Fort Morgan Church to Be Dedicated Member of Amiit Bureau of Cirvulalion Cm Iu U C*pyrilkt br tb« CalboUe P n n SocMjr. lac.. taW — P tm litioo to Reproduci, Excepi Sf. Helena's Pastor 0 « A ru el« OUwrwtM Harked, G ivn Afler 12 H. Ertdar foliowinK laiua Leads 3-Year Drive DENVERCAnaiC T0 Finance Structure Bt C . j . Zzch a St Helena’s Church, Fort Morgan, one of the new­ REGISTER est and most beautiful churches in the northeastern Colorado Plains area, w ill be solemnly defeated on Tues­ VOL LV. N«. THUKSOAY, SirrEMIER 15, 1960 DENVER, COLORADO day, Oct. 11. Construction of the brick church with stone trim and a tower began in May, 1958, and was A t S t . completed in time for Mass at midnight on Dec. 25,1959. ’ The Rev. Herman J. Leite, 2 7eofv' Vorlr pastor of St. Helena’s since 1952, personally conducted a th^e^ FatherOverman year campaign to raise funds for tbe new structure. The over-all St. Joseph's cost including both the new New Assistant church and land, is approxi­ mately $200,000. The church alpne is estimated at about $1'^,- Heart Lab OOOi In Brighton Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Hm R*t. Jaatai L. O fcn u n . Denver vrill preside at the deiH- IMlaltnt la SL CttiMriiM'i Par- Is 'Marvel' cation ceremonies, whidi will iaLDeoTer, la made aiHataat begin It 5 pjn. Oct. 11, followed The new cardiovascular lab­ DEDICATION SCHEDULED ON OCT, 11 tai S t Anfnrtioe’s Pariab. £ri|b by Solemn Mass with Father toe, aM Our Ladf ot SorroiK oratory of St. Joseph's Hospital, M te as celebrant. THE BEAUTIFUL new St. Helena’s cost approximately $200,000. ArcbMshop Urban Chuth 1b ,Eaat beconca Denver, has been completed. Tbe Rev. James Ahem, pastor Church in Fort Morgan will be dedicated J. Vehr of Denver and Biah^ Clarence G. Itaen- mann of Columbus, 0., are expected to be present a m M oo « the Brichtxm pa^ This laboratory represents the of St. Mary’s Parish, Brush, will Tuesday, OcL 11, at 5 p.m. Above is the archi­ lah, It kat been annovoced by tect's sketch of the church, which w u completed for ceremonies, which are P ed a led at 5 p.pi- culmination of two years of be tbe deacon; the Rev. Joseph Arehbiabop V tb a J. Vebr. Tlte in December, 1959. Construction began in May, Solemn Mass will be offered, and a clergy dinner plannings building, and remodel Bosch, pastor of St. Mary's Par­ ekaaffea are effeettre Immedl will fopow. Hie structure it of brick with stoie log tbe surgical and areas ish, Aspen, subdeacon; the Rev. 1958, under the direction of the pastor, tbs Rev. ately. trim and a tower, niere Is a full basement with of the bocpital following the ad­ James Purfieid, putor of 8L Herman J. Leite, who perMnally conducted tbe Tte Eaft Lake niaaloD ina Peter's Pariab, Fleming, and kitchen and ball fMilitiea. Tbe upper floor will dition of the new laboratory fe o d e d in 1912 and baa been fund-raising drive. The church and the property seat about 600 persons. wing to tbe front of the north the Rev. Peter Urban of St. An­ eared for orer the yean by thony’s, Sterling, chanters of wing and tbe Dower wing of Serrite priaata from St Catb- tbe Litany. Tbe Rev. Robert tbe hoepital, reports Dr. Joaepb ertDt'a, Derby, and ML Camel Nevans, pastor of St. Peter's F. Donahoe, dlrutog of research Pariah, Deorer, and by prleata at St Joseph's Hospital. Parish, Greeley, and the Rev. from the arcbdloeeae itatkmad LeonaH Abercrombie, pastor of St. Vincent's to Begin In Holy Family Pariah and SL Tbe Sisters of Charity, who Sacred Heart Parish, Roggen, Catherine^ Pariab, D eom . operate the boapltal, have in­ will be chaplains to Archbishop ’Daniferred trem SL Cath- stalled tbe most up-te^te X-roy Vehr. crtne'i Pariab, D tn m , Fotber diagnostic facilities in this lal> Bishop Clarence G. Issen- Ovennan baa been atadoned for oratory, including facilities for nans of Coltunbns, 0 ., is ex­ $250,000 Cam paign tbe peat lummer at the Brlfb- X-ray motion pictures, bl-pline pected to be present and X-ray, and an 8% " image ampU too pariah. The aununer after preach tte dedication sermon. By J. R. Wau b be secured in addition to regu­ Directors of the orgaaiation U i etdintH a in May, 1999 IIEJVENBEII POPE'S BIHTHDAY MPT fler, a device for increasing Bishop lasenmann and Father X-ray viauoUiation yet decreas­ Flans for 4 $290,000 expan­ lar pariab Income. are Walter F. Angarer, John R. feO m Overman served Umpo- THE ARCHDIOCESE of Denver w ill join