DOCUMENT RESUME ED 137 433- bp 016 760. TITLE School integration Innovation Act of 1976: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education 4nd Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-Fourth Congress, Second Session on H.R. 14365. INSTITUTION. Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House committee on Education and labor. PUB DATE 5 Aug 76 NOTE 104.; Hard copy not available due to small type of original documen EDRS PRICE MF-$0..83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Educatiohal Innovation; *Educational Legislation; *Government Role; *Integration Litigation; Racial Integration; *School Integration IDENTIFIERS *Emergency School Aid Act; *School Integration Innovation Act ABSTRACT This document presents the proceedings of the hearing before the Subcommittee on-Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of_the Committee On Education and labor to amend the Emergency School Aid Act. The-proposed act is titled the School -integration Innovation Act of:-1976. It provides for innovative desegregation programs and. procedures. Specifically, the amendment provides fon.the following: CO construction and operation of magnet 'schools,- (2) -the pairing of schools and programs with specific colleges and universities and with leading businesses,(3) the development of plans for and the construction of neutral site schools,(4). construction and development of educational parks, (5) -education programs especially designed to improve .the quality of education in inner city.schools, and the general-..use.of magnet. -schools for education. The proposed authorized appropriation level of the bill is for $1 billion dollars a year.(Aithor/AM) Documents acquired by ERIC include many_informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * to obtain-the-best copy available-. Nevertheless, items of Marginal * reproducibility_are:often encountered...and this affects the quality * * 'of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available- * * via.the ERIC Document-Reproduction Service (EDRS)0HEDRS-is not * * responsible for the quality. of .the-original.document..Reproductions.* '*-snpplied --by EDRS are the best -that can be made from the- original. *- *********************************************************************** S KOK INTEGRATION INNOVATIONACI OF 1976 HEARING BEFORE TUE M311TTEE. ON ELEMENTARY, SECONARY AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE C TMMITTEE ON EMIG-MO.7NAND BOR HaUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE 2N7rxETY-FOuxrr1.t CoNGEass SECOND SESSION ON H.R. 14365 To AMEND THE EMERGENCY SCHOOL MDACT TO PROVIDE INNOVATI7E ht.:SEGREGATION PROGRAMS ANDPROCE- DURES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES IJEARING HEW IN WASHINGTON, D.C. AUGUST 5, 1.97(i se of the Committee on Education and Labor Coo. D. PERKINS, Chairman U 5 DEPAI4TMENTOF HEALTH, EOUCATiON &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF IDUCAT ION THIS DOCUMEN THAS BEEN REPRO. DLICED EXACTLY AS RECEIvWFROM THE PERSON OR OROANIZATIONOPlGN ATING IT POINTS Or VIEWOR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL RETTRE. INSTITUTE OE EDUCATION POStTION ORPOLIEY GOVERNMENT FItINTING 0 WASHINGTON :1076 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LA CARL P, PERKINS, Eentucky, Chairman FRANK THOMPSON, Ta., New Jersey ALBERT II. QUIE, Minnesota JOHN H. DENT, FennsylvanIa JOHN M. ASHBROOK, OIdo DOMINICK V. DANIELS, New Jersey ALPHONZO BELL, California JoHN BRADEMAS, Indiana JOHN N, ERLF:NBORN, IIHnuI :TAMES G. O'HARA, Michigan MARVIN L. ESCH, Michigan AUGUSTUS P. nAwivics, California EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN, Pennsylvania WILLIA.M D. FORD, Michigan PETER A. PEYSER, New York itATSy T mINK. Hawall (on leave) RONALD A. SARASIN, Connecticut LLOYD MEEDS, Washington JOHN BUCHANAN, Alabama pulLuir BURTON. Callfornla JAMES M. TM-WORDS, Vermont JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsyivanhi LARRY PRESSLER, South Dakota WILLIAM "DILI,'" CLAY, Alissourl WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania CHISHOLM, New York VIRGINIA SMITH, Kebrasta MARIO BIAGOL New York [NE ANDREWS, North Carolina WILLIAM LEHMAN, Elontla JAIME BENITEZ, Puerto Rico NilCHAEL BLoUiN, Iowa OBERT CORNELL, Wisconsin l'AUL EpwAliD IrEl,AltD, Rhode island LEO ZEFERETVI, New 'York GEORGE MILLER, Callfornia ItoNALD MOTTL, Ohl.s IIALL, SuncO.rMIrrE cm ELEMENTARY, SEcoNDARY, AND VOCATIONAL EnlicATION CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky. Chairman, WILIAAM P. FORD, MIchigan ALBERT IL QUM, Minnesota PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii (on leave) ALIMONZO BELL, California LLOYD MEEDS, Washington EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN, Pcnnsylv S11 IttLEY CrusnoLur New York aonx BUCHANAN, Mahn= T1.7.E ANDREA'S. North Ca rollita LARRY PRESSLER, SOtIth Dakota WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida WILLIAM F. GoODLINIT, ItieyhvnIa PAUL