The Trains Which Left) C (Lyric by Vangelis Goufas [Vah-GAY-Liss GOO-Fahss] Set to Music by Stavros Xarhakos [STAHV-Russ Ksar-HAH-Kuss]

The Trains Which Left) C (Lyric by Vangelis Goufas [Vah-GAY-Liss GOO-Fahss] Set to Music by Stavros Xarhakos [STAHV-Russ Ksar-HAH-Kuss]

Ta trena pou figan C Ta tréna pou figan C tah TRAY-nah poo FEE-gahn C (The Trains Which Left) C (lyric by Vangelis Goufas [vah-GAY-liss GOO-fahss] set to music by Stavros Xarhakos [STAHV-russ ksar-HAH-kuss]) Tabachnik C Michel Tabachnik C mih-HELL tah-BAHCH-nyick Tabakov C Mikhail Tabakov C mee-kahEEL tah-bah-KAWF Tabard inn C At the Tabard Inn C (At the) TA-burd (Inn) C (overture by George Dyson [JAW-urj D¦-sunn]) Tabarro C Il tabarro C eel tah-BAR-ro C (The Cloak) C (an opera, with music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Giuseppe Adami [joo-ZAYP-pay ah-DAH- mee] after Didier Gold [dee-deeay gawld]) Taberna C In taberna C inn tuh-BAYR-nuh C (In the tavern) C (a group of poems from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL AWRF]) Tabernera del puerto C La tabernera del puerto C lah tah-vehr-NAY-rah dell pooEHR-toh C (an opera, with music by Pablo Sorozábal [PAH-vlo so-ro-THAH-vahl]; libretto by Romero [ro- MAY-ro] and Fernández Shaw [fehr-NAHN-dehth SHAW]) Tableaux de statistiques C tah-blo duh stah-teess-teek C (Statistical tables) C (an excerpt from the suite Souvenirs de l’exposition [sôô-v’neer duh luckss-paw-zee-seeaw6] — Remembrances of the Exposition — by Federico Mompou [feh-theh-REE-ko mawm-POOO]) Tabor C TAY-bur Tabourin C tah-bôô-reh6 C (small drum) Tabourot C Jehan Tabourot C zhehah6 tah-bôô-ro Tabuteau C Marcel Tabuteau C mar-sell tah-bü-toh Tacchinardi C Nicola Tacchinardi C nee-KO-lah tahk-kee-NAR-dee C (the first name is also spelled Niccolò [nee-ko-LO]) Tacchino C Gabriel Tacchino C gah-breeell tahk-kee-no Tacea la notte placida C tah-CHAY-ah lah NOHT-tay plah-CHEE-dah C (The peaceful night was hushed) C (aria featuring Leonora [lay-o-NO-rah] in the opera Il trovatore [eel tro- vah-TOH-ray] — The Troubadour; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY-lay bar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR-rehth]) Tacea la notte placida di tale amor C Tacea la notte placida ... Di tale amor C tah-CHAY-ah lah NOHT-tay plah-CHEE-dah ... dee TAH-lay ah-MOHR C (The peaceful night was hushed ... Such love as this) C (passage featuring Leonora [lay-o-NO-rah] in the opera Il trovatore [eel tro-vah-TOH-ray] — The Troubadour; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY-lay bar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR-rehth]) Tacete gia veggo C Tacete! già veggo C tah-CHAY-tay! jah VAYG-go C (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr- o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro- zayl-LEE-nee]) Tachezi C Herbert Tachezi C HEHR-pert tah-KAY-tsee Tachezi C Herwig Tachezi C HEHR-vihh tah-KAY-tsee Tachezi C Wilfred Tachezi C VILL-frett tah-KAY-tsee Taci giason C Taci Giason? C TAH-chee jah-ZOHN? C (aria from the opera Medea [may- DAY-ah]; music by Luigi Cherubini [looEE-jee kay-roo-BEE-nee] and libretto by François Benoît Hoffmann [frah6-swah beh-n’wah hawf-mahn]) C (Medea is the Italian version of the opera known in French as Médée [may-day]) Taddei C Giuseppe Taddei C joo-ZAYP-pay tahd-DAYEE Tadeo C Giorgio Tadeo C JOHR-jo tah-DAY-o Tadolini C Eugenia Tadolini C ayoo-JAY-neeah tah-doh-LEE-nee Tadolini C Giovanni Tadolini C jo-VAHN-nee tah-doh-LEE-nee Taffanel C Paul Taffanel C pohl tahf-fah-nell C (known also as Claude-Paul [klohd-pohl] Taffanel) Tag C Christian Gotthilf Tag C KRIH-stihahn GAWT-hilff TAHK Tagesbuch der laura C Tagesbuch der Laura C TAHAH-guss-pôôk dayr LAHÔÔ-rah C (aria from the opera Der Ring des Polykrates [der RIHNG dess PAW-lü-krah-tuss]; music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold [{EH-rick WÔÔLF-gang KAWRN-gohld} AY-rihh VAWLF-gahng KAWRN-gawlt]; libretto by Korngold after Heinrich Teweles [H¦N-rihh TAY-vay-luss]) Tagliabue C Carlo Tagliabue C KAR-lo tah-leeah-BOO-ay Tagliaferro C Magda Tagliaferro C MAHG-duh tah-leeuh-FAY-hôô Tagliafico C Joseph Tagliafico C zho-zeff tah-leeAH-fee-ko C (known also as Dieudonné [deeö-dawn-nay] Joseph Tagliafico) Tagliapietra C Gino Tagliapietra C JEE-no tah-leeah-peeAY-trah Tagliapietra C Giovanni Tagliapietra C jo-VAHN-nee tah-leeah-peeAY-trah TagliaviniC Ferruccio Tagliavini C fayr-ROO-cho tah-leeah-VEE-nee TagliaviniC Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini C