 1I1r. �nd from a two-weeks' visit ;vith relatives to their home 10 • • .. �avannah 'spent Sunday' with 'returned FATHER, at Millen. Graymont-j CLASS ENTERTAINED IT FOR MOTHER, Mrs. D. N. Thompson. Summitt. BUSY'1aEE DELEGATION TO of By: STAHS80RO MAYOR ACCOMPANY the Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy Cone has as her guest Bee class of the Metho­ NEW HEAD fACULTY COMPLEHD GRIPPING WAR FILl Miss Maude Cobb is spending Mrs. Howell I The Busy SISTER, SON, OR FOR THE CHILD­ QEQRGlA'S are the of relatives Newton of was entertained in Rowland, N. C., with her Savannah guests this week Miss Hessie clist Sunday school summer FROM HEAD P. here this week. Oliver, Ga. I Wednesday afternoon at Dorman's REN-WE CAN OUTfIT QmEN sister, Mrs. O. Chitty. MAN Of DlVfRSIlY CBS IMPORTANT fOR STAHSBORO HIGH STATES80R�UTY 0 Mrs. Lannie Simmons and A OPENS MONDAY NIGHT has returned Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jones Pool with Miss Nell Martin, .teacher, JOB Miss Mary Cornwell ,WE OFFER AT ALL Louise Brunson 'I'ues- last sand­ TO FOOT. Miss Myrtic» Bowen, charming' in after 3'1d 1I!iss spent children were visitors In Tybee I as hostess. After the swim, HOMER C. PARKER NAMED AD- ONLY FOUR NEW MEMBERS OF to her home Albany visiting FOR HAL.F A CENTURY GOVER­ will PICTURE CALLED' GREATEST Ten Statesboro girl who represent Theodosia Donaldson. Jay in Savannah. Wednesday. wiches and drinks were served. TIMES THE NEWEST MATERIALS JUTANT GENERAL OF OEOR- FACULTY FOR THE LOWER 'Miss NOR HARDMAN HAS BEEN and South Carolina as "Miss PORTRAYAL OF WORLD WAIl of is Lou­ i: Georgia left Sunday Miss 'Llewellyn Morgan Syl- Mrs. Cleve Mincey of Claxton I httle girls were present. Miss GIA BY GOV. HARDMAN. GRADES OF THE SCHOOL. Miss Alma Rackley FOR Savannah" at 'WildWOOd in AT NORMAL AUDITORIUM is the of her Mrs. and Mrs. Martin AND PATTERNS IN FABRIeS RECOGNIZED LEADER. N. ,J., to attend summer school vania guest aunt, visiting her parents, Judge I ise Dougherty assisted Miss Homer C. Parker, mayor of States- The faculty of th.-city scnoots fo' for Athens the beauty contest the ween during • of Georgia. D. N. Trompson. E. D Holland. in chaperoning. AND GENERAL bora, was on Tuesday ufternoon up- the 1927-28 term.hag been complete 'The World War," the nrs� com" at the University SUMMER WEAR Atlanta, June 27.-The state beginning July 7th, will sall from Miss Averitt is her and Hubert Ga., Mrs. Walter Johnson and daugh- Daisy spending W. O. Shuptrine pointed adjutant general of the state and will be as follow.. prehenslve historical motion picture MRS. HODGES HOSTESS AND AND of Georgia will be directed the next Scvannah oh the Ocean Steamahip returned vacation with her parents, Mr. and a rew days this HOUSEHOLD USE NEEDS, Governor was im- First Grade-Miss ter, Vernon Keown, have Shuptrine spent by Hardman, and Mattje arternoon of the grent conflict to be anctioned On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Wil­ two years by a chief executive whose ompany's shill Saturday friends at Cordele. Mrs. D. P. Averitt. week at Lyons. mediately inducted into office, assum- Miss Sum Blanks. the States from a visit to A PRICE THAT IS VERY AT­ last was at 3 o'clock. In with the by government ton delightfully entertained AT career the half century company United Ii&rry Simmons and (amity, of and Mrs. Aubrey Olliff of Hodges the the same afternoon. Grade _ MisJ LOUIse Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith spent Mr. in ing duties Second other -Bulloch will be shown two nights (Mondq ahout little in honor of marked by outstanding successes three county young are the . of rela­ with and fifty guests last week end in Brunswick as the Tampa, Fla., guest Olaxton spent Sunday Mr. TRACTIVE. For some time it had neen (mown Hughes, Miss Nannie Beas:ey. and Tuesdny, July 4th and 6th), at and her niece, the fields .of medicine, farming, women-Misses Marguerite TU1'11er, tives h,)f(' this wecl; her daughter Dorothy of her sister, Mrs. L. G. Mrs. F. D. Olliff. by intimate friends of Mr. Parker T'hird Grade-Miss MinnIe Wells, Elois Anderson Eunice Waters- the Normal School auditorium under guests Collins of Atlanta, who is banking, manufacturing, legislation and H .. Tallard and and Virginia Brown. Mrs. R. daughter Mrs. Lee Moore Waters sons, that he was an applicant of the of- Miss Mabel Clark.
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