tbe rest Leite were clanmatet at SL sion campaign have been an­ CHAOMEN OF DRIVE Hi^ish, and John N. Zimmer­ iiflly t f laiiftiBt la tbe B rl^ ing the amount of X-ray expo­ Gregbty’t Minor Seminary and of the world in honoring John X X III when be observes sure to the patient nounced at St. Vincent de Paul’s Marvin E. Francis is general man. Merobert of tbe executive tm pariab, from where be took bis aetk birtbdsy Nov. 20. Arcbblsbop Urfaaa J. Vehr, ia a latter ML St. Mary Seminary of the Parish, Denver. Tbe RL Rev. cbglrman of the drive, and committee in clu d e Snpreme ( T m to fa ftf— Colmn 7} to tbe Catbolica of tbe arcbdloeeae, called for a ^wdal coU ^ on A irXIU A B rS GIFT West in Cindtmatl, 0 . The Honsignor Eugene A. O'Sulli­ John A. Haier la associate Court Justice A lb ot T. Frants, to be taken up io all tbe cbordiea of tbe arebdioceae on Sunday, An eseential part of any dbig- ehaplaina to Bishop Iisen- van, putor, said that the two­ man. The pastor will serve u John T. Glasier, George Koel- SepL la, aa a birthday gift for tbe Holy Father. nostk laboratory working in dis­ manit will bo the Rev. Fran­ fold purpose of the drive it to honorary chairman and tfea- bert Frank Kohler, M. B. Ma­ The Idty and rellglont women are being asked to contribute eases of the heart and Uood cis Kappes, pastMT of SL secore funds to cover the parish turer. Auditing chairmen in­ honey, and John B. Ryan. toward the erection of an iaatihiUon in Borne for training lay v e ta ^ if the electronic moni­ John’s Parish, Loveland, and debt of $138,000 and to make clude Fathen Leonard S. Ali- Campaign wi^ken are di­ leaden. A “ebureb the priests" will be built In Rome as a toring device. Tbe Women's tire Bev. Charles Sangor, pas­ possible the enlargement of the mena and Robert Hurin^mi, vided into 12 groups, each eom- gift of the priests ot tbe world to tbe Pope. It will be dedicated Auxiliary of 8L Joseph's Hos­ tor of Our Lady of (he Neon- convent in preparation for fu­ aaiistanta; Walter A. Dubodi poiing a working force of 21 tains Ptriik, Estes Parir. to SL Gregorio Barbarigo, former Bishop of Bergamo and Pidna, pital volimteered to pnrehaae ture school expinsion at the and David J. Sikes. '' (Tura to Page S— Cabmnl) Italy, whom Pope Jtrfui c ^ e d “the model irelate of bis time.'* (Turn to Page 2 — Cobimn 4) A dinner for tbe dergy will grade and/or b i^ school level. be held in the bsseoMDt of the ehnch following the Mail. It is expected through the AT CHA WONKSHOP Since conking to Fort Morgan, campaign. Monsignor O’Sullivan Father Loite has made outstand­ pointed oat, that the puiab can Four Largest Grade Schools ing pr^reia in his building pro­ eliminate school tuition, tbe gram. The old churdi, built usual Sunday second collection. Dietitians Hear Address mM« than 42 years ago, became and building fund and other ,tw inudl tTacroiMOdate coUediOM Report Whopping-EnrolIment Morgan's growing population. Subscriptions in the drive wQI fiyc Doctor From Montana The county seat of Morgan be over and above tbe regular By Bos RAMimr Day's Work!*’ Dr. Kotsebavar Sanday contributimu. B m p ^ ts By Elk Smitr Uttleton; SL James’ and Cure figures pouring into the office County, the dty is the center Dr. Lends! H. Kotsebavar, pointed oat the relatianih^ be­ of a vast agricultural area. There l i b e lu placed on the need to .1116 four largact grade icboola d'A n, Denver; and SL B en t- o f H o i^ p o r William Jones, PhJ)., chairman of tbe home tween the restaurant Indoatry arcldioceasB superintendent of b u been a gradual increase of secure through the Offertocy in tha Ardnlloceae tt( Denver dette'b, Lakewood. The flgurei economics department and di­ and the dietary department of Catholics in the area in recent collection ai^ tbe campaign fchool system repnt a whopping represent a Jump of 214 sts- lehools, are SL Louis', Engle­ rector of food services of Mon­ tbe hospttal By. indlcattsg the years. This growth is what support from all parishioners enrollment of 9,870 students at­ dtnts over the combined ea- wood, and Blemed SaaramenL tana State University, w u tbe problems tbe industry facu and prompted Father Leite and his for tbe complete parish opera­ tending daaaoa on cgkening day, roUments of the same setaods Danver. These two p ade schools principal speaker at the work­ bow these problems are being SepL S.
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