looEE-jee fayr-dee-NAHN-doh tah-leeah-VEE-nee Taglichsbeck C Thomas Täglichsbeck C TOH-mahss TECK-lihh-speck Tagore C Rabindranath Tagore C rah-BINN-druh-naht tah-GAWR C (character in the opera Satyagraha [saht-yeeAH-grah-hah] — To Insist on the Truth; music by Philip Glass [FIH- lupp GLASS] and libretto by Constance DeJong [KAHNT-stunntss duh-JAWNG]) Tagore C Sir Surindro Mohun Tagore C (Sir) suh-RINN-dro mo-HUNN tah-GAWR Tahidromos C O tahidrómos C o tah-hee-THRAW-muss C (The Postman) C (words and music by Manos Hadjidakis [MAH-nuss hahth-zee-TH¦-kiss]) Taille C tehy’ Tailleferre C Germaine Tailleferre C zhehr-mehn teh-yuh-fehr C (known also as Marcelle Germaine Tailleferre [mar-sell zhehr-mehn teh-yuh-fehr]) Taillon C Jocelyne Taillon C zhawss’-leen teh-yaw6 Tajcevic C Marko Taj evi C MAR-kaw TAHIH-cheh-vihch Tajo C Italo Tajo C ee-TAH-lo TAH-ho Tak pechalny C Vy tak pechalny C vwee TAHK pih-CHAHL-nyih C (excerpt from the opera Pique dame [peek dahm] — The Queen of Spades — featuring Yeletsky [yeh-LYETT-skee] with Lisa [LEE-suh]; music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH {chahih- KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee]; libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky [mah-DYESST {chahih- KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] and P. I. Tchaikovsky after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin [uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r sehr-GAY-yeh-vihch POOSH-kinn]) Tak v nenastnye dni C TAHK v’neh-NAHST-n’yeh d’nyee C (quartet and chorus) C (quartet featuring Chekalinsky [cheh-kah-LYEEN-skee], Surin [SOO-rinn], Chaplitsky [chah-PLYEET- skee], and Narumov [nah-ROO-muff] with chorus from the opera Pique Dame [peek dahm] — The Queen of Spades; music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH {chahih- KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee]; libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky [mah-DYESST {chahih- KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin [uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r sehr-GAY-yeh-vihch POOSH-kinn]) Takacs C JenÅ Takács C YEH-nöö tah-KAHAHSH Takacs C Klára Takács C KLAHAH-rah tah-KAHAHSH Takacs C Mária Takács C MAHAH-rihah tah-KAHAHSH Takacs C Tamara Takács C TAH-mah-rah tah-KAHAHSH Takagi C Tôroku Takagi C tawaw-lawk tah-kah-ghee Takahashi C Aki Takahashi C ahk tah-kah-hahsh Takahashi C Yuji Takahashi C yoo-jee tah-kah-hahsh Takarazuka city C Takarazuka City C tah-kah-lah-zoo-kah (City) Takashi C Asahina Takashi C ah-sah-hee-nah tah-kahsh Takata C Saburô Takata C sah-boo-lawaw tah-kah-tah Takata C Shin-ichi Takata C shih6-neech tah-kah-tah Takeda Yoshimi Takeda C yaw-shee-mee tah-kee-dah Takemitsu C Toru Takemitsu C taw-loo tah-keh-meetss Takemitsu C TÇru Takemitsu C tohohloo tah-keh-mittss Taking his beer with old anacharsis C (Taking his beer with old) ah-nah-KAR-siss) C (composition by Aldridge [AWL-drihj]) TaktakishviliC Otar Taktakishvili C ah-TAR tahk-tah-kihsh-VEE-lyee C (known also as Otar Vasilievich [vah-SEE-liheh-vihch] Taktakishvili) TaktakishviliC Shalva Taktakishvili C shahl-VAH tahk-tah-kihsh-VEE-lyee C (known also as Shalva Mikhailovich [mee KAHEE-luh-vihch] Taktakishvili) Taku C Koji Taku C kaw-jee tahk Tal C Josef Tal C YO-seff TAHL Talavera C Mario Talavera C MAH-reeo tah-lah-VAY-rah Tale amor C Di tale amor C dee TAH-lay ah-MOHR C (Such love as this) C (aria featuring Leonora [lay-o-NO-rah] in the opera Il trovatore [eel tro-vah-TOH-ray] — The Troubadour; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl- vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] and Leone Emanuele Bardare [lay-O-nay ay-mah-nooAY- lay bar-DAH-ray] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH-neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR- rehth]) Tale of the kalender prince C The Tale of the Kalender Prince C (The Tale of the) KAH-lenn- dur (Prince) C (excerpt from the suite Scheherazade [shuh-heh-rah-zahd] by Nicolai Rimsky- Korsakov [nyee-kah-LAHIH REEM-skee-KAWR-suh-kuff]) C (Kalender is also transliterated as Kalendar; the Russian pronunciation is kah-lenn-D¦) C (the pronunciation of Scheherazade given here is the common French version) Tale of tsar saltan C The Tale of Tsar Saltan C (The Tale of) TSAR sahl-TAHN C (an opera, with music by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov [nyee-kah-LAHIH REEM-skee-KAWR-suh-kuff]; libretto by Vladimir I.

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