SIMON, Illinois JAMEs M. JuffortEn5, Vermont RONA LD-MOTTL, Ohlo Tim HALL, Minot!' MICHAEL BLOVIN, Iowa ( .f AMES (I O'HARA, Mlehigan LE() ZEEEICETTI, New York GEOWIE MILLER, California CONTENT ffmEki.mmaimes a Hearing hekl in WiashingtoD.C., August 5, MO 1 Text of H.R. 143135 1 Statement of: Briggs, Dr. Paid, superintendent, Cleveland Public Schools 34 Glenn, Bon. John, a t-tenator iii Congress from the State of Ohio 5, 34 Chirence, director, Washington Bureau of the National As..k.chttion for the Advancement of Colored People Prayer, Hon. Rielnirdson, a Representative in Congress from the I.te of North Carolina _ Seiberling, Hon. John F., a Representative inCongress from the State of Ohio Whalen, Hon, Ctuirlcs W. Jr., :t Representative iii Congress fivm the State of Ohio_ 41 Prepared statements, letters, supplemental material, etc.: Briggs, Dr. ?lull, superintendent, Cle..eland Public Schools, prepared statentrmt, of._ 74 Exum, William IL, assistant professor of 841ciology, Willhons College, Williamstown, Mass., prepalvd statement of OG Glenn,,llon. John, a Serottor in Congress from the State of Ohio: Prepared statement. of 3 Supplementary statement 7 itsoit ,E. C., superintendent, Jefleiort Count...7 Puldie Schools, 1.onisville, Ky., letter to Chairman Perkins, dated August 2, 1976- fIS Hart, Hon. Gary W., a Senator in Congress from the State of 'Colorado, prepued Statement oL. llosford, Phil, pre!sident, The Association for Supervision and Cur- riculum Development, Washington, D,C., letter to Chairman Perkins, dtited August 4, 10711, with enclosures OS Kennedy, lion. Fxlward Al. a Scinitor in Congrt`SA from the state of Alassaehusetts, prepared dtatement of___ 0 Key, June,consultiint, Human Relations Derairtment, Jefferson County Public Schools, I umitsiillr Ky., letter to Chairnum Perkins, dated August 2, 1976_ = 104- Mitchel% Clarence, dictor,re Washington Buretru of theNational Association for the Adv!mcement of Colored People, prepared statement of 00 Preyer, Him.. Richardson, a Representative in Congress from the State of North Ciwrolioa, prepai'ed shitement of 4:1 Seiherling, Hon, John F., a Representative in Cimgress from the iitate of Ohio: News data release of Se7Jators Brooks and Javits._ 3S Prepared stattement of foul OL INTEGRATION INNOVATION ACT OF 1976 THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1976 fuusE or IZEpra:sENTATivrs, Su Rcom M (rm. uN FlizNaNTA- ANo VOCATIoNAL Ei11,;-1.7ATiON orrItE OimurriTx fox Enut.WrN AND TJA:nott, lrasfitgton, D.C. ubenzninittee lilef. Intrsitant to notice. zit8 :On .111. in rognn 2175, Rayburn housenice Building, Hon. C:titi D. Perkins (chair- man of t he subconunitt) presiding Members prti!sentPIT kinBass-kilts Chisholm. SimmZeforeli lnttL anti Buchanan. (!hiiirinan XS, The Subcommit Elcine, lt II 'yr, Secondary Voeitt iontd Education is conduct ing a hcaviiT todn) on H.R. -144165. 3 bill (0amend the Emeegeney :ichool Aid Act to provide innovativedesegivgat ion progra IText of !LIZ. 14 :1115 and letter follow:1 i430, 94th Cong., A mu, To !mend the Emergency School Aid Act to provide !iifloVot1 io.aegremtion programs and procedures. raw for other purpoles Ite ft enacted by the Senate and Houae of ReprexentafireA of the Uniled tlete of America in flonovNe aumetntited, Mat this Act may be cited as the "Sehool Integration Innovation Act of 1070". stex. 2. section To; (o) of the Emergency School Aid Aet IM amenohml loy adding alter paragraph (12) of such section the following new pm'agraphs: "(13) 1,7onstroction and operation or 'magnet schools'. "(14) The pairing of schools and programa with specific collegea and uni- versities an(1 with leading busines'es. 15) The development of pitons for and the canatruction oflit ootral site' schools. 116) Construction and dm.plopownt of education parka. "617) Educatbm progra nip especially designed to improve the ("outlay of edu- cation in Inner city schools. aml the general use of 'eductotion magnetianC." Sm. 3. Nothing iii thk .Act shall be construed in a manner Inconsistent whlo the full enforcement of the fifth and fourteenth amendments to the Constitotion of ihe ITulted Satem and title VI of the Civil Bias Aet of 1964. Sm. 4. Section 704(n) of the Emergency School Aid Act Is amended by adding niter the second sentence thereof the following new sentence: "There are fur- ther authorized to be appt,oprin t ed $250010010 for the period beginning on July 119711 . and ending on 17:eptentber ft(); 1976: $1.990.000,000 for the fiscol year 1977: and $1.000,000,000 for the fiscal year 1978.". DFFARTIIF.XT OF IfrAt.Tit. Eta:CATION. ANti"rirAnt:. Waxhinyton, D.C., A tiflaq 30, 1976 I hon. CARL P. PrARINS, chuirinun. Committce on Education MI lior, House of PepresentatirCA. TFI7:471- ington, D.C. CITATIMAN This is in remponse to your rCijuiet for a report on H.R. III Ia hill "To !Intend the Emergency Sirdonol Aid Act to provide innovative Igregul programa and procedureS